
SCRIPTURE. “God said, ‘Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth.’” – GENESIS 1:26, AMPC
JAMI. “Time and time again does the Pride of Man influence his very own fall. While denying it, one gradually starts to believe that ‘he is the Authority,’ or that he possesses Great Moral Dominion over others, yet it is spiritually unwarranted. By that point he loses steam; in result he falsely begins trying to prove that ‘Unwarranted Dominion’ by seizing the role of a Condemner.” ― Criss Jami, ‘Salomé: In Every Inch In Every Mile,’ 2011; edited
SANSOM. “Whenever a party tells you National Identity matters more than anything else in politics, that ‘Nationalism’ can sort out all the other problems, then watch out, because you’re on a road that can end with ‘Fascism.’” ― C. J. Sansom, ‘Dominion,’ 2014; edited
WALLNAU. “God is speaking to Prophets to call the modern-day Church to ‘Rise Up’ and to Awaken. It must awaken to the reality that the people are not called to just come to a church building, but we are called to go into all the world around us and ‘be the Church’ in professions and communities and world systems and structures. We are to become ‘Micro-Groups’: going into school board meetings, executive offices, school halls, state departments, and more! ‘A House for the Nation’ is a Church that engages the Seven Mountains of Influence [Religion, Education, Family, Government, Media, Arts/Entertainment, Business/Finance] by identifying, supporting, and resourcing the body of Christ located at the front lines of the Battle of Influence. A House for the Nation will require a coming together of many leaders.” ― Lance Wallnau, ‘God’s Chaos Code: The Shocking Blueprint that Reveals 5 Keys to the Destiny of Nations,’ 2020; edited
Little did I realize when the Lord led me to the ancient passage above that it would be an extension of my several year argument against the translation of the American Church from a Mission of Service and Evangelism to a ‘Mission of World Conquest.’
The differences between those two Visions are vastly starker than the differences between Day and Night. This Commentary deep-dives into those distinctions in order to further an accurate delineation of sound doctrine for something called: THE DOMINION MANDATE.The traditional definition of this important First Commission is offered by Australian theologian, the REV. DR. NEVILLE CARR.
“Dominion in Genesis presupposes a violent, formless world in need of Ordering (Andreas Schule, Theology from the Beginning, 2017, 58-61). When the author opens with ‘In the beginning’, he is looking back and inferring from the current darkness of exile in Babylon, or the more dysfunctional condition of humanity, that, long before such a disaster,‘in the Beginning … God brought Order out of the Chaos’. The fact that the river flowed down from Eden’s heights (Ezekiel 28. 14, 16; cf. Revelation 21.10) through tributaries into the then-known world suggests a ‘Divine Plan to prosper all nations’(2.10-14; cf. Ezekiel 47, Revelation 22) – a core missiological theme. This connects to the ‘Delegated Authority for Restoring Creational Order (rule of a benevolent king, not a despot out for his own gain, which Dominion can imply) and Adamic Blessedness’ via discipleship and spiritual and social transformation.” – “The Dominion Mandate: Lessons for Pastors, Theologians and Believers,” ‘Ethos,’ Aug. 4, 2020; edited
One cannot help but notice the central importance here of Divine Order and Sacrificial Service as the cornerstones of the traditional conceptualization of the Dominion Mandate. This is vital for understanding what follows in this essay in distinguishing between the Original Dominion Mandate, and a Manufactured Dominion Mandate constructed largely by Christian teachers and leaders.
THE WILL TO POWER. But somewhere between the Original Commission and the Great Fall in the Garden came A Perversion of that Original Charge into something like FRIEDRICH NEITZSCHE’S ‘Will to Power.’
Wikipedia tells us that the Will to Power describes what Nietzsche may have believed to be the main driving force in humans. However, the concept was never systematically defined in Nietzsche’s work, leaving its interpretation open to debate. Usage of the term by Nietzsche can be summarized as ‘Self-Determination’ [or self-rule], the concept of actualizing one’s will onto one’s self or one’s surroundings, and coincides heavily with Egoism.
MEGASHIFT. German esoteric theologian, musician and futurist GERD LEONHARD is known for a collection of works that this term in the following way: “A Megashift is an exponential shift in human experience which is sudden in arrival, and unpredictable in outcome. Unlike Paradigm Shifts which affect one area alone and may take many decades to take hold (the combustion engine, color film etc), ‘Megashifts are omnipresent, combinatory and immediately dominant’”
It will come as no surprise to those of you who have followed my work that I firmly believe something very much like this has taken place in the American Church during the last 50 years or so, accelerated to lightspeed in only the last five years. Specifically, we have seen a seismic move from a traditionally Orthodox View of Biblical power and authority as Service to Mankind, to a much more Coercive View of Dominion and Conquest of the culture. For me at least, it is not unlike the Shift from the Catholic Canon in the 16th century to the Protestant Reformation view of the Scriptures.
But what I see taking place today beloved, is an ‘Anti-Reformation,’ forcing us ever downward and backward to a much more Medieval conceptualization of human authority. Make that read, toward ‘Authoritarianism.’ All in the name of Jesus Christ in heretical, premature assumption of an authority promised only to the Messiah at a much later time when Jesus will the earth with “a rod of iron” (Rev. 2:27).
IMPACT. This historic Transformation has devastated both the Gospel and the Christian witness in America and led to the deep structure Fracturing not only in the Church community, but in the Nation itself. And as theology and history will soon show, toward the Disintegration of the International Order itself, as Jesus prophesied.
“You will continually hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end [of the age]. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” – MATTHEW 24:6-7, AMP
And crushing irony upon crushing irony, it all started with us, beloved. We did this to ourselves.
Most of you are painfully aware that the Dominion Theology Movement is nearly at its Apex these days in America, with JANUARY 6, 2021, as bloody testimony of its ‘First Shots’ fired across the Constitutional bow of our foundering Ship of State. A Day of days I consider our absolute Nadir. This profane ideology enjoys a long philosophical, ideological and even theological history that I will briefly review in the following section.
To do so, I will borrow heavily from two excellent sources. First, I consider a broad historical overview by the EDITORS of Wikipedia (Oct. 1, 2022; edited). I then turn to a more scholarly article by my Liberty University friend and colleague, DR. THOMAS ICE in an article entitled, “What is Dominion Theology?” published in the University’s Digital Commons in May 2009.
HISTORICAL OVERVIEW. The current manifestation of Dominion Theology in America draws deeply from the wells of THREE IDEOLOGICAL MOVEMENTS in our comparatively recent Church History.
- PROTESTANT CHRISTIAN RECONSTRUCTIONISM. One example of Dominionism in Reformed theology is Christian Reconstructionism, which originated in the teachings of R. J. RUSHDOONY in the 1960s and 1970s. Rushdoony’s Theology focuses on something called, ‘Theonomy’ (the Rule of the Law of God), a belief that all of society should be ordered according to the Laws that governed the Israelites in the Old Testament. His ideas on Biblical Law in civil government are laid out most comprehensively in The Institutes of Biblical Law (1973), although he wrote many other books dealing with the subject as well. Rushdoony’s proposed system is strongly Calvinistic, emphasizing the sovereignty of God over human freedom and action, and ‘denying the operation of charismatic gifts’ in the present day (Cessationism vs. Continuationism); both of these aspects are in direct opposition to Kingdom Now Theology that is defined later in this section.
Full adherents to Reconstructionism are few and marginalized among most Christians. Dave Hunt, Albert James Dager, Hal Lindsey, and Thomas Ice specifically criticize Christian Reconstructionism from a Christian viewpoint, disagreeing on theological grounds with its Theocratic elements as well as its Calvinism and Postmillennialism.”
