SCRIPTURE. “For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God prepared [for us] beforehand [taking paths which He set], so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us].” – EPHESIANS 2:10, AMP

KEY TERM: “HIS WORKMANSHIP.” Poiéma’ [ποίημα]: “From a primary word meaning, ‘Product, i.e., a fabric [being fashioned by God’s hand];’ a thing that is made [by Him]; that which is effected, made or produced; reflective here of the skill of The Workman; or the execution or manner of making any thing.”

QUOTATION. “We are apt to imagine that: ‘If Jesus Christ constrains us and we obey Him,’ He will lead us to great success.’ But He does not. If our Lord has ever constrained you, and you obeyed Him, what was your dream of His purpose? Never put your dream of success as God’s Purpose for you; His purpose may be exactly the opposite.’”  OSWALD CHAMBERS, Author, My Utmost for His Highest, 1924; edited

COMMENTARY.  “‘For we are HIS workmanship!’ As if He had said, ‘And it appears that it is not by any works or ability of our own that we are saved, or possess the faith whereby salvation is received, because all the ability we have in spiritual things is from God, and is the consequence of His creating us anew.’ For as all acts of acceptable obedience must proceed from faith, and this faith is wrought in our hearts by the gracious influence of the Divine Spirit, it is most certain that we must acknowledge ourselves to be ‘HIS workmanship,’ so far as there is any thing in us agreeable to the nature and will of God.

‘Being created in and through Christ Jesus unto good works’ — In order that we may have inclination and power both to perform them, and to delight in so doing; and may give ourselves up to this, and be continually engaged therein, as far as we have ability and opportunity. This Creation of believers through Christ Jesus unto good works,’[dissenting preacher] DR. JOHN TAYLOR, in his Key to the Romans, understands of the formation of believers into One Body or Church, under the Government of Christ, because in the Christian Church believers enjoy the greatest advantages for performing good works, and because this formation of the Church is termed (Ephesians 2:15) a creation of Jews and Gentiles into one new man’under Christ. The same account He gives of ‘the making men alive,’ mentioned Ephesians 2:5. ‘Others, however, with more reason,’ says DR. JAMES MACKNIGHT, think that a person’s enjoying, in the Christian Church, great advantages for becoming alive and for doing good works, is not the whole of what the Apostle means by these expressions, but that they denote the operation of the Holy Spirit in Making men alive! Thereby enabling them to do good works by means of the advantages that they enjoy. 

Which God hath before ordained’  Or appointed in his Eternal Counsels, and in the Declarations of His Word; it being His will and pleasure, that they who have believed on him through His Son, and are thereby made new creatures, should ‘be careful to maintain good works,’ Titus 3:8. But the Apostle’s expression, οις προητοιμασεν ο Θεος, rather signifies, Which God hath before prepared;’ that is, hath prepared the occasions of good works, and the means and opportunities of doing them. Or, as some render the clause, For which God hath prepared us,’ namely, by the knowledge of the Gospel, and the influences of His Spirit: ‘That we should walk in them’  Should live in the constant performance of them, though not be justified by them.

In other words, He hath purified the Fountain, that the Streams may be pure; hath made the Tree good, that the Fruit may be good; ‘Hath made us new creatures!’ That we may live New Lives; one grand and important end certainly of our regeneration. So that we must still ascribe the whole glory of all the good that is in us, or is done by us, to God.” – JOSEPH BENSON, Notes on the Holy Bible, 5 vols. 1811-1818; edited


Following this monumental statement of Christian Theology, I shall endeavor to cut straight to HIS MARKERS from this teaching.

  • PURPOSE. We were each created for a specific, unique Mission for which we are given gifts and abilities to carry out to a successful end of that Mission.
  • CONDITION. However, and it is a massive “However” indeed: We must say “Yes” to this Purpose with all our hearts, minds and strength for the entire duration of our life. To do less shall determine failure.
  • CAVEAT. While our own free will is required, once given, the real hard work of Salvation, Sanctification and ‘Success’ all belong to Him, by the twin Agencies of the Words of God and the Holy Spirit.
  • CONSEQUENCE. ‘If we choose well,’ we shall enjoy the rich and intimate fellowship of the Messiah all our days and the fruitfulness of a faithful walk with Him. Then we shall receive Rewards (Crowns) for our efforts and enjoy co-laboring with God for all of Eternity.

10 HINDRANCES TO OBEYING GOD.  As we watch the massive cascade of the Great Falling Away in America in the 2020s, the term I often use to describe it is: “Breathtaking!” I mean, it defies all logic and reason, especially since ‘The Fallen’ are Christians, and most Christian Leaders! So, let’s consider WHY.

This Analysis is from DAVID KALUGE in a piece published in Hub Pages (Sep. 20, 2013; edited). It was derived from a discussion of KING SAUL’S DISOBEDIENCE.

