“O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing to the Lord, bless (affectionately praise) His name; show forth His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all the peoples.” – PSALM 96:1-3 AMPC
“There are some things we learn on stormy seas that we never learn on calm smooth waters. The ‘God of the Storm’ has something to teach us, and His love always drives His actions.” – DANNY L. DEAUBÉ, ‘I Will Praise You in the Storm: The Story of Stephen and Holly Deaubé, a Journey of Faith,’ 2013; edited
“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.” – HARUKI MURAKAMI, ‘Kafka on the Shore,’ 2005; edited
“I want to believe in a New Thing, Lord. I want that more than anything. I want to forget the Old Things—the bad and ugly things that have sent me here. Please let me see your hand in all of this. Let me see the path through this Wilderness.” – TRACIE PETERSON, ‘A Lady of High Regard,’ 2007; edited
Of all the things I have sensed that we are to do in the midst of all these increasingly furious Storms of Life these days, is to ‘Learn to sing a New Song.’ I know: Impossible, right? And yet, that is precisely what I have become convinced that we must be prepared to be taught to do in the days ahead.
This is no frothy, flimsy false hope, but God’s Solid Promise for these Last Times, to those who choose to Stay with Him for the remainder of this often-raucous Journey.
MY STORY. Without all the gory details, you have heard me say on occasion over the last few weeks and months: “Despite all the chaos and confusion and loss, I have for some reason not experienced more joy and peace than ever before.” Which makes no sense, given over three years of unemployment, vilification from many sources, and a less than perfect set of family circumstances.
So what is all this Strange Experience of Contradiction all about, beloved? A few things come to mind.
• TESTED BY FIRE. There seems to be something about moving through God’s Tests, and coming out on the other side still intact, ever better than before. Scripture reports, for example: “You caused men to ride over our heads [when we were prostrate]; we went through fire and through water, but You brought us out into a broad, moist place [to abundance and refreshment and the open air].” – PSALM 66:12, AMPC
• DISCIPLINE AS LOVE. Another idea that came back to me, but less threatening this time, was the sense that when God is Tough on me, it may not always be because I am no longer in His favor. “For the Lord corrects and disciplines everyone whom He loves, and He punishes, even scourges, every son whom He accepts and welcomes to His heart and cherishes.” – HEBREWS 12:6, AMPC
• FINDING THE ZONE. I guess the most central source of my new sense of well-being is that I have never been more convinced that I am finally doing exactly what I was Designed by God to do. “For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” – JEREMIAH 29:11, AMPC; CF. VV. 12-13
• MOVING IN BOLDNESS. There are a number of Scriptures that I could use here, but I tell you the truth, based on my Experience of God these past three and a half years: There is One Key to God’s Boldness that can come in no other way but this: “ And they overcame and conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, for they did not love their life and renounce their faith even when faced with death.” – REVELATION 12:11, AMP
IN SUM. Of all of these, the last one is the most important factor in my New Liberty in Christ: Loss of the Fear of Man – and of Death. It is the Finish Work, if you will, of God’s Spirit in our Christian walk. I used to cower in the face of the rich and the famous and the powerful, but no longer beloved, no longer.
To be clear: This is a mighty Work of God, and no one else. King Solomon perhaps said it best:
“The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever leans on, trusts in, and puts his confidence in the Lord is safe and set on high” – PROVERBS 29:25, AMPC
Two Key Terms here define the issue beautifully.
• A SNARE. From the Hebrew, ‘Moqesh’ [מוֹקֵשׁ], meaning: “A bait or lure [into a snare or trap]; a noose or hook for catching a prey; designed to entice one toward sin; to catch with a snare; to ensnare; to entangle; to bring into unexpected evil, perplexity or danger.” NOTE: I personally believe this is the primary Sin of the Church, found in her Refusal to Speak Truth to Evil Power.
• SET ON HIGH. Oppositely, for the one who shall Fear God and not man nor beast nor death itself, this is his or her Reward: Honor and Exaltation. Taken from the Hebrew, ‘Sagab’ [שָׂגַב], or: “To be inaccessibly high (beyond the reach of one’s enemies); set securely above the fray; unassailable (as in, cannot be bribed nor silenced nor compromised); to be excellent; to be strong, by implication – confident and bold.”
THE POINT. So, if you find yourself in a sustained, exhausting Pattern of Trial and Testing of your very soul and faith and life, Don’t faint! God is preparing you for your own “Five Minute Ministry,” that He has prepared for you to fulfill, before you were even born.
