SCRIPTURE. “Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘If you will walk in My ways [that is, remain faithful] and perform My service, then you will also govern My house and have charge of My courts, and I will give you free access [to My presence] among these who are standing here.” – ZECHARIAH 3:7, AMP


  • “WALK.” ‘Yalak’ [יָלַךְ]: “A primitive root meaning, variously:‘To bear, bring, carry away, come away, depart, flow;’ also, to lead, prosper; ‘pursue [God’s] cause;’ to stir, to be agitated, to rove, to travel, to wander, to roll.”
  • “PERFORM.” ‘Shamar’ [שָׁמַר]: “A primitive root, ‘To hedge about as with thorns, i.e., to guard [God’s Words and Ways];’ to protect, attend to; be circumspect; heed or keep; observe, watch, preserve; have charge of; restrain (keep in bounds).”
  • “GOVERN.” ‘Din’ [תָּדִ֣ין]: “A primitive root, ‘To rule or judge;’also, to strive, content or execute; to minister, plead; to bring justice; to requite or vindicate; to recompense on the basis of obedience; to compare facts or ideas, and perceive their agreement or disagreement, and thus ‘to distinguish truth from falsehood.’”

QUOTATION. “The whole Art of Government consists in the Art of Being Honest. Only aim to do your duty, and Mankind will give you credit where you fail.”  THOMAS JEFFERSON, A Summary View of the Rights of British America, 1774; edited

COMMENTARY. If thou wilt walk in My ways and if thou wilt keep My charge’ – Both of these are expressions, dating from the Pentateuch, for holding on in the Way of Life, well-pleasing to God and keeping the Charge given by God. It was the Injunction of the dying David to Solomon, ‘Keep the charge of the Lord thy God, to walk in His ways, to keep His statutes (1 Kings 2:3).

‘Then shalt thou also judge My house’ – Judgment, in the place of God, was part of the High Priest’s Office (Deuteronomy 17:9-13Deuteronomy 19:17Malachi 2:7). Yet these judgments also were given in the House of God. The cause was directed to be brought to God, and He through His Priests judged it. Both then may be comprehended in the world, the oversight of the people itself, and the judgment of all causes brought to it. Jonathan: ‘Thou shalt judge those who minister in the house of My sanctuary.

‘And I will give thee places to walk among those who stand by’ – That is, among the ministering spirits, ‘who were standing before the Angel of the Lord’ (Zechariah 3:4). This can be fully only after death, when the saints shall be received among the several choirs of angels. Jonathan: ‘In the resurrection of the dead I will revive thee and give thee feet walking among these Seraphim.’ Even in this this since ‘Our conversation is in heaven’ (Philippians 3:20), and the life of Priests should be an angel-life, it may mean, that he should have ‘free access to God,’ his soul in Heaven, while his body was on this Earth.” – ALBERT BARNES, Notes on the Old and New Testament, 1834; edited

DK’S TAKE. Regarding this Royal Charge to those would follow in the Master’s footsteps, I will next review: (2) The Biblical Dominion Mandate; (3) The False Dominion Mandate; and (4) The American Church.


We can draw our First Theological Water from the deep and early wells of GENESIS 1:28, when God gave Adam and Eve their very First Charge:

And God blessed them [granting them certain authority] and said to them, ‘Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subjugate it [putting it under your power]; and rule over (dominate) the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and every living thing that moves upon the earth” (AMP).

The key term in this historic passage is ‘Kabash’ [וְכִבְשֻׁ֑הָ]: “A primitive root, ‘To tread down, to conquer, to bring into bondage;’ specifically: ‘To Dominate the Earth;’ to oppress; to crush; to sink; to overpower so as to disable from further resistance.”

Before we rush to say, “Aha, Dr. Kelly! don’t you see?” let’s turn to a point of clarity of both Context and Meaning that limits this Mandate to a specific Sphere of Dominion.