  1. FEAR. “‘Fear of the Unknown’ is usually man’s greatest enemy. Man fails to try or to persist in his belief because of fear. In the Bible verse above, Saul claimed he disobeyed God because he was afraid of the people. That is to say that Saul was afraid of the people instead of God. There are situations in which we disobey God just because we are afraid of what people may do or say. It can even be because of the fear of death. This is because only few religious men are steadfast unto death.”
  2. IMPATIENCE. “‘Many Christians disobey God because they are not patient enough to wait for God’s appointed time.’ This was the case in 1 Samuel 13: 7-10 when Saul offered the peace offering because Samuel did not come at the expected time. Many of us loss hope and trust in God when we think that God has delayed even though we fail to remember that God’s time is different from our own time and that even though thing may not happen as we expect yet God is never late because he works in His own way.”
  3. LISTENING TO OTHERS. “Just as Saul listened to the people so is it that: ‘We disobey God when we listen to the voice of man instead of the Voice of God.’ People will always want us to do some things but it is left for us to know if their wants are in line with God’s instructions.”
  4. UNBELIEF. “‘Religious men and women disobey God when they no longer believe in God, for any reason’ [i.e., as with Apostasy]. This can be as a result of doubt or frustration. In this group may be found the Atheist. However, some Atheists still live rightly even when compared to some ‘Religious’ people. Therefore, ignorance of God’s existence [and nature] is not an excuse to do wrong.
  5. LOVE OF THE COMPANY OF MEN. “In 1 Samuel 13, Saul decided to offer the peace offering because his people were scattered. That is to say, he was abandoned. Therefore, there are times we disobey God just because we want the company of men instead of the company of God. ‘It is not always easy for one to walk alone and avoid the crowd yet that is what it takes to stand out most times.’”
  6. ENVY. “‘Envy can lead to disobedience especially when one is not content with what one has.” DK. This is so very American, beloved: To desire to, as we used to say back in the day, “Be like the Joneses.” Whether it’s to live in the right neighborhood, drive the right car, hang with the right friends, or, Pastor, have a big congregation just like your buddies do.
  7. ANGER. “It is obvious that we can disobey God out of anger especially ‘when we fail to control our anger.’” DK. I struggle with this one as I watch the entire Pantheon of American Preachers go belly up timid, if not outrageously coward. Anger distorts everything and prevents us from hearing and following God. Yet no anger at all is possibly a worse sin. Therefore, we must: “Be angry but do not sin” (Ephesians 4:26).
  8. THE DESIRE FOR POWER. “The desire to hold onto power has lead men to disobey God. ‘This can easily be justified by selfish politicians that sit tight in leadership.’” DK. Here we touch the Lodestone of much of American Church disgrace in their lust for political power and dominance of ‘Us over them.’ Christian Nationalism is front and center here as the Heresy of the Age of Antichrist!
  9. GREED. “This is can easily make one to disobey God. For instance in Joshua 7: 20-21” [as when Achan] saw among the spoils a beautiful Babylonian garment, two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold weighing fifty shekels.” DK. ‘Make us a king, O Lord, who shall be like us!’ Who wii ensure that we can, as I am want to say, “Keep all our stuff.”
  10. SELFISHNESS. “‘This is by no means the least important, indeed, it can be said to be the Nucleus of all Disobedience.’ This is because it is difficult for us to love and consider others  [including God!] if we are Selfish. As it is written: ‘Love [of God and neighbor] is the greatest of all commandments.’DK. If not, it becomes Self-Worship that annihilates the ability for hearing Truth and following the Christ of Truth.

Yet all is not lost, beloved, not in the least. Let’s turn to our Conclusions for that much brighter picture.


Now lest we all despair and ring our weary hands into apoplexy, let me once more state Our Sacred Purpose clearly in these Last Hours before America becomes Trump’s Fourth Reich.

THE CHARGE. “Q: What is the chief end of man? A: ‘Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.’ – 1 Corinthians 10:31: “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”Westminster Shorter Catechism, 1646-1647; edited

Beloved, the American Church no longer believes or teaches this, and that is why it is left to GOD’S REMNANT to carry forth this Canonical Banner high for the days just ahead. While it will not be easy, it shall, as I have said repeatedly, become ‘Our Finest Hour’ should we choose to Obey our King.

If you are afraid of America’ Future, then find the courage to pray the Lyrics from a wonderful Christian musical artist, BROOKE FRASER:

In the crushing, in the pressing, You are making new wine in the soil I now surrender. You are breaking new ground, so I yield to You into Your careful hand. When I trust You, I don’t need to understand.

Make me Your vessel, make me an offering, make me whatever You want me to be. I came here with nothing, but all You have given me. Jesus, bring new wine out of me.” – “New Wine,” 2018; edited

DESTROYING TEN IDOLS. It is true that a Great Darkness is all but upon us, dear friends. But it is much truer that Christ’s Light is designed to shatter that Darkness in the place appointed to us.

If we will just say, “Yes, Lord. Here am I, send me”

The Old Prophet wrote of this: Arise, shine; For your light has come!’ And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising.” – ISAIAH 60:1-3, NKJV

Beloved, this is Our Future should we have the Courage and real Love for Christ to choose it. Unto gain, unto loss. Unto life, unto death. That part shall both now and forever be His to determine.

CODICIL: “Best job I ever had!”   SELAH.


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