“Blessed (happy, fortunate, prosperous, and enviable) is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly [following their advice, their plans and purposes], nor stands [submissive and inactive] in the path where sinners walk, nor sits down [to relax and rest] where the scornful [and the mockers] gather.” – PSALM 1:1, AMPC


“Perhaps we are not following Christ all the way or in the right spirit. We are likely, for example, to be a little sparing of the palms and hosannas. We are chary of wielding the scourge of small cords, lest we should offend somebody or interfere with trade. We do not furnish up our wits to disentangle knotty questions about Sunday observance and tribute money, nor hasten to sit at the feet of the doctors, both hearing them and asking them questions.” – DOROTHY L. SAYERS,  ‘Letters to a Diminished Church: Passionate Arguments for the Relevance of Christian Doctrine,’ 2004 (1957); edited

“An error in the Doctrine of God will have inevitable consequences in the sphere of action, of moral behaviour, of the polity of the Church, and of basic culture and social organization. A change in the Doctrine of the Trinity in either of these directions cannot help but have political consequences.” – JOSEPH P. FARRELL, Author of ‘The Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit (The Fathers of the Church),’ 2005; edited

“When you go out to die on the Cross you bid good-by—you’re not going back! If we would preach more of this and stop trying to make the Christian life so easy it’s contemptible, we would have more converts that would last. Get a man converted who knows that if he joins Jesus Christ he’s finished, and that while he’s going to come up and live anew, as far as this world’s concerned he’s not going back—then you have a Real Christian indeed.” – A. W. TOZER, ‘Total Commitment to Christ: What Is It?’ Undated (c. 1964); edited


  • Trump trashes WWII war dead – “Losers and Suckers”
  • Election up for grabs – Or is it?
  • Would do anything to win, even start a war. – Cohen
  • Covid-19 confusion everywhere – and Winter is coming.
  • 40 million Americans out of work.

Selah. Selah.


Based on my long experience as a follower of the Jewish Messiah over a 40-year Pilgrimage, this is what I have learned about the standard Christian Discipleship Model, from The American Church.

  • ONE: We come to Christ by saying “The Sinners Prayer” in a meaningful and sincere manner, usually led by another Christian to teach us how to pray the prayer of salvation. 
  • TWO: Jesus then proceeds to Renew us over a period of time, molding us into His image more and more. 
  • THREE: We begin to thereby enjoy a brand-new life, gradually accumulating more of His Benefits along the way. 
  • FOUR: We must learn to practice some Basic Disciplines, including: A “Quiet Time” with God each day; Attending church regularly; Learning and memorizing Scripture; Hanging out only with other Christians; And occasionally Witnessing whenever we can. 
  • FIVE: After which as the new believer gets “Discipled” by a layperson from the church, during which they are enthusiastically encouraged to go out and ‘Enjoy the good life’ promised by God in Christ Jesus.

SAY WHAT? Now these Five Steps sound about right, but I am going to Shatter the Illusion that this is True Christian Life and Faith. And I will do so by Redefining this False Model as what I and others characterize as a distinctly American form of “Cultural Christianity.”

We turn now to one Writer’s canny Introduction of what this means, in an upsetting piece diagnosing just why the American Church has made so little difference in the last several generations. And why it has Defaulted into the World Camp in so many ways, that it becomes difficult to calculate – or arrest at this point.


Freelance Christian journalist ALYSSA ROAT takes us where most of us don’t wish to go.

“Being a Christian in the First Century was Countercultural. Christians were persecuted, killed, and even fed to beasts for sport in the Roman Coliseum. To be a Christian, a person had to be willing to give up everything for Christ.

However, as time went on, Christianity became more acceptable. In 313, Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, declaring Christianity legal in the Empire. By the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church held more power than most secular rulers in Europe. Even once the 1800s hit and the United States of America continued to grow, Americans considered the country a ‘Christian Nation.’

