I. HABAKKUK 2:1. “I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what He will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.” KJV – THE TEACHER

II. ISAIAH 22:1-2. “The burden against the Valley of Vision. What ails you now, that you have all gone up to the housetops, you who are full of noise, a tumultuous city, a joyous city? Your slain men are not slain with the sword, nor dead in battle.” – NKJV – THE DISCIPLE

III. ISAIAH 28:28-29. “Bread corn is bruised; because he will not ever be threshing it, nor break it with the wheel of his cart, nor bruise it with his horsemen. This also cometh forth from the Lord of hosts, which is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working.” – KJV – THE LORD



“God is here, right now, at our side. We can see Him in this mist, in the ground we’re walking on, even in my shoes. His angels keep watch while we sleep and help us in our work. In order to find God, you have only to look around.” – PAULO COELHO, ‘By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept,’ 2006; edited

“We must be Vigilant, even of each other, but mostly of ourselves. What my time in the cave taught me is that the ultimate life-and-death struggle is with Ourselves. Foreign invaders might kill my body, but only I could kill my spirit.” – VIET THANH NGUYEN, ‘The Sympathizer,’ 2017; edited

“Work in me more profound and abiding Repentance; Give me the fullness of godly Grief, that trembles and fears, yet ever trust and loves, which is ever powerful, and ever confident; Grant through the tears of Repentance I may see more clearly the brightness and glories of the saving Cross.” – ARTHUR BENNETT, ‘The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions,’ 1975; edited



So we come to the very last section of this series Speaking Wisdom in the Era of Outrage – certainly a serious challenge to all of us who choose to participate in this Historic Debate over the Soul of America and her Church. 

This time I am going to take a significantly different Approach to the Lesson. As you have already seen, I have divided the Study into Three Sections, per the THREE SCRIPTURES specified earlier. 

(I) First, that which deals with my own personal mission and background, to further acquaint you with ‘The Teacher.’ (II) Next, we take up what Your Responsibility is in all this nationwide, understandably intense, conversation. (III) Finally, most importantly, we conclude with a closeup view of What God is Doing in this Hour of Decision.

MY PURPOSE. This will first represent my diligent effort to FORECAST what we might expect in 2021 – not as some sort of prophet or seer or sage, I am none of those – but quite simply, as a teacher and scholar of the Bible, history and the American culture. And Second, to prescribe HOW TO SPEAK most effectively to the Chaos all around us.

All of this, to ‘Do my craft,’ as stated in my book: “‘Political Eschatology:’ The fusion of theology with cultural and geopolitical analysis.” – ‘KELLY, ‘The Sixth Seal: A Pre-Wrath Commentary on the End of History As We Know It,’ 2017, p. 13; edited


“I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what He will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.” – HABAKKUK 2:1, KJV

When I read this passage, I get the picture of a somewhat truculent man of God, feisty if you will, to find out once and for all just what the heck is going on in this now Cacophonous America. And he wasn’t about to leave without an Answer from Yahweh.

I can relate. So, here’s a closer profile of the Prophet Habakkuk, for Purposes of defining a proper Context, and to some degree, for instruction in Role Modeling.

HABAKKUK, THE MAN. “Habakkuk was not a self-centered person concerned only with the comfort and safety of himself and his family. As a true patriot, he was deeply distressed by the moral and spiritual condition about him. He loved his nation, and knew it was moving ever closer to The Precipice of Destruction by continuing to break the Law of God. Therefore, Two Anguished Questions burst forth from his lips: ‘How long?’ and ‘Why?’” – RICHARD W. DE HAAN, cited in William MacDonald, ‘Believer’s Bible Commentary,’ 1995, p. 1141; edited

While I would not for a minute to pretend to be a ‘Habakkuk,’ we can all of us most certainly and strongly Identify with him, and the deep structure concern he had for his people. In his day, this meant both Church and State, since Israel was ruled by kings and prophets who were under the direct sway of the Jewish God and His Law, as with a Theocracy.

KEY TERMS. From this passage, we once again drill down on the Central Ideas being described, that a Teacher of Pastor must honor as well.

