SCRIPTURE. “And every tongue [frankly and openly] confess and

acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” – PHILIPPIANS 2:11, AMPC


  • CONFESS!Exomologeó’ [ξομολογήσητα]: “‘To fully acknowledge and give assent to;’ to promise [openly, consistently] profess; to speak out the same things as the Messiah spoke; to boldly declare or admit; express approval; to speak forth from the heart, freely, or publicly, openly; to acknowledge openly and joyfully; to celebrate, give praise to [as in proudly boasting upon]; to agree to engage on God’s behalf.”
  • WIMP. “A weak and cowardly or unadventurous person; a person who is not strongbrave, or confident; ‘Wimp’ is an informal, derogatory way to refer to someone who’s nervous or tentative; when you ‘wimp out,’ you don’t follow through on something because you’re too scared; ‘Wimp’ means

someone who breaks under pressure, fearful, and who simply doesn’t get the job done.”

  • WARRIOR. “A person engaged or experienced in warfare; broadly, a person engaged in some struggle or conflict; a brave or experienced soldier or fighter; a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or [proper] aggressiveness; logically linked with someone engaged in war, a ‘warrior’ can be anyone who fights the good fight, whether in politics, on the job [or in life]; from the Old French ‘guerre’ meant ‘war,’ it led to the word Guerreor – Someone who wages war;’ can also refer to someone fighting a philosophical, political or [theological] war.”

QUOTATION. “‘Being nice’ does not come out of Goodness or high morals. It comes out of a Fear of displeasing others and receiving their disapproval.”  AZIZ GAZIPURA, Not Nice: Stop People Pleasing, Staying Silent, & Feeling Guilty… And Start Speaking Up, Saying No, Asking Boldly, And Unapologetically Being Yourself, 2017; edited

COMMENTARY. “‘And that every tongue should confess.’ – Whether of angels or men, or of men of whatsoever nation. Confession is either true and hearty, as when the mouth and heart agree in confessing, and which is made only by ‘true believers;’ or verbal only, or in mere outward form, and by force, as in ‘hypocrites,’ wicked men, and devils themselves; who all either have confessed, or will confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord.

The holy angels confess Him to be Lord,’ and their Lord truly, and are unfeignedly subject to him; ‘and true believers’ heartily own Him as their Lord, and cheerfully submit to His Commands and Ordinances; ‘And the foolish virgins, And the goats’ on Christ’s left hand, will, at the Last Day, call him ‘Lord, Lord!’ And the worst of men, ‘Yea, even devils,’ will be obliged to own His Lordship and Dominion; which will be:

‘To the glory of God the Father.’ – The Syriac reads, ‘His Father,’ Who has chose and constituted Him as the Mediator, invested Him with His Office, ordained Him to be Judge of quick and dead, and given Him all power and authority, and exalted Him at His own right hand; so he that honoureth the Son, honoureth the Father also. The Vulgate Latin version renders the words, ‘Because the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father:’ Being in the form of God, of the same nature and essence with Him, and equal to Him; as He will appear to be at His Second Coming, for then He will come in the glory of His Father.” – JOHN GILL, An Exposition of the Old and New Testament, 9 vols., 1746-1763; edited

DK’S TAKE. Yesterday I posted a shining example of a Mega-Church Pastor for Christ who was willing to step out from under the safety of Religious Convention and speak as a Prophet of God to this Present Darkness. After “one week” of severe and strenuous wrestling with the Angel of the Lord, he decided that Silence was no longer an option for him.

We pray fervently that he will grow in his boldness in the days ahead, as he will surely need our support to persevere, and not ‘wimp out.’ Because as I have said repeatedly for the past several years: The Sustained Silence of the American Church is spiritually criminal, beloved, and it’s killing us!’

Another notable member of the courageous Remnant is African American preacher, MICHAEL FRIDAY, who serves as executive minister of the American Baptist Churches of Greater Indianapolis and is author of the book, And Lead Us Not Into Dysfunction: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, of Church institutions and Their Leaders (2017).

I conclude with expression of Mr. Friday’s well-placed outrage from a recent article, “Silence is Not an Option for the Church on January 6,” published in Baptist News Global on January 5, 2024 (edited). Listen to a true man of God speak plain and bold – a rarity in today’s feckless American Church.

“IT WAS AN INSURRECTION! It was incited. It was plannedIt was intended. It was a response to a Dastardly Lie. Trump did lose. Biden did win. People did die. Police officers were assaulted. Some did die as a result of the assault. People did desecrate and vandalize the Capitol. People did go in search of Mike Pence, shouting, ‘Hang Mike Pence!’ They did erect gallows. People did search for Nancy Pelosi to harm or kill her. People did ‘baptize’ these atrocious acts with ‘prayer in the name of Jesus!’ Our democracy, republic, and democratic republic did become endangered, and do remain endangered. Someone did cause all of this. That someone was encouraged, enabled, and supported in many ways, by other powerful people who could and should have disabled or otherwise stop that someone; and so this was not the deed of only one man.

‘To affirm all these truths is not political talk; it is simply the truth!’ To deny these truths isn’t a political perspective; it is dishonesty. No Church folk should participate in, promote or enlarge dishonesty, especially the kind that destroys lives, demonizes others and kills people.

‘To remain silent is to allow The Lie to gather momentum.’ To remain silent is to tacitly support the lie. To remain silent is to encourage the Works of Darkness. To remain silent is to obviate confession of sin. To remain silent is to delay repentance. To remain silent is to fail in our prophetic responsibility, wherein we look the sinner in the face and say, like Nathan of old to David, ‘Thou art the man.’”

PASTORS! Just whose Man are you, sir? Do you belong to the Lord’s Warrior Class of mighty men, the true Christian soldiers for Truth, Rescue of the lost and Resistance to religious tyranny and spiritual sedition? Or are you one of Satan’s Shameless Weaklings that either winks at what is going on among your own flocks, or worse, sponsors the Maga-QAnon Sacrilege poisoning so many churches in America today”

Your King is coming very, very soon now to show you, among many other things, just who you are and ‘whose’ you are. Might want to get all dressed up proper for that Occasion of occasions.

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