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” – JEREMIAH 1:5, AMPC
A PROPHET? I have said it before: All who are Consecrated in the Christ, are ‘Prophets,’ as the Hebrew word, ‘Nabi,’ clearly defines in this passage:
“One who is inspired of God to speak God’s Truth.” Thus do we become His Oracle to a dying Nation and imperiled people – and Church – as we are led to unflinchingly, and lovingly, Declare God to those about to perish.
Selah. Selah.
The next logical Phase of this Study is to turn toward a well-worn passage that most of us have quoted for many years. But now, beloved, but now, it takes on a much larger, richer importance, Epic actually, in light of the Present Hour.
See if you agree.
“Do not [earnestly] remember the former things; neither consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” – ISAIAH 43:18-19, AMPC
Let’s break this down a bit, and contemporize it.
• FORMER THINGS. From the Hebrew, ‘Rishon’ [רִאשׁוֹן]: “Former, first, chief; ancient (ancestral); former things in prophetic terms as reference to God’s judgment upon them; also, things that were formerly foretold; things that were before; the old ways.”
• A NEW THING. From the term, ‘Chadash’ [חָדָשׁ]: “Attributed in several Scriptures to ‘a new king who knew not Joseph’ (Exodus 1:8); a fresh, new (experience or event); lately made [or deployed], invented, produced or come into being; that has existed a short time only; recent in origin; novel; opposed to old, and used of things; lately introduced to our knowledge; not before known; recently discovered; not familiar; unaccustomed [as in, Unprecedented].”
• A [NEW] WAY. Taken from the Hebrew, ‘Derek’ [דֶּרֶךְ]: “A (new) way, road, distance, journey, manner; path, direction; experience or condition; course of life, action, or undertaking; of moral action, character or duty; a passage; the place of passing; hence, a road of any kind; a highway; method; means of doing.”
• IN THE WILDERNESS. Here the final idea is from the term, ‘Midbar’ [מִדְבָּר]: “Desert, wilderness, uninhabited or dry, forbidding land; the habitat of jackals and wild beasts; implies speech that is dry, subdued or destructive; cf. Amos 8:11, ‘a famine for hearing the words of truth’ [as with a social order in disarray, fallen to dangerous condition].” Selah.
So what does all this mean for the Right Now, beloved? What Instruction may we find here for the things just before us? The next section will specify at least some of that, bearing in mind that we continue to be on a Fast Track Education for these truly Remarkable Events surrounding all of us.
I have said it many times now, that we are approaching and already snugged tightly within, ‘Unprecedented Times,’ a Moment in human history defined by Noah Webster as: “Not preceded by a like case; not having the authority of prior example.”
New. Foreign. Unfamiliar. Uncertain. Unpredictable.
So like it or not, beloved, this is indeed ‘All new, all Unknown.’ Therefore are we Anxious, because we are made of dust. – cf. PSALM 103:14
THE ‘NEW NORMAL.’ Here I default to the catchphrase, “Learning on the fly” in this New Covid-19 World. One article spells out rather neatly some of the down in the weeds Personal Impacts, the understanding of which provides Context for how to best Survive and then Succeed, and even ‘Sing’ in these New Times of ours.
Consider this a Reality Check for what it is now like in the world, and likely to continue to be for the foreseeable future. Adapted from EMILY KIRSCHENBAUM in her anecdotal piece from ‘Israel Times,’ August 25, 2020.