  • STAND. From the Hebrew term, ‘Amad’ [עָמַד]: “To take one’s stand [and not be moved from it]; to present oneself before; to cease or stop doing a thing; to tarry or delay; to endure, be steadfast; to hold one’s ground; to rise up or come upon the scene as a foe or adversary; to station; to abide or establish.”
  • WATCH. Here the term is, ‘Mishmereth’ [מִשְׁמֶרֶת]: “A guard, watchman, charge, function; standing according to (or in) their offices; to keep ordinances; an act of custody or duty; a sentry service; preservation or safeguard (something important); an obligation to be performed; to maintain a watch-post; vigilance for keeping or protecting against danger.”
  • FOR WHAT GOD SAYS. Nothing is more important to a teacher, watchman or leader than this. Nothing. From the Hebrew, ‘Dabar’ [דָבַר]: “One of the most general words in the entire Old Testament, it occurs more than 1,100 times; mental or oral communication is the main idea; more so, to speak, to accost, to promise, exhort or command; to be wooed (or persuaded); to consult, converse; it has the rare meaning of ‘Subdue.’”
  • REPROVED. Whenever one dares to seek God’s Counsels, he always runs the risk of being wrong. Scary business, this asking God for Truth. From the Hebrew, ‘Towkechah’ [תּוֹכֵחָה]: “Rebuke, correction; reproof, chiding; chastisement or justification; an act of arguing; refutation, contradicting; proof; complaint; punishment; to blame, censure, reprehend; to convince of a fault, to make it manifest.”

COMMENTARY. “Habakkuk retired to his Watchtower to see how the Lord would answer him. He wanted to get alone in order to gain God’s Perspective. This is a most important Principle for believers today as well. Whether we call it our ‘Quiet Time,’ ‘Devotions,’ or be some other term [War Room], Daily Communion with God is crucial for every Christian.” – MACDONALD, ‘Believer’s Bible Commentary,’ 1995, p. 114; edited

And a thousand times more for the Teacher.

“The Watchman is one who stands in God’s Counsels, knows what is coming and looks out for the Event. So now, he who learns from the completed Scriptures what God has foretold, Discerning His Purposes, not be speculative interpretation, but by comparing Scripture with Scripture, and accepting what is therein made plain, is able to Warn and Exhort others. He stands upon the Watchtower in fellowship with God.” – MACDONALD, 1995, p. 954; edited

FOR TEACHERS. Again, not as some Old Testament prophet or sage or seer, but as a diligent Bible scholar and herald. Nothing more, nothing less, the responsibility of which is both exhilarating – and quite terrifying. – cf. James 3:1

IN SUM. So do I see the Teachers and Leaders in America and her Church in historic Violation of this Divine Charge, forcing America and her Church to move ever more  swiftly and dangerously toward what De Haan called “The Precipice.” Or what I prefer to call: “The Brink.” 

Some Definitions are in order here.

  • PRECIPICE. “[Latin ‘Proecipitium,’ from ‘Proeceps,’ headlong; ‘Proe,’ [pitch] forward, and ‘Ceps,’ See Chief]. Strictly, a falling headlong; hence, a steep descent of land; a fall or descent of land, perpendicular or nearly so. A steep descent, in general. The brink of a dangerous or disastrous situation.”
  • BRINK. “The edge, margin or border of a steep place, as of a precipice, or the bank of a river. The point of onset: Verge; a crucial or critical point, especially of a situation or state beyond which success or catastrophe occurs. Usually something importantterrible, or exciting, that you are just about to do or experience.”

Perhaps prize-winning journalist HEATHER DIGBY PARTON said it best in her conclusion to a biting opinion piece concerning the impact that Donald Trump’s presidency has had on the Nation: 

“The Guardrails are hanging by a thread. You would be a reckless fool not to be worried about how long they are going to hold. The System is not working.” – ‘Salon,’ December 11, 2020; edited

THE DANGER. I could not have said it much better, beloved. The “System” is a reference to the dangerously injured Constitutional Doctrine of Separation of Powers, Checks and Balances under President Trump.


“The burden against the Valley of Vision. What ails you now, that you have all gone up to the housetops, you who are full of noise, a tumultuous city, a joyous city? Your slain men are not slain with the sword, nor dead in battle.” – ISAIAH 22:1-2, NKJV

Now to the more Specific Burden – and further Indictment – of the American Church and the Pastors. We turn once more to a cogent Commentary for context and more detailed insight about the Condition of Israel in that day – and the Condition of America, right now.

