
SCRIPTURE. “Up, up! Flee from the land of the north,’ says the Lord; ‘for I have spread you abroad like the four winds of heaven,’ says the Lord. ‘Up, Zion! Escape, you who dwell with the daughter of Babylon.’” – ZECHARIAH 2:6-7, NKJV
SHINDLER. “Man in his arrogance always strives against his own nature and circumstances to bring together the different nations of the world and establish an Order that can facilitate some lofty ideal and he always fails. Just as Nimrod’s Tower fell, so did Alexander’s, Cyrus’s, Attila’s, and Napoleon’s. This sort of geopolitical project—even when buttressed by the best reasons and most noble goals—never succeeds.” ― Michael Shindler, Author, ‘The North American Anglican,’ ret. Oct. 31, 2022; edited
HILL, ET AL. “There will be a Falling Away from Scriptural Truth before the Return of Jesus Christ: The Harlot Church Mystery Babylon promotes blasphemy and spiritual fornication. They follow the Mystery Religions of Babylon. This is Eastern Mysticism and Western Esotericism. The Bible says, ‘Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to Him, we ask you, brothers, not to be easily disconcerted or alarmed by any spirit or message or a letter seeming to be from us, alleging that the Day of the Lord has already come. Let no one deceive you in any way, for it will not come until the Rebellion occurs and the Man of Lawlessness—the Son of Destruction—is revealed.’” – Dr. Gary Hill & Editors, ‘Berean Study Bible,’ 2016; Ref. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2; edited
CORONADO. “America, land of the free, home of the brave. Babylonia, land of deceit, home of the slave. It’s a ‘mirror effect,’ identifying an identity identical to past history.” ― Jose R. Coronado, ‘The Land Flowing With Milk And Honey,’ 2019
BABYLON. The very mention of the name conjures all sorts of dark images and thoughts and histories and mysteries.
It is the place, according to some esoteric historians, where the ancient Tyranny of Shinar’s King Nimrod, the first Biblical “mighty man” as possible reference to the Giants of the ancient Anakim, dominated the region. It was later to become the that place that produced the first legal Code of Hammurabi, developed in or around 1752 BC, fully 300 years before Moses was given The Law at Sinai. Finally, it is also the matriculated Last Babylon to be obliterated by a furious Jesus Christ at the very End of History.
Its powerful significance for us, therefore, is that it appears at the very Beginning of human existence, and then vastly later at its Terminus, weaving together millennia of rebellion, violence, death and wickedness on the earth. A number of Biblical scholars, of which I am one, trace Babylon all way back to Lucifer’s Fall from Heaven, the subsequent Fall of Man in the Garden of Eden, through the appearance and temporary rule of Satan’s Vice-Regent, the Antichrist, at ‘The Telos’ [τέλος] in the Greek:
“The End Aim or Purpose (of all things).”
THE THREE BABYLONS. So let’s drill down just a little more and introduce the three historic iterations of Babylon that we have just introduced. They all bear powerfully upon our topic today, and the America chillingly alluded to by Mr. Coronado that we see rapidly emerging today.