It became comfortable to be a Christian. It was respected, even expected. Folks could freely call themselves “Christian” (even if they’d never prayed) just because their family and neighbors were Christians. But as cultural Christianity rose, biblical Christianity suffered. The lines between the two became blurred. So what is the difference?” 

AMERICAN CHRISTIANITY. Roat answers her own Searing Question via a surgical bullet-point of Five Key Indicators of what she and I believe the American believer has become, and what our Churches continue to produce: Spiritual Eunuchs. 

  1. ANYONE CAN BE A CULTURAL CHRISTIAN. “Renowned atheist and scientist Richard Dawkins (author of ‘The God Delusion’ and ‘Outgrowing God,’ among many other books) has on several occasions identified himself as a ‘Cultural Christian.’ He recognizes the Benefits of Christian morality and celebrations, though he does not [truly] believe in God and is outspoken against Religion…

On the other hand, Biblical Christianity is nothing less than a commitment to serving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, the Son of God, and surrendering oneself to Him for salvation and forgiveness.”

  1. CULTURAL CHRISTIANITY IS COMFORTABLE. “In a ‘Christian’ Nation that generally adheres to Christian Principles of treating people well and striving for peace and justice, it’s comfortable to ‘claim’ Christianity. There are no downsides socially, and it means that one can look to Religion for comfort when necessary. In this case, cultural Christianity is often called ‘Moralistic Therapeutic Deism.’ This belief is usually not clearly expressed, but involves a belief in a loving, mostly hands-off God who wants everyone to be nice to each other and happy. This God might occasionally step in to help when needed if a person asks. Good people go to Heaven, and most people are categorized as ‘good.’ Sin doesn’t figure much into the picture. 

In contrast, Biblical Christianity requires something of believers. God is not a genie who grants wishes when needed and spends the rest of his time happily in the lamp. He is an immense, powerful God intimately involved in the minutiae of the world who places demands on His people. He is not ‘Okay with whatever’ as long as people get along. He condemns sin and enacts justice.”

  1. CULTURAL CHRISTIANITY IS MORE ABOUT OUTWARD APPEARANCE THAN PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP TO CHRIST. “Cultural Christianity embraces being pleasant, gathering with other friendly people, and enjoying the benefits of a comfortable social environment. The Cultural Christian might even have a fish bumper sticker and attend church from time to time. However, this cultural Christianity misses out on the most important aspect of Christianity. Biblical Christianity emphasizes a relationship with Christ. 

What defines a Christian is not who one associates with or how often one sets foot in a church. Rather, it is the Relationship one has with the Risen Christ and God the Father. A Biblical Christian is defined by communication with and submission to God. Those who adhere to only Cultural Christianity miss out on the true Joy of Christianity: Knowing God.”

  1. CULTURAL CHRISTIANITY PICKS AND CHOOSES. “When Culture and Christianity clash, the Cultural Christian adjusts his or her worldview accordingly. Cultural Christianity focuses on passages about loving everyone and a caring God and ignores passages about sin, death, and repentance. When Directives in the Bible don’t line up with what the Cultural Christian wants to do, a person will Rationalize that God doesn’t care, as long as they’re a nice person. When Culture dismisses Claims of the Bible as fanciful, such as the Miracles and Divinity of Jesus, the Cultural Christian is often willing to acknowledge Jesus as a “good man” or the historical books of the Old Testament as moralistic tales rather than history. 

Biblical Christianity embraces the fullness of the Bible, even when it is unpopular or uncomfortable. Biblical Christianity puts the Bible first, Culture second. All of the Bible is considered the true, inspired Word of God (see Hebrews 4:12).”

  1. CULTURAL CHRISTIANITY REQUIRES LITTLE SACRIFICE. “It doesn’t take much to claim the label of Christianity. Being a “nice person” doesn’t take much either; a nice person tends to get what he or she wants. Being nice and tolerant leads to acceptance from culture, as does putting in the occasional hours of community service or donating a few dollars to a worthy cause. 

