
SCRIPTURE. “Let us break Their bands [of restraint] asunder and cast Their cords [of control] from us.” – PSALM 2:3, AMPC
EURIPIDES. “Oh where is the noble face of Modesty, or the strength of Virtue, now that Blasphemy is in power and men have put Justice behind them, and there is no law but Lawlessness, and none join in fear of the gods?” ― Euripides, ‘Iphigenia in Aulis,’ 408-406 BC, edited
ARENDT. “Rule by Decree has conspicuous advantages for the domination of far-flung territories with heterogeneous populations and for a policy of oppression. Its efficiency is superior simply because it ignores all intermediary stages between issuance and application, and because it prevents political reasoning by the people through the withholding of information.” ― Hannah Arendt, ‘The Origins of Totalitarianism,’ 1973; edited
SNYDER. “When political leaders set a negative example, professional commitments to just practice become more important. It is hard to subvert a rule-of-law state without lawyers, or to hold show trials without judges. Authoritarians need obedient civil servants, and concentration camp directors seek businessmen interested in cheap labor.” ― Timothy Snyder, ‘On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century,’ 2017; edited
YEAR OF DESTINY: 1968. I am well old enough to remember the Decade of the 1960s, and how truly ‘Revolutionary’ it was. Make no mistake: America was forever changed by what took place from the late 1960s forward. Built upon the corrupt leadership of the Vietnam War (as distinguished from the young men and women who fought courageously there), the Nation was coming apart at the seams.
For me much more personally, the specific year of 1968 was to become The Year that changed everything. JOHN F. KENNEDY had already been assassinated on November 22nd, 1963, which was already enough for my generation to weather for one lifetime. But when MARTIN LUTHER KING (April 4) and ROBERT F. KENNEDY (June 5) were also shot down just weeks apart in 1968, that was for me, as DON MCLEAN’S epic ballad told it in ‘American Pie’ in 1971, “The Day the Music Died.”
As it was for an entire Nation and World to a great extent.
Although McLean was writing about the deaths of rock and roll pioneers Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and the ‘Big Bopper’ J.P. Richardson in a February 3 1959 plane crash, the heart of America was slain when we lost three imperfect giants of the political and moral landscape who were violently ripped from our grasp. In my view, America never fully recovered that which was murdered in a single decade:
‘Our Innocence’ as the world’s presumptively impervious Champion of Right.
ON REVOLUTIONS. I recently came across a 1938 book by CRAIG BRINTON who brilliantly outlined “The Uniformities” Four Major Political Revolutions: The English Revolution of the 1640s, the American of 1776, the French of 1789, and the 1917 Russian Revolution.
Brinton specified exactly SIX PARALLELS that characterize virtually every single Socio-Political Revolution experienced by mankind. Adapted from an excellent review by the EDITORS at Wikipedia, “The Anatomy of Revolution,” Sep. 5, 2022; edited.
- FALL OF THE OLD REGIME. The Revolutions begin with problems in the Pre-Revolutionary Regime. These include Problems of Functioning—government deficits, more than usual complaints over taxation, conspicuous governmental favoring of one set of economic interests over another, administrative entanglements and confusions. In short, the Ruling Class becomes politically inept.
- BACKGROUND OF THE REVOLUTIONARIES. “Revolutions ‘are born of hope’ rather than misery. Contrary to the belief that Revolutionaries are disproportionately poor or down-and-out, Revolutionists are more or less a cross section of common humanity and behave in a way we should not expect such people to behave. That is, so-called “Untouchables” very rarely revolt, and successful slave revolutions, like Haiti‘s, are few in number. By contrast, Revolutionaries are “not unprosperous,” but feel restrained or cramped in life rather than a downright crushing oppression.