“The Prophet refers here to the Commotion into which the City was, or, he foresaw, would be, thrown upon the report of the approach of the hostile army to besiege it, and to the Perturbation of the people’s minds and the general Confusion … ‘Thy slain men are not slain with the sword — But either by Famine or Pestilence in the siege.” – ALBERT BARNES, ‘Notes on the Whole Bible,’ 1875; edited

NOTE. The perilous condition of the Hebrews back then was not that they were yet in a full war, but that they were increasingly Cut Off from the normal supply routes by which the City and its citizens could sustain themselves. Thus “Famine” and consequent “Pestilence” were the primary means by which they were being punished by Yahweh – Who has sent the Babylonians to them in the first place.

Why? Due to their insolent, sustained Rebellion against God, the Law and the Prophets.

“The City is in Siege. The people are milling about on the housetops to see the enemy at the gates. The streets of the once festive City are littered with victims of Plague. The rulers and people who attempt escape are captured without a struggle. Isaiah himself is inconsolable as he sees the threatened Judgment of God on Jerusalem.” – MACDONALD, 1995, p. 954; edited

AMERICAN PARALLELS. Can you not see it, beloved? For those of you who are grieved, angered, bewildered at the Intransigence of the Disobedient National and Church Leaders, who refuse to wake up and confront the impending Judgments on America that have already begun, and grasp that so much more is to come. 

And thus far, nothing seems to awaken even the Church. Having witnessed that “80” percent again vote for Trump last November, listen to this fiery broadside from a Liberal publication that summarizes the Treachery of the Pro-Trump Church, and a few stalwart Christians who refuse to side with such betrayal.

One of whom I have cited before, another who is a personal friend who recently encouraged me in my stand, and a third, a respected journalist. 

“For every Evangelical leader that is now ‘embarrassed and ashamed’ there are scores of corrupt cuckold fetishists who will never give up the grift. Nevertheless – this is interesting. 

In an important move today, evangelical leader BETH MOORE, the founder of Living Proof Ministries, a Bible-based women’s group from Houston, Texas, who has almost a million followers on Twitter, tweeted: ‘I do not believe these days are for mincing words. I’m 63 ½ years & I have never seen anything in these United States of America I found more astonishingly seductive & dangerous to the saints of God than Trumpism. This Christian Nationalism is not of God. Move back from it … Fellow leaders, we will be held responsible for remaining passive in this day of seduction to save our own skin while the saints we’ve been entrusted to serve are being seduced, manipulated, USED and stirred up into a lather of zeal devoid of the Holy Spirit for political gain.’

Moore follows this weekend’s statement by Evangelical [and former Liberty University professor and author] KAREN SWALLOW PRIOR, who said she was ‘now embarrassed and ashamed’ for voting for local and state Republican candidates (although she had never voted for Trump). ‘What a bunch of money-grubbing, power-hungry, partisan cowards who care nothing about conservatism,’ she tweeted. Conservative journalist DAVID FRENCH also wrote this weekend that ‘the frenzy and fury of the post-election period has laid bare the sheer idolatry and fanaticism of Christian Trumpism.’” – JASON 330, “Evangelicals Pulling Away from Trump?” ‘Delaware Liberal,’ December 14, 2020; edited 

‘EMBARRASSED AND ASHAMED.’ This, precisely this, is where the Church must begin her march down the only Honorable Road left to them – Repentance. Public, loud and passionate. The Horror in all this is that there appears to be ‘No Shame’ among most of us, and for that sin alone, the Pastors and Non-penitents and the Nation at large are about to pay a staggering price.

The Prophet Isaiah, in that same chapter, spells it out in chilling terms.

“Because you have said, ‘We have made a covenant with death, and with Sheol (the place of the dead) we have an agreement—when the overflowing scourge passes through, it will not come to us, for we have made lies our refuge, and in falsehood we have taken shelter.’” – ISAIAH 28:15, AMPC

OVERFLOWING SCOURGE. Taken from the Hebrew word, ‘Shot’ [שׁוֹט]: “A whip for chastisement; figurative of a national scourge; a lash consisting of a strip or cord; an instrument of punishment or severe discipline; famine and plague are set as scourges for amendment [of aberrant behavior]; that which greatly afflicts or completely destroys.”

One Commentary writes this this searing description that comes to such a Nation.