- NIMROD’S BABYLON. “Babylon was established by Nimrod, who was a mighty hunter and ruler on the Earth. He was the son of Cush, and his grandfather was Noah’s son Ham. Noah was Nimrod’s great grandfather. Hebrew sources claim that Nimrod was ‘a hunter of souls’ where he gathered men onto the plains of Shinar. Ancient scribes have also endorsed the idea that Nimrod was the world’s first conqueror. He supposedly had vast armies at his disposal, and when he began to enslave men for his kingdom, he decided to have them build a tower to the heavens. The Bible states that the people of the world all spoke one language during the time of Nimrod … He appears on the Bible Timeline during the 19th century BC. [Significantly], Nimrod’s name means ‘Rebel’ or ‘to rebel’ and Hebrew scholars state that ‘he lived his life in total defiance to the Lord.’ This ancient ruler hated God, and he wanted a man to be greater than the true Lord of Heaven. He preached rebellion and unbelief toward God, and he taught (or forced) the people to follow his example. Many of the false religious belief systems that dominated the spiritual lives of ancient men were started by Nimrod. His wife was supposed to have introduced these new gods to the evil ruler, and many of these gods continued to be followed by the ancients as they spread out from the land of Shinar.” – MARGARET HUNTER, “Nimrod Center of Babylon and Asshur,” ‘Amazing Bible Timeline,’ Oct. 26, 2012; edited
- HAMMURABI’S BABYLON. “More than 3,800 years after he took power, the ancient Babylonian King Hammurabi is best remembered for the Code of Hammurabi which was inscribed on human-sized stone pillars that he placed in the towns of his realm. But the system of 282 laws was just one of the achievements of a leader who turned Babylon, a city-state located 60 miles south of modern-day Baghdad, into the dominant power of ancient Mesopotamia. During his reign, which lasted from 1792 to his death in 1750 B.C., Hammurabi in many ways also served as a model for how to combine military power, diplomatic finesse and political skill to build and control an empire that stretched from the Persian Gulf inland for 250 miles along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Besides carving his laws in stone, ‘there are many other aspects to this king’s achievements,’ Columbia University history professor Marc Van De Mieroop writes in his 2005 book King Hammurabi of Babylon: A Biography. ‘He was a ruler, warrior, diplomat and administrator.’ Hammurabi became the region’s strongest ruler because he was ‘a shrewd statesman,’ according to Kelly-Anne Diamond, a visiting assistant history professor at Villanova University, whose expertise includes ancient Near Eastern history and archaeology. She explains how the ancient king deftly maneuvered his way to dominance. ‘Hammurabi had no issue with forming alliances and then breaking them as he saw fit,’ says Diamond. ‘He had a complex network of diplomats and spies working for him in order to be the most informed ruler in the area.’ For much of his reign, Hammurabi relied upon diplomacy to advance Babylonia’s interests, while building up his military. It wasn’t until later years that he ‘turned to force.’” – PATRICK J. KIGER, “How Hammurabi Transformed Babylon into a Powerful City-State,” History.com, Oct. 9, 2020; edited
- ANTICHRIST’S BABYLON. “Who or what is this Mystery that is written in all capital letters in many English Bibles? Does God’s Word reveal the answer? The Greek word ‘Mysterion’denotes ‘a Divine mystery or allegory that is now revealed’ (The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, 1979, Vol. 12, p. 556). The passage in Revelation 17 [Spiritual Babylon] is thus a revealing of the Mystery about an end-time entity that is also referred to elsewhere in the book of Revelation as ‘Great Babylon’ (16:19) and ‘Babylon the Great’ [Political Babylon] (18:2) … Christ’s explanation of Babylon the Great begins in Revelation 17:1: ‘Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters.’ This ‘Great Harlot’ is about to receive her judgment from Jesus Christ for her many sins. She is also called ‘THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS’ (verse 5), meaning that other harlots have come from her. The ‘waters’ that the Harlot sits on (mentioned in verse 1) are explained in verse 15 to be ‘peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues’ … Now that we understand that the Whore of Revelation 17 represents ‘a False Church,’ let’s examine what else Revelation 17 tells us about her … Revelation 17:6 says, ‘I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.’ This describes religious persecution directed against the saints of Jesus Christ. The next verse says, ‘I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her.’ This verse reveals that ‘this woman rides a Political Beast’ [the Antichrist’s Regime; cf. Rev. 18].” – JIM HAEFFELE, “Mystery Babylon the Great,” ‘Life, Hope & Truth,’ ret. Oct. 31, 2022; edited
DK’S TAKE. We have covered a massive amount of time and territory, but I want you to understand the inescapable thread that ties all three of these Babylons together: REBELLION. From the Angelic Revolt led by Satan in the Pre-Historic eons to the Fall in the Garden in the very First Century BC, through Nimrod’s subsequent Desecration of God’s Holy Order, to the very End Event of Mystery Babylon the Great.
This is the Common Denominator by which all Antichrist Movements are measured: Sedition against the Godhead!Selah.
I have been writing since 2017 that the end of history is racing toward us. I am so committed to this Thesis, that I included it as the subtitle of my first book published that year: ‘The Sixth Seal: A Pre-Wrath Commentary on the End of History as We Know it.’
Little did I know in proposing that rather muscular idea was a Corollary that this operationally defined the End of the Church Age as well. So let’s review a bit of theology and history here about what that more fully means.
THE TRUE CHURCH. The following section borrows heavily from the excellent review by the Editors at ‘Got Questions’ (ret. Nov. 1, 2022; edited).