However, Jesus didn’t say Christianity would be easy. He said, ‘Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow Me’ (Luke 9:23). Jesus also expected that Christianity would be hard to swallow: ‘If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you’ (John 15:18-19).”

IN SUM. I love Ms. Roat’s Close: “Being a Biblical Christian is more than believing; it means giving up everything to God. Though God may require different things from different people, He will never accept being an afterthought. God demands to be the Center of our lives. All actions and thoughts are to be informed by allegiance to Him; He is to be our greatest joy and fulfilment.” – ALYSSA ROAT, “What’s the Difference Between Biblical and Cultural Christianity?” ‘Crosswalk,’ July 16, 2019; edited

Yeah. What she said.


In stunning contrast to the Cultural Christianity articulated above, let us now consider a more Historic Church Model Americans hear virtually nothing about today. These Distinctions are originiate for the most part in Catholic Ecclesiology, but are broadly recognized as useful by most Protestant Denominations as well.

The following adapted from a combination of sources, including: Charlton T. Lewis, ‘An Elementary Latin Dictionary,’ 1890; compendium by ‘Wikipedia,’ July 22, 2020; eted

  • THE CHURCH MILITANT. “From (Latin: ‘Ecclesia Militans’), which consists of Christians on earth who Struggle as ‘soldiers of Christ’ against sin, the Devil, and ‘the rulers of the world of this Darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.’” – cf. EPHESIANS 6:12
  • THE CHURCH TRIUMPHANT. “From (Latin: Ecclesia triumphans), which consists of those who have the Beatific Vision (of true salvation) and are in Heaven. Those who constitute the Church Triumphant rejoice eternally in the Glory of God.” – cf. EPHESIANS 5:13

THE TRUE CHURCH. Clearly, this Traditional View of the Christian-as-Soldier in God’s Army is not what we typically hear in the Pulpits of today, whether Protestant or Catholic. It boldly presents a Sacred Analogy between a ‘Warrior for Christ’ and a member of the Military, who signs on, in the words of the Apostle Paul, to ‘Fight the Good Fight,’ brilliantly captured in his Letter to the then young Timothy:

“For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.” – EPHESIANS 6:12, AMPC

THE FALSE CHURCH. Leading us once again to Compare this with the Anemic Vision of ‘Christians as nice little folks,’ who would dare not raise their voice nor any action to oppose anything. Ever. Ever.

‘Be Nice.’

“For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.” – 2 TIMOTHY 1:7, AMPC

ILLUSTRATION. During the 1980s while teaching at Regent University, we hosted a guest talk by Christian historian and theologian, Dr. Ron Sider, pacifist and social justice champion, who was to address the students and faculty on matters pertaining to Christian Resistance of Evil.

One of the young law students, an African American woman, posed a hypothetical situation for him to address, that on reflection was most prescient. ‘Presume,’ she said, ‘that America has been commandeered by Fascists who come banging on your door late one night, demanding to seize your wife and children. What would you do?’ 

HIS ANSWER virtually sucked all the air out of the entire room in an instant: “Well, I would show them where my family was hiding, in obedience to the State [citing Romans 13:1-2].” 

Selah, with great lamentation.

THE COUNTERCULTURAL CHRISTIAN. Now to the True Christian who does well to furiously Reject this perilously distorted theology, or Ideology actually, of Dr. Sider’s.

I very much like the way Westminster Theological Seminary Professor of New Testament DAVID BRIONES defined our Historic Charge to us all, far too lost from so many sermons in today’s Church.

“One of the things I love most about Paul is the way he frequently brings out a particularly simple truth in his writings: because the Gospel is Countercultural, Christians ought to be a Countercultural people. After all, the Gospel is not just something that we think about. It’s something we live out. We are Conformed to the Message of the Gospel. More specifically, we are Conformed to the Person of Jesus Christ in the Gospel (Romans 8:29). This Gospel Message is at odds with the messages of the world. The Way of the Cross diametrically Opposes the way of this world. Why? Because the very content of the Gospel of the Cross goes against the grain of Culture.” – “Should Christians Be Countercultural?” ‘Table Talk Magazine,’ April 2018; edited

THE QUESTION. So what does this mean for that Faithful Minority of the American Church who will not Bend to the Cultural Seductions? Or to put it in more theological parlance: 

What is Required of a True Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ?