“‘[W]hen the overflowing scourge shall pass through’ – When the Judgments of God shall come upon the earth, and pass through the whole world, as a Chastisement and Correction of men for their sins, and as a Punishment for them, like a mighty torrent spreading itself, and carrying all before it … 

‘For we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves’ – Not what they themselves reckoned so, but what the Prophet Isaiah, or the Lord by him, called so, whose words they used, and in whose language they spoke; meaning either their lying prophets, as Kimchi, and the false doctrines they delivered to them, promising them peace when destruction was at hand; or their idols, as Jarchi, which are falsehood, lying vanities, and work of errors; or their carnal policy, arts of dissimulation, sinful compliances, and crafty methods of acting with their enemies, by which they hoped to deceive them, and secure themselves from destruction, as others; or else their wealth and riches … in which they place their trust, and hope to be saved by them from the Wrath to come.” – JOHN GILL, ‘Exposition of the Whole Bible,’ 9 vols.,   1746-1763; edited

CHURCH: Is anyone listening? Anyone at all. I promise you: We are nearly at the Terminus of God’s patience with us. He’s very nearly done. Please, please, Listen to His Cry.


“Bread corn is bruised; because he will not ever be threshing it, nor break it with the wheel of his cart, nor bruise it with his horsemen. This also cometh forth from the Lord of hosts, which is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working.” – ISAIAH 28:28-29, KJV

This passage came to me as almost an afterthought as I perused all of Isaiah 22 and 28, since its meaning was not at all obvious to me at first consideration. A puzzle, frankly – until I looked at some Commentaries, and then it opened up as we address our Last Question for this Study:

What is God doing in this Hour and Valley of Decision?

HE’S THRESHING US. The key term in the Scripture is this one, taken from the Hebrew, ‘Adash’ [אָדַשׁ]: “To tread out or tread down the grain; To beat out grain from the husk or pericarp with a flail; as, to thrash wheat, rye or oats; to beat soundly with a stick or whip; to drub; to labor [toward an important end]; to drudge.”

The secondary term related to this Divine Threshing is, “Bruise,” from the Hebrew, ‘Daqaq’ [דָּקַק]: “To crush or pulverize; to make something ‘fine;’ to beat into pieces; to crumble, make into dust or powder; to stamp down [into a better form]; to crush by beating or pounding with an instrument not edged or pointed, in order to reduce to a coarse powder without ‘breaking the skin.’”

Now consider the Words of The Baptist in relation to all this.

MATTHEW 3:12. “His winnowing fan (shovel, fork) is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clear out and clean His threshing floor and gather and store His wheat in His barn, but the chaff He will burn up with fire that cannot be put out.” – AMPC

Y’all beginning to see this? God Promised that just before He Returns for His Bride, that He would only receive a Glorious Church, “not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.” – EPHESIANS 5:27, NKJV

Thus, ‘The Threshing,’ beloved, right on schedule.

NOT FOR THE FAINT. Such Synonyms for “Threshing” as “beating, flailing, sifting, treading, assailing, winnowing,” clearly indicate that this process is hard, and often painful. It constitutes a SERIES OF TESTS that Jesus will introduce into our lives, to show us the Stuff of which we are truly made.

Here is how one interpreter renders the rich, and frankly terrifying Meaning here.

“The Lord is pictured using a Winnowing Fan to toss the threshed grain into the wind. The Wheat (true believers) falls directly to the ground and is carried into the Barn. The Chaff (unbelievers) is carried a short distance away by the wind and then gathered and burned with ‘Unquenchable Fire.’ The Fire in verse 12 means Judgment, and since this verse is an amplification of verse 11, it is reasonable to conclude that the Baptism with Fire is a Baptism of Judgment.” – WILLIAM MACDONALD, 1995, p. 1211; edited

Now this entire Process shall have been intensified and accelerated in The Last Times, as The Messiah has foretold – through persecutions, imprisonments, offenses, hatred, false prophets and widespread Lawlessness (cf. Matthew 24:9-12). 

And He made it clear that only “he who endures to the end shall be saved” (v. 13).

THE HOPE. Joyfully, the Lord remains Gracious in all this Threshing, as the theologian JOHN GILL elaborates.

“[T]herefore, the Husbandman uses His discretion in threshing it; He will not thresh it too much, nor too long, no more than what is necessary to get out the grain, but will take care that he does not bruise and break it; as follows: nor break it with the wheel of his cart, nor bruise it with his horsemen.” – ‘An Exposition on the Whole Bible,’ 9 vols., 1746-1763; edited

So, beloved, Stay His Course, no matter how severe the Tests; He is with us every single step of the way – IF we want Him to be.


