SCRIPTURE. “Nevertheless, ‘God was not well-pleased with most of them,’ for they were scattered along the ground in the wilderness [because their lack of self-control led to disobedience which led to death].” – 1 CORINTHIANS 10:5, AMP

KEY TERM: “MOST.” Pleión’ [πλείων]: “[Vastly] more in quantity, number or quality; the major portion (that exceeds the more excellent); the very many, the greater; numerically abundant; numerous; comprising a great number of individuals; a multitude.”

QUOTATION. “The liberation from Ignorance and Tyranny was a long war, because the Oppressors always had the advantage. They smooth-talked the masses with lies and promises.” ― MICHEAL R. FRENCH, Once Upon a Lie, 2016; edited

COMMENTARY. “Of all the warriors over twenty years of age who left Egypt, ‘only two,’ Joshua and Caleb, ever won the Prize – they reached the Promised Land. The carcasses of the rest of them fell in the Wilderness as an evidence of God’s Displeasure … They were all privileged, but most of them perished. [Frédéric Louis] Godet marvels: ‘What a spectacle is that which is called up by the Apostle before the eyes of the self-satisfied Corinthians: All those bodies sated with miraculous food and drink strewing the soil of the Desert!’” – WILLIAM MACDONALD, Believer’s Bible Commentary, 1995; edited

DK. If ever there were a terrifying Parallel Warning to the American Church of 2024, it’s found squarely inside God’s laser-like focus upon every single one of us who dares to call ourselves “Christian” while at the same time lolling around in the rancid beds of demons and deceivers!

I tell you the truth, beloved: He shall have no more of it!

It is long past time to clean up our filthy garments that we parade around with the name “Jesus!” on them for all to see. I continue to veritably shout at the American Church that we shall inherit the very same fate that the unfaithful, lustful, and idolatrous Hebrews did in The Sinai when Moses smashed the Tablets and ordered rabble who wanted “to play,” to drink the gold they fashioned into a Calf, to their miserable deaths.

Are we somehow different or better than they, beloved? No, much worse! Because we have THE WRITTEN CANON before us every day, but they did not. Yet we whore all around with political devils and run to them and give them our money to save us so that we, like Nimrod desired long ago, “to be Great Again!” What fools we are to so degrade our King and His Sacred Name, expecting blessing.

I promise you on the basis of this Inviolate Template: The great many of us will not make it to The Promise but shall be thrown headlong into Fiery Hell if we do not turn from this Seditious Rebellion!

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