Just this, for starters.

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God’s] own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” – 1 PETER 2:9, AMPC

So much rich Instruction here, in light of the Present Hour. So, let’s dig in as we begin to conclude our study.

  • CHOSEN RACE. There’s that word again – “Chosen” – that powerfully sets us apart from everything the World, the Flesh and the Devil can possibly introduce to our life. From the Greek, ‘Ekelktos’ [ἐκλεκτός]: “Select, by implication favorite (generation or nation of people); chosen out, elect, choice, select, sometimes as substitute of those ‘chosen out by God’ for the rendering of special service to Him (of the Hebrew race, particular Hebrews, the Messiah, and the Christians); the preeminent; given favor or preference.” – Isaiah 61:6; 1 Peter 2:9
  • ROYAL PRIESTHOOD. From the two Greek terms, ‘Basileios’ [βασίλειος], meaning “a body of kings” who belong to a Sacerdotal order, known as the ‘Hierateuma’ [ἱεράτευμα]: “Christians who are [so] called, because they have access to God and offer not external but ‘spiritual’ (πνευματικά) sacrifices; exalted to a moral rank and freedom which exempts them from the control of everyone but God and Christ.” Thus, they are endowed with all the Gifts required by Him to exercise their Great Commission of Truth and Love, with supernatural Power. – cf. 1 Corinthians 12:8-10; Ephesians 4:7-13
  • TO PROCLAIM GOD. From the Greek word, ‘Exaggelló’ [ἐξαγγέλλω]: “To tell out, declare, announce publicly; to publish abroad, divulge fully; to make known by praising or proclaiming, to celebrate; to declare with honor; as, to proclaim the name of the Lord, that is, to declare His perfections; also, to give official notice of, as in to warn.”

THE DISTINCTION. Therefore, only those believers in Christ who regularly fulfill these Divine Charges are members to what the Scriptures refer to as ‘A Holy Remnant,’ fit for service and yes, spiritual combat. All the more ‘Suited Up for such things, for these Perilous Last Days, but not suited for the timid, the compromised, nor the proud and self-sufficient. – cf. Ephesians 6:13-18

Now to our Final Consideration: The Heart of the Remnant.


Beyond all that has gone before, the one word that I think of when I ponder the notion of a Last Days Warrior-Priest for the King of kings, it is this.

INTREPIDITY. Defined by Webster’s famous Dictionary (1828) as: “An adjective [Latin ‘intrepidus’; ‘in’ and ‘trepidus,’ ‘trepido,’ to tremble.] Literally, not trembling nor shaking with fear; hence, fearless; bold; brave; undaunted; as an intrepid soldier [of God or man]; synonymous with such things as bold, courageous, valiant, gallant, daring, undaunted, resolute, stout-hearted.”

And as illustration, you’ll forgive an allusion to the other half of my family, the Scots surnamed Anderson, or “Sons of Anders or Andrew.” Here is fitting Tribute to the courage of the Highlanders, described in this piece by someone named APPOLUS in an online publication identified as, appropriately, ‘A Call to the Remnant: Scottish Warriors for Christ.’

THE HIGHLAND CHARGE. “There was a famous group of Warriors from the Highlands of Scotland. The ‘Highland Charge,’ was one of the most effective field combat strategies in the arsenal of the Scottish Army. Imagine facing hundreds of large screaming Highlanders coming at you at full tilt screaming their lungs out and swinging broad swords that measured six feet. Many armies who faced this charge simply broke ranks and fled. These front-line Warriors always took great casualties but they were Abandoned to the Battle and they died with honor. Are you Abandoned to the Battle that you have been called to? Is the fear of life or death, success or failure, your standing in the community or rejection holding you back from serving the Lord with all of your heart?…

