SCRIPTURE. “So we built the wall, and all [of it] was joined together to half its height, for the people had a heart and mind to work…So the wall was finished on the twenty-fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty-two days.” – NEHEMIAH 4:6, 6:15, AMPC


“Rebuild your world, rebuild your race, rebuild your empire. Rebuild it all. But make sure you Rebuild your Ideals too. Rebuild the Principles that made you a great and honorable galactic power in the first place. Don’t prey on the weak. Don’t steal from the helpless. Don’t murder the innocent. Be a force for good, not a force for yourself.” – DAN ABNETT, Doctor Who: The Silent Stars Go By,’ 1963; edited

“In my mind, I’ve always thought of Yeshua as being the Repairer of the Breach. And this is true; He does indeed mend what has been broken. He applies the salve we need to endure and the comfort we desire from the battle. However, it is YOU and I that are called to be His hands and feet in the earth! As His followers, we are meant to be the ones that shore up the holes in the wall. We are to Repair His House!” – KISHA GALLAGHER, “The Repairer of the Breach,” ‘Grace in Torah,’ December 26, 2014; edited

“Sometimes life abruptly opens up in ways so vast that it engulfs all of our constructs and theories and beliefs in the swiftness of that single moment. At times such as these, life does nothing less than demand a brutally exacting Reconstruction of everything that we’ve expended the raw essence of our lives constructing.” – CRAIG D. LOUNSBROUGH, ‘The Eighth Page: A Christmas Journey,’ 2018; edited



One of the great mysteries of human life and God’s Providence, is that in order to build something new and vibrant, Old Things that have decayed and degraded must be swept away to make room for the New Thing.

And that process is always painful.

This is as true for our own personal lives as it is for great enterprises such as the Reformation of the Church, or the Restoration of a failing Political Order. Invariably, the people hold onto the ‘Old Thing’ that is destroying them, since it is familiar to them, as we find comfort in The Familiar – even when it is harmful to us.

GOD’S NEW THING. I believe that both History and Providence have set before America an unprecedented opportunity, a necessity really, to Repair and Reconstruct a Dying Nation and Lifeless Church. I argue further that we cannot do both at the same time, but must Choose which one is the Priority.

The Church must come First, for reasons you should already know.

  • “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the [unyieldingly] righteous do, or what has He [the Righteous One] wrought or accomplished?” – PSALM 11:3, AMPC
  •  For the time [has arrived] for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will [be] the end of those who do not respect or believe or obey the good news (the Gospel) of God?” – 1 PETER 4:17, AMPC

THE PRINCIPLE. As I and virtually all the Founders and Framers have taught us for Centuries, and the English Common Law Tradition before them for a thousand years, ‘To restore a Nation in distress, we must first Repair its households of Faith.’

The intrepid French political scientist and sojourner ALEXIS DE TOQUEVILLE perhaps said it best on behalf of a world in awe of the new American Enterprise.

‘Religion in America…must be regarded as the Foremost of the political institutions of that country; for if it does not impart a taste for freedom, it facilitates the use of it. Indeed, it is in this same point of view that the inhabitants of the United States themselves look upon religious belief…Christianity, therefore, reigns without obstacle, by universal consent.” – ‘Democracy in America, 2 vols., 1835, 1840; edited

This is why all the hubbub about fixing the Republican Party, or election of a Democrat, or even the otherwise noble Convention of States Project will fall upon ineffectual results, not because they are bad, but because they are not our Priority.


I also hear calls from Church elites for decades now proclaiming that God is going to bring a Great Awakening to the Nation, a Revival of unprecedented scope and power. And yet none comes. Why?

The Church and her Pastors have spent decades flogging the many Liberal institutions in America that defy God’s Law: The courts, the schools, the arts, the science community, certainly the political nation. “Godless reprobates!” we have cried, not realizing Two Great Errors in doing do.

  1. THE SECULAR CULTURE. It is doing precisely what might be expected, so bringing the Whip to them only drives them further into their sinful practices, and closes them off from any sense of Christian Grace while spittle flies from our mouths toward them
  1. THE RELGIOUS CULTURE.  Christianity, is where our ire and our whipping ought to be aimed, not unlike Jesus the Messiah’s wrath at the licentious money lenders at Temple, or the religious leaders whom He despised as, “hypocrites, blind guides, serpents, brood of vipers, and whitewashed tombs!” All, all from the Religious Houses. – cf. Matthew 23:13-36

JESUS ADMONITION. “You hypocrite, first get the beam of timber out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the tiny particle out of your brother’s eye. Do not give that which is holy (the sacred thing) to the dogs, and do not throw your pearls before hogs, lest they trample upon them with their feet and turn and tear you in pieces.” – MATTHEW 7:5-6, AMPC

Anyone feeling this yet? I trust you are. PASTOR CHARLES HOWINGTON seems to have gotten it right nearly twenty years ago, but apparently not enough of us were listening to his small voice, crying in the American Wilderness.