THE TRUE MANDATE. The following commentary is drawn from a thoughtful and doctrinally sound essay by DR. WILLIAM EDGAR, professor of apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary. His piece is titled, “The Creation Mandate,” published in The Gospel Coalition (ret. Oct. 1, 2024; edited). The very terms he uses immediately turn us toward the Orthodox rendering of this Royal Charge to Mankind in the Garden.

Here are Dr. Edgar’s MAIN POINTS in bullet point format for your reading and organizational convenience.

  • DEFINITION. “The Creation Mandate is the on-going Charge to Humanity, in the power and blessing of God, to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth and to gently subdue and cultivate the earth.”
  • SUMMARY. “The Creation Mandate was given to Adam and Eve within the Narrative of the Original Creation. Alongside the Prohibition against eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, Humanity was blessed with God’s Presence and told to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the Earth and to gently subdue and cultivate the Earth. Although Sin and Separation from God followed closely on the heels of this Original Charge, the Creation Mandate has been reiterated to the people of God throughout Scripture. The final and ultimate Reiteration of this Mandate is the Great Commission, which Jesus gave to His disciples before His Ascension. Therefore, the Creation Mandate is on-going and is not in competition with worshipping God; Christians are to care for this world even as we hope in the Second Coming of Christ.”
  • THEOCENTRISM. “God is Foundational to everything we believe and everything we love. For this reason, no Biblical teaching can stand if it is not linked with the Divine Being. That is why the first words of the Bible are, ‘In the beginning God.’ And then, the very first Biblical disclosure we are given is that of the Original Creation. The first two chapters of Genesis divulge in a beautifully told Narrative how God laid down the foundations of the Earth and then created a special space for our First Parents. And of course, the Lord did set up The Test: They may eat freely of the produce of the Garden, except for the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.”
  • DETAILS. “The Mandate has Three Components, each of them related. First, and often least noticed, it is given through and because of the ‘Blessing of God’ (Gen. 1:28). Because of the Divine Blessing it is appropriate to call it a Covenant. Its Purpose is above all to fulfill mankind’s relationship with God as it was originally intended. Second, the Commandment is to: ‘Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the Earth.’ The population was to increase and then fill the earth to discover its possibilities. Third, the Mandate orders that Mankind ‘Subdue the Earth.’ The word for ‘Subduing’ (kabash), is not meant to be violent, but gentle. It is perhaps not coincidental that the Three Aspects of the Mandate are reflected in our English word (inherited from the Medieval French) for Culture. ‘Cult’ referring to worship is one derivative. ‘Colonization’ meaning to spread to other parts of the world is another. And ‘Coulter’ means, literally, the cutting edge of the plow, or what we ordinarily call ‘Cultivation.’”
  • FALL. “This is the Creation Mandate. This is the Purpose of the Human Race. But of course, The Question is immediately raised: Since our First Parents, and therefore their progeny, failed to obey the Probation, finding themselves cursed and estranged from God and one another, is there any sense in which this Three-Part Mandate is ongoing? …  Before we drive a wedge between the Original Creation Mandate and the Call to Worship, we should have a look at the subsequent Covenant Promises and note the reiterations of the Original Mandate. Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Solomon were all told in one form or another to be blessed, to replenish the Earth and to subdue it. Even during Exile: The Lord tells His people, through Jeremiah, to have children, plant vineyards and pray for the ‘Shalom’ of the city of their enemies (Jer. 29:1–9). ‘No abrogation here.’”
  • CONCLUSIONS. The ongoing character of the Creation Mandate has a number of Implications for our lives as Christians today. First, we ought always to center our endeavors around the Blessing of God, who is always with us. As the title of Brother Lawrence’s book puts it, we must ‘Practice the Presence of God.’ Second, ‘We continue to spread around the Earth,’ sometimes literally through globalization and missions, sometimes with depth, making disciples. And third, ‘We lead people to become disciples with greater and greater awareness of the lordship of Christ in every area of life.’ Few have expressed this appeal for discipleship better than Os Guinness, in his masterpiece The Call. Guinness invites the reader to consider his or her ‘Primary Call, to be reconciled with God,’ and then the ‘Secondary Call, whether it be work, parenting, citizenship etc.We will never have to choose between Culture-Making and Worship. God’s Original Purposes are well in place, enhanced and fulfilled in Christ.”