- REVOLUTIONARY REGIMES. In each Revolution a short “Honeymoon Period” follows the fall of the Old Regime, lasting until the “contradictory elements” among the victorious Revolutionaries assert themselves. Power then has a tendency to go from Right to Center to Left, as each New Government migrates inexorably toward Authoritarian controls. In the process, Brinton says, “the Revolution, like Saturn, devours its children,” quoting Pierre Victurnien Vergniaud.
- MODERATES AND DUAL POWER. “The Revolutions being studied first produce a “Legal” Moderate Government. It vies with a more radical “Illegal” Government in a process known as “Dual Power,” or as Brinton prefers to call it ‘Dual Sovereignty’. Ultimately, inevitably in every single case: The Radicals always triumph!
- RADICAL REIGNS OF TERROR AND VIRTUE. In contrast to the Moderates, the Radicals are aided by a ‘fanatical devotion to their cause, intense discipline and nearly unquestioning obedience to their leaders. They labored to ignore contradictions between their rhetoric and action and drive boldly ahead. Even their small numbers are an advantage, giving them the ability to move swiftly, to make clear and final decisions, to push through to a goal without regard for injured human dispositions.
- THE THERMIDOR. The Radical Reign of Terror, or ‘Crisis’ period, is fairly soon replaced by a Thermidor Period, a period of relaxation from revolutionary policies and ‘convalescence’from the fever and bloodshed of Radicalism. In sum, there is a deep structure need for rest and rehabilitation, to unify disparate groups into a cohesive social system.
THESIS. I flatly propose that America is already embarked upon a Full-Scale Revolution of its own, with the participating parties divisible into THREE MAJOR CAMPS: (1) The Non-Religious Progressive Left; (2) The Religious Nationalist Right; and (3) The Christian Remnant.
The next section will detail the nature of each of these three warring groups.
KULTURKAMPF. It was JAMES DAVISON HUNTER, LeBrosse-Levinson Distinguished Professor of Religion, Culture, and Social Theory at the University of Virginia whose landmark work, ‘Culture Wars’ (1991), set the high bar for defining what we are all experiencing in today’s American socio-political Maelstrom.
Hunter wrote this at a time when hardly any of us fully realized what America was going to face beyond the turn of the century. He wisely discerned that the Great American Culture War, as with any ‘Revolution,’ is fundamentally rooted in the Moral Authority to determine:
‘What is true and what is false; What is right and what is wrong; What is good and what is evil.’
Since such Moral Authority is by definition synonymous with ‘Power,’ we see our Great Conflagration occurring between the two most powerful institutions in society: Church and State.
Indeed, the German term, ‘Kulturkampf,’ is technically defined as: “Conflict between Civil Government and Religious Authorities,” the age-old Struggle that began in the Garden of Eden thousands of years ago over whether God or Man shall rule.
AMERICA’S LAST CULTURE WAR. Because of the Eschatological Hour in which we presently live, it is very probably our Final Struggle, beloved, for the Soul of the Nation. The following shall borrow from three different sources for documentation.