Now to the most difficult part of this Study, and the most risky, since again, I am no prophet nor seer, nor do I believe in nor consult any crystal ball, nor the thousands of Charlatans out there. 

But here is what I can do, somewhat responsibly.

REGRESSION ANALYSIS. In my doctoral program days at Bowling Green State University, we were introduced to a fascinating statistical method called Regression Analysis. By way of Analogy, I do my best to follow the following Guidelines as I read Scripture, history, and review cultural trends and trajectories.

“We use it to determine which Variables have an impact and how they relate to one another. In other words, Regression Analysis helps us determine which Factors matter most and which we can ignore.” – EDITORS, ‘Market Business News,’ ret. December 29, 2020; edited

Add to that a sense of Biblical Discernment, and I believe we can make a reasonable Forecast of what to expect in 2021, the details of which, of course, are known only by the Godhead.

  1. PRESIDENT TRUMP. Now here we have to stop and take the deepest of breaths, since the man in the Oval is among the most unpredictable political figures in all of American presidential history. Except for this: He is a Man of unbridled Lawlessness; therefore I offer the following Expectation from an informed analyst who largely represents my own thinking: “A former aide to Vice President Pence who has since become a vocal critic of the Trump administration warned Monday that she feared violence could erupt in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, when Congress will formally certify President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory. ‘I’m actually very concerned that there will be violence on Jan. 6 because the president himself is encouraging it,’ OLIVIA TROYE said in an appearance on MSNBC’s “Deadline,” shared by Mediaite. ‘This is what he does. He tweets, he incites it, and he gets followers and supporters to behave in this manner, and they believe they are being patriots because they’re supporting the president,” she added. Trump tweeted Sunday ‘See you in Washington, DC, on January 6th. Don’t miss it. Information to follow!’” – JASON LEMON, ‘Newsweek,’ December 29, 2020; edited

DK: As I consider the last four years of treachery, deception, brutality and narcissistic self-interest, I can expect no good thing from Donald Trump next year. And it’s a tough guess indeed to know what, if anything, shall transpire on January 6, 2021, as Vice President Pence certifies the votes from the Electoral College. It would be completely out of his timid character to go rogue and agree to accept the alternative ballots of the five battleground states – Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Wisconsin. On the other hand, Pence carries the president’s political water with great enthusiasm. My Guess: He’ll reluctantly do his duty, “‘Then he’ll likely skip town,’ Politico reports. ‘According to three U.S. officials familiar with the planning, the vice president is eyeing a foreign trip that would take him overseas for nearly a week, starting on Jan. 6. ‘Pence’s tentative itinerary includes Bahrain, Israel, and Poland, and more stops may be added’” (ORR & TOOSI, December 17, 2020; edited). I also expect Trump to Gaslight his base for the next four years, to fundraise and prep for a possible run in 2024. – cf. FIRST SEAL JUDGMENT, Revelation 6:1-2 

  1. WAR & PEACE. Here we have another dark cloud on the horizon, or two actually: Civil or World War. In the first instance, the chaos fueled by President Trump toward increased tensions between ethnic and economic classes is deeply concerning. JENNIFER HARPER, writing for the Washington Times, writes: “There has been persistent chatter that the United States is no longer united at all, and that a civil war or a serious schism between Americans is now within the realm of possibility” (November 23, 2020). Regarding the second, more wide-ranging possibility, a sobering piece KAISHA LANGTON, writing for ‘Express’ (December 20, 2020) pointed out Six Hotspots that could ignite the Conflagration: US-Iran; Iran-Israel; US-Turkey; Kashmir; US-North Korea; US-China. Interestingly, the piece did not include a US-Russia confrontation. I commend the thorough analysis to you.

DK: Because of the Correlation of Volatile Forces – Trump’s constant efforts to divide here at home, alienate traditional American allies overseas, and preference for strong-man states, Coronavirus worldwide, the teetering global economy moving to Bitcoin, and the ever-present reality of foreign, anti-American adventurism – We are rather inarguably at several Military Pressure Points. And I haven’t brought up the very real Cyberattacks from Russia, chronicled recently by JACLYN DIAZ of NPR (December 14, 2020), who observes: “Russian hackers working for the Kremlin are believed to be behind breaches of U.S. government computer systems at the departments of Treasury, Commerce and Homeland Security that may have lasted months before they were discovered, according to U.S. officials and media reports.” – cf. SECOND SEAL JUDGMENT, Revelation 6:3-4