“We all have heard it, ‘Lord send revival to our church. Lord send revival to our land, Lord we need a revival.’ Revival is the Cry of the Church, or is it? Do we truly understand what revival is? Is our heart’s desire really for revival to fall on us?…So many in the Church today, have strange gods, and so many have a lot of different idols in their life. Now they don’t desert God altogether, but they don’t trust God totally and completely either. No, their not bowing down to wooden images, or praying to rocks, but there are idols there in their life that they need to be cleansed from. Like they have known the will of God in their life for a long time, and they try to forget it, and do something else because it was too hard. Or they tried to love God, but their love has not been strong enough to keep them faithful to God, and His Will in their life. These are the false gods, idols of today, wrong loyalties and un-faithful service. Can God cleanse us from the idols? Yes He can, Amen! He promises He will cleanse us from all our idols IF we will only confess and surrender.” – “The Greatest Need of the Church, Is Revival,” October 26, 2003; edited

“IF we will only confess and surrender.”

DK’S TAKE. I will continue to argue that the greatest barrier to a Renewed America or Church, is the Church’s sustained, prideful and perilous Blindness to her own need for Repentance. She is fully convinced that the ills of the Nation are “the Liberal’s fault.” And we hear it from every pulpit and political pundit on the ‘New Alt Reich.’

“Those danged ‘Demonrats.’ They’re the reason we’re a mess!”

Yeah, I’m sure that Narrative makes our Lord real happy and proud of His people, doesn’t it? Just the sort of thing the apostles said to the Romans in the Early Church Era. What a shameless travesty we have become, beloved, the 80% who have replaced Christ for membership in a Political Ideology, and a bent one at that.



Nothing has done more damage to the American Church ‘Wall,’ or Bulwark against Evil in the land as the presidency of Donald John Trump. The point is not even arguable anymore, it just isn’t. Which is why you’ll find me an unwilling and even abrasive partner to it: That ship has sailed, and isn’t about to return anytime soon.

THE CHURCH AND TRUMP. In a wonderfully adept and dispassionate piece on this Great American Tragedy is this analysis by award winning National Politics reporter NICHOLAS CASEY, writing for the ‘New York Times’ in a piece aptly titled, ‘The Walls of the Church Couldn’t Keep the Trump Era Out,” June 20, 2020; edited

Here is a Bullet Point Review and Summary of this excellent piece of journalism, so pertinent to our present discussion of Nehemiah’s Wall.

  • A PASTOR’S WAKEUP CALL. “In early 2017, a pastor in the Alabama countryside named Chris Thomas prepared to give his Sunday sermon. President Trump had been inaugurated the week before, and the new administration was already making headlines with a travel ban that included refugees from Syria…And so that morning at First Baptist Church of Williams, a relatively liberal church with a mostly white congregation, he carried with him a sermon on the Beatitudes, eight blessings for the needy Jesus is said to have given to his followers on a hillside in Galilee. ‘Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted,’ went one. ‘Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth,’ went another. To these, the pastor added a verse of his own: ‘Blessed are those who seek refuge and have the door shut on their face.’”
  • THE FALLOUT. “What Mr. Thomas, a 35-year-old preacher with cropped sandy hair and a trimmed beard, didn’t know was the degree to which Mr. Trump’s election had already polarized his small church. Nor did he know how the Trump presidency would continue to fracture the congregation for the next three years — a Rift that would widen and threaten his own stewardship of Williams Church as the Culture Wars spilled into its pews in ways he could not control. A few days after the sermon on the Beatitudes, a group of congregants wanted to talk. ‘They more-or-less said, “Those are nice, but we don’t have to live by them,’” Mr. Thomas recalls church members saying about the verses, a Cornerstone of Christian Scripture. ‘It was like: “You’re criticizing our president. You’re clearly doing this.” From thereon, my words were being measured.’”
  • THE NEW WATCHERS. “After the sermon on the refugees, churchgoers began to monitor Mr. Thomas’s posts on Facebook, reporting back to each other when something the pastor ‘liked’ was seen by them as too liberal. When a group of church missionaries returned from a humanitarian trip to the Mexican border, they got a cold welcome from those who said they supported Mr. Trump’s border wall plans. One family proposed a “watchdog” group to ensure new members weren’t gay. Then in 2018, a small group of churchgoers led a secret attempt to oust Mr. Thomas to clear the way for a more ‘conservative’ preacher. ‘There’s no doubt the country is more polarized, and the church started to reflect it,’ said Bobby Burns, a former member of the church’s finance committee. ‘The walls of this church just weren’t thick enough to protect us from the world.’”