- ONE: NON-RELIGIOUS PROGRESSIVE LEFT. “Progressivism in the United States is a political philosophy and Reform Movement that reached its height early in the 20th century. Middle class and Reformist in nature, it arose as a response to the vast changes brought by modernization such as the growth of large corporations, pollution and corruption in American politics … In the 21st century, the term is often used to describe proponents of Social Justice and Environmentalism. While the modern Progressive Movement may be characterized as largely Secular in nature, by comparison, the Historical Progressive Movement was to a significant extent rooted in and energized by Religion.” – EDITORS, Wikipedia, Oct. 12, 2022; edited
- TWO: THE RELIGIOUS NATIONALIST RIGHT. “Christian Nationalism is Christianity-affiliated Religious Nationalism. Christian Nationalists primarily focus on internal politics, such as passing laws that reflect their view of Christianity and its role in political and social life. In countries with a State Church, Christian Nationalists, in seeking to preserve the status of a Christian State, uphold an Antidisestablishmentarian position [State support for the Church]. Christian Nationalists support the presence of Christian symbols and statuary in the public square, as well as state patronage for the display of religion, such as school prayer and the exhibition of nativity scenes during Christmastide or the Christian Cross on Good Friday. Christian Nationalists draw support from the broader Christian Right. In the United States, the Christian Right is an informal coalition formed around a core of largely White conservative Evangelical Protestants and Roman Catholics.” – EDITORS, Wikipedia, Oct. 24, 2022; edited
- THREE: THE CHRISTIAN REMNANT. “A Remnant is ‘a left-over amount’ from a larger portion or piece, whether it is food, material from which a garment is fashioned, or even a group of people. Although Remnants could be looked upon as worthless scraps, and many times are, God assigned high value to those of His people whom ‘He had set aside for holy purposes,’ those He labels as ‘Remnants’ in several places in the Bible … Noah and his family were the Remnant saved out of the millions on the earth before the flood (Genesis 6). Only Lot and his two daughters survived the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, a very small Remnant, indeed (Genesis 19) … Of course, the most Blessed Remnant is that of the True Church, the Body of Christ, chosen out of the billions who have lived and died over the centuries. Jesus made it clear that ‘this Remnant would be small’ when compared to the number of people on the earth throughout history. ‘Many’ will find the way to eternal destruction, ‘but few will find the way to eternal life’ (Matthew 7:13-14).” – EDITORS, Got Questions, ret. Oct. 24, 2022; edited
DK’S TAKE. I intentionally used the word, “LAST” in the subtitle for this section because I am convinced down to my bone marrow that this is pretty much it for our Nation. These Three Colossae, though one be very small, shall contend with each other in a life and death Struggle for Everything, beloved. The Outcome will determine our Destiny as a Nation, as a Church, and to some large extent as mentioned earlier, of Planet Earth.
It is that big. It is that important. And, therefore, it is that vital that Christians line up on the right side of this Epic Battle.
SCRIPTURE. “Let us break Their bands [of restraint] asunder and cast Their cords [of control] from us.” – PSALM 2:3, AMPC
There is in the Wind of the American Experience today ‘the Scent of Rebellion’ everywhere. Revolution seems to be in the offing for us all, though not all wish it to come. There is the distinct sense as I watch and listen and read and pray and reflect, the desire of Americans ‘to be free,’ but in ways the Founders never envisioned.
Permit me to explain.
LIBERTY VS. LICENSE. In that wonderful half-year Sabbatical I took in the 1990s, I studied everything I could get my hands on about the American Founding. Of special significance to me were the rich set of ideas from JOHN LOCKE in his classic work, ‘The Second Treatise of Civil Government’ (1690).
In his introduction to Chapter II, he wrote the following words that stab at the very heart of the current American Agony.
“To UNDERSTAND political power right, and derive it from its Original, we must consider what state all men are naturally in, and that is a state of Perfect Freedom to order their actions and dispose of their possessions and persons as they think fit, within the bounds of the Law of Nature, without asking leave or depending upon the will of any other man … But though this be a State of Liberty, yet it is not a ‘State of Licence;’ though man in that state have an uncontrollable liberty to dispose of his person or possessions, yet he has not liberty to destroy himself, or so much as any [human] creature in his possession, but where some nobler use than its bare preservation calls for it.”
THE ARGUMENT. As we move toward a consideration of the Scripture for today’s lesson, I continue to propose that America has been moving from a State of Liberty around the turn of the 20th century, toward an unprecedented level of widespread Licentiousness by the year 2020. This constitutes 120 years of intensifying Rebellion and Revolution against God and Truth.