  1. THE ECONOMY. For whatever reasons, I have been thinking a great deal of ‘The Roaring 20s,’ and here’s why, best summed up in an excellent financial forecast I read recently. “The basic logic put forward by Jim Cramer of CNBC Mad Money fame – as well as others – is that in 2021, consumers will get the Covid-19 vaccine and go wild, living life to the fullest – Going to concerts, festivals, restaurants and on holidays. People have been restricted in such an unprecedented way- not seeing loved ones for months, borders, schools and workplaces being closed – with even the most basic means of socialising and entertainment like pubs and restaurants being closed. Once all these possibilities are available again – so the theory goes – the flood of spending will create a huge boost to the economy. This is actually what happened in the 1920s because the roaring 20s followed the 1918 Spanish flu, which only properly ended in 1920.” – cf. JASPER LAWLER, ‘Flowbank,’ December 28, 2020, edited; also, “The Days of Noah & Lot,” Luke 17:26-29

DK: This makes a good deal of sense, but if you’ll look closely, it directly interacts with the major ‘variable’ Covid-19 – as folks begin to party down in a false sense of euphoria and safety, I see the possibility of new clusters breaking out all over, especially with the new variants coming on scene. Then of course, we must remember what happened at the end of the Roaring 20s: The Crash of 1929. One expert summarized a thorough review of the 2020 economy this way: “Most notably, the stock market frenzy leading to a climax in 1929 ended, and the ensuing crash occurred, precisely when investors realized that a recession was about to strike an overheated stock market.  This is exactly where we stand now… Alas, the repetition of the ‘Great Crash’ of the 1929 is a real possibility and the ‘trigger’ may have already been pulled.” – TUOMAS MALINEN, ‘GNS Economics,’ September 23, 2020; edited – cf. THIRD SEAL JUDGMENT, Revelation 6:5-8

  1. COVID-19. One cannot ignore the sustained impact of this worldwide Plague that has literally redirected human history, and radically redefined how we live and work. Here is one report of the latest developments on the Battle against Coronavirus: “The highly transmissible Variant of the Coronavirus first detected in England had by Saturday been documented in several European countries, as well as Canada, Japan, Australia and Lebanon, despite efforts to curb its spread through massive global disruptions in travel and movement.” – MIRIAM BERGER, ‘Washington Post,’ December 26, 2020; edited

DK: Even with the introduction of two to three new vaccines, I expect that 2021 will continue to offer severe challenges to the health and economy of America as medical science works toward herd immunity for the better part of the year. Thus, we best Prepare for continued protocols such as wearing masks, social distancing, careful washing and reduced job markets. – cf. FOURTH SEAL JUDGMENT, Revelation 6:5-8 

  1. PERSECUTION. Recent studies by the Pew Research Center, the Barna Group and other survey organizations have for years now shown a steep increase in the Persecution of people of faith worldwide, and even here in America. But my concern today is much more focused on a very new and insidious Persecution of what are called ‘Never Trump’ Christians by the establishment, pro-Trump Evangelical, Charismatic and Pentecostal Christians. Since there is scant documentation of this New Antichrist Wave of hatred, I remind h ere of  the fiery broadsides of evangelist BETH MOORE and a few other Church leaders. This shall increase in the days ahead, led by what the John the Apostle called, “the spirit of Antichrist.” – cf. 1 John 4:1-3

DK: You already know my story at Liberty University under the iron fist of Jerry Falwell, Jr., so I shall not belabor it again here. Suffice to say, however, that thousands, perhaps a few million, Christian believers have been attacked and estranged from their pastors and churches, family members, and life long friends, simply because they cannot support the president. Do not for one minute underestimate this growing Undertow of religious hatred, that I believe runs a tight parallel to what took place in Nazi Germany in the 1930s under Adolf Hitler. Both the Protestant and Catholic Church in that dark era collapsed into the lap of ‘Das Führer‘ [Leader or Guide] without a fight. Until Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Hanns Lilje, Martin Niemöller and other brave souls founded The Confessing Church, to solidify their commitment to the Biblical Canon, and resist the rapid acceleration of the Fascists to savagely deal The Jewish Question. I propose flatly that all social indicators argue that such trends will also accelerate in Ametica in 2021. – cf. FIFTH SEAL JUDGMENT, Revelation 6:9-11

IN SUM. So, am I trying to needlessly strike Fear into you? No. But what I am doing as an inveterate Realist is refer you all back to the Theological Template from which I operate. 

