PART III: “The Consequences.”
“[You have said] I have made a covenant with My chosen one, I have sworn to David My servant. Your Seed I will establish forever, and I will build up your throne for all generations. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!– ETHAN THE EZRAHITE, PSALM 89:3-4, AMPC
“The whole Mysterie of Mans Natural Happiness was comprized in his being in Covenant with God, according to the Covenant of Works in the First Adam; And the whole Mysterie of Mans supernatural Happiness is comprehended in Mans being in Covenant with God, according to the Covenant of Faith in Jesus Christ the last Adam.” – FRANCIS ROBERTS, English Puritan reformer, ‘Mysterium & Medulla Bibliorum: The Mysterie and Marrow of the Bible,’ 1657; edited
“God does not give us everything we want, but He does Fulfill His Promises, leading us along the best and straightest paths to Himself.” – DIETRICH BONHOEFFER, author of ‘Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Christian Community,’ 1939; edited
“God never made a Promise that was too good to be true.” – DWIGHT L. MOODY, author of ‘The Overcoming Life,’ 1894; edited
Keeping one’s word, oath, covenant or, all the more, a Formal Treaty, is of a terrible importance to Almighty God. We see towering evidences of this in both Old and New Testament depictions, both historical and parabolic. Thus, all the more weight do I quickly place on this Mideast Peace Agreement, THE ‘ABRAHAM ACCORD.’
But first, a bit of Theological Grounding before we press forward in this last installment about “Consequences” of both Striking a Covenant, and more seriously, of Breaking one.
JEWISH TRADITION. “Vows and Oaths are both considered weighty matters in Jewish thought. Breaking either is explicitly Forbidden by the Bible in Numbers 30:3: ‘If a man makes a vow to the Lord or takes an oath imposing an obligation on himself, he shall not break his pledge; he must carry out all that has crossed his lips. The prohibition on swearing falsely is one of the Ten Commandments. And an entire tractate of the Talmud, ‘Nedarim,’ deals with the Laws of Vows …
The Violation of both vows and oaths is considered a serious infraction in Jewish thought. While there are examples in the Bible of individuals making vows, by the Rabbinic Period the practice was deeply frowned upon. The Talmud states that the Punishment for breaking a vow is the death of one’s children. The ‘Shulchan Aruch’ explicitly warns people not to regularly make vows, and states that someone who does — even if they fulfill the vow — is called wicked and a sinner. Many observant Jews have the practice of saying ‘b’li neder’ (‘without a vow’) whenever they promise to do something to make explicit that they are not making a vow.” – MJL, “Comparing Vows and Oaths in Judaism,” ret. August 27, 2020; edited
KEEPING ONE’S WORD. It is, significantly, housed in the Promise to Tell the Truth, and is a pretty big deal to Hashem. And, beloved, therefore to us all. Thus, the Consequences of Keeping or Violating one’s Promise, is often a Life or Death matter.
Perhaps the Words of the Lord are more convincing.
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it [for death or life]…For by your words you will be justified and acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned and sentenced.” – PROVERBS 18:21, MATTHEW 12:37, AMPC
One gets a much Clearer Vision about what God thinks about Truth-telling and Keeping one’s Oath. Might consult Ananias and Sapphira about that should we have later opportunity to do so. Or more recently – The Falwell’s of Liberty University.
“For there is nothing hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come out into the open.” – JESUS OF NAZARETH, LUKE 8:17, AMP
Now then, consider a little Review from past commentaries. One, ‘The Butterfly Effect’ is in force here, since the Parties to the Accord are major players on the Geopolitical chessboard – America, Israel, and the United Emirates. A major change on one or more of those nations will Ramify throughout the entire world, especially the Middle East.
Second, I have proposed that the American Government and the Church have demonstrated increasingly troubling degrees of Naïveté (or Cowardice), operating at a level more of wishful thinking than sound, Scripturally and historically based Prudence about the realities of International Relations.
Third, more seriously, I have argued that the Parties to this Agreement do not demonstrate the time-tested ‘Principle of Good Faith’ in commercial and political deal making. More specifically:
The inveterate liar, President Donald Trump, and his compromised chief broker, Jared Kushner; the Muslim Sheikh, Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, governed by the Quranic concept of Taqiyya, and Israeli Prime Minister, under indictment for corruption – all fall far short of virtually all Codes of Ethical Conduct, therefore putting this Agreement at serious risk before it even gets off the ground.