Or as JESUS CHRIST prophesied:
“At that time many will be offended and repelled [by their association with Me] and will fall away [from the One whom they should trust] and will betray one another [handing over believers to their persecutors] and will hate one another. Many false prophets will appear and mislead many. Because lawlessness is increased, the love of most people will grow cold.” – MATTHEW 24:10-12, AMP
The word in the Greek used here for “LAWLESSNESS” is ‘Anomia’ [ἀνομία]: “Iniquity, disobedience, sin; transgression or violation of God’s Law; literally, ‘without law,’ i.e., having no knowledge of it or willfully refusing to acknowledge it; synonymous with being or becoming utterly presumptuous, wicked or unholy; includes the end-impact of law breaking – i.e. its negative influence on a person’s soul [status before God, apostate, lost].”
KEY TERMS. Now we are in a perfect position to consider the powerful meaning of our Scripture for today. As I studied the deeper structure of it, I was struck with awe, as I expect you will be as well.
- BREAK. From the Hebrew term, ‘Nathaq’ [נָתַק]: “To tear away or off; to burst or forcefully pull or drag away; to separate; shake off; root out; ‘to pull the ring from the finger’ [as in a divorce]; lit., to be torn apart [from one’s moorings].”
- CAST AWAY. Here the Hebrew word is ‘Shikkulim’ [שִׁכֻּלִים], or: “Bereavement, as with childlessness; to be utterly barren; occurs after a catastrophic loss (of others); lit., ‘to suffer an abortion;’ become deprived; to spoil all possible hope (of bearing fruit); to experience sustained or continual grief; refers to a person abandoned by God, as unworthy of His favor; a reprobate; rejected, of no value.”
THE COMMENTARY. “‘Let us break their bands asunder’ — That is, the Laws of the Lord and His Anointed; the bands or yokes which They design to put upon our necks, that They may bring us into subjection. The Laws of God and Christ, though easy and pleasant in themselves, and to all good men (Matthew 11:29-30; 1 John 5:3); yet are very grievous and burdensome to corrupt nature, and carnal, wicked men. ‘And cast away their cords from us’ — The same thing expressed with more emphasis. Let us not only break off their yoke, and the cords by which it is fastened upon us, but let us cast them far away! ‘These words, supposed to be spoken by the powers in arms against the Messiah, discover to us the true ground of opposition, namely, the unwillingness of Rebellious Nature to submit to the obligations of Divine Laws, which cross the interests, and lay a restraint upon the desires of men. Corrupt affections are the most inveterate enemies of Christ; and their language is, ‘We will not have this man to reign over us.’ Doctrines would be readily believed if they involved in them ‘no precepts;’ and the Church may be tolerated by the world, if she will only give up her discipline.” – JOSEPH BENSON, ‘Notes on the Holy Bible,’ 5 vols., 1811-1818; edited
I trust by now you’re getting a sobering idea of how grave an era we are entered upon today. The last thing we want to do at this point is take any of it for granted, since our very lives depend on our faithfulness to the King of kings. Now let’s turn to the practical application of all of this for the current Culture War that rages everywhere in America.
JANUARY 6, 2021. “[The] United States Capitol attack of 2021, storming of the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, by a mob of supporters of Republican Pres. DONALD J. TRUMP. The attack disrupted a joint session of Congress convened to certify the results of the presidential election of 2020, which Trump had lost to his Democratic opponent JOE BIDEN. Because its object was to prevent a legitimate president-elect from assuming office, the attack was widely regarded as ‘an Insurrection or attempted coup d’état.’” – BRIAN DUIGNAN, “January 6th Storming of the United States Capitol,” Britannica, updated Oct. 21, 2022; edited
Note. Oct. 21, 2022, 2:12 PM ET – “The House Select Committee investigating the U.S. Capitol Attack of January 6, 2021 issued a subpoena to former Pres. Donald Trump, requiring that he submit documents by November 4, 2022 and sit for a deposition on November 14.”
This infamous date and event represents The American Rubicon that the great majority of the American Church, the Republican Party, QAnon, and all followers of Donald Trump are desperately trying to put behind them. And while they have largely succeeded, there is One Who has not lost one moment of this Sacrilege.
