SCRIPTURE. “First of all, know [without any doubt] that mockers will come in the last days with their mocking, following after their own human desires and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming [what has become of it]? For ever since the fathers fell asleep [in death], all things have continued [exactly] as they did from the beginning of creation.” – 2 PETER 3:3-4, AMP
“[T]his Insolence was turned by the Providence of God to a very different purpose; for the face of Christ, dishonoured by spitting and blows, has restored to us that Image which had been disfigured, and almost effaced, by Sin.” – JOHN CALVIN, ‘Commentary on Mark,’ 1555; edited
“Nothing ever happened on this globe, for good, at which some people did not have their fill of Laughter in the onset; and knowing that such as these would be blind anyway, he thought it quite as well that they should wrinkle up their eyes in grins, as have a malady in the less attractive forms.” – CHARLES DICKENS, ‘A Christmas Carol,’ 1843; edited
“Great people will always be Mocked by those who feel smaller than them. A lion does not flinch at laughter coming from a hyena. A gorilla does not budge from a banana thrown at it by a monkey. A nightingale does not stop singing its beautiful song at the intrusion of an annoying woodpecker. Whenever you should doubt your worth, remember the lotus flower. Even though it plunges to life from beneath the mud, it does not allow the dirt that surrounds it to affect its growth or beauty.” – SUZY KASSEM, ‘Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem,’ 2011; edited
AFTERMATH. “The period immediately following a usually ruinous event; something that results or follows from an event, especially one of a disastrous or unfortunate nature; consequences.”
As a very personal observation, let me say at the outset that I have never before experienced Mockery as intensely and at times, brutally, as during the last four years, beginning in earnest on JUNE 21, 2016. – ‘The NY Meeting’
And all of it, every bit of it, from ‘The Church.’
Now fast forward to JANUARY 6, 2021. By this infamous, tragic and utterly destructive day, Mockery had reached its Zenith in America. And it was led, fueled and sustained by those bearing TWO NAMES: Donald Trump, and Jesus Christ.
Think very, very long and hard on that, beloved. God would have it so.
THE CONTEXT. Though he misunderstands just WHO constitute the American Mockers today that I hope to clarify in this essay, ROGER MEYER opens with an important observation about the ‘Climate of Mockery’ in our land.
“Mockery has been around throughout Mankind’s history, but in recent times it seems to have become increasingly common to mock competitors, public personalities, and authority figures—and even God, Christ, the Bible, and Religion in general. The Bible warns that Mockers sit ‘in the seat of the scornful’ (Psalm 1:1). – “The Modern Malady of Mockery,” ‘Tomorrow’s World,’ January 15, 2020; edited
It is clear from the Scriptures that Mockers are to be Excluded from our Christian company, and that their sin is held in the Severest of Contempt by a Holy God. – cf. 1 Corinthians 5:11
Here is one Commentary to elaborate this important matter.
“‘Of the scornful’ – [לצים ‘lētsiym’]. This word properly means those who mock, deride, scoff; those who treat Virtue and Religion with contempt and scorn … It denotes a higher and more determined grade of wickedness than either of the other words employed, and refers to the consummation of a depraved character, the last stage of wickedness, when God and sacred things are treated with contempt and derision. There is hope of a man as long as he will treat Virtue and Religion with some degree of respect; there is little or none when he has reached the point in his own character in which Virtue and Piety are regarded only as fit subjects for ridicule and scorn.” – ALBERT BARNES, ‘Notes on the Whole Bible,’ 26 vols., 1847-1885; edited
MOCKERY AS BLASPHEMY. To this razor sharp, theological point: God hates, I say again, detests such Derision of the Sacred. Thus a practicing (or professing) Christian could not possibly commit a graver error than this one, since it constitutes a veritable Blasphemy against God Himself:
“The act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things, synonymous with irreverence and disrespect of God or Christ.” – EDITORS, “What is Blasphemy?” ‘Christianity.com,’ ret. January 5, 2021
That same article points out that that the THREE COMMON FORMS of this grievous sin include the following.