“The Church is the Body of Christ, of which [Jesus Christ] is the Head. Ephesians 1:22–23 says, ‘And God placed all things under His feet and appointed Him to be head over everything for the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills everything in every way.’ The Body of Christ is made up of all believers in Jesus Christ from the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) until Christ’s Return. Biblically, we may regard the Church in two ways: as the Universal Church or as the Local Church.”
But to this I must add a third distinction: THE TRUE VS. THE FALSE CHURCH. In this hour of massive apostasy from orthodoxy, I would be unforgivably remiss if I did not carve this distinction with very sharp lines before we proceed. And so doing I came across an excellent and concise essay by BRANDON CLAY a Reformed Baptist theologian.
THE FALSE CHURCH. “[W]here the Word of God and true Gospel is not honored or taught, where the sacraments are not properly administered, and where Church discipline is not faithfully exercised … The marks, by which the True Church is known [therefore], are these: (1) If the pure doctrine of the Gospel is preached therein; (2) If she maintains the pure administration of the Sacraments as instituted by Christ; (3) If Church discipline is exercised in punishing of sin.” – “What Is a False Church?” ‘Truth Story,’ Aug. 19, 2018; edited
Our present Great Struggle is found right in the center of this ongoing ‘Distinction’ between the True Church and the False Church. Here in America especially, this is vital to the survival of our Constitutional Republic, America was largely founded upon sound Christian political principles.
To paraphrase the great French political observer, ALEXIS DE TOQUEVILLE (‘Democracy in America,’ 1835, 1840): ‘America is great because America is good. America will cease being great when America ceases being good.
THE PRESENT PERIL. “Children, ‘it is the last hour’ [the end of this age]; and just as you heard that the Antichrist is coming [the one who will oppose Christ and attempt to replace Him], even now many antichrists (false teachers) have appeared, which confirms our belief that it is the last hour.” – JOHN THE APOSTLE, 1 John 2:18, Amplified
There is so much packed into this one package that it takes one’s breath away. Then when you combine it with what follows through verse 23 that many who claimed to be of us, were in fact – “not of us” – we quickly grasp the gravity of what John is writing here and the Hour to which it refers.
Our hour, beloved, right now!
The Greek term used here for “hour,” is ‘Hóra’ [ὥρα], or: The extreme, utter, outermost ‘moment’ of time or history; the ‘instant’ when the Last Sunset is about to take place, bringing the ‘Time of Day’ [Church Age] to its end (cf. Jn. 9:4).
I trust you are getting the sense of peaked urgency here, that if it is not just me writing this, The Hour is not only nearly fully upon us, but it holds the most severe consequences known to Mankind firmly in its Divine Grip:
Eternal Life or Eternal Death. Selah.
SCRIPTURE. “Up, up! Flee from the land of the north,’ says the Lord; ‘for I have spread you abroad like the four winds of heaven,’ says the Lord. ‘Up, Zion! Escape, you who dwell with the daughter of Babylon.’” – ZECHARIAH 2:6-7, NKJV
Before I get to the more surprising if not shocking information related to this passage, let us go to the MAIN IDEAS for conceptual clarity.
- ESCAPE! From the Hebrew, ‘Nus’ [נוּס]: “To flee quickly; put to flight; slip away or vanish; hide; leap out in order to be left alone; like a bird escaping the fowler; as in fleeing for one’s life as Lot was told to do; rescued from death or punishment; the word is used to describe protection; it also means to give birth to a child; also, to lift up a standard.”
- DAUGHTER OF BABYLON. Derived from the word, ‘Bath’ [בַּת]:“‘Denoting character, daughter of a strange god, i.e. idolatrous (woman or people; Malachi 2:11); daughter of a troop, i.e. war-like city (Micah 4:14, Ecclesiastes 12:4); the daughters of song, i.e. songs, melodious notes; a branch or company [practicing illicit activities that bring either shame or confusion or both].”
COMMENTARY. “If God will build Jerusalem for the people and their comfort, they must inhabit it for Him and His glory. The promises and privileges with which God’s people are blessed, should engage us to join them, ‘whatever it costs us.’ When Zion is enlarged to make room for all God’s Israel, it is the greatest madness for any of them to stay in Babylon. The captivity of a sinful state is by no means to be continued in, though a man may be easy in worldly matters.