MESSIAH WEEPING. This sort of thing was done in Nazi Germany via the issuing of a Decree in 1933: ‘Outlawing the Opposition’ to catch and punish anyone who would dare criticize the Fascist Regime. We are traveling that same road, beloved. 

So as I read this devasting report, and became furious over it, I was reminded of the time Jesus was lamenting His Rejection by His own people. 

“Truly I declare to you, all these [evil, calamitous times] will come upon this generation. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, murdering the prophets and stoning those who are sent to you! How often would I have gathered your children together as a mother fowl gathers her brood under her wings, and you refused! Behold, your house is forsaken and desolate (abandoned and left destitute of God’s help).” MATTHEW 23:36-38, AMPC

I tell you, we had better hope that Messiah is still merely ‘Weeping’ over our cities and churches, because once He Shifts from Grief to Anger, then we shall be visited by a very Different Jesus than the one preached in our timid and blind little halls of worship.


“So we built the wall, and all [of it] was joined together to half its height, for the people had a heart and mind to work…So the wall was finished on the twenty-fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty-two days.” – NEHEMIAH 4:6, 6:15, AMPC

OVERVIEW. For the background of this dramatic narrative, I borrow from a deftly written piece by Taylor University’s HOPE BOLINGER titled, “What Nehemiah Teaches about Rebuilding after a Disaster Like COVID-19,” published for ‘Bible Study Tools’ on April 14, 2020; edited.

  • INTRODUCTION. “With the panic surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic, we may wonder what society and the world will look like when this crisis ends. Small businesses fear that they may not be able to recover from minimal sales these past few months, people have been laid off from jobs, and schools have converted from in-person classroom settings to online. Can we rebuild? What does that look like? How long will it take to recover? We may have asked ourselves these questions as we watch the numbers on the news continue to rise. As the Bible has no specific guidelines on a Pandemic like this, how do we look forward to the future?”
  • HOW BAD WAS THE DANGER TO JERUSALEM? “Nehemiah may not have faced a pandemic, but when the Babylonians laid siege to Jerusalem, they left Israel destitute and without hope. Not only did the Babylonians take the best of the best (Daniel 1), leaving only the poor and frail behind, but according to accounts in the Bible and Josephus, the Babylonians set fire to Jerusalem. This means, when Nehemiah returns, he has to start from square one. They’ve burned the buildings, the stones, the foundations (Nehemiah 4:2), and it looks bleak. To top it all off, Israel’s enemies aren’t too keen about their return, and continually taunt and threaten Nehemiah, to prevent him from completing his project. In essence, the situation looked bleak – much like our own disaster may now seem. Nevertheless, Nehemiah trusts in the Lord and proceeds with rebuilding Jerusalem. We can learn a great deal from when he chooses to do so.”
  • IT TAKES TIME TO REBUILD. “Although Nehemiah does remark at the surprising speed God allows them to rebuild once he arrives in Jerusalem, it takes a lot of time to get to that point. Ezra, another returning exile, returns with families into Jerusalem in 457 BC, and Nehemiah doesn’t start building until 444 BC, according to this timeline from BibleHub. That means 13 whole years pass before they begin repairs.To those exiles who arrived in 457, they may have experienced a great deal of sorrow and loss. The city they once knew, or had heard about from their parents during the Babylonian exile, has been reduced to almost nothing. Nevertheless, once they begin to rebuild, they complete the wall before the year expires, and Ezra reads the law for the people, reminding them of God’s goodness and promises. When all seems most hopeless, God allows the people to rebuild and they flourish for about one hundred years.”
  • ENEMIES WILL ATTACK THE REBUILDING PROCESS. “Sanballat, the governor of Samaria, and other Ammonites and Horonites, are less than pleased when they hear that the Israelites have begun to rebuild the wall (Nehemiah 4). He first resorts to taunting. As much as we hate taunting now, like when someone insults us online or in the workplace, taunting during Nehemiah’s time packed a whole different kind of punch. He prays that God handle the situation, and that his enemies will have their insults fall on their own heads. Then he goes back to work…In the end, Jerusalem rebuilds, in spite of enemy opposition. Whatever God has brought together, no man can separate (Mark 10:9), and that certainly rang true for Nehemiah. In the same way, Satan likes to tear apart what God is healing or rebuilding. When God restores something, expect the devil to make an attempt to deter progress.”
  • HEALING CAN BE PAINFUL. “One particular passage really stands out in Nehemiah’s narrative: when Ezra reads the law for the people in Nehemiah 8. Most people, when he does so, react by crying bitter tears (Nehemiah 8:9). They’ve realized in this moment how much they’ve lost. Perhaps they thought about all the family members who perished in Babylon and never got to see the rebuilt city. Or maybe they wondered if the Babylonian captivity would have never taken place if they’d listened more carefully to the law Ezra is reading now. In either case, even though they’ve rebuilt, they realize how much they’ve healed from, how long those decades in Babylon felt. And this evokes an emotional reaction. In the same way, when we heal from a Disaster, the process involves a lot of pain, a lot of mulling over emotions and memories we don’t want to unwrap.”

Such is the nature of a major Commission to Rebuild the Lord’s Walls, or His very House which has fallen into disarray. It is hard. It is brutal. And it is painful, even after the Victory.


In all of this, the author overlooks one little detail that I find compelling in applying this Narrative to America’s present Crisis. While Tobias and Sanballat and Geshem were Arabic enemies of the Jews, and expected to oppose their work, it was one Jewish man, Shemaiah, whose Betrayal was the most vicious. Why? 

Because he was a Jew, and official of the religious order. Early English Methodist minister and co-leader with John Wesley, JOSEPH BENSON, offers rich and detailed Summary of this venal sin against his own people.

“‘I came into the house of Shemaiah’ — Who was a pretended prophet, as appears from Nehemiah 6:12, and taken by Nehemiah for his friend, who therefore went to advise and consult with him at his house. ‘Who was shut up’ — In his chamber adjoining to the temple, either upon pretence of singular devotion and communion with God, or rather of having received certain knowledge, by the Spirit of God, of their approaching danger, from which they could be safe nowhere but in the temple. He probably intended also by this action to give Nehemiah to understand what he himself ought to do for his own security; for it was the manner of the prophets to instruct the people by actions and signs, as well as by words. 

Let us meet together within the temple’ — For the danger is so near that we cannot safely tarry here so long as to consult what to do in this juncture. ‘For they will come to slay thee; yea, in the night, &c.’ — Even this very night will they fall upon thee; therefore consult thy safety by fleeing hither. Thus he hoped to intimidate Nehemiah, and thereby to strike a dread into all the people, and put a speedy and full stop to the work; which effect would indeed have been produced if Nehemiah had taken his advice, and through fear shut himself up: For then the people would have left their work, and every one have shifted for his own safety. He probably hoped also by this means to render Nehemiah contemptible among the people, by manifesting such cowardice as to desert his post and take refuge in the Temple in time of danger; and by all these things to prepare the way for the enemies to assault and take the city.” – ‘Critical Notes on the Holy Bible,’ 5 vols, 1811-1818; edited

KAPO: THE VILEST OF ENEMIES. During the World War II interment of the Jews by Hitler, there emerged a special class of Camp Supervisors call, “Kapos.” Writing for the ‘Jewish Virtual Library,’ GARY M. GROBMAN captures the brutality of this sort of betrayal of the Jews.

“The German concentration camps depended on the cooperation of trustee inmates who supervised the prisoners. Known as Kapos, these trustees carried out the will of the Nazi camp commandants and guards, and were often as brutal as their SS counterparts. Some of these Kapos were Jewish, and even they inflicted harsh treatment on their fellow prisoners. For many, failure to perform their duties would have resulted in severe punishment and even death, but many historians view their actions as a form of complicity. After the War, the prosecution of Kapos as war criminals, particularly those who were Jewish, created an ethical dilemma which continues to this day.” – “The Holocaust – A Guide for Teachers,” 1990; edited

Which puts me in mind of some of the most painful lines ever composed by King David.