- IDOLATRY. “Idolatry is an action of Blasphemy because it wrongly attributes worship and faith to an entity that is not truly God or godly. When we find comfort in things other than God, we are guilty of Blasphemy. We have failed to rightly praise God with our faith and reverence.”
- ARROGANCE. “[The] Apostle Paul states in Galatians 6:3 that when someone ‘thinks that they are something when they are actually nothing, they deceive themselves.’ Such is the case when we live as if we do not need God in our lives, thereby we Blaspheme the Sovereignty of God.”
- FALSE TEACHINGS. “False Teaching and/or False Depictions of God are also Blasphemous because they obscure the true nature of God. Whereas with Idolatry, we tend to worship and hope in a false reality, with False Teachings or False Depictions about God, we are attempting to change the character of God to more closely conform to our preferences.”
TODAY’S CHURCH. I cannot stress enough the overwhelming evidence that such Blasphemies are rife within the great majority of the American Church today. My dear friend and courageous brother, PASTOR JONATHAN BOEGL of the International House of Prayer, wastes no words on the seriousness of this historic Treachery.
“Front and center, this is the spirit behind Idolatrous Nationalism. Let there be no doubt. This is an entirely different gospel (which is no gospel at all). This spirit is the hostile intolerance Jesus rebuked in James and John in Luke 9:54, and the ‘stumbling block of Satan’ He condemned in Simon in Matthew 16:23. In this hour, when it’s seducing so many, this poisonous way of thinking needs to be resoundingly renounced and repudiated by every Word-centered, Spirit-filled leader in the Body of Christ. Make no mistake. It WILL be purged from the Bride of Christ.” – December 30, 2020; edited
Pastors: This is the Word of the Lord to you all; give it close heed.
As I watched the appalling events transpiring in Washington DC, with Anarchists and ‘Christian’ Leaders walking side by side, ‘Storming’ the Capitol, breaking windows, violently assaulting Capitol Police, beating one to death with a fire extinguisher, demanding that the Election be overturned, I was overwhelmed with one emotion in particular:
REVULSION. “A sense of utter distaste or repugnance; a sudden, strong change in feeling (or perspective), especially a sense of violent disgust or loathing.”
Note: This is precisely how God regards Mockery, most severely among His own people. Therefore, He commands this through Paul the Apostle.
“Do not be unequally bound together with unbelievers [do not make mismatched alliances with them, inconsistent with your faith]. For what partnership can righteousness have with lawlessness? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony can there be between Christ and Belial (Satan)? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols?” – 2 CORINTHIANS 6:14-16, AMP
Is anyone else hearing this, or is this just me? God is Shouting now, beloved, He is Shouting!
THE SPIRIT OF ANTICHRIST. If I had to define the very Core of this ‘Era of Mockery,’ it would be defined synonymously with ‘The Spirit of Antichrist’ (1 John 4:1-6). What follows is a List of SEVEN CHARACTERISTICS OF ANTICHRIST, the Prince of Scoffers, from whence that Corrupt ‘Spirit’ and his followers issue.
Note all this well for the Days Ahead. – cf. DAVID MURRAY, Senior PCA Pastor, First Byron Christian Reformed Church, Byron, Michigan; February 20, 2014; edited
- HE IS LAWLESS. “Paul calls him ‘The Man of Sin,’ literally ‘The Man of Lawlessness’ (2 Thessalonians 2:3). He will disregard God’s Word and God’s Law and replace it with his own arbitrary laws. He will re-define what is Evil and what is Good. He will promote doctrinal and ethical Lawlessness.”
DK. The Washington, DC Riots on January 6, 2021 by the Supporters of President Donald Trump, was the bloody, deadly, fully seditious case in point. This is the very essence of Lawless, Last Days ‘Anarchists’ who dare to bear the name of Christ as they flout Law, both human and Divine. It is beyond Insurrection, as it quickly becomes, again, Blasphemy against the Godhead. For which, without Repentance, there is no remedy.