‘Escape for thy life,’ look not behind thee! Christ has proclaimed that deliverance to the captives, which He has Himself wrought out, and ‘it concerns every one to resolve that sin shall not have dominion over him.’ Those who would be found among ‘God’s children, must save themselves from this world’ (see Acts 2:40). What Christ will do for His Church, shall be an evident proof of God’s care and affection. He that touches you, touches the apple of His eye. This is a strong expression of God’s love to His Church. He takes what is done against her as done against the tenderest part of the eye, to which the least touch is a great offence. Christ is sent to be the Protector of His Church.” – MATTHEW HENRY, ‘Exposition of the Old and New Testaments, 6 vols., 1708- 1710; edited
THE LAST THREE EVENTS. Carefully consider the following Key Passage that quite literally defines The Sequence of the events to complete the Church Age.
“Now, brethren, ‘concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him,’ we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless ‘the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed,’ the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.” -2 THESSALONIANS 2:1-4, NKJV
This crucial Scripture clearly specifies a Three Phase Sequence of, as my book said it in 2017: ‘The End of History as We Know It.’
- REBELLION. Clearly, inarguably, the Great Falling Away precedes everything else in this passage. The remarkable thing about this is that it is already happening all around us in a torrent of ‘Apostasy’ everywhere in the American Church. This means we are very, very close beloved, to Final Events of this part of the Eschaton.
- RISE. Here we find a much clearer interpretation that cuts through all the confusion about when ‘Antichrist is to be revealed.’ I propose that it will be in Two Stages:First, The Apostasy operationally separates the Wheat from the Chaff, permitting the Lord to reveal who Antichrist is to His ‘true’ followers (Luke 3:17). Second, however, the Chaff have no idea of his identity, and actually become servile to this False Christ who they believe to be to be ‘The One.’
- RESCUE. When this Grand Threshing is complete, every true member of Christ’s Remnant, the Wheat, is soon thereafter “swept into His Barn” (Matt. 3:12), there to be forever with the King of Glory. His thunderous Appearance shatters the historic time-space continuum, and the world catches its first direct glimpse of the Face of the furious Lion of Judah about to Judge all the nations. – cf. Matt. 13:30; Rev. 6:16
Now we are ready to consider one of the great questions of the age: Who is “The Daughter of Babylon?” Some of you will be shocked to learn the answer, others of you already know.
I first began considering the then outrageous idea of America being connected with Ancient Babylon and the subsequent prophecies of End Times Babylon during the 1980s. It was DAVID WILKERSON who got me thinking in these directions after reading ‘The Vision’ published in 1973 and ‘Set the Trumpet to Thy Mouth’ in 1985.
While a number of Wilkerson’s predictions have not yet come to pass, I believe increasingly that God in fact showed him what was coming to America fully 50 years before its onset. So this particular section will speak indeed outrageous things about America that I simply cannot remain silent about any longer.
THESIS: I now believe that America is ‘the Daughter of Babylon.’ I will try to prove this in what follows by appeals to Scripture, to reason, to history, and to current events. I cannot make a prima facie case (that’s why it is a “Thesis”), but I can make a reasonable one for your prayerful consideration.
Two other voices that would agree with Wilkerson’s fiery reproofs were LEONARD RAVENHILL, author of ‘America is Too Young to Die’ (1979) and DEREK PRINCE via his steady critiques of America’s warm and fuzzy, lifeless sermons. It is as if these voices alone were commissioned to Blast God’s Trumpet to a chronically materialistic, lukewarm, and impotent Church.
And now the Dark Consequences of America’s shameless diffidence are upon us, beloved, in measure we had not dared to conceive.
ALLEN BONCK. Former electrical engineer and now Bible scholar specializing in End Time matters, Bonck published his first major work, ‘America, Daughter of Babylon’ in 2008. Here are a few excerpts from his important book.
- “The Biblical prophecies concerning the fall of Babylon, as found in the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Revelation have never been fulfilled in history. Thus, we look for ‘Another Babylon.’ A nation in which will fit the Biblical description, and exist during the correct time period.”
