SCRIPTURE. “The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in [everything that you do] from this time forth and forever.” – PSALM 121:8, AMP

QUOTATION. “What gives value to Travel is ‘Fear.’ It is the fact that, at a certain moment, when we are so far from our own country … we are seized by a vague fear, and an instinctive desire to go back to the protection of old habits … This is why we should not say that we Travel for Pleasure. There is no Pleasure in traveling, and I look upon it more as an occasion for Spiritual Testing … Pleasure takes us away from ourselves in the same way as Distraction, in Pascal’s use of the word, takes us away from God. ‘Travel [and its inherent risks], which is like a greater and a graver Science, brings us back to ourselves [and to God].’”  ALBERT CAMUS, Notebooks, 1935-1951, 1998; edited

COMMENTARY. “‘The Safety of the Godly.’ – We must not rely upon men and means, instruments and second causes. Shall I depend upon the strength of the hills? upon princes and great men? ‘No; my confidence is in God only.’ Or, we must lift up our eyes above the hills; we must look to God Who makes all earthly things to us what they are. We must see all our help in God; from Him we must expect it, in His own Way and Time.

‘This Psalm teaches us to comfort ourselves in the Lord, when difficulties and dangers are greatest.’ It is Almighty Wisdom that contrives, and Almighty Power that works the Safety of those that put themselves under God’s Protection. He is a wakeful, watchful Keeper; He is never weary. He not only does not sleep, but He does not so much as slumber. Under this Shade they may sit with delight and assurance. He is always near His people for their Protection and Refreshment. The Right Hand is the working hand; let them but turn to their duty, and they shall find God ready to give them success. He will take care that His people shall not fall.

‘Thou shalt not be hurt, neither by the open assaults, nor by the secret attempts of thine enemies.’ The Lord shall prevent the evil thou fearest, and sanctify, remove, or lighten the evil thou feelest. He will preserve the soul, that it be not defiled by sin, and disturbed by affliction. He will preserve it from perishing eternally. He will keep thee in life and death; going out to thy labour in the morning of thy days, and Coming Home to thy rest when the evening of old age calls thee in.

‘It is a Protection for Life!’ The Spirit, Who is their Preserver and Comforter, shall abide with them for ever. Let us be found in our work, assured that the Blessings promised in this Psalm are ours.” – MATTHEW HENRY, Exposition of the Old and New Testaments, 6 vols., 1708-1710; edited

DK’S TAKE. I consider myself to be what is traditionally called, “A Circuit Rider.” That is, both by physical journeys and digital ones, I am a Pilgrim on the Road of Christ to bring truth, warning, encouragement, and on occasion, even rescue to those along that Road.

This New Work given to me in the Year 2020, is the Joy of my entire life. It has called upon all my life-long learned resources and abilities to the forefront of my now daily labors, and I have never before been so satisfied with what He has called me to do for the rest of my days.

Or hated and endangered.

That is why I chose the quote from the existentialist philosopher, Albert Camus. Although he was apparently no Christian, his observation above captured for me the sort of tingling excitement that I experience when I set out on another Ride. Its promise, its rightness, and its joys, are co-mingled with that kind of fear a kid feels when walking home at night through a quiet forest or new neighborhood.

What J.R.R. TOLKIEN so brilliantly described in his classic Lord of the Rings Trilogy (1937-1949) as that heady, exhilarating sense of, “Adventure!”

CODA. The point I am trying to make here is that Real Life in Christ is only found when we are willing to ‘Risk all to follow Him’ – To the ends of the earth or even to the very end of life, should He require it. One author has said it this way, reflecting a great Spiritual Truth:

“There is no Life without Death.”  KYLE IDLEMAN, Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus, 2016; edited

This is indeed ‘The Road Less Traveled,’ since the vast majority of people, even Christian people, will reject this Higher Climb. There is still time to choose it, beloved, should our King grant us the Courage that it takes to Answer this most Exhilarating of Calls.

And He Promises to be there with us every single step of the way. Selah.

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