• A REAL THING. “This is an actual, real disease. And no one knows enough about it to explain why some people have no symptoms and some people die.” Thus do I once again forcefully dispense with the lunacy of a ‘Conspiracy Cooked’ illness, the dark consequence of which is more infections and more death. Hear me: This is part of God’s Judgment, and it will not yield to us until we yield to Him. – cf. Daniel 11:21b
• PUTTING OTHERS FIRST. “There are people who really and truly just don’t care enough about other people to be willing to do something as simple and easy as putting on a mask when they go out.” The twisted argument from the rapidly proliferating ‘Christian (Alt) Right’ that it “infringes on my rights,” is so hostile to the Teachings of Messiah that I can hardly type it out without wanting to use caps and exclamation points. Might want to recall something He said about, “Love your neighbor as yourself” a bit before marching to City Hall again. – cf. Mark 12:31
• SACRIFICIAL LIFE. “We already missed Passover with family. And we didn’t have our annual summer trip to visit family. My dad is turning 75 next week and we will celebrate via Zoom.” These appear to be small sacrifices, but not on closer examination, they are the very special stuff of which a healthy, vibrant normal life is built. And now, they are gone. For how long, no one knows. My sense is that God is taking away many ‘simple pleasures’ in the interest of living ‘more simply’ still. It is good for us, beloved, though it hurts our spoiled souls. – cf. Luke 12:15
• IMPACT ON CHILDREN. “My kids’ loss of innocence in a way. I guess every generation experiences some sort of collective event that bursts the bubble of innocence. For me, it was 9/11.” I have quoted before a powerful observation by the late JOSEPH SOBRAN, journalist extraordinaire and Catholic prolife champion: “The long and the short of it is that the exaltation of pleasure entails the annihilation of the child” (‘The Human Life Review,’ Fall 1989). And so have the collective Sins of a Nation imposed a horrid Sentence upon our children, though most of the Church will not repent of it. – cf. Matthew 18:6
• SOCIAL LIFE. “Socializing and entertaining looks completely different than it used to, and that’s ok. Gone are the days of 3 families coming over for a Shabbat dinner or lunch. No more massive quantities of food for everyone to share.” Thus, we either Adapt, or Pretend that it’s all a Great Hoax to be resisted at the barricades, all the time recognizing the reality that Governments will surely use this as excuse to impose greater restrictions on our freedoms. Can you say, ‘Kobayashi Maru, boys and girls? God’s Quandary is all about us, and only He has the Keys to unlock it. – cf. Revelation 1:18
• A VIRTUAL WORLD. “Zoom is here to stay. I have mixed feelings about this one, but I have fully accepted it and am choosing (at least for the purposes of this blog post) to look at the positives.” So have we lost the invaluable Gift of Touch in so many ways, forced to replace it with ‘distance learning,’ and ‘virtual business,’ and even ‘online relationships’ more and more. Perhaps, just perhaps, to encourage each of us to Turn Heavenward to Establish (or Re-establish) Divine Relationship to the only One who can Repair and Restore all this. – cf. Isaiah 41:10
IN SUM. So it is, beloved, that we have entered a fierce and historic Window, careening us toward The Eschaton, the exact timing of which is known only to God. All of it designed for Three Great Purposes: (I) To Prepare humanity for the Lord’s Return; (II) To Warn or Punish the wicked and reprobate, giving them a Final Opportunity to Repent; and (III) to Reward the Faithful with ‘A New Song’ to sing midst all this Present Darkness, best explained in the words of the ancient Jewish Prophet.
“Arise [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you—rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and dense darkness [all] peoples, but the Lord shall arise upon you [O Jerusalem], and His glory shall be seen on you. And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” – ISAIAH 60:1-3
LIGHTS TO THE DARKNESS. Now do you see it, beloved? As I have said it so many times now: This is intended by our God to be our Finest Hour. Or our most Shameful.
It is up to us whether we shall Sing that exuberant ‘New Song,’ or a Last Days Dirge.
“And will not [our just] God defend and avenge His elect [His chosen ones] who cry out to Him day and night? Will He delay [in providing justice] on their behalf? I tell you that He will defend and avenge them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find [this kind of persistent] faith on the earth?” – JESUS OF NAZARETH, LUKE 18:7-8, AMPC
“O sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing to the Lord, bless (affectionately praise) His name; show forth His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous works among all the peoples.” – PSALM 96:1-3 AMPC
As is my practice, let us drill down into the TWO KEY IDEAS from this magnificent Promise for these Last Times – for all those who Choose them.
• A NEW SONG. From the Hebrew term, ‘Chadash’ [חָדָשׁ]: “Something new or fresh; as with a new king, a new spirit, new garments, new gates [through which to pass]; also, new judges, a new sword or new glory; something that is old and in disrepair, to now be Rebuilt or Repaired (to its true strength and grandeur).” By Implication: A new confidence, strength and gladness. Selah.
• DECLARE HIS GLORY. This the Ultimate Purpose for the painful trials and tribulations in our lives. From the Hebrew, ‘Saphar’ [סָפַר]: “To recount or relate; as with a scribe who writes and then proclaims His marvelous doings in your life; also as with Ezra, learned in the Law; to inscribe or mark well; also, to celebrate in the telling of it; to make known His mighty deeds [with a new exuberance and impact].”
COMMENTARY. Now this from a favorite classic scholar. “[A song of praise] adopted in Revelation 5:9; Revelation 14:3. The term apparently marked the Revival of National Psalmody after the Captivity. ‘Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare…Sing unto the Lord a new song.’” – CHARLES ELLICOTT, ‘An Old Testament Commentary for English Readers,’ 1897; edited
Now here is what I think it means for us, beloved.