- “The following is a partial list of the identifying descriptions of this other Babylon: (1) This nation will exist at the same time as the restoration of a Jewish State in the land of Israel. (2) The national symbol will be an eagle. (3) She is the greatest economic (wealthy) nation in the world. (4) She is the world’s largest consumer nation, purchasing the world’s manufactured goods. (5) She is the world’s most powerful military nation. (6) She is a nation of mingled people; people from many nations woven together. (7) She is a golden cup in the Lord’s hand. A nation used to bless the rest of the world. (&) A nation where the Jewish people will immigrate and prosper.”
S. DOUGLAS WOODWARD. Dr. Woodward, who holds advanced degrees in both finance and theology, recently published a compelling two-part essay entitled, “Ten Reasons Why America May Be the Daughter of Babylon” (‘Faith Happens,’ Aug. 20, Sep. 13, 2012; edited).
He wisely begins by citing his BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS before proceeding to the actual analysis.
- “Daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy [shall he be], that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.” (Psalm 137:8)
- “Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground: [there is] no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate.” (Isaiah 47:1)
- “They shall hold the bow and the lance: they [are] cruel, and will not shew mercy: their voice shall roar like the sea, and they shall ride upon horses, [every one] put in array, like a man to the battle, against thee, O daughter of Babylon.” (Jeremiah 50:42)
- “For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; The daughter of Babylon [is] like a threshing floor, [it is] time to thresh her: yet a little while, and the time of her harvest shall come.” (Jeremiah 51:33)
- “Deliver thyself, O Zion, that dwellest [with] the daughter of Babylon.” (Zechariah 2:7)
THE TEN REASONS. Based on those passages, Dr. Woodward specifies the detailed rationale flowing from them. I particularly appreciated his standing away from and against such predecessors as HAL LINDSEY and TIM LAHAYE, who in his opinion (and my own) have done serious damage to the proper interpretation of sound Biblical eschatology.
- America’s Historical Religious Aspirations Reflect Babylonian Religion. “‘In Power Quest, Book One: America’s Obsession with the Paranormal,’ I lay the groundwork for the identification of America with the Daughter of Babylon by tracing how America’s ‘natural’ spiritual inclinations have influenced the world toward Paganism.”
- America’s National Symbols Reflect Egyptian Paganism. Tom Horn, Rob Skiba, and many other contemporary authors have pointed out the many and amazing references built into our Nation’s Capital City … This ‘tour by force’ [Dan Brown’s ‘The Lost Symbol’] educates the reader on the many aspects of how the Nation’s seat of power was conceived by George Washington and Charles L’Enfant to reflect the great capitals of Europe, particularly, Rome and Athens, connecting America’s ideals with the ‘Great Work’ of Freemasonry and the symbols of Egypt.”
- America’s Inclusion of Nazi Socialism Corrupted Our Government. “‘Power Quest, Book Two: The Ascendancy of the Antichrist in America,’ centers on the incursion of German National Socialists (Nazis) into the United States (and more broadly, the entire Western hemisphere) after World War II. The thesis stated succinctly: ‘America knowingly and intentionally invited the spirit of Antichrist into our land’. Out of fear, we were motivated to fight Soviet Communism and stave off atheistic Marxism. However, in our drive to safeguard our society we enabled the occultic (even satanic) powers of the Nazis to infest many of our most vital governmental institutions.”
- America’s world dominance in finance isn’t likely to be transferred to another nation before the Lord Returns. “America is the most dominant financial powerhouse in the world [a/o 2012]. There really is no contest here … The Babylon of Revelation 17 and 18 is many things. But it is most essentially ‘a dominating economic center’ with which all the ‘kings of the earth’ cooperate. ‘For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies’ (Revelation 18:3). When she is destroyed suddenly and absolutely it brings the economy of the world to a precipice it will never bridge.”
Author Note. After publishing these first four of what I consider to be compelling reasons for our attention, Dr. Woodward simply stopped middle course and did not complete the essay containing the final six reasons. I have no explanation for this, but somehow it does not surprise me, given the volatility of the topic. Selah.
TRIGGER’S VIEW. To help fill in the blanks then, I came across a rather exceptional essay by a young man named “Trigger” who holds a master of theology (Th.M.) degree in New Testament from Duke University Divinity School, and a master of divinity (M.Div.) from Fuller Theological Seminary. Claims he “geeks out” on Pauline theology, hermeneutics, Christian ethics, and music.