“He Who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord has them in derision [and in supreme contempt He mocks them]. He speaks to them in His deep anger and troubles (terrifies and confounds) them in His displeasure and fury, saying, ‘Yet have I anointed (installed and placed) My King [firmly] on My holy hill of Zion … You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them in pieces like potters’ ware.’” – PSALM 2:4-6, 9, AMPC
THE PLAYERS. With this stark warning well in mind then, let us now profile where each of the Three Warring Camps stand in relationship to both Secular Power and Almighty God at this point. To add some necessary intensity to the seriousness of the Battle, I am designating each three camps with the American military’s Joint Chiefs of staff Preparedness Levels that range from one to five. Here is Wikipedia’s (Oct. 10, 2022) summary of those ratings.
“The Defense Readiness Condition (DEFCON) is an alert state used by the United States Armed Forces. The DEFCON system was developed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) and unified and specified combatant commands. It prescribes five graduated levels of readiness (or states of alert) for the U.S. military. It increases in severity from DEFCON 5 (least severe) to DEFCON 1 (most severe) to match varying military situations, with DEFCON 1 signaling the outbreak of nuclear warfare.” [A/O Oct. 29, 2022, we are officially at DEFCON 3 (“Round House” or “Yellow Alert” with military forces at heightened readiness to respond within 15 minutes].
I trust that I now have your full attention, so let’s move to a brief assessment of the comparative dangers each Camp exhibits in their present and likely projected state.
- THE PROGRESSIVES. It is no secret to anyone among White Evangelical Christians that we have taken great pains to make sure that the Progressive Left knows we hate them. JERRY FALWELL, JR., FRANKLIN GRAHAM AND ROBERT JEFFRESS have been the lead Trump Dogs in this vicious practice of Blame Gaming. How well I know this Game – I used to be one of them. RUTH BRAUNSTEIN, associate professor of sociology at the University of Connecticut specializing in the role of Religion and Morality in public affairs, recently came out with a broadside against Evangelicals for ‘driving them away from God’ by our relentless attacks, in her stirring piece for ‘The Guardian’ (Jan. 25, 2022). The way I read Scripture, Paul made it crystal clear that we are forbidden to judge “those outside, but are to “put away the evil person” from among ourselves” (1 Cor. 5:12). Yet we have made a cottage industry of damning the lost, and I hate it – and so does Jesus Christ! DEFCON 3: Because these are the very ones we are sent to rescue, beloved, and they therefore still have a reasonable chance to be saved before The End comes.
- THE NATIONALISTS. Now we turn to the burgeoning millions of White Evangelical Christians that have joined ranks with each other during the past six years or so under the banner of Christian Nationalism. I have already done as much destruction to this heresy as possible in past Commentary, so I won’t rehash it here. Except to say this in the gravest of terms: ‘Committed’ members of the Christian Nationalist Movement are in great spiritual peril. The distinguished J. Gresham Machan professor of systematic theology and apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary in California, MICHAEL HORTON, strongly agrees with me. His biting critique of “The Cult of Christian Trumpism” (The Gospel Coalition, Dec. 2020) published just days before the J6 violent treachery in Washington DC, left little doubt about his position. Or my own. He calls this false doctrine: “Christian Americanism.” DEFCON 1: I boldly proclaim that this group of Americans is in the severest danger of Hellfire, since once again according to Paul the Apostle, it becomes virtually impossible for such followers of Christ who have already tasted the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, should they fall away and betray the Faith, to return again to repentance since they have publicly put to shame the King they say they follow (Heb. 6:4-6).