OLD TESTAMENT PRINCIPLE. This well-known (but too often ignored) passage clearly supports my grave concerns at this level.
“If the foundations are destroyed, what can the [unyieldingly] righteous do, or what has He [the Righteous One] wrought or accomplished? The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord’s throne is in heaven. His eyes behold; His eyelids test and prove the children of men.” – A SONG OF DAVID, PSALM 11:3-4, AMPC
Builders of houses know all too well the Principle involved here, and once more, it’s not rocket science. In fact, it is so simple a child can understand it. The Church and the Nation, however, seem so often to have lost that Child-like ability for wisdom. – Matthew 18:2-4
The Hebrew word for a “Destroyed” Foundation in the passage, as illustration, is ‘Haras’ [הָרַס], meaning: “To throw down, break or tear down; in the Arabic, to bruise, pound, crush; a figurative overthrow, bringing something former sound, to ruin; illustrative of walls being broken down or seriously undermined; demolished, annihilated or swept away [by intention or neglect].”
CAUSE & EFFECT. So how can an America be so Naïve and Reckless, to believe in a Covenant struck by such morally (and professionally) deficient leaders as these? How can this be, beloved? How? The answer of which is what many of us have agonized over and written about for years now:
The American ‘Dégringolade,’ – “A rapid decline or deterioration (as in strength, position, or condition; downfall; housed in decadence or degradation of the society and culture; a precipitous descent.”
Selah. Selah.
Having firmly established and documented my deepening concerns about the very Origins and Foundations of this Agreement, now let us consider Three Great Consequences of the Abraham Accord: (I) What happens to the Family of Nations if the Agreement is Honored; and (II), What happens, by contrast, should the Agreement Collapse through a serious breach or violation? (III) By Contrast, what takes place as God’s True Covenant with Israel is Fulfilled?
Each one it its turn follows.
A SUCCESSFUL ACCORD. In General Systems Theory and the Butterfly Effect, I remind you that if you effect a Major Change in one part of the System, it is axiomatic that significant Changes will occur in the rest of the System. Such is certainly the case with the Abraham Accord.
The following review is excerpted from a variety of sources to show a degree of Consensus of Expectations from nations in the Region, primarily.
• IMAGE REPAIR. “[T]his treaty, in itself, is a good thing. Still, many are inclined to think that Trump is finally doing something like this now, only because the election is coming up. Some citizen’s feel as if he is trying to have something to campaign with, something good to say about himself, as if he’s some kind of ‘Peacemaker.’ This treaty also helps out the image and reputation of the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, whose reputation, according to foreign publications such as The Middle East Monitor, has been in shreds for some time now, just like Trump’s. In fact, the way young people in the U.S. feel about their president (especially the way he has mishandled and/or ignored very serious issues like COVID-19) is the exact same way the young people of Israel feel about Netanyahu.” – L. WOODS, “The Real Motive Behind the Israel and UAE ‘Abraham Accord’ Peace Treaty,” ‘Medium,’ August 13, 2020; edited
• NORMALIZATION & DESTABILIZATION. “The Abraham Accord marks the beginning of a process that ‘Normalizes’ Israel-UAE relations in exchange for an End to Annexation plans in the West Bank. It is the result of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s strategy to build relationships with Gulf states and aims to bring the two countries together in areas of trade, tourism, intelligence, security, and other policy areas…For the Palestinians, this deal may mark the end of their influence to prevent future annexation and significantly harms the possibility of a two-state solution. The UAE’s disinterest in consulting with Palestinian authorities, along with reports of Sudan, Bahrain, and Oman’s interest in normalization, is reflective of increasing indifference to the plight of the Palestinian people. It also depicts the regional shift in interests towards countering Iran.” – ALEXANDER J. LANGLOIS, “Does the Abraham Accord Bring Genuine Diplomatic Prospects?” ‘Diplomatic Courier,’ August 24, 2020; edited
• HISTORIC REALIGNMENTS. “For the Palestinians, this deal may mark the end of their influence to prevent future annexation and significantly harms the possibility of a two-state solution. The UAE’s disinterest in consulting with Palestinian authorities, along with reports of Sudan, Bahrain, and Oman’s interest in normalization, is reflective of increasing indifference to the plight of the Palestinian people. It also depicts the regional shift in interests towards countering Iran…Once it has studied the outcome of the UAE deal with Israel, Bahrain could be the next country to follow. Bahrain hosted the Trump administration’s 2019 ‘Peace to Prosperity’ economic summit to promote its Middle East peace plan.” – PATSY WIDAKUSWARA, “How the Abraham Accord Might Impact the Middle East,” ‘VOA News,’ August 15, 2020; edited
• SYMBOLIC RAPPROACHMENT. “One of the greatest successes of the ‘Abraham Accord’—the nascent diplomatic relations deal between the United Arab Emirates and Israel—is just the Name itself. The Name implicitly indicates that the agreement is between descendants of the children of Abraham—Arabs and Jews—and for Israel, this is a crucial identification in its quest for normalization in the Middle East…A new spirit of regional cooperation is about to enter the Middle East, as expressed by the Abraham Accord, which envisions diplomatic, financial and defense relations between Israel and the UAE. But Israel cannot let down its guard just yet. Regressive actors, like Hamas, Hezbollah, Erdogan’s Turkey and Khamenei’s Iran, are still set on delegitimizing, and finally destroying, the Jewish state.” – YESHAI FLEISHER, “Narrative War: Occupation vs. the ‘Abraham Accord,’” ‘Jewish News Syndicate,’ August 26, 2020; edited
IN SUM. Though the Ramifications are more numerous and far reaching than this, I submit it as a good starting place for grasping the ‘Realpolitik’ nature of this Agreement, as over against one based on Historic Moral Commitments: “A system of politics or principles based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations.”
This is a Huge Point, to be explored in the next section of this essay.
As Preface to this section, let me posit at the outset that I will here take an Apocalyptic View. That is to say, I will argue, with supportive documentation, that this Abraham Accord is very probably the First Stage toward Daniel’s “Seventieth Week” Peace Agreement, that will lead to the Great Betrayal of Israel, in the midst of the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” in the Great Tribulation.
Selah. That’s a lot, so ponder it carefully as we proceed. And keep in mind the following Prophetic warning.
“And he [the Antichrist] will enter into a binding and irrevocable covenant with the many for one week (seven years), but in the middle of the week he will stop the sacrifice and grain offering [for the remaining three and one-half years]; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until the complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who causes the horror.” – DANIEL 9:27, AMP
THE HORROR. From the Hebrew, ‘Shamen’ [שָׁמֵם]: “To be desolated or appalled; to devastate or ravage, becoming numb or stunned at its savagery; to depopulate or figurately, ‘rape’ (as with Tamar’s rape by Amnon in 2 Samuel 13:20); to abominate (as with Antiochus Epiphanes who profaned the temple).
Bathed in the light of that trans-historical Prophecy, now consider the following.
• THE SANGUINE VIEW. “‘This is a once-in-a-generation diplomatic achievement, but I predict it will be the first, not the last,’ said Johnnie Moore, an evangelical leader engaged in behind-the-scenes advocacy. He and bestselling novelist Joel Rosenberg led an evangelical delegation to the UAE in October 2018 (as well as two delegations to Saudi Arabia), and Moore has personally visited three more times. The Abraham Accord,’ he said, ‘will prove to be the moment when the grievances of the past no longer overpowered the promises of the future in the Middle East.’” – JASON CASPER, “Can ‘Abraham’ Bring Peace to the Middle East?” ‘Christianity Today,’ August 17, 2020; edited
• THE REALPOLITIK VIEW. “In late June, John Hagee, a pastor and founder of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), offered Gulf states uncomfortable with Israel’s plan to annex large parts of the occupied West Bank a simple solution: step out of the shadows and publicly embrace Israel. ‘Gulf states, who are claiming that Israeli “Annexation” would lead to an end to their not-so-secret relations with Israel, ought to put their requests in a positive light,’ Hagee told the Jerusalem Post. ‘Rather than threaten to walk away, they should publicly and formally offer Normalisation of ties between the broader Arab world and Israel.’” – AZZAD ESSA, “Why Christian Zionists See Themselves as Winners in a Gulf Pact with Israel,” ‘Middle East Eye,’ August 17, 2020; edited
• THE DUPLICITOUS VIEW. “To many evangelicals and ardent Christian Zionists, God promised the land of Israel to the Jews and to the Jews alone.
The belief comes, at least in part, from the Book of Genesis which recounts of the covenant God made with Abraham: ‘The whole land of Canaan, where you now reside as a foreigner, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you’ (Genesis 17:8). Yet on Jan. 28, when President Donald Trump unveiled his long-awaited plan for peace between Israel and the Palestinians, which calls for some land swaps with Palestinians and a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem, his evangelical advisers congratulated him for it. Robert Jeffress [in agreement with John Hagee and Johnnie Moore], pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas who attended the unveiling in Washington, called the proposal ‘courageous and compassionate.’” – YONAT SHIMRON, “Evangelicals Embrace Trump’s [Larger] Peace Plan, Saying it Recognizes the Bible ‘As Legal,’” ‘Religious News Service,’ January 20, 2020; edited
• THE REASONABLE VIEW. “In the Christian tradition, the prophecies about the End of the Days and the future of universal peace in the Messianic Era are taken out of the Tanakh (‘Old’ Testament). Before the permanent Peace, a very turbulent period of great calamities [The Great Tribulation] will fall over Israel and the entire world. Many see the announcement of the ‘Abraham Accord’ as the first step of the fulfillment of Daniel 9:27 – ‘The Pact with Many’. Yesterday, August 14th, A joint statement by US President Donald Trump, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan – the crown prince of Abu Dhabi – announced the a Peace Deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, is the first since Jordan signed such an agreement in 1994. ‘the peace agreement paves the way for full Normalization of diplomatic, trade and travel relations between Israel and the UAE’…Netanyahu said: ‘I believe there is a good chance we will soon see more Arab countries joining this expanding circle of peace.’” – GEE SAZANOV, “The ‘Abraham Accord’ Israel-UAE,” ‘Standing With Zion,’ August 15, 2020; edited
• THE PROBABLE VIEW. “The recent peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (also known as the Abraham Accord) is getting a lot of attention. The deal has the potential to involve other Mideast countries and/or inspire future deals between Israel and its neighbors. However, I don’t think it’s quite ready to be considered the ‘Covenant with Many” in Daniel 9:27. Yet…’And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause “the sacrifice and the oblation” to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.’ This implies that we will see the future Third Temple arise around the time of the 70th week of Daniel. I do not believe we will see the construction of the Third Temple until a Peace Deal is made between Israel and the Palestinians, and we are likely to see a vote in Israel before such a deal is ratified. Nevertheless, the Abraham Accord may be a significant step towards the future covenant with [‘the] many’ of Daniel 9:27…I believe it will be the Antichrist who will eventually succeed in brokering the far-reaching Peace Deal between Israel, the Palestinians, and others.” – WAYNE CROLEY, “Is the Abraham Accord the Covenant with Many?” ‘Prophecy Proof Insights,’ August 20, 2020; edited
IN SUM. Given what I consider to be a representative sample of the Major Views surrounding this Major Event, we are now in a position to advance the Ultimate Possibilities for Impact in the final section.
I am reminded once again of the famous Wager of Blaise Pascal, who argued, persuasively in my opinion, that when faced with a Belief in God or Truth, versus Unbelief, one is nearly always wise to ‘Bet on the God and Truth Exist View.’
“Pascal’s Wager is an argument in philosophy presented by the seventeenth-century French philosopher, theologian, mathematician and physicist, Blaise Pascal (1623–1662). It posits that humans bet with their lives that God either exists or does not. Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does not actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas if God does exist, he stands to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell).” – Wikipedia, the ‘Pensées,’ #272, 1670; edited
MY THESIS. Based on Pascal’s solid reasoning, I propose that what follows is the Wiser Path among others, given the rapidly mounting evidence available to us every single day. To this Point:
Conduct your life as if the Abraham Accord is in fact the first step toward the Covenant with “the Many” described by the Prophet Daniel (9:27), that you might best Prepare for the Consequences, both near and far off, of its being Struck.
THE LIKELY CHRONOLOGY. This is my best attempt to Organize a Calendar of Final Events that Precede, Accompany and Follow the Signing of the Seven Year Treaty with Israel, as the Scriptures record. It is largely adapted from the copious review by Daniel Thiel, Ph.D., whose online non de plume is ‘COG [Church of God] Writer.’
- BIRTH PANGS. As I have written on numerous occasions, the present moment in history are best summarized by ‘The Birth Pangs’ described by Christ Himself: “And Jesus answered and said to them: ‘Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, “I am the Christ,” and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows [or ‘birth pangs’]” (Matthew 24:4-8).
- THE SEAL JUDGMENTS. In nearly perfect synchrony with these Birth Pains are the Seven Seals described by John the Apostle, as Christ revealed them to him on the Isle of Patmos in ‘The Revelation of Jesus Christ’: “Then one of the elders [of the heavenly Sanhedrin] said to me, ‘Stop weeping! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root (Source) of David, has won (has overcome and conquered)! He can open the scroll and break its seven seals!’” (Revelation 5:5). These shall consist of the Rise of Antichrist (6:1-2); Conflicts and Wars (6:3-4); Scarcity and Economic Collapse (6:5-6); Widespread Death and Pestilence (6:7-8); Persecution and Martyrdom (6:9-11); Massive Cosmic Disturbances (6:12-17).
- THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH. My Futurist Hermeneutic slightly modifies the Pre-Tribulation View and subscribes to what I call, “Pre-Wrath.” That is to say, the clear Teaching of Scripture is that, for the truly saved: “God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with Him” (1 Thessalonians 5:9-10). I further argue that the Rapture of the true Church occurs on the Same Day as the Opening of The Sixth Seal of God’s Wrath (6:12-17). Following this massive display of God’s Disruption of the known laws of physics, the world is catapulted into unprecedented Chaos and Fear, the Sealing of the 144,000 Jewish witnesses (chapter 7), and the unleashing of the Seventh Seal and the Trumpet Judgments after “Silence in heaven for half an hour” (8:1-6).
- ANTICHRIST CONSOLIDATES POWER. In the stunned Aftermath of the Rapture of the Church, a desperate world reeling in Chaos defaults to the Antichrist to organize a New World Order largely consisting of the old Roman Empire, quickly seizing upon this opportunity to Solidify his nearly absolute political and economic power to Control the nations, and Annihilate both Christians and Jews. “Thus [the angel] said, The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all other kingdoms and shall devour the whole earth, tread it down, and break it in pieces and crush it” (Daniel 7:23). This Consolidation leads to the Antichrist’s imposition of “The Mark of the Beast,” designed to completely control all “buying and selling” (Revelation 13:16-17).
- THE SEVEN YEAR PEACE TREATY. Here Dr. Thiel summarizes this phase in the following concise statement: “The seven-year peace treaty with Israel; consummated seven years before the second coming of Christ (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 19:11-16).” NOTE: As I have argued here, if the ‘Abraham Accord’ is the first step toward this Last Days Treaty, then how close we must be to the ‘Fulfillment of All Things.’ Second, also pay attention to Antichrist’s Violation of this Treaty three and a half years into the seven years of Daniel’s 70th Week: “[B]ut but in the middle of the week he will stop the sacrifice and grain offering [for the remaining three and one-half years]; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate.” He then ends the restored Jewish sacraments, establishes himself as ‘God,’ demanding worship as the world reels even more under the savage Trumpet and Bowl Judgments from a Wrathful God (Revelation 8, 16).
- THE WORLD CHURCH. John the Apostle records this abominable False Church in the following stark terms. “And the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness; and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was entirely covered with blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold, precious stones and pearls, [and she was] holding in her hand a gold cup full of the abominations and the filth of her [sexual] immorality. And on her forehead a name was written, a mystery: ‘BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF PROSTITUTES (false religions, heresies) AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH’” (Revelation 17:3-5).
- THE EZEKIEL WAR. Seeing her opportunity in the midst of increasing Chaos and a completely Neutered America, Russia, Turkey and their mostly Islamic political consorts spring a surprise attack on Israel four years before the Second Coming of Christ, with all His saints (Revelation 19:11-16). “Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say to Gog, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: On that day when My people Israel dwell safely, will you not know it? Then you will come from your place out of the far north, you and many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great company and a mighty army. You will come up against My people Israel like a cloud, to cover the land. It will be in the latter days that I will bring you against My land, so that the nations may know Me, when I am hallowed in you, O Gog, before their eyes” (Ezekiel 38:14-16). The Good News for Israel, however, is that God Himself, all alone, Annihilates the Coalition on the northern hills of Israel by the sword against one another, flooding rainfall, hailstones, pestilence, and fire and brimstone (Ezekiel 38:21-22).