“For it is not an enemy who reproaches and taunts me—then I might bear it; nor is it one who has hated me who insolently vaunts himself against me—then I might hide from him. But it was you, a man my equal, my companion and my familiar friend. We had sweet fellowship together and used to walk to the house of God in company.” – PSALM 55:12-14, AMPC

WILLIAM MACDONALD WRITES. “At the heart of David’s Complaint, of course is his cruel Betrayal. The pain would have been more endurable if the culprit has been an avowed enemy [as with Sanballat, Tobias and Geshem for Nehemiah]. If the taunts and insults had come from an out and out adversary, then the Psalmist could have kept out of his way. But it was one of his own, a companion, a loved and trusted friend who  had knifed him in the back. It was one with whom the Psalmist used to have sweet fellowship as the walked together in the courts of the Tabernacle. The perfidy of this man and his followers deserves sudden death, a quick trip to Sheol, for wickedness dwells in their homes and deep in their hearts’ (Joseph Gelineau).” – ‘Believer’s Bible Commentary,’ 1995, p. 634; edited

So does this take us to the more biting point of this entire Commentary: The Impact of Donald Trump on the American Church.


Some of the finest journalism I have ever seen has come of late from ‘The Atlantic,’ and the following incisive piece is no exception. Their stable of writers is second to none, regardless of political lean or religious commitments – or their absence. The just do yeoman’s work at telling the Truth.

PETER WEHNER this time, senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, holds forth on “The Cost of the Evangelical Betrayal,” June 10, 2020. And the impact of the Betrayal upon the Republic – and the Church.

THE PRICE OF BETRAYAL. Here are a few of the high points from this incisive commentary on the State of the American Church, after “Braiding itself to Trump.”

  • HIGH COURT FAILURE. “The closest thing social conservatives and evangelical supporters of President Donald Trump had to a conversation stopper, when pressed about their support for a president who is so manifestly corrupt, cruel, mendacious, and psychologically unwell, was a simple phrase: ‘But Gorsuch.’ Then came ‘Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia.’ That is the case decided in mid-June in which the majority opinion, written by Justice Gorsuch, protected gay and transgender individuals from workplace discrimination, handing the LGBTQ movement a historic victory.”
  • LEGISLATIVE FAILURE. “Legislatively, Trump, compared with other presidents, has not achieved all that much for the pro-life cause and religious-liberties protection. For example, George W. Bush’s pro-life record is stronger and Bill Clinton achieved more in the area of religious liberties, signing into law the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act.” NOTE: Trump has funded Planned Parenthood at record levels for three years running, signing his latest bill in 2019 awarding $616.8 billion to their slaughter mills. – cf. Paige Winfield Cunningham, “The Health 202: Funding for Planned Parenthood Went Up During Trump Administration,” ‘Washington Post,’ October 21, 2020
  • RISE OF WHITE NATIONALISM. “The white supremacist Richard Spencer, describing the neo-Nazi and white-supremacist march in Charlottesville, Virginia, told The Atlantic,’ ‘There is no question that Charlottesville wouldn’t have occurred without Trump. It really was because of his campaign and this new potential for a nationalist candidate who was resonating with the public in a very intense way. The alt-right found something in Trump. He changed the paradigm and made this kind of public presence of the Alt-Right possible.’ And David Duke, the former Ku Klux Klan leader, called the march a ‘Turning Point’ for his own movement, which seeks to ‘fulfill the promises of Donald Trump.’”
  • AMERICAN COLLAPSE. “This is the worst year for America in more than a half century; a stunning 87 percent of Americans are dissatisfied with the way things are going and only 17 percent feel proud when thinking about the state of the nation, while 71 percent feel angry and 66 percent are fearful. Donald Trump’s presidency is so polarizing and such a catastrophe that a plurality or outright majority of Americans now oppose much of whatever he supports. The mood of the public is the most progressive it’s been in nearly 70 years. During the Trump era, the nation has moved to the left on a whole series of issues, including those that matter most to evangelical Trump supporters.”
  • THE GREATEST COST. “The greatest cost of the Trump years to evangelical Christianity isn’t in the political sphere, but rather in what Christians refer to as BEARING WITNESS—showing how their lives have been transformed by their faith. Much of the evangelical movement, in aligning itself with Donald Trump, has shown itself to be graceless and joyless, seized by fear, hypocritical, censorious, and filled with grievances. That is not true of all evangelicals, of course, and it’s not true of all evangelicals who are Trump supporters. But it’s true of enough of them, and certainly of the political leadership of the white evangelical movement, to have done deep injury to their public witness.”

IN SUM. These observations cannot be neatly tucked away under propagandist narratives and talking points issued from the White House. They are the Imprint of Donald Trump’s boot upon the flailing, divided and nearly ruined, once great Republic. And the very Core of Betrayal of America is laid squarely by God Himself at the Doors of His Church.

