PART III: “THE MOMENT” – With Loving Profiles from St. Francis Medical Center
SCRIPTURE. “Then I said to them, ‘You see the bad situation we are in—how Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates are burned with fire. Come, let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a disgrace.’ Then I told them of the hand of my God which was upon me for good, and also the words that the king had spoken to me. And they said, ‘Let us rise up and build!’ So they strengthened their hands for the good work.” – NEHEMIAH 2:17-18, AMPC
“When my country, into which I had just set my foot, was set on fire about my ears, it was time to stir. It was time for every man to stir.” – THOMAS PAINE, ‘Common Sense,’ 1775-1776
“Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously.” – ALBERT EINSTEIN, Nobel Laureate in Physics, 14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955
“I believe that the first test of a great man is his humility. I don’t mean by humility, doubt of his power. But really great men have a curious feeling that the greatness is not of them, but through them. And they see something divine in every other man and are endlessly, foolishly, incredibly merciful.” – JOHN RUSKIN, British art critic, 8 February 1819 – 20 January 1900
As I began to prep this Commentary in the afterglow of a rather momentous week for Kelly House, I was reminded of the kinds of people who, for lack of a less schmaltzy way to say it, ‘Seize the day!” Meaning, individuals who see a crying need, and after some proper reflection, set out to meet that need, ‘Without hesitation.’
The amazing Staff at St. Joseph’s Medical Center gave me rich example of this quality, and we’ll end with that later.
A KAIROS MOMENT. ‘Kairos’ (καιρός) is an Ancient Greek word meaning the right, critical, or ‘Opportune Moment’ in time to accomplish something important. The ancient Greeks had two words for time: ‘Chronos’ (χρόνος) and ‘Kairos.’ The former refers to chronological or sequential time, while the latter signifies a proper or opportune time for action.
Closely related to this is a THEOLOGICAL MAXIM I have long held dear, captured brilliantly by the great German Reformer.
“If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the Truth of God except precisely that little point which the World and the Devil are at THAT MOMENT attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved, and to be steady on all the battlefield besides, is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.” – MARTIN LUTHER, attributed to him in a Novel by Elizabeth Rundle Charles, ‘The Chronicles of the Schoenberg Cotta Family,’ 1864; edited, emphasis my own
Do you see it, beloved? Do you grasp what God’s Command to us in a Time of Crisis requires? And by painful extension, what the American Church is abysmally failing to do today? Ask yourselves this Burning Question:
Where, right now, are the World and the Devil attacking and dividing God’s Church and Nation? What Two Factors have changed the course of American and World History in just one year?
Donald Trump and Covid-19.
THE CHURCH. Now then, one more time: What is the Church teaching us about what Christ instructs us to do with each major blow to the very Order of Things? For the 83% of the Church that says to ‘Follow the President!’ on this and every other matter, do consider this.
I found an excellent piece is by DAVID HOLTGRAVE, PH.D., Dean of the University at Albany School of Public Health and SUNY Distinguished Professor. He points out 12 DEADLY ERRORS made by the president in handling the Coronavirus Crisis. – ‘CNN News,’ October 29, 2020; edited
I am taking my time with this, to make is as accurate and necessarily painful as possible for those in the Church are “Complicit” in this Crime against the American people.
- FIRST, “the Trump administration failed to adequately acknowledge the existence of the Covid-19 challenge publicly early on as evidenced by the President’s comments about the first Americans to be infected such as ‘the 15 within a couple days is going to be down to close to zero’ cases, or ‘it will go away.’ This explicit downplaying of Covid-19 was either an act to overtly spread misinformation or it was a reflection of complacency, but in either case it led to an inadequate Covid-19 response.”
- SECOND, “the administration, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in particular, had difficulty developing and rolling out initial testing strategies leading to serious delays in the necessary uptake of testing for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. For weeks, testing in even hard-hit areas was limited to diagnostic tests for hospitalized people or health care workers rather than population-level testing. Diagnostic testing is still too slow in some areas and testing for asymptomatic persons is still insufficient. The US got off to an avoidable slow start in testing, is still catching up, a key administration adviser on Covid-19 is actively arguing against the testing of people who don’t have symptoms, and the President has been known to say, ‘slow the testing down please.’”
- THIRD, “the administration provided some personal protective equipment but failed to make supplies of it for health care workers and schools available at the scale necessary to meet the needs. Without sufficient supplies of the basic equipment needed, it is hard to protect yourself from SARS-CoV-2.”