• ONE: There is a Revival Coming, though not to the entire Nation or the Church, but to ‘The Remnant’ that will not bend a knee to Man nor Beast, but only to Yeshua.
• TWO: This Revival is preceded by a Signal Event – Jesus Christ’s Opening of The Six Seals of Revelation Chapter 6, followed in Chapter 7 by the collective shouts of the 144,000 Jews sealed as Witnesses for the Great Tribulation in unmistakable ways.
Listen to the two passages taken together, referenced by Mr. Ellicott.
“And [now] they [the four living creatures and twenty four elders in Heaven] sing a new song, saying, ‘You are worthy to take the scroll and to break the seals that are on it, for You were slain (sacrificed), and with Your blood You purchased men unto God from every tribe and language and people and nation’…
And they [also] sang a new song before the throne [of God] and before the four living creatures and before the elders [of the heavenly Sanhedrin]. No one could learn [to sing] that song except the 144,000 who had been ransomed (purchased, redeemed) from the earth.” – REVELATION 5:9, 14:3;
THE POINT. We are being PREPARED in so many ways, my friends, to Sing our own Victory Song reserved just for us, for that ‘Finest Hour,’ that ‘Five Minute Ministry’ for which we were prepared since before the very foundations of the world. Our Last Mission, if you will, for these ‘End of Days.’
For those who Choose it, however, and no others. An epochal Index of the most Terrible Responsibility ever given to Mankind: Freedom to Choose our Destiny, both temporal and eternal.
I begin to close on a reminder of the Key Concept of God’s Covenant with His true followers, both Jewish and Christian: ‘CHOSENNESS.’
• THE JEWS. From the Hebrew term, ‘Bachir’ [בָּחִיר]: “God’s elect; those appointed to be excellent, acceptable, select [or unique]; chosen or designated by God to salvation; predestinated to glory as the end, and to sanctification as the means; usually with a plural signification; ‘set apart’ as a peculiar church and people.”
• THE CHRISTIANS. From the Greek, ‘Ekelktos’ [ἐκλεκτός]: “Select, by implication favorite; chosen out, elect, choice, select, sometimes as substitute of those ‘chosen out by God’ for the rendering of special service to Him (of the Hebrew race, particular Hebrews, the Messiah, and the Christians); the preeminent; given favor or preference.”
As with David, do we wonder out loud: ‘Who am I, O Lord, that you should be mindful of me and my house, to bring me this far?’ – 2 SAMUEL 7:18
THE BUY-IN. Now most churches I have attended over the centuries have taught me that ‘all’ believers in Christ enjoy this special status and their attendant benefits. I do not. I repeat, I do not, and neither does the Text, properly understood.
GRACE VS. DUTY. I know I shall likely take some serious hits for dealing with this in so short a space here, but I have grown weary of the Hyper-Grace nonsense taught in churches, that implies that it doesn’t really matter what you do with your Christian Life. – You are good to go, virtually no matter what.
In resisting that False Doctrine, I borrow from the Church of God Interpretation, that offers I think the most Balanced Reconciliation of the Doctrines of Free Will and Election I have yet read. But, you have to wait for it!
Yes, beloved, I have fashioned for us a nearly shameless but strategic Namesake: ‘A Cliff Hanger,’ to entice you into the Second Installment of our study. And more, since it deserves the time and space and effort required to give it a fair hearing.
CODA. To conclude, then, here is Harbinger of where we shall take up next time, from the Opening Psalm of King David addressed to the crucial matter of Integrity. I give you the entire core Text, for your mediation and preparation for next time.
“Blessed (happy, fortunate, prosperous, and enviable) is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly [following their advice, their plans and purposes], nor stands [submissive and inactive] in the path where sinners walk, nor sits down [to relax and rest] where the scornful [and the mockers] gather.
But his delight and desire are in the Law of the Lord, and on His Law (the precepts, the instructions, the teachings of God) he habitually meditates (ponders and studies) by day and by night.
And he shall be like a tree firmly planted [and tended] by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper [and come to maturity].
Not so the wicked [those disobedient and living without God are not so]. But they are like the chaff [worthless, dead, without substance] which the wind drives away.
Therefore the wicked [those disobedient and living without God] shall not stand [justified] in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous [those who are upright and in right standing with God].” – PSALM 1:1-5, AMPC
SELAH. Think on these wonderful things indeed, beloved, and we shall see where He may next take us – If we want Him to.
Ever your servant, DK
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