And the Pastors of those 83% who dared, dared to vote for Trump a second time!


So the Repair of the massive Breaches on the Walls of the American Church becomes our most immediate, and seemingly impossible, task. To Restore the good name of Jesus Christ, ripped apart forever from the corrupt wickedness of Donald Trump – if such a thing can be done.

CLEANING HOUSE. While this may appear extreme to some, I am convinced more than ever that the Church’s Alliance with the Uncleanness of Donald Trump has spiritually poisoned her witness. I have already presented evidence for that conclusion. 

Scripture is both clear and relentless on this vital point. 

“Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers [do not make mismated alliances with them or come under a different yoke with them, inconsistent with your faith]. For what partnership have right living and right standing with God with iniquity and lawlessness? Or how can light have fellowship with darkness? What harmony can there be between Christ and Belial [the devil]? Or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? What agreement [can there be between] a temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God; even as God said, I will dwell in and with and among them and will walk in and with and among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.” – 2 CORINTHIANS 6:14-16, AMPC

COMMENTARY. “Mention of the Unequal Yoke suggest Deuteronomy 22:10: ‘You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together.’ The ox was a clean animal and the donkey unclean, and their step and pull are ‘unequal.’ By way of contrast, when believers are yoked with the Lord Jesus, they find that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. (Matthew 11:29-30). This section of 2 Corinthians is one of the key passages in all the Word of God on the subject of SEPARATION. It is clear instruction that the believer should Separate himself from Unbelievers, iniquity, darkness, Belial, idols..In addition to this, it refers to business. A Christian should not go into Partnership with one who does not know the Lord.” – WILLIAM MACDONALD, ‘Believer’s Bible Commentary,’ 1995, p. 1845; edited

BREAKING ALL TIES. So, for all Churches and Pastors who have struck this Faustian Bargain, having struck a ‘Deal with the Devil’ viz. his agent, Mr. Donald Trump, you must immediately Undo it all through Public Confession and Renunciation. 

As a Model, we might consider the powerful Proclamation 97 by Abraham Lincoln’s on March 30, 1863:

“We have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us! It behooves us then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness.”

RENUNCIATION. This followed, Pastors and Leaders, by a complete and permanent and very public Renunciation of all former Ties to Trump, whether political, financial or spiritual. This shall be your only recourse to Good Standing with God, in preparation for His Coming to Judge the Church first, and then the Nation.

Now that was the easy part, believe it or not. All you must do is publicly swallow your pride. If not, should you recklessly choose to ignore His stern Admonition, then this:

“Collect your thoughts, yes, unbend yourselves [in submission and see if there is no sense of shame and no consciousness of sin left in you], O shameless nation [not desirous or desired]! [The time for repentance is speeding by like chaff whirled before the wind!] Therefore consider, before God’s decree brings forth [the curse upon you], before the time [to repent] is gone like the drifting chaff, before the fierce anger of the Lord comes upon you—yes, before the day of the wrath of the Lord comes upon you!

Seek the Lord [inquire for Him, inquire of Him, and require Him as the foremost necessity of your life], all you humble of the land who have acted in compliance with His revealed will and have kept His commandments; seek righteousness, seek humility [inquire for them, require them as vital]. It may be you will be hidden in the day of the Lord’s anger.” – ZEPHANIAH 2:1-3, AMPC

CODA. That is all the News to report on this one, boys and girls. It is what I heard the Lord say to publish. If I am in error, He will reprove me; if I am correct, He will reprove you – depending on your responses.

The Scriptures remind that “He who disdains instruction despises his own soul, but he who heeds rebuke gets understanding.” And lots more similar wisdom where that came from. – PROVERBS 15:32, NKJV

So as God’s Timeline winds way down, beloved, with just a matter of days left until January 20th’s Inauguration Day, the deployment of the first Covid vaccines, while waiting to see if the Petulance of Pennsylvania Avenue will deploy himself elsewhere, it is a good time to ‘Get right with God,’ as we used to say it back in the day.

Will the people of God, “have a mind to work” this, beloved? If so, anything becomes Wondrously Possible. But if not, then the Darkness. It is still up to us, beloved. He is waiting just a few minutes more.

Ever your servant, DK




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Dr. Cliff “DK” Kelly

Digital Circuit Rider



Dr. Cliff Kelly
PO Box 62612
Colorado Springs, CO 80962



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