DK’S TAKE. Please simply take careful notice that in all this cogent theology is there a single whisper of ‘Dominating others!’ None, beloved. None! With that cemented into our Christian Orthodoxy, we turn now to its utter annihilation by Church “Leaders who by all Biblical accounts are false teachers, false prophets who dare to teach the doctrines of both men and demons in the place of God’s Truth.


There is a very long philosophical and theological history to the emergence of an Heretical System of Christian Dominionism that I could never cover entirely. But what I can do is summarize TWO MAJOR FIGURES in its dark matriculations into the innards of the American Church that are severe instructive warnings to us all – especially Pastors and Teachers who have fallen under its seditious thrall.

ROUSAS RUSHDOONY. Clearly this must be our starting point toward an understanding of where this virulent “Christian” framework originated. Wikipedia tells us that Mr. Rushdoony (April 25, 1916 – February 8, 2001; M.A. Education, 1940) was an Armenian-American Calvinist philosopherhistorian, and theologian. He is credited as being the Father of Christian Reconstructionism and an inspiration for the modern Christian Homeschool Movement. His followers and critics have argued that his thought exerts indelible influence on the Evangelical

Evangelical Christian Right even today. [DK’S VIEW: Disastrously true!]

His MAJOR POINTS follow below, adapted from a critical review by MATT SLICK, president and founder of Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (Master of Divinity, Westminster Theological Seminary). His commentary is titled, “Christian Reconstruction, Theonomy” (Jan. 12, 2009; edited). 

  • TEACHINGS.Christian Reconstructionism (also known as Theonomy) is a highly controversial Movement within some Conservative Christian circles.  It maintains that the world should be brought under (‘Reconstructed’) the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all areas:  Social, Moral, Political, Judicial, Military, Family, Art, Education, Music, etc.  Christian Reconstructionism ‘Advocates the Restoration of Old Testament civil and moral laws’ in order to Reconstruct present American Society into an Old Testament-type Mosaic form and that the Three Main Areas of Society – Family, Church, Government – should all be Biblically modeled, the Bible being the sole Standard.  This would include severe punishments for lawbreakers. Some Christian Reconstructionists would advocate ‘death’ for adulterers, abortionists, idolaters, murderers, homosexuals, rapists, etc.”
  • BELIEFS. “Reconstructionists maintain a strong belief that the Bible is true and inerrant.  They are generally Postmillennial and believe that through the preaching and teaching of the Gospel, the world will be converted to Christianity and that Christ will Return in a period of time after the [entire] world is converted. Christian Reconstructionism advocates removing prisons and replacing them with the practice of restoration of damages done. ‘Christians are the New Chosen People of God, replacing National Israel.’ Other religious systems would be strongly resisted. There is a debate among some Christian Reconstructionists on whether or not slavery should be reinstituted; not all are in agreement. It opposes evolution and teaches Jesus will physically return to Israel.”

LANCE WALLNAU. Wallnau, often accompanied by Calvary Chapel Pastor Jack Hibbs and Jewish “Prophet” Amir Tsarfati, he is described by Wikipedia (Sep. 28, 2024; edited) as an American Evangelical preacher and televangelist based in Dallas, Texas. He is associated with the New Apostolic Reformation, the fringe movement started by the late Dr. C. Peter Wagner, Fuller Theological Seminary’s Church Growth guru that argues a Great Spiritual War is taking place on the Earth leading to a Total Domination of all human institutions by Christians. 

  • FACT ONE. Wallnau has been referred to (wrongly) as the “Father of American Dominionism” – Rousas Rushdoony clearly holds that undistinguished dishonor.
  • FACT TWO. A self-describedChristian Nationalist greatly admired by J.D. VANCE, another devoted Christian Nationalist, and is known for popularizing the concept of DONALD TRUMP as a modern-day Biblical King Cyrus sent by God to rescue America from certain destruction from the Political Left.
  • FACT THREE. A thorough Internet search for his Net Worth confirmed an effective scrubbing has been carried out leaving not a shred of information about his financial profile. This is a Typical Pattern I have recently discovered when investigating Mega-Church Pastors as well.

Recent books by Wallnau have proposed the CONCEPT OF “CONVERGENCE,” whereby there are Six Stages both nations and individuals must move through to achieve one’s “Prophetic Destiny” toward a successful, happy and prosperous life by: ‘Mastering the World’s Chaos.’ Influenced by another Fuller seminarian, Dr. Robert “Bobby” Clinton’s “Leadership Emergence Theory,” Walnau enjoys sponsoring and labeling Donald Trump as “God’s Chaos candidate.”

  1. Sovereign Beginnings: This represents your time in history, your family of origin, nation, birth order, and natural talents.

2. Spiritual Formation: This is the journey that formed your spiritual values and perspective.

3. Gift Discovery and Development: This is what you do best and what you love to do most.

4. Life Maturing: This is the process of how the pressures and experiences of jobs, finances, marriage, and family life and how it forms you.

5. Convergence: Convergence happens when your gifts, talents, and acquired skills “converge” with a role that empowers you to do what you do best—smack dab in the center of Gods Prophetic Purpose!

6. Legacy or Afterglow: This occurs during the years lived when you watch over your contribution in convergence. You become a Model of Possibility for others. For me, Convergence is not just a life phase, it’s the ultimate state of feeling alive – it’s the “Actualization State” described by the brilliant ABRAHAM MASLOW … ‘It’s Abundant Life!’

NOTE. The entire notion of “Chaos Theory” is at the foundation of all of what Donald Trump and his chief political sensei, Steve Bannon, advocate. On what I regard as a Post Marxist Ideology, they wish to “Upset” (make that read destroy or overthrow) Democracy” (including NATO and the EU to bring in a New Paradigm of American Hegemony and World Order:

 That is, to say, Bottom Line: DOMINION!’.

THE SEVEN MOUNTAIN MANDATE that is summarized by pastor and Bible scholar JUSTIN POYTHRESS in his critique titled, “How Evangelicals Lose Will Make All the Difference” (The Gospel Coalition, July 10, 2023; edited).

Hang on tight. This promises to be quite revealing for the upcoming Presidential Election of November 5, 2024.

  • OVERVIEW. “The Seven Mountain Mandate, or Seven Mountain Prophecy, is a Strategy for Cultural Engagement popularized by Lance Wallnau and Bill Johnson in their 2013 book Invading Babylon. Since its advent, the perspective has gained popularity, especially among Charismatic and Pentecostal Christians. Proponents of the 7M Mandate call on Christians to ‘Retake Seven Spheres’ (or ‘Mountains’) of cultural influence: Religion, Family, Government, Education, Media, Arts/Entertainment, and Business.”
  • IMPLICATIONS. “On one level, the Spheres of Influence the 7M Mandate describes are a good summary of institutions that shape our culture. Anyone with strong convictions, whether conservative, liberal, Muslim, Jewish, or secular, naturally wants his values to be adopted and heralded on all Seven ‘Mountains.’ A Buddhist, for example, believes schools operate best when following Buddhist Principles. Whatever your deepest convictions, it’s natural to think they’re not only good for you but good for everyone.”
  • ERROR. “But the 7M Mandate goes further, and the Devil is in the details. The perspective is ultimately built on a Dual Misunderstanding of Scripture and of Christ’s Purposes in the world. Advocates of the 7M Mandate find their Biblical Warrant for Retaking the Culture in Revelation 17:8–10, a passage that describes a Scarlet Beast with Seven Heads which, John says, ‘are seven mountains’ (v. 9). The passage was intended as a picture (within a book of pictures) of the Spiritual Battle waged through all history until Christ Returns. It was intended to give Christians hope amid their suffering and cultural loss. The Seven Mountains likely refer to the Seven Hills in Ancient Rome. When John wrote, the Roman government opposed Christ and His ways. However one understands the Beast, Prostitute, Kings, and Mountains in this passage, the Conquering Warrior is always the Crucified Christ, not a sword-swinging Church!”
  • APOSTASY. Even if you’ve never heard of the 7M Mandate (and its strange reading of Revelation), it can still be tempting to think Christ’s Kingdom grows by: ‘Winning cultural power and influence.’ If this is where we place our hope, it’ll be hard to stomach the losses. Evangelicals increasingly run the risk of being seen as sore losers in the Culture War. Our inability to let go, to relinquish positions of public prominence and power, reveals a ‘misplaced faith. Too often, we’ve entangled Jesus’s name with a Political Agenda, as Mainline Christians did when they made the Church into little more than a social club for Liberal activism.”

THE APOSTLE SPEAKS. But the [Holy] Spirit explicitly and unmistakably declares that in later times some will turn away from the faith, paying attention instead to deceitful and seductive spirits and doctrines of demons, [misled] by the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared as with a branding iron [leaving them incapable of ethical functioning].” – 2 TIMOTHY 4:1-2, AMP

Beloved, what these men bring to God’s House is nothing less than a Satanic Seduction of all that Jesus Christ would have us embrace. Indeed, it is all, “Antichrist,” both root and branch, and we are to avoid even sitting down at table with such as these (1 Corinthians 5:11)!


A MORE EXCELLENT WAY. I dearly love the way Mr. Poythress Concludes his Critique of Lance Wallnau’s demonic treachery. I shall quote him directly and let him speak for me, and I daresay, our King, in so doing.

“‘Jesus tells His followers to take up their crosses, not their crowns’ (Matthew 16:24–26). Historically, the Church has thrived during some of its bleakest winters of cultural power. We can see modern examples of this in Iran and China. Though our faith may be increasingly marginalized and devalued in the West, losing cultural battles with grace, dignity, and love can persuasively display Christ’s cruciform beauty. Conversely, there’s nothing persuasive about chasing the perks of power …

‘Losing well has to do with attitude. We soften our tone but not our convictions! We pursue what is excellent and praiseworthy because we care about what is good, not because we’re always right and have to win. We find ways, like Daniel, to bless people and institutions that are riddled with problems. As Faithful Evangelicals, we advocate for God’s Ways and encourage our neighbors to follow them while leaving the results to God.”

CODICIL. And, I add, this is the Way, the Truth and the Life that the Remnant Confessing Church is to bring to the rapidly accelerating Darkness of the Last Days.

Today’s Jewish Calendar (Tishrei, Wednesday October 2, 2024) marks the start of ROSH HOSHANA, a most sacred Time of Remembrance and Reflection. On what we have done this past year – good or evil – and to consecrate ourselves for what is Yet to Come in service to our God.

Therefore, I close with that gentle, courageous lyric from the Chrisitan prayer-song that I have come to embrace:

“Lord, make me Your vessel, Make me an offering; Make me whatever You want me to be. I came here with nothing, But all You have given me, Jesus bring New Wine out of me.”

Until You Return, O Lord. ‘And soon!’SELAH.


Comment (1)

  • Mark Finley

    I appreciate your lesson, Dr. Kelly. And you are right. According to John 1:18, “No one has seen God at any time. The only Son, who is at the Father's side, has made Him known.” That is what the scripture tells us. And no one can “see” Jesus without Jesus choosing to be “seen.” It is only when Jesus calls Mary by her name, that she “sees” him.

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