- THE WAR OF ARMAGGEDON. The Final Act in Human History then occurs, in this indescribably bloody war wherein Jesus the Christ, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and King of the Universe, Dread Champion and Avenging Judge, wipes out the entire Army of Antichrist, and all its Acolytes. All. All. Now pay the closest attention possible to what this Final Event entails, and WHY God is so absolute in His Judgment of the Nations.
FINAL JUDGMENT. “I will gather all nations and will bring them down into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and there will I deal with and execute judgment upon them for [their treatment of] My people and of My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and [because] they have divided My land…
And they swarmed up over the broad plain of the earth and encircled the fortress (camp) of God’s people (the saints) and the beloved city; but fire descended from heaven and consumed them.
Then the devil who had led them astray [deceiving and seducing them] was hurled into the fiery lake of burning brimstone, where the beast and false prophet were; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever (through the ages of the ages).” – JOEL 3:2; REVELATION 19:9-10, AMPC
TWO CAUSES OF GOD’S WRATH. One, ‘they have Scattered My heritage (the Jews) from their Land of Covenant;’ Two, they have ‘dared to Divide My land!’ God’s Command is as powerfully Forbidding as the Pentateuch itself:
“Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling (staggering) to all the surrounding peoples; and when the siege is against Jerusalem, it will also be against Judah. And in that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will come and be gathered against it…And in that day I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.” – ZECHARIAH 12:2-3, 9; AMP
Any questions, beloved. I thought not.
In the latter part of my book, ‘The Sixth Seal’ in a section entitled, “A Précis on Hell,” I raise the existential importance of our need to have nothing, I mean absolutely Nothing to do with the Spirit and Actions of the Antichrist, by whatever religious name we might otherwise call ourselves.
The Scriptures are Lucid and Livid on this vital point
“Then another angel, a third one, followed them, saying with a loud voice, ‘Whoever worships the beast and his image and receives the mark [of the beast] on his forehead or on his hand, he too will [have to] drink of the wine of the wrath of God, mixed undiluted into the cup of His anger; and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone (flaming sulfur) in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb (Christ). And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day and night—those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.’” – cf. REVELATION 14:9-11, KELLY (2017, pp. 85-88)
• NO PERSONAL COMPROMISE. I now believe with all my heart and mind this is in large part what Jesus had in mind when He so severely warned, through the Apostle Paul, the following:
“You cannot drink [both] the Lord’s cup and the cup of demons. You cannot share in both the Lord’s table and the table of demons [thereby becoming partners with them].” – 1 CORINTHIANS 10:21, AMP
• NO COVENANTAL COMPROMISE. The most incriminating Lesson in all of this, should this indeed be the first step toward Daniel’s 70th Week Peace Treaty, is that is shall Trigger God’s Vengeance against all those who would Dare to Tamper with Divinely ordained Destiny of the Jewish people.
“For thus says the LORD of hosts, “After glory He has sent Me against the nations which plunder you—for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye. Behold, I will wave my hand over them and they shall become plunder for their own slaves. Then you shall know (recognize, understand fully) that the LORD of hosts has sent Me.” – ZECHARIAH 2:8-9, AMP
CODA. I don’t make a habit of citing anecdotal ‘prophetic’ reports – I too often get burned by doing so – but this time I make an exception, since it is nearly Isomorphic to God’s Promises concerning Israel.
“In 2015, The Lord showed me a vision that impacted me. It was so vivid. I saw a map of the USA, and then I saw Jesus standing behind the map and He said, ‘When the US divides My Holy Land, I will divide this land.’ When He said that, I saw Him grab the map of the US and with His hands He tore the map in two; right down the middle, as you would tear a piece of paper. I was impacted when I saw this because of all the news we have been hearing to Split the Holy Land and to bring forth a Two State Solution under the guise of a ‘Peace Agreement.’” – MONIQUE BIZET, ‘Z3 News: Revealing Mystery Babylon,’ June 13, 2017; edited
By all that I have written here, and more importantly, by what is Writ by the Hand of Almighty God in the Scriptures, I judge this to be a Sound Word of Warning to us all in America. We must therefore Pray and Prepare for what is to come, should the ‘Abraham Accord’ go forward.
But be Empowered by this Promise as an Heir of David: “My faithfulness and My mercy and loving-kindness shall be with him, and in My name shall his horn be exalted [great power and prosperity shall be conferred upon him].” – PSALM 89:24, AMPC
Ever your servant, DK
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Dr. Cliff Kelly
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