DK. Ironically, contemporary Reconstructionists included such names as Jerry Falwell Sr., Bill Gothard, J. Grimstead, D. James Kennedy, Tim Lahaye, Doug Phillips, Howard Phillips, Pat Robertson, Gary North, Wayne Whitehead, David Chilton, and Francis Schaeffer. The residue of Theonomy still lingers at Regent University’s Schools of Law and Government to this day, largely the legacy of the Law School’s founding dean, Herbert W. Titus. [*I received a call from a very trusted friend at Regent University’s Law School, who assured me that the Theonomic influences of Herb Titus and others has been largely eliminated].
Footnote. In 1995, Robertson fired Titus, accusing him of being a Reconstructionist! The fiasco ended up in a bitter, nationally televised lawsuit over the Board’s blindside revocation of tenure (to which I was, sadly, a party), and the University split that resulted was never fully resolved.
- CATHOLIC INTEGRALISM. Catholic Integralism has been characterized as a form of Dominionist Theology, though in reality it is much older and theologically distinct from the Dominionism espoused by Protestants. Antonio Spadaro and Marcelo Figueroa have stated that Catholic Integralists have entered into a non-traditional ecumenical alliance with Protestant Reconstructionists who share “the same desire for religious influence in the political sphere.” Likewise, in the National Catholic Reporter, Joshua J. McElwee stated that Catholic Integralists, along with their Protestant counterparts, wish to achieve the goal of establishing a “theocratic type of state.” Ultimately, however, the goals of Protestant Dominionists and Catholic Integralists are divergent, as Catholic Integralists adhere to the doctrine that the Catholic Church is the “only true church“, and that every form of Protestantism is “heretical“. That has not prevented mutual cooperation between the two, however, when it has been mutually beneficial.
DK. If one considers the trajectory of history since the Middle Ages therefore, we see, again, a seditious return to Medieval Political Models (e.g., the 16TH century Spanish Inquisition) for the United States of America that was unheard of even ten years ago. That is why I’ve included a short history to give us a perspective to appreciate where we are headed as a nation.
- PROTESTANT ‘KINGDOM NOW’ THEOLOGY. Kingdom Now Theology is a branch of Dominion Theology which has had a following within Pentecostalism and independent Charismatic churches. It started gaining traction in the in the mid to late 1980s.
Kingdom Now Theology states that although Satan has been in control of the world since the Fall, God is looking for people who will help Him ‘take back dominion.’ Those who yield themselves to the ‘authority of God’s Apostles and Prophets’ will take control of the kingdoms of this world, being defined as all social institutions mentioned earlier: The “Kingdom” of Education, the “Kingdom” of Science, the “Kingdom” of The Arts, etc. C. PETER WAGNER, the founder of the New Apostolic Reformation, writes: “The practical theology that best builds a foundation under social transformation is Dominion Theology, sometimes called ‘Kingdom Now’. Its history can be traced back through R. J. Rushdoony, Abraham Kuyper, to John Calvin.”
Kingdom Now Theology is influenced by the Latter Rain Movement, and critics have connected it to Wagner’s New Apostolic Reformation, “Spiritual Warfare Christianity,” and Fivefold Ministry thinking. Notably, the Spirit-filled Church community is rife with these arcane doctrines.
Prominent Christian leaders who support Seven Mountains Dominionism include David Barton, James Dobson, John Hagee, Bill Johnson, Lance Wallnau of course, and Paula White, Trump’s close spiritual advisor. Notable politicians who have embraced it include Michele Bachmann, Sam Brownback, Ted Cruz, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Charlie Kirk, Sarah Palin, and Rick Perry.
DK. Can you now more fully appreciate where America is now and where we are rapidly heading, beloved? Without a single question of doubt in my mind, this is now the accelerating path down which America is fast progressing. Should DONALD TRUMP accede again to the Presidency, all things Dark will become a Diabolical Fait Accompli.
AN ACADEMIC CRITIQUE. Now we turn more briefly to an excellent examination of this Theology by one of the world’s experts, DR. THOMAS ICE, who has studied and written extensively in this area.
INTRODUCTORY QUOTES. Here is how Dr. Ice begins his analysis, with two representative statements from leaders in the movement that set the stage rather dramatically.
“But it is Dominion that we are after. Not just a voice. It is Dominion we are after. Not just influence. It is Dominion we are after. Not just equal time. It is Dominion we are after. World conquest! That’s what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish.” – Dominionist—Reconstructionist GEORGE GRANT
“Some of the strongest fundamental churches still preach that Christ will Return to gather national Israel unto Himself, and I say that is deception and will keep the Kingdom of God from coming to pass! Likewise, those who are waiting for Christ to catch a few people away so God can judge the world are waiting in vain! Jesus Christ has now done all He can do, and He waits at the right hand of His Father, until you and I as ‘sons of god, become manifest’ and make this world His footstool. He is waiting for us to say, ‘Jesus, we have made the kingdoms of this world the Kingdom of our God, and we are ruling and reigning in Your world. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” – Dominionist—Charismatic EARL PAULK.
PRETERIST FOUNDATION. “The Preterist (Latin for ‘past’) approach to interpreting Prophecy proposes that about 95% of the events which most Christians understand to be future, were fulfilled in the past, between A.D. 30 and A.D. 70. This is the viewpoint of the CRM. Reconstructionist, DAVID CHILTON, has said concerning the Olivet Discourse (Matt. 24-25; Mk. 13; Lk. 17 and 21) and the Book of Revelation the following:
‘It is not about the Second Coming of Christ. It is about the destruction of Israel and Christ’s victory over His enemies … the Word “Coming” as used in the Book of Revelation never refers to the Second Coming. Revelation prophesies the Judgment of God on apostate Israel; and while it does briefly point to events beyond its immediate concerns, that is done merely as a “wrap-up,” to show that the ungodly [Jews] will never prevail against Christ’s Kingdom” (‘Days of Vengeance,’ 2006, p. 43).
If the above statement is true, then the CRM has taken away all of the passages in the NT which teach the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. They would have no passages from the Bible which teaches the Second Coming. The CRM does believe in the Second Coming, however, they cannot support their belief from specific passages in the Bible. Reconstructionists are eager to place all of the ‘coming passages’ into the past [Hymanean Preterism], so that they can hopefully cast a different light upon Scripture which would teach views different than their Postmillennialism.
CONCLUSION. “Dominion Theology, with its two elements, the Christian Reconstruction Calvinists and the Kingdom Now Charismatics, are coming together to create what Christian authors Hal Lindsey and Dave Hunt are calling the most dangerous trend within Evangelical Christianity. This appears to be true since the call for Believers to ‘exercise a Premature Dominion’ is at the heart of Satan’s promise to Eve in the Garden. Since Dominionists are wrong about the timing of the Kingdom (Kingdom NOW), and about the means of establishing the Kingdom (DT believes the Kingdom is established by means of the work of the Church, rather than Christ’s through Christ Personal Return), therefore they cannot help but be involved, either knowingly or unknowingly, in ‘furthering Satan’s Kingdom,’ to the extent that they apply their deviant theology.
Christians are instructed to seek after the things above, to set our minds on the things above (Col. 3:1-2), while we eagerly wait for our Savior’s Return (Phil. 3:20). Our Calling in the present is not to take Dominion, but rather to ‘preach the Gospel’ to the world and to ‘wait [and watch] for God’s Son’–Christ–from Heaven who will deliver us from the Wrath to come (cf. 1 Thess. 1:10, 5:9). Then, and only after our Lord’s Return to earth, will we reign and rule (have dominion) with Christ as overcomers (Rev. 2:26-27; 3:21). Maranatha!”
SCRIPTURE. “God said, ‘Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth.’” – GENESIS 1:26, AMPC
As is our practice, we will now consider several KEY TERMS that define the core message of this important passage.
- IMAGE. Taken from the Hebrew word, ‘Tselem’ [צֶלֶם]: “Likeness, resemblance, representative figure; God made man in such a way as to reflect some of His own perfections-in knowledge, in righteousness, and in holiness; ‘with dominion over the creatures’ [‘chevah,’ חֵיוָא; animal, beast, creature]. Perhaps even the loving unity within the Godhead is reflected in mankind; but it is ‘only the shadow of a thing,’ lacking the essential characteristics or full reality of the Original.”
- LIKENESS. Here is a related term in the Hebrew, ‘Demuth’ [דְּמוּת]: “Resemblance; concretely, model, shape; adverbially, like–fashion, manner, similitude; pattern, shape; can refer to audible and structural similarities; based on a root word, ‘dam,’ carrying with it the connotation of sacred blood or the juice of a grape as ‘a reference to life;’ one that resembles another; a copy; a counterpart; depending on its use, it can refer to both internal and external similarity.”
- AUTHORITY. Now we turn to the most important word in this entire passage: ‘Radah’ [רָדָה]: “To have dominion, rule, dominate; to tread down, subjugate, reign over; prevail against; sovereign or supreme authority; the power of governing and controlling; power to direct, control, use and dispose of at pleasure; predominance, hegemon, ascendency; ownership; To be responsible for; to have charge of; in some of its original usage, ‘that which is mastered or ruled;’ and its base is the presumption of ‘having the [God given] right to exercise power over another.’”
COMMENTARY. “‘And let them rule.’ – The relation of man to the creature is now stated. It is that of Sovereignty. Those capacities of right thinking, right willing, and right acting, or of knowledge, holiness, and righteousness, in which man resembles God, qualify him for Dominion, and constitute him ‘lord of all creatures that are destitute of intellectual and moral endowments.’ Hence, wherever man enters he makes his sway to be felt. He contemplates the objects around him, marks their qualities and relations, conceives and resolves upon the end to be attained, and endeavors to make all things within his reach work together for its accomplishment.
This is to rule on a limited scale. ‘The field of his Dominion is ‘the fish of the sea, the fowl of the skies, the cattle, the whole land, and everything that creepeth on the land.’ The Order here is from the lowest to the highest. The fish, the fowl, are beneath the domestic cattle. These again are of less importance than the land, which man tills and renders fruitful in all that can gratify his appetite or his taste. The last and greatest victory of all is over the wild animals, which are included under the class of creepers that are prone in their posture and move in a creeping attitude over the land. The primeval and prominent objects of human sway are here brought forward after the manner of Scripture. But there is not an object within the ken of man which he does not aim at making subservient to his purposes. He has made the sea his highway to the ends of the earth, the stars his pilots on the pathless ocean, the sun his bleacher and painter, the bowels of the earth the treasury from which he draws his precious and useful metals and much of his fuel, the steam his motive power, and the lightning his messenger. ‘These are proofs of the evergrowing sway of man.’” – ALBERT BARNES, ‘Notes on the Old and New Testament,’ 1884; edited
NOTE. The gaping theological error among countless millions of Christians who subscribe to the bilge of Dominion Theology completely pervert and corrupt the Scriptures here. A seven-year-old child with moderate or even minimal reading skill can quickly determine that ‘God nowhere here refers to dominion over men or his institutions!’
Fish. Birds. Beasts. Creeping things. What part of this is unclear or ambiguous, I must ask the MAGA Christian? Not a single word or jot or tittle or nuance leaves the discerning reader with the wrong opinion. And yet at first a handful of theologians from our ancient past to an infected legion of contemporary American theorists and pragmatists have devastated the original meanings here.
To very nearly the destruction of the Republic, the neutering of the Church, and again, more ultimately, the dissolution of World Order everywhere in the disabling absence of America that has for nearly a century served as the World’s Cotter Pin. Can you see now why Jesus and the Apostles and the Law and the Prophets all shouted in their time and their way:
‘Keep the Doctrines sound! It is your very life!’
SEEDS OF SEDITION. Permit me to give you a reasonably informed opinion about where all the trouble truly began. Go back all the way to the Church Fathers, to a man named ORIGEN ADAMANTIUS (185-253 AD). History records that he was apparently the first theologian, considered by many to be the genius of his era, to propose what I consider to be the corruption of prophecy as early as the 2nd century. The method that he used is described in the quotation that follows.
“Origen, in his ‘Treatise on First Principles,’ recommends for the Old and New Testaments to be ‘interpreted allegorically at three levels:’ The ‘Flesh’, the ‘Soul’, and the ‘Spirit’. He states that many of the events recounted in the Scriptures, if they are interpreted in the literal, or fleshly, sense, are impossible or nonsensical. They must be interpreted allegorically to be understood. Some passages have parts that are literally true and parts that are literally impossible. Then, ‘the reader must endeavor to grasp the entire meaning, connecting by an intellectual process the account of what is literally impossible with the parts that are not impossible but historically true, these being interpreted allegorically in common with the part which, so far as the letter goes, did not happen at all.”
The School of Alexandria. The first Christian institution of higher learning, founded in the mid-2nd century AD in Alexandria, Egypt. Under its earliest known leaders (Pantaenus, Clement, and Origen), it became the leading Centre of the Allegorical Method of biblical interpretation, and espoused a rapprochement between Greek culture and Christian faith. – cf. EDITORS, Wikipedia, Oct. 3, 2022; EDITORS, Britannica, ret. Oct. 4, 2022; edited
Then followed the impactful formulations of AUGUSTINE and the Catholics, the Protestant Reformers, and later the High Church theologians who virtually usurped the Original Canon for centuries. Satan’s clear intention in all of this was to ‘Delegitimize Biblical Prophecy by De-literalizing it,’ for his Last Days efforts to manifest in these heretical, abhorrent Dominion Theologies of today’s American Church.
And that, beloved, to more easily EXALT HIS ANTICHRIST in the Last Hours. Selah.
Perhaps all of this helps to explain why I am So very adamant, so passionate and sometimes so very loud about the terrible importance of SOUND DOCTRINE in these Last Times. The Apostle Paul was very nearly obsessed with this issue some 2,000 years ago, especially as he expressed it intensely in his letters to the young apprentice, Timothy.
FALSE DOCTRINES. Because of the existential gravity of this Dominionism Heresy and all false doctrines related to it, I will do something I’ve never done before. That is, I shall quote at length from PAUL’S LETTERS TO TIMOTHY to help further explain the life and death importance of the matter before us.
Pay close, even rapt attention to what the Lord says to us all, beloved, right now, today.
“Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron …
But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! …
I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” – 1 TIMOTHY 4:1-2; 2 TIMOTHY 3:1-5, 4:1-5, NKJV
CODA. I cannot make it any plainer than this beloved, nor can our King, if indeed I speak for Him in any of it. Please note that in this Commentary, I have set aside much human interpretation more than ever before, in the desperate attempt to reach those of you who are still ‘outside,’ though you believe yourselves to be ‘inside.’
To be even more direct: I truly fear that many if not most MAGA Christians are consigning themselves to the Flame by their self-selected alliance with and support for Donald Trump, the QAnon Cult and the Dominionists that seek to overthrow America’s current Constitutional Republic, to replace it with an Unbiblical Theocracy that would suppress the rights of all those who disagree with this Anti-Christian Political Aberration.
I therefore close with the incandescent Words of Moses to the Israelites that bear special meaning for us today in the America of 2022.
“Behold, today I am setting before you a blessing and a curse—‘the blessing,’ if you listen to and obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I am commanding you today; ‘and the curse,’ if you do not listen to and obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside from the way which I am commanding you today, by following (acknowledging, worshiping) other gods which you have not known.” – DEUTERONOMY 11:26-28, AMP
It is getting so very, very late, my friends, so very late indeed. Jesus has already begun to Judge America and all those inside His own House first who are following after teachers of doctrines of demons. Don’t mistake the seriousness of this hour for one more minute. He’s coming! He’s coming! As Paul wrote of it to Timothy, ‘To judge both the quick and the dead.’
Please, please be certain that you are found with The Quick and not The Dead – by your unswerving obedience to the True King, and no other!
Ever your servant, DK