Brothers and sisters, this is the Mark of the Genuine Saint, not that they are delivered from every situation but that they Glorify God despite their circumstances, even in matters of life and death. This is Normal Christianity. This is a Witness to the world.” – “The Warriors,” April 17, 2020; edited

WILLIAM WALLACE. To finish my argument, let’s first lay aside any Hollywood illusions we may have held about this courageous Man of Faith. Here is one historical review that will likely shock most of us into a fresh appreciation of the sometimes brutal ‘Cost of Discipleship’ (1937), as Bonhoeffer would write of it some 600 years later.

Adapted from JOHN FORDUN, ‘Chronicle of the Scottish Nation,’ 1872; as summarized by Craufuird C. Loudoun in ‘Christian Forums,’ December 16, 2004; edited

“The great Scots Chronicler, John of Fordun, who died in 1384, gives us a great insight into the spiritual character of Sir William Wallace. According to Fordun, Wallace attended to the needs of the sick and infirm and made sure that food and clothing was given to the poor. He looked after widows and orphans, came down heavily on crime and his greatest aversion was to treason. Crucially we are told he carried with him a personal Psalter at all times which in itself is a sign of piety. It is recorded that Wallace never missed public worship and was a frequent attendant at pilgrimages, especially to St. Margaret’s Shrine at Dunfermline. He was accompanied at all times by his personal confessor and lifelong friend, John Arnold Blair, a renowned Benedictine Monk and priest…

It is a matter of historic record that prior to his Execution, Wallace asked for a priest to administer the Last Rites of the Holy Church. Edward I of England roared his defiance that no-one was to go near Wallace. But England’s leading prelate, the Benedictine Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Winchelsea, stepped forward and said ‘The Church will not suffer any of her penitent children, whatsoever may have been his guilt, or to whatever country or kindred he may belong, to request the offices of a priest in his last moments and to be refused, and I myself will officiate, since none other is so near.’ 

Archbishop Robert Winchelsea then in defiance of his King gave Wallace the Last Rights of the Holy Church. Wallace next asked for a priest to hold open his personal Psalter, and while the cruel mode of killing took place, Wallace read the Psalms.”

Selah. Selah.

THE CHOICE. So once again, we come to this: What sort of Christian do you wish to be, beloved? The Options are eloquently presented by DAVID’S OPENING PSALM – ‘The New Song’ – if you want it. If you would have it, it is yours, but at some Cost.

“BLESSED (happy, fortunate, prosperous, and enviable) is the man who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly [following their advice, their plans and purposes], nor stands [submissive and inactive] in the path where sinners walk, nor sits down [to relax and rest] where the scornful [and the mockers] gather.

But his delight and desire are in the law of the Lord, and on His law (the precepts, the instructions, the teachings of God) he habitually meditates (ponders and studies) by day and by night.

And he shall be like a tree firmly planted [and tended] by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper [and come to maturity].

NOT SO WITH THE WICKED [those disobedient and living without God are not so]. But they are like the chaff [worthless, dead, without substance] which the wind drives away.

Therefore the wicked [those disobedient and living without God] shall not stand [justified] in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous [those who are upright and in right standing with God].” – PSALM 1:1-5, AMPC

CODA. Therefore do I end with this Paean in the form of the Scottish Highlands Battle Cry from Clan MacNeil in the 14th Century:

Buaidh no Bàs!” [BOO-aye nyoh BAHSS]– “Victory or death!”

Measure the cost. Pray for courage. Cover yourself and your loved ones in the Blood and Armor of God. Then Embark on the Greatest Adventure a human being could ever imagine, all you ‘Favored of Yahweh.’

The King is Coming, beloved, the King is Coming I tell you, and we’ve much to do before He arrives.

Ever your servant, DK



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Gratefully yours, 

Dr. Cliff “DK” Kelly

Digital Circuit Rider


Dr. Cliff Kelly
PO Box 62612
Colorado Springs, CO 80962



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