- HE IS A DESTROYER. “In the same verse, Paul names Antichrist as ‘the son of perdition,’ meaning, ‘Son of Destruction.’ He will physically destroy those who oppose him; he will spiritually and eternally destroy all who believe him and follow him.”
DK. The Core Nature of the Antichrist Spirit is devoted to the Annihilation of Godly Order for its own sake, as with street riots of any kind. The violent destruction of property, burning of buildings and vehicles, and the malicious maiming or murder of those in opposition. This is the Spirit of Antichrist in its logical ‘Telos,’ or fulfillment from the Trajectory of Apostasy we find throughout the American Church today.
- HE OPPOSES GOD. “‘He opposes and exalts himself against all that is called God’ (v. 4). Well, that doesn’t help much, does it? Half the world opposes God and exalt themselves over Him. But what’s unique about this Opposition is that the Antichrist opposes mainly by substitution.”
DK. My Proposal is simply that once one submits to the Spirit of Antichrist, he or she is from that moment forward become an Enemy of God, an Adversary or more functionally, “an accuser of the true brethren” (cf. Revelation 12:10). This is why such people inflict such pain upon true Christians, because they are the “familiar friends’ that once betrayed David (Psalm 41:9), wounding him so very deeply.
- HE IS A SUBSTITUTE. As ‘Anti’ can mean ‘instead of’ as well as ‘against,’ Antichrist can mean ‘Replacement Christ,’ ‘Instead of Christ,’ ‘Substitute for Christ.’ Paul confirms this when he says that the Antichrist ‘sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God’ (2 Thessalonians 2:4). This is not necessarily an enemy from outside the Church, but from Inside it. He opposes Christ by replacing Him, by taking Christ’s titles, worship, and roles.”
- DK. At its Foundation then, this is a most heinous sin, that of Idolatry, or “Excessive attachment or veneration for any thing, or that which borders on Adoration of that which is not God.” This harkens of course to Yahweh’s First Commandment at Sinai to Moses in THE TABLETS: “You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself any idol, or any likeness (form, manifestation) of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth [as an object to worship]. You shall not worship them nor serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous (impassioned) God [demanding what is rightfully and uniquely mine], visiting (avenging) the iniquity (sin, guilt) of the fathers on the children [that is, calling the children to account for the sins of their fathers], to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me.” (Exodus 20:1-5).
- HE IS A DECEIVER. “The only other person called ‘the son of perdition’ was Judas (John 17:12). Under cover of professing to be a friend of Christ, He tried to destroy Christ. This theme of Deception is taken up by Jesus, Paul, and John when describing the Antichrist. In fact, the dominant message from passages dealing with the Antichrist is, ‘Don’t be deceived!’ Just as Satan rarely comes painted red with horns, a fork, and a pointy tail, the Antichrist will not come with a big ‘A’ on his forehead. Like Satan, he will come with false signs, wonders, and miracles; he will be so plausible and persuasive that, if it were possible, He would deceive even the Elect (Matthew 24:24).”
DK. It is no stretch at this point to understand that such a Spirit, person or follower of Antichrist issues straight from what Jesus described to those Jews who wished to kill Him: “You are of your father the devil, and it is your will to practice the desires [which are characteristic] of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him” (John 8:44). Enough said.
- HE IS A HERETIC. “John’s main concern with the Antichrist is his promotion of False Doctrine surrounding the person and work of Christ (1 John 4:3; 2 John 1:7). Just like the Mini-antichrists in John’s day, THE ultimate Antichrist will not deny everything about Christ, but just enough to Undermine the power of Christ’s gracious salvation.”
DK. In America today, we see the massive Chasm between faithful Christians versus those who support the insidious Doctrine of ‘Trumpism,’ as a catastrophic Departure from and Redefinition of the Christian Faith. In effect, that philosophy is a False Doctrine that teaches its followers that the ‘end justifies any means necessary’ to achieve political power, in order to implement ‘godly’ policies. It is the very Usurpation of the Truth and Order of God, constituting ‘The Lie’ by which they have been seduced. – cf. 2 Thessalonians 2:10
- HE IS A POLITICIAN. “While Daniel and Revelation confirm and expand upon these Six Characteristics, their main emphasis is on the Political Nature of the Antichrist. He will head up a kingdom, even an empire, similar to other nation states or empires. These Books also make clear that this aspect of Antichrist’s work will become clearer and clearer nearer the End of Time. Deception will be replaced with Destruction, Fraud will give way to Force, the Wolf in sheep’s clothing will shed his fleece and bare his Fangs.”
DK. Now here we have the definitive profile of the Dictator, the Authoritarian, the Absolute Ruler who by force Coerces others into conformity to his own desires or ideas. Here I am reminded of the very nature of Islam, which translates as ‘Absolute Submission’ to the ways of Allah and the Qu’ran, the Arabic god’s sacred book that demands unquestioned obedience to him. It is the most brutal from of political and religious power known to mankind.
THE DEFINING MOMENT. Now let me translate all this into what we see occurring all around us now, especially in the violent wake of THE DC INSURRECTION, for that is what it truly was, according to the following Definition.
“A Rising against civil or political authority; the open and active Opposition of a number of persons to the execution of a Law in a city or state. It is equivalent to Sedition, except that sedition expresses a less extensive rising of citizens. It differs from Rebellion, for the latter expresses a revolt, or an attempt to overthrow the government, to establish a different one or to place the country under another jurisdiction. It differs from Mutiny, as it respects the civil or political government; whereas a mutiny is an open opposition to law in the army or navy. Insurrection is however used with such latitude as to comprehend either Sedition or Rebellion.” – NOAH WEBSTER, ‘American Dictionary of the English Language,’ 1828; edited
To this Doctrinal Warning:
“For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as idolatry and teraphim (household good luck images). Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being king.” – SAMUEL TO SAUL, 1 Samuel 15:23, Amplified Classic Edition
IN SUM. All that the Antichrist, his Spirit, and his followers display are behaviors and expressions that quite literally emanate from Hell’s Prince of Darkness. This is why true followers of the True Christ find its manifestation so completely hideous, amplified by the additional horror that it Pretends to be the Jesus of the Bible. But is not, beloved, it is but a cheap imitation of The Christ, an Abomination to God.
In effect, these are become ‘The Hypocrites’ that the Lord hated and railed at as “blind guides,” “fools,” “whitewashed tombs full of dead men’s bones,” those lawlessness” ones He despises, and finally, “serpents, brood of vipers!” – cf. Matthew 23:13-36
Our Lord did not mince any words when confronted by those hypocritical Religious Elites who feigned righteousness but were in spiritual reality, sons of Satan, ravenous wolves, false prophets, seeking to mislead and devour the people of God. – cf. Matthew 7:15
Selah. Selah.
“First of all, know [without any doubt] that mockers will come in the last days with their mocking, following after their own human desires and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming [what has become of it]? For ever since the fathers fell asleep [in death], all things have continued [exactly] as they did from the beginning of creation.” – 2 PETER 3:3-4, AMP
Since we have already done a good bit of some careful Definitions, I now turn to TWO COMMENTARIES on this powerful passage that so characterizes the Present Moment in the American Church Experience.
- JOSEPH BENSON. “‘Knowing this first’ — That your faith in the prophetic Word may not be shaken, but that you may be armed and prepared for the trial; ‘that there shall come in the last days’ … Scoffers — Or mockers, who shall ridicule the expectation of such awful events, and deride the truths, promises, and threatenings of the Divine Word; ‘walking after their own lusts’ — Influenced by their appetites and passions, and their earthly and sensual inclinations. Here the Apostle has laid open the true source of Infidelity, and of men’s scoffing at religion. ‘They may pretend to Religion,’ as Dr. Benson says, ‘but they are governed by sense and appetite, and they take refuge in Infidelity, and scoff at [True] Religion, to make themselves easy in their vices’ … ‘Where is the promise of His coming’ … By representing Christ’s promised Coming as a delusion, the scoffers set themselves and others free from all fear of a future judgment, and bereft the righteous of their hope of reward.” – ‘Notes on the Old and New Testaments,’ 5 vols., 1811-1818; edited
- WILLIAM MACDONALD. “The united testimony of the Prophets and Apostles was that Scoffers would come in the Last Days, following ‘their own lusts.’ Christians should remember this. They should not be bowled over by the arrogant and blasphemous denials of these men. Rather they should see in them a definite indication that the End of the Age is nearing … Their primary Scoff has to do with the Coming of Christ. There attitude is, ‘Where is the promise of His coming?’ meaning, ‘Where is the fulfillment of the promise?’ … What they really say is this: ‘You Christians have been threatening us with warnings about a terrible Judgment upon the world. You tell us that God is going to intervene in history, punish the wicked, and destroy the earth. It’s all a pack of nonsense! We have nothing to fear. We can live as we please. There is no evidence that God ever has intervened in history; why should we believe that He ever will?’” – ‘Believer’s Bible Commentary,’ 1995, pp. 2300-2301; edited
THE DECONSTRUCTIONISTS. During my long tenure as a university professor over a span of nearly 50 years, I was exposed to a large number of Ideas Systems and Philosophies that I would examine by the Scriptures for critical analysis. One of those, possibly the most intellectually hideous, was the school of thought called, ‘Deconstructionism.’
Pioneered by the French thinkers, MICHAEL FOUCAULT AND JACQUES DERRIDA, during the 1960s, its Basic Propositions are summarized thus.
“In polemical discussions about intellectual trends of the late 20th century, Deconstruction was sometimes used pejoratively to suggest Nihilism and frivolous Skepticism. In popular usage the term has come to mean a Critical Dismantling of Tradition and traditional modes of thought.” – BRIAN DUIGNAN, ‘Britannica,’ July 6, 2016; edited
THE GOAL. Derrida would propose that his goal was to demonstrate the following: “The Logocentric Conception of Truth and Reality as existing outside language derives in turn from a deep-seated Prejudice in Western philosophy, which Derrida characterizes as the ‘Metaphysics of Presence.’”
Make that read: Truth and Reality are highly variable, unstable human constructs that can be easily Dismantled using the tools of the Literary Critic in the pursuit of the Deconstruction of Meaning itself.
DECONSTRUCTIONISM AND MOCKERY. As I was listening to a video presentation by Derrida during my Liberty University years (2006-2016), I heard him begin to CHUCKLE about halfway in, somewhat derisively, about how much fun it was to do this sort of thing. You know, tear down any Truth System he wished to destroy or dismantle.
Thus did I detect at the very Core of this seditious philosophy, the very darling by the way of many leading Western intellectuals, the presence of ‘HUBRIS:’
“To the Greeks, ‘Hubris’ referred to extreme pride, especially pride and ambition so great that they offend the gods and lead to one’s downfall. Hubris was a character flaw often seen in the heroes of classical Greek tragedy, including Oedipus and Achilles. The familiar old saying, ‘Pride goeth before a fall’ is basically talking about Hubris.” – EDITORS, ‘Merriam-Webster Dictionary,’ ret. January 7, 2021; edited
THE POINT. The Mockers, Scoffers and modern American ‘Deconstructionists’ of these Last Days, are essentially this: Aggressive, arrogant Enemies of God’s Truth, and by extension, Enemies of God Himself. They serve as witting or unwitting Agents of Satan, the accuser of the brethren, who come to hate the things, beliefs and the true people of God.
Selah. A vital point worth pondering in the deepest portions of our souls, beloved, in these Times of Teachery, Deception, and massive Apostasy.
If I were to further characterize the ultimate expression of this Era of the Scoffer, especially in light of the indelible images left to us from January 6, it is ANARCHY.
“Want of Government; a state of society, when there is No Law or Supreme Power, or when the laws are not efficient, and individuals do what they please with impunity; Political Confusion.” – NOAH WEBSTER, ‘American Dictionary of the English Language,’ 1828; edited
THE CRISIS. As I have argued for months on end now, it is The American Church that is nearly entirely Responsible for the Rise of Donald Trump and his accompanying ‘Spirit of Anarchy’ (or ‘Chaos’ in Greek mythology) in America.
And the equally great tragedy is that the Trump Church dares to play ‘The Victim,’ rather than the Perpetrator, following in the shameful footsteps of their champion.
“One day after inciting an armed insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, guess who feels Victimized? Well, of course—Donald Trump! Sure, some people died, law enforcement officials were injured, federal property was destroyed, lawmakers huddled in gas masks on the floors of the congressional chambers, journalists feared for their lives, and the United States of America suffered its biggest international embarrassment since the day of its founding nearly 250 years ago—all at Trump’s direction. But safely tucked inside the White House residence, sipping on Diet Cokes and consuming TV coverage of the melee he had whipped up, Trump seethed as he learned some White House aides weighed resigning, according to ‘The Washington Post.’” – ASSOCIATE EDITOR, ‘Daily Sound and Fury,’ January 7, 2021; edited
Then this is conclusion to the fiery piece: “Because that’s just what a petty garbage human being Trump is.”
Why such vitriol toward a sitting president, shared by millions of us for the past four years, all the more so following the Barbaric Events on January 6? Just one small passage from the Scriptures opens up the reason for the anger and grief.
DUTY OF A KING. “The king establishes (stabilizes) the land by justice, but a man who takes bribes overthrows it.” – PROVERBS 29:4
- JUSTICE. From the Hebrew word, ‘Mishpat’ [מִשְׁפָט]: “[Righteous] judgment; the act of deciding a case; properly, a verdict; a formal decree that is proper and fitting.” JOHN GILL COMMENTS: “‘The king by judgment establisheth the land’: By executing judgment and justice among his subjects, he establishes the Laws of the land, and the Government of it; he secures its peace and prosperity … ‘But he that receiveth gifts overthroweth it; that, is, a king that does so; Gersom observes that he is not called a king, because such a man is not worthy of the name, who takes gifts and is bribed by them to pervert judgment and justice.” – ‘Exposition on the Whole Bible,’ 19 vols., 1746-1763; edited
- TAKES BRIBES. Here this crime involves what the Hebrew term, ‘Terumah’ [תְּרוּמָה], describes as: “A contribution or offering of some kind to be used for sacred purposes; materials meant for honorable use, originally a reference to the oblations to the Levitical priests. WEBSTER (1828) COMMENTS: “A price, reward, gift or favor bestowed or promised with a view to pervert the judgment, or corrupt the conduct of a judge, witness or other person. A ‘bribe’ is a consideration given or promised to a person, to induce him to decide a cause, give testimony, or perform some act contrary to what he knows to be truth, justice or rectitude.”
- OVERTHROWS. The disastrous Condequence of an unrighteous ruler is found here. From the Hebrew, ‘Haras’ [הָרַס]: “To throw down, to break or tear down; to destroy; to become utterly ruined.” MATTHEW HENRY ADDS: “Righteous men walk at liberty, and walk in safety. This verse is applicable to compassion for the distress of the poor, and the unfeeling disregard shown by the wicked. The scornful Mock at things sacred and serious.”- ‘Exposition of the Old and New Testaments,’ 6 vols., 1708-1710; edited
FULL CIRCLE: ERA OF THE MOCKER. I submit to you all, without apology, the following. One, Donald Trump was sent to America by God, to be sure, but not as some ‘Cyrus.’ But rather as a frankly easy Litmus Test for His Church, and the Nation. Second, America’s Church has miserably failed His Test, even helping to plan the Mayhem of January 6. Third, the very character and core nature of the President is Mockery – of that which is Right and True and Honorable.
He is, despite his words, the Chief Mocker of Jesus Christ, the King of all kings. Now consider this afresh, ever so reverently.
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked [He will not allow Himself to be ridiculed, nor treated with contempt nor allow His precepts to be scornfully set aside]; for whatever a man sows, this and this only is what he will reap. For the one who sows to his flesh [his sinful capacity, his worldliness, his disgraceful impulses] will reap from the flesh ruin and destruction, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.” – GALATIANS 6:7-8, AMP
CORRUPTION OF THE AMERICAN ORDER. The terms used in this Amplified translation – “ruin and destruction” – both issue from a basic Greek term, ‘Phthora’ [φθορά], translated as: “Corruption, destruction, decay, rottenness, decomposition; rottenness, perishableness; to become wasted; shrivel or wither; to spoil or defile; the loss of salvation, eternal misery by moral corruption.”
This is what the Word and Heart of Almighty God says has taken place in the United States of America, and the vast majority of her Church. And while it has been percolating for the last 120 years, it has roiled up to the surface, like a festering sore, since, I reiterate – JUNE 21, 2016.
CODA. America is Dying, beloved, and as I wrote recently, the Chief Executioner is Donald John Trump – and his increasingly rabid ‘Sturmabteilung‘ – Storm Detachment. I do not make or take such claims lightly. But after 50 years as a student of the American Order, 40 of them as a Christian, this is the only Conclusion I am able to reach.
I know these words are jarring; I meant them to be jarring. We have underestimated Donald Trump for nearly five years now. It is time to face the Reality of a New American Fascism that has exploded on the political and religious scene, having drawn its first blood on January 6, 2021, in the Nation’s Capitol.
Donald Trump is not really going away, any more than Trumpism is going away.
WORD FROM REGINA. As I was typing this last section, I received an unexpected call from our beloved friend in the ICU somewhere in South Carolina, Regina Brown, who the hospital staff refers to now as: “The Woman With God who Sings and Prays.”
In Maori: ‘Wahine me te Atua e waiata ana, e inoi ana.’
I want you to listen to her every word, mostly surrounded by tears of passion for her what was on her heart. Note: She still has no idea of what took place in DC this week. This is a close paraphrase.
“Cliff, I don’t know why I called you just now, but I want you to listen to what I hear the Lord saying. He is so very Angry! I don’t know what He is so very angry about, but He is angry! And He is Grieved too. He told me He has had enough [from His Church and the Nation]. Tell My people to right now LET GO of this world and everything in it! Everything has to go that stands between Me and them. Everything! If they do not, they will be left behind! They will not get to go when I Return. And Cliff, BRING THE FIRE! No more nice-nice. Fire is what is needed now, because I am now going to bring Severe Judgments upon the land that has forsaken Me. And be sure they sense the Urgency of this hour!”
CAVEAT. This is not to be taken as equal to the inerrant Word of God, but as inspired by that same Holy Spirit for His Church in this critical hour. Please, especially you Pastors and Teachers and Leaders, heed these words:
Lest you perish, and take multitudes with you.
AMERICAN RUBICON. Make no mistake, beloved: What took place on the Steps of our Capitol on January 6 was of massive significance – America indeed ‘Stepped’ Over a bloody Line in God’s Sand, and we shall never, ever be the same again. Do not for one moment underestimate what happened.
To This Question: Where and for whom will you be found standing when Messiah soon Returns? Just whose Gates shall you be found laboring to Hold Open – God’s, or Man’s?
Please answer ever so well. There is so little time left to us.
Ever you servant, DK
Dr. Cliff “DK” Kelly
Digital Circuit Rider
PAYPAL https://www.paypal.me/clifsuzkelly
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Dr. Cliff Kelly
PO Box 62612
Colorado Springs, CO 80962