Oh yes, and he revels in Truth, bigtime! I like him. Taken from his lucid blog entitled, “Is America a ‘New Israel’ or a ‘New Babylon’?: Knowing the Difference Makes All of the Difference” (‘Sites Duke Edu,’ Jan. 16, 2017; edited).
“As a practicing Christian, there are few seasons in America more dangerous for the life and witness of the Church than a presidential election cycle. Every four years latent disagreements turn into a religious civil war with Christian sisters and brothers turning against one another …
While I could offer myriad critiques of the ways Christians politick in America, perhaps one of the most significant mistakes made is the most subtle: Using the wrong scriptural metaphor to understand the relationship between the Church and the United States. Bluntly speaking, too many Christians either tacitly or explicitly assume that the U.S. is like a new Israel, a Christian nation, when in reality the better metaphor is America as Babylon …
Such a model is not a call for Christians to withdraw from political or social engagement in America. In a pluralistic society such as ours, it is simply the recognition that America invites us to the political table, but that table is not ours or something that we should try to use to coerce others to worship our god. ‘It is a secular table’ that invites us and many others to it. And as long as we are allowed at that table and are not asked or expected to violate what God calls us to as a people, then we should be there with everyone else …
[But] Because Christians already have a King and are a part of a political body (the Church) that determines and instantiates how they should live in the world with one another as well as others, they cannot claim the United States of America with its Enlightenment values as something of ultimate importance or that it is of Jesus. In a society like America where there are large numbers of Christians living with and among people of all kinds of creeds, beliefs, and philosophies, this should ideally help mitigate some of the difficulties of not agreeing in important ways of constitutes ‘the Good Life’ …
Governments can do plenty of good in the world and should be asked and compelled to do so. But they will always only be bandages–even if some are really good ones–in a world that cannot help but continually cut itself. Any ultimate healing will only come from somewhere/Someone else and that healing and its proclamation are ‘the Church’s first obligation’ to embody and proclaim. In the case of America, Christians will only do this well when they acknowledge and accept that they are ‘resident aliens’ within America, not synonymous or coterminous with it.”
I simply cannot add a single word of critique to this young man and or his canny accuracy about the historic role of the Christian in a secular world and yes, in a secular American nation.
Because I have said all that I could possibly say, however controversially, about this in a relatively short space, I’m going to close this time with THREE SCRIPTURES that I believe the Lord led me to for a proper conclusion to these important matters.
They would come under the heading: How May I Finish Well? All three passages rendered in the Amplified version.
- RESCUE SOME. “But you, beloved, build yourselves up on [the foundation of] your most holy faith [continually progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], pray in the Holy Spirit, and keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously and looking forward to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ [which will bring you] to eternal life. And have mercy on some, who are doubting; save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy but with fear, loathing even the clothing spotted and polluted by their shameless immoral freedom.” – JUDE 1:20-23
- BE COURAGEOUS. “‘But now be courageous, Zerubbabel,’ declares the Lord, ‘be courageous also, Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and be courageous, all you people of the land,’ declares the Lord, ‘and work; for I am with you,’ declares the Lord of hosts. ‘As for the promise which I made with you when you came out of Egypt, My Spirit stands [firm and immovable] and continues with you; do not fear!’” – HAGGAI 2:4-5
- NEVER COMPROMISE! “But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile (taint, dishonor) himself with the king’s finest food or with the wine which the king drank; so he asked the commander of the officials that he might [be excused so that he would] not defile himself. Now God granted Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the commander of the officials.” -DANIEL 1:8-9
CODA. “Never compromise!” And everyone in the American Church says, “Amen!” Indeed, the Message for today is, “Flee Babylon!” And again God’s people shout, “Yes, and amen!” until you tell them exactly what that means, by the Canon, and the sanctuaries of America well chillingly silent.
So I leave you with Three Words that will keep you from fatal spiritual compromise:
REJECT TRUMP NATIONALISM! Do it now. Do it today. Counsel your family members and your closest friends to do the same. Without delay. Praying always that God would give you both the courage and the manner of it. Do this for the love and honor of His Mighty Name. Or put Him to further shame.
I believe this to be the most important decision you will ever make as an American Christian for both perpetuity and even Eternal Life.
Ever your servant, DK.