These are the Last Times, period. This means at least Two Things: (1) The Crises noted above were all predicted by the Messiah, the Apostles, the Law and the Prophets millennia ago. (2) As such, America is Under Judgment, which means that things are not getting ‘better,’ but rather increasingly perilous.

Unless America, starting with the Church, Repents of their many sustained offenses against Almighty God, a Divine Calculus that cannot be ignored or thwarted.


SPEAKING TO THE DARKNESS. So how do we Address all this treachery, beloved? By whispers in back rooms? Perhaps silence altogether? Or with rational dialogue in our living rooms and online? Or with shouts of reproof and severe warnings? 

Perhaps all the above – depending. PAUL THE APOSTLE wrote this for such occasion.

“For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a slave to everyone, so that I may win more [for Christ]. To the Jews I became as a Jew, so that I might win Jews [for Christ]; to men under the Law, [I became] as one under the Law, though not being under the Law myself, so that I might win those who are under the Law.  To those who are without (outside) the Law, [I became] as one without the Law, though [I am] not without the law of God, but under the law of Christ, so that I might win those who are without law.  To the weak I became [as the] weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means [in any and every way] save some [by leading them to faith in Jesus Christ].” – 1 CORINTHIANS 9:19-23, AMP

DK’S TAKE. Without ever bending or injuring God’s Truth, we Adapt and Adjust our presentation of it, depending on the audience, with special attention to our discernment of where that person is in relation to Christ. To the Mature Believer, I might be more direct and forceful, and even more so to the Church leader. To a New Christian, much more longsuffering and patient, understanding that they are fresh in their walk with the Lord. And to the Outsider who knows little to nothing of 

God, even more gentle and gradual, in order to ‘Meet them where they are.’

Paul’s Letter to Timothy pins down our Options perfectly and concisely.

“Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.” – 2 TIMOTHY 4:2, AMPC

  • PREACH. From the Greek, ‘Kérussó’ [κηρύσσω]: “To be a herald (an official messenger of the Lord’s bringing peace); to proclaim [Divine truth]; to publish or make public proclamation; to announce or share ‘the Good News.’”
  • CONVINCE. From the word, ‘Elegchó’ [ ἐλέγχω]: “To expose, convict, reprove; generally with a suggestion of the shame of the person convicted; by conviction to bring to the light of truth.”
  • REBUKE. Taken from, ‘Epitimaó’ [ἐπιτιμάω]: “To honor, to mete out due measure, or to censure; to admonish; evaluate with conviction in order to instruct or punish.”
  • EXHORT. Lastly, for those who would benefit by this approach, we refer to the Greek, ‘Parakaleó’ [παρακαλέω]: “To call to or for, to exhort, to encourage; send for, summon, invite; beseech, entreat, beg; admonish, comfort, encourage, console; i.e., ‘to encourage to come up higher!’”

CODA. In sum, you do what the individual situation and person require, in order to bring them closer to the Messiah. That is the key to Maturity in Christ in the days ahead – to ‘come alongside’ the Lord as you walk out your Commission for Him. 

“But speaking the truth in love [in all things—both our speech and our lives expressing His truth], let us grow up in all things into Him [following His example] who is the Head—Christ.” – EPHESIANS 4:15, AMP

TO CONCLUDE. The Jews observe a Sacred Ten Days on their calendar that call the people to a very special spiritual occasion. Starting with Rosh Hashanah and ending with Yom Kippur, these days are commonly known as ‘The Days of Awe’ (‘Yamim Nor’aim’), or the Days of Repentance.

While Christians are not required to keep the Jewish Law, we are most assuredly called to that very same Charge in America, especially in these Times of Trial. In a phrase, The Call from the Lord is this, with urgency:

‘Get right with God!’

In Paul’s Letter to the Romans, the language of that Call is powerful and poignant, all at once.

“The night [this present evil age] is almost gone and the day [of Christ’s return] is almost here. So let us fling away the works of darkness and put on the [full] armor of light.” – ROMANS 12:13, AMP

This is the very Word of the Lord to His people in that Last Hours, thanks be to God.

Ever your servant, DK




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Gratefully yours, 

Dr. Cliff “DK” Kelly

Digital Circuit Rider



Dr. Cliff Kelly
PO Box 62612
Colorado Springs, CO 80962



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