- FOURTH, “the administration reportedly pressured for FDA Emergency Use Authorizations of treatments such as hydroxychloroquine without sufficient evidence of potential effectiveness, eventually leading to a withdrawal of the hydroxychloroquine EUA, but not before the interest in this one drug diverted massive efforts in the medical, public health and research communities to focus on a drug that ultimately garnered scant evidence of effectiveness in well conducted studies.”
- FIFTH, “even after states like New York showed that physical distancing (in many forms), mask use, avoidance of large gatherings, hand sanitization, staying home when ill, and other basic techniques served to bring down cases, hospitalizations and death rates, the administration encouraged states to abandon such effective strategies even in the face of widespread community transmission (such as in Florida) and if they did not, the President encouraged residents of jurisdictions such as Michigan to ‘liberate’ their state.”
- SIXTH, “the President chose to demonize researchers whose findings did not suit him (such as calling the work of researchers finding no benefit to hydroxychloroquine, an ‘enemy statement’), thereby putting some scientists in the position of not only defending their science but also their motives for conducting urgent and important research in the first place. Such assaults on science and scientists can lead researchers to think twice about engaging in potentially lifesaving work, and can set back the scientific process such that evidence-based answers to pressing societal challenges are slower in their evolution.”
- SEVENTH, “White House Task Force member Dr. Scott Atlas and Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar have met with and embraced proponents of the Great Barrington Declaration. The Declaration proposes to achieve herd immunity (before a vaccine is available) by protecting older persons yet removing most SARS-CoV-2 preventive measures among young people. Although he did not cite the Declaration, White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows recently said on CNN that ‘we are not going to control the pandemic,’ a sentiment consistent with the Great Barrington document. This herd immunity approach has been widely criticized by many in the public health community, because by not having in place the necessary preventive precautions, it could yield substantial expansion of Covid-19 cases in the US and induce serious increases in morbidity and mortality.”
- EIGHTH, “the President interpreted his personal experience of receiving world-class, life-saving, experimental medical care from a single-source, government run and supported program to be the kind of care that everyone in the US can have (especially as he supports the destruction of the Affordable Care Act, the means to health insurance for millions in the US). Further, based on his experience of medical care privilege, he told the residents of the US not to fear Covid and to not let it dominate their lives…clearly dangerous health care advice for many and especially those without access to the same level of health care he enjoyed.”
- NINTH, “the President, his administration and his campaign have held or attended events in which they ignored most if not all public health recommendations for Covid-19 prevention. For instance, the first family brazenly took off their masks at the initial presidential debate despite the rules of the Commission on Presidential Debates and the Cleveland Clinic health care experts on site. One is reminded of celebrity Fernando Lamas saying, ‘it is better to look good than to feel good.’ Well, that ironic phrase is not one we utilize in public health.”
- TENTH, “the devastating disparities of Covid-19 in communities of color are matters of social justice, and yet the President barely seems to notice or acknowledge them. Clearly, to alleviate the suffering from Covid-19 in the US, one must address the injustice of these racial, ethnic and socioeconomic disparities and begin to better build health equity.”
- ELEVENTH, “if the administration wanted to address these issues, there would be a comprehensive, evidence-based national Covid-19 strategy, but there is no such national plan at this point. Without a plan in place, there can be no tracking of key metrics, no informed mid-course corrections, and little accountability.”
- TWELFTH, “there are instances when members of the administration are giving out risky information, undermining the American public’s ability to inform and protect itself. Just recently, White House adviser Dr. Scott Atlas tweeted ‘Masks work? NO’ (synergistic with the President’s less than enthusiastic attitude toward mask use), despite substantial evidence to the contrary.”
DK’S TAKE. It frankly numbs all moral senses to read this now bloody indictment by one of the medical field’s best, likely not a Christian, who demonstrates more wisdom and compassion than that vast majority of the entire American Church.
And still, and still, and still, they remain Silent in the face of this and the president’s lawless efforts to bring down the duly elected presidency of Joe Biden. Silent!
Before I draw what shall be a brutal conclusion from all this, let me set it up with Dr. Holtgrave’s own final assessments of the Impact of Trump’s conduct related to the Covid Crisis.