- THE REMNANTS. Now we come to that tiny minority of those true believers who have refused to follow the politicized gospel, and have ‘Remained faithful’ to Christ and Canon. Also, they have invariably done so in the face of intensifying vilification and persecution from other Christians who follow Trump, including expressions of hatred, accusations of rebellion, separation from friends and family and even threats of bodily harm or death. Clearly, the Nationalists do not resemble in any way the heart of our True King, but rather make themselves His bitter enemy, primed for Judgment of the severest kind in the days ahead for the grave Sin of Idolatry – i.e., loving a Man and a Nation more than God. Such courageous leaders as RUSSELL MOORE AND DAVID FRENCH represent the best of this group and others like them. DEFCON 5. Jesus promised all who would remain loyal to Him would “follow in His footsteps” through suffering for a Christian witness and steadiness. But that our reward in Heaven would be great indeed for remaining true (Matt. 5:11-12; 1 Pet. 2:21). These therefore are in the very least spiritual danger, though their mortal lives are at considerable risk.
DK’S TAKE. as I pondered the stunning contrasts between the views of Russell Moore, David French and Michael Horton against those of Mssrs. Falwell, Graham and Jeffress, I am reminded of the Gaping Yaw between these two groups of Christian Leaders.
My point: God has made it easy to distinguish between Light and Darkness. Yet the Church continues to choose the Darkness, with increasing passion.
I therefore confess openly that it’s beyond bewildering to witness this. It surely must be substantial fulfillment of Christ’s Olivet Discourse, the fiery predictions of the Old Testament Prophets and the New Testament Apostles that at the End of History, there would be a massive Apostasy from the Faith. My friends, we are witness to it every single day in America, riding upon the rancid entrails of Donald Trump’s Reconstructed Christianity.
So to conclude, we return finally to what we can likely expect from these three groups in the years just ahead of us until the end of the decade. Specifically:
What will likely become of us by the year 2030?
RIDICULE. “Contemptuous laughter; laughter with some degree of contempt; derision. It expresses less than scorn. Ridicule is aimed at what is not only laughable, but improper, absurd or despicable. ‘Sacred subjects should never be treated with ridicule’ [See Ludicrous].” – NOAH WEBSTER, 1828
We know from both secular and biblical history that the righteous are always scorned by the unrighteous for many reasons, not the least of which is that the righteous are painful reminders that they are deficient in the eyes of God. Ergo, the bad guys try to vilify and destroy the works of the good guys.
At its root, this is a spiritually ‘violent effort to overthrow the Authority of God Himself.’ Think January 6th, 2021, right about here.
TRAJECTORIES. As we close then, here are my best assessments of where these Three Groups will travel in the years just ahead.
- PROGRESSIVES. In a single word: Defeat. Though the political jury is still out on six key swing states that will largely determine who controls the United states Senate – Georgia, Ohio, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania – a key poll by FiveThirtyEight (Oct. 26, 2022) clearly shows the Democrats will lose the House, likely the Senate and I personally believe the White House next November. Spiritually speaking, the Progressive Left is typically Secular for the most part, although as I mentioned before, they do have the best shot at conversion to Christ in the years ahead compared to the other two groups. But the country is moving Hard Right, not surprising as folks usually look to Absolutists for the answers when times are highly uncertain.
- NATIONALISTS. Without any reasonable doubt in my mind, American Christian Nationalism is on a fast track topuerile Victory in the years just ahead. By every canny assessment, both secular and religious, I see the unmistakably historic Trump Juggernaut to be virtually unstoppable, barring some extraordinary event blocking him from public office. And even if he were out of the picture, the Sea Change to the Right has taken on a life of its own not only here but overseas in Europe more generally. A recent report by Politico (Sep. 21, 2022) cements this idea by observing the overwhelming majority of White Republicans and Right leaning White Evangelicals strongly believe America to be a Christian Nation. And they intend to enforce that at the ballot box in both the Midterms and the Presidential election in two years. Finally, from a spiritual or theological perspective I also propose that the great majority of believing voters in this group are headed to Oblivion. I know people get upset with me for that prediction, but it is buried deep in the Canon in both Old and New Testaments. Specifically, to the extent that the Christian Right has replaced their hope in the True Messiