INTRODUCTION. Not long ago our beloved and quite intrepid “Loretta Sezz” was meandering about in that fertile mind of hers during an online chat and came up with AN IDEA FOR A GATHERING we believe whose time has come. She soon teamed up with another digital warrior, “RJ Spragg” and her husband Herb with an able assist from Robin M. – and the thing started to take on a life of its own.

But first some Important Backgrounding to get us all on the same page.

THE CIRCUIT RIDE ENTERPRISE. All of this Adventure emerged from some hard scrabble years I spent from 2017-2020 trying to figure out what to do in an increasingly Pro-Trump, Post-Covid America. The CIRCUIT RIDE VISION came to me gradually during those trying Unemployment Years as I sometimes desperately sought the Lord about what to do with the rest of my life. I had little income since I had become a pariah to the Establishment Church for my refusal to support their champion, Donald Trump.

During that time, I began to focus on THREE RELATED THOUGHTS: (1) The Life and Ministry of Paul the Apostle (my role model since becoming a Christian in October 1979). (2)The concept of the “Saddlebag” or “Horse Preachers” of early America who carried the Gospel from village to village as an effort to encourage genuine revival and Christian faith. (3) The need for “A Priscilla,” a reference to the wife of a successful Jewish tent maker, Aquila, who provided the core of financial support for Paul’s travels.

HISTORICAL ORIGINS. The mid 1700’s to the early 1800’s were the days of the Circuit Riders. Influenced by the pioneering English churchmen JOHN WESLEY and GEORGE WHITFIELD, the Circuit Riders were Methodists who were zealous for the spread of the Gospel. Organized by BISHOP FRANCIS ASBURY, founding Bishop of American Methodism, Circuit Riders were usually men in their 20’s or 30’s that were radically transformed by the Gospel and set out to share the same message with others. They hailed from humble walks of life as blacksmiths, carpenters, shoemakers, sailors, tanners, and such.

The ‘Circuit’ part of their name comes from the fact that most Circuit Riders rode on horseback through rural areas of the Americas in circuits whose circumference was often 200 to 500 miles. (MY RIDES, by contrast, are 500 miles per day for 7 days which permits me to travel 3,500 miles!)

Since settlers of that time were spread out, they often lacked the means to hire a full-time preacher or pastor. The Circuit Riders sought to put a preacher in nearly every community through the riding of their circuits. Oftentimes meeting in the homes of settlers, the Circuit Riders would show up anywhere from every two to six weeks: ‘To preach a sermon and gather anyone who was willing to hear the Gospel.’– Adapted from Miles Pinnell, Follow My Hero Blog, ret. June 18, 2024

Messiah’s Instruction. Whatever city or village you enter, ask who in it is worthy [who welcomes you and your message], and stay at his house until you leave [that city]. As you go into the house, give it your greeting [that is, ‘Peace be to this house’]. If [the family living in] the house is worthy [welcoming you and your message], give it your [blessing of] peace [that is, a blessing of well-being and prosperity, the favor of God]. ‘But if it is not worthy, take back your blessing of peace. Whoever does not welcome you, nor listen to your message, as you leave that house or city, shake the dust [of it] off your feet [in contempt, breaking all ties].’” – MATTHEW 10:11-14, AMP

MARCH 2020. After those three years in ‘The Wilderness,’ it all came together in this remarkable month. Contributions began to come in sufficiently, and since that time, though my Patrons be few, I have never lacked for funds to carry out the Circuit Ride Enterprise mostly Online. Beginning with my first physical Ride in June 2021, the Lord spoke a ‘Word in Spanish,’ whose fulfillment I am still watching unfold in America every day:

¡Se acabó! Translated: “It’s over!”

PURPOSE. Since that year, I have concluded that America’s Timeline for God’s Grace closed in 2020 following 120 years of fervent Last Warnings beginning in the year 1900. That is why my objective for both the Actual Circuit Ride visits to different regions of the country, and my much more frequent (and efficient) “Digital Circuit Rides” that come to you nearly every day online, are designed to:

  • Encourage the faithful Remnant Church.
  • Rescue Christian believers who are struggling.
  • Evangelize unbelievers who are searching for answers.

DATES. It came to my attention much later in this sojourn that “Camp Meetings” were a central part of the early Circuit Riders who first started meetings in settler’s homes. Thus, this First Annual Campfire Meeting of June 21-23, 2024. CAVEAT: Given the Spiritual and Political Realities lying just ahead, this could be our first and last physical meeting, though the Digital Rides shall continue for as long as the Lord desires.

PRESUPPOSITIONPlaytime Church is over!’ We are headed into perilous uncharted waters from January 2025 until 2030 – in what we believe are the most definitive years in all American history. Jesus commanded us to therefore ‘Be Ready!’ (cf. Matt. 24:34; Luke 21:36; 1 Cor. 16:13; 1 Pet. 5:8).

Therefore, we do so by the Instructions of PAUL THE APOSTLE.

Put on the full armor of God [for His precepts are like the splendid armor of a heavily-armed soldier], so that you may be able to [successfully] stand up against all the schemes and the strategies and the deceits of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places. Therefore, put on the complete armor of God, so that you will be able to [successfully] resist and stand your ground in the evil day [of danger], and having done everything [that the crisis demands], TO STAND FIRM [in your place, fully prepared, immovable, victorious].” – EPHESIANS 6:11-12, AMP

LOCATION. Based on some early research by the team, seems that the very Center of the Nation is near a place called GLEN ELDER, KANSAS. There is a beautiful campground there, Glen Elder Reservoir for those who want to camp, located only about 12 miles from Beloit, Kansas where there are a few motels for those wanting more comfortable lodging.

ATTENDEES. If you are still interested in attending this gathering, please EMAIL RJ (ROZLYN): Depending on schedules, she will be working with Loretta to finalize the groundwork for the event. Send the following:

  • Name
  • Street Address
  • Email Address
  • Cell Phone #
  • Number of Attendees
  • Date of Arrival

SESSIONS. We plan to post VIDEO FEEDS (either live or delayed) from our Primary Presenters on SATURDAY JUNE 22: (I) Dr. Cliff Kelly: “Testimony & Overview of The Sixth Seal II.” (II) Rozlyn Downer: “Counseling Brief on Coping for What Lies Ahead.”

PRAY! Whether you are attending or not it is absolutely vital that we PRAY that this First (Perhaps Last) Campfire Meeting is accompanied by the palpable Presence and Protections of God as America enters upon her most Momentous Era of all our history.

To This Hope:

“[Therefore] Let us seize and hold tightly the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is reliable and trustworthy and faithful [to His word]; and let us consider [thoughtfully] how we may encourage one another to love and to do good deeds, not forsaking our meeting together [as believers for worship and instruction], as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more [faithfully] as you see the day [of Christ’s return] approaching.” – HEBREWS 10:23-25, AMP

For Him.


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