“It is difficult to assess the precise number of deaths, life years lost, and lives disrupted by this collection of errors of commission, omission and complacency, but it is clear that a large number of the over 225,000 lives lost to Covid-19 could have been saved had these errors been avoided with straightforward, evidence-based precautions in place, delivered at the necessary scale, and provided at the right time.”
TRUMP’S CRIME. In a stunning piece by clinical psychologist ALAN D. BLOTCKY, former federal prosecutor GLENN KIRSCHNER, and SETH D. NORRHOLM, associate professor of psychiatry in the Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, define Trump’s Crime – and those who remain Complicit with such crime.
“Taken together, Trump’s ongoing lies, failure to warn of the virus’ transmissibility, failure to institute a national plan for mitigation, failure to follow public health experts, and continuing to disavow mitigation practices (e.g., holding “super-spreader” events with little mask wearing and no social distancing) comprise behaviors that meet the standard for SECOND-DEGREE MURDER.” – ‘Salon,’ October 1, 2020; edited, emphasis my own
Donald John Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, is arguably guilty of the Crime of Mass Murder against his own people. And the Church Complicit has the blood of countless thousands all over its hands, and shall be held to a most severe account at The Judgment – and before.
“But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any one of them, he is taken away in and for his perversity and iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.” – EZEKIEL 33:6, AMPC
O the very shame of it, the violence of it, the treachery of it to our King!
“And they said, ‘Let us rise up and build!’ So they strengthened their hands for the good work.” – NEHEMIAH 2:18, AMPC
But now to a much happier cadence: The Church Remnant, who would put honest brick and mortar to the Repair of God’s House, and if necessary, their own blood and sinew to seal its joints and jousts. For there is no nobler work to be done, than this.
And this is how they are to do it.
- RISE UP! From the Hebrew term in emphatic form, ‘Qum’ [קוּם]: “To arise or stand; to listen to God’s Word (of instruction); to make a noise or tumult; coming on the scene, appear, of a leader, prophet, or king; to arise out of inaction to some specific deed; be established, confirmed of the Kingdom; to endure; to be valid of one’s vows to God; to become fulfilled; ‘to persist, literally, on things noble doth he take his stand;’ to lift one’s shield against all opposition; to raise to dignity and power; to erect or give repair; to rouse, stir up, as with a lion; to cause to hold one’s ground.”
- AND BUILD! From the Hebrew, ‘Banah’ [בָּנָה]: “To build or rebuild a house, to cause it to flourish; to build up Israel (or the Church); figurative of restored exiles; to restore wisdom’s house; to increase and strengthen; to cement and knit together; to settle or establish and preserve; to construct, rest or depend on as a foundation; even Yahweh’s house and sanctuary; both to repair and to enlarge; to perpetuate and extend a family; to cause a household to flourish; to rebuild the ruinous places; made permanent by wisdom; to increase and strengthen; to cement and knit together; to settle or establish and preserve.”
- WITH STRENGTHENED HANDS. From the Hebrew, ‘Chazaq’ [חָזַק]: “To be or grow firm or strong, strengthen; to be bound fast, be attached to; support; be courageous; to gird oneself (for battle); to become too strong to prevail against; implicates royal (divine) power; associated with the sound of a trumpet blast; to enjoy the security of a Kingdom; to hold firmly to, complete devote oneself to; to be courageous and confident; to press, be urgent; to restore to full strength; as with fortifying a town or city wall; to take hold of, seize or catch; to prove valiant and brave, helpful; to harden or be obdurate (for war).”
COMMENTARY. “Nehemiah produced his Commission and exhorted them to assist in the work. The sight of his credentials, and the animating strain of his address and example, so revived their drooping spirits that they resolved immediately to commence the building, which they did, despite the bitter taunts and scoffing ridicule of some influential men.” – JAMIESON-FAWCETT-BROWN, ‘Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible,’ 1871; edited
And this is what they did, beloved, after having been discouraged by so many adverse forces. I would have quoted the entirety of NEHEMIAH 3, but did my own edit-paraphrase of what they accomplished at God’s Behest, and Nehemiah’s exceptional leadership.
‘Then Eliashib the high priest rose with his brethren the priests and built the Sheep Gate. Also the sons of Hassenaah built the Fish Gate, moreover Johoiada and Meshullam repaired the Old Gate. And the goldsmiths made repairs with the perfumers to fortify the Broad Wall. Then others to the Tower of the Ovens, and the Valley Gate and the Refuse Gate. Shallun repaired the Fountain Gate, and the Pool of Shelah by the King’s Garden, as far as the stairs to the City of David, even as far as the House of the Mighty. And the buttresses in front of the Ascent to the Armory and houses of the high priests. Then the Nehinim made repairs to the front of the Water Gate toward the east, and on the projecting tower. The Tekoites repaired another section as far as the wall of Ophel, and beyond the Horse Gate, finally one of the goldsmiths made repairs to houses in front of the Miphkad Gate. Then between the upper room at the corner, as far as the Sheep Gate, the goldsmiths and the merchants made repairs.’
And they did this in just 52 Days, beloved, seven and a half weeks – “For the people had a mind to work,” despite mighty opposition. – NEHEMIAH 4:6
MATTHEW HENRY COMMENTS. “The Walls of Jerusalem, in heaps of rubbish, represent the desperate state of the world around, while the number and malice of those who hindered the building, give some faint idea of the enemies we have to contend with, while executing the work of God. Every one must begin at home; for it is by getting the work of God advanced in our own souls that we shall best contribute to the good of the church of Christ. May the Lord thus stir up the hearts of his people, to lay aside their petty disputes, and to disregard their worldly interests, compared with building the walls of Jerusalem, and defending the cause of truth and godliness against the assaults of avowed enemies.” – ‘Exposition of the Old and New Testaments,’ 6 volumes, 1708-1710; edited
Selah. Selah.
In moving to the finish of this important matter, I discovered a moving and lucid writer who goes by the name, APPOLUS, though he refused to capitalize his name. He is associated with a stable of writers named, “Scottish Warriors for Christ,” a harkening to some of my own roots in Clan Anderson in the Central Highlands.
Here is his Charge to the Remnant for this Last Hour, written on September 26, 2012. All the more urgently pressing upon us now, beloved.
“The Remnant’s role has changed down through the centuries, but always at her core she has been called to be a Witness, an eye-witness to Gods glory. This is the essential heartbeat of Gods Remnant Bride and always will be. In this role she has been used as a sanctuary, the sanctuary, the Holy of Holy’s. She is a tabernacle in the wilderness, she is Gods temple here on earth. She is a place for the weary and the lost and forsaken. At the same time, she has always been despised by the Religious Spirit. These are people who confess God with their mouths but who have not received God’s glory, who have never encountered the glory of the living God…
Every day Noah’s Hammer could be heard, every day the Ark took shape and was rising up. The continuous hammering would have been a great source of irritation to all around him. Noah would have to keep building despite the ridicule and the scorn and the anger because the rain was surely coming and he was being obedient to his calling. We too as Gods Remnant people have to keep true to what the Lord has called us to. We are also in the Ark business. There was one place of salvation when the rains of judgment began to fall, it was the Ark. Can I put it to you brothers and sisters that the Remnant church of God is God’s Ark built by the hands of Jesus. With the Judgments beginning to fall, with the beginning of the Birth Pangs, it will become apparent that God has a people who have not bowed the knee to Baal. God is getting ready to reveal His Ark by bringing Judgment and allowing the rise of the Anti-christ. This Ark will be a Witness to the glory of God and His way of escape. This ark will be used as a last chance for the un-redeemed of the world to be saved before Final Judgment. This Ark will be revealed to the world by isolation and persecution, all of the world will see this Ark and they will be without excuse when that Day comes, for this Ark is the glory of Christ here on the earth and He reveals Himself through what He has built.”
IN SUM. The Primary Call of the Church Remnant in these Last Days to ‘Rebuild God’s Wall,’ it so RESTORE GOD’S WITNESS that has been utterly devastated by the Church’s shameless tolerance of Trump’s Infection to race through the very Sanctuaries of the Lord. To demonstrate to the World that that is NOT God’s true house!
This to enjoy God’s Promised “Open Door” that no man can shut it, presented to the Philadelphian Church, His True House, that people would see this House and know it is from the Living Christ – and not the filth proposed by a wicked politician. That many would be rescued before the Door of the Ark closes, shut forevermore. – cf. Genesis 7:16; Revelation 3:8
SOME PROFILES IN COURAGE. To this rather lovely opportunity to present to you Four Special Individuals who graced my brief stay at St. Francis Medical Center in Colorado Springs. I have been their twice for surgeries over the years, and found this place to be an extraordinary Place of Care and Healing in this time of Crisis.
- THE STAFF. I think it’s important to start by saying just outside my room the many staff there were animated, not glum, joking bout how everything was going to be okay on January 20 when the new president is installed, plus a little friendly gallows humor now and then. The Point: They were an affectionate, professional unified Team, facing horrific days every days they reported to suit up for the ordeal. Impressive.
- CHANIZE – TECH. Not sure of the spelling, but this little multiracial ball of fire and light sped round my room, taking care of everything that needed attention, chatting lickety split with me the whole time. When I told her I didn’t want to use the commode and submit her to that, um, clean up task, likely not her favorite. She fired back, ‘You ain’t lyin!’ and she promptly asked if I preferred Peppermint room freshener. All smiles and energy, despite what she faced every day and night. Would pop in her head, childlike, every now and then to check on me and to say I was doing good.
- LEXA – NURSE. Now comes my primary medical roustabout, a 30 something stepmom with a story to raise a salute from anyone willing to listen. Upbeat all the way, tough in the best sense of that term, impervious to the dangers, who’d say: “Is this all you got?” about the Virus. Turns out she and her younger sister were on the streets at 15 to escape a virulently racist home, and they forged on their own, avoiding prostitution, booze, drugs and both ended up in school in the medical field, to ‘give back.’
- STEVE – RESPIRATORY. My personal favorite was a longhaired, hip San Francisco boy in his 30s, with a delightfully playful attitude. I noted his helmet by saying, “Dude, that is a righteous headpiece y’all are wearing, fitting for Star Wars, yo.” Without missing a beat, he quietly walks directly to my bedside, looks down at me and says, in his deepest voice possible: “I am your father.” Cut to a coughing guffaw as I tried to control my sheer delight at the man’s spot on wit. We struck a quick bond and hoped we’d meet again, in better circumstances. Love him.
- MARINA – PA IN CHARGE. Team Leader Marina, young mom of a rambunctious two-year old boy and wife of a Green Beret, all professional yet not all clinical. Knew her stuff and I could feel that. Ran me threw a battery of tests – passed some, failed some – and began to wrap up my stay by saying I was doing well and that she’d release me in a few hours. At the end of our last visit, I turned to her and said, “I am a teacher and I want to ask if you know just how important history will judge you guys?” She stopped everything and stared at me for the answer. “As first heroes of the era.” She melted, hugged me tearfully and said, “You don’t know how much that means to us; we’re so very tired. Thank you.” C’mon.
THE POINT. While I received the best of care at the hospital, I became a committed fan of the work these heroes do, every day, every night, with Chanize telling me that some folks still come in there to yell and complain at them for reasons that are beyond human understanding. Or human compassion.
Their only despair: They knew the president did not hold them in high esteem. There was no talk of him in those precious halls. And what if I had been a ‘Trump Christian’ among these heroes, what then for My Witness?
Paul didn’t spare any words about this.
“But now I write to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of [Christian] brother if he is known to be guilty of immorality or greed, or is an idolater [whose soul is devoted to any object that usurps the place of God], or is a person with a foul tongue [railing, abusing, reviling, slandering], or is a drunkard or a swindler or a robber. [No] you must not so much as eat with such a person.” – 1 CORINTHIANS 5:11, AMPC
FINAL CHARGE. To all Church leaders, pastors, teachers, priests, prelates and so-called prophets who have trafficked with the demonic iniquity from the White House, you have been served notice after notice after notice, Before the Judgment of your houses.
My Counsel: Come out of her! Renounce your past ties altogether, inform your congregations to do likewise, begging their forgiveness for your Betrayal of your King, and from that day forward, Set a Standard for Witness that only the True Gospel shall be taught from our pulpits forevermore.
The Old Prophet cries out still, at his Late Hour:
“Return, O faithless children [of the whole twelve tribes], says the Lord, for I am Lord and Master and Husband to you… And I will give you [spiritual] shepherds after My own heart [in the final time], who will feed you with knowledge and understanding and judgment.” – JEREMIAH 3:14-15, AMPC
Do this, and live! And Restore the Name of God in our midst.
Ever your servant, DK
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Gratefully yours,
Dr. Cliff “DK” Kelly
Digital Circuit Rider
Dr. Cliff Kelly
PO Box 62612
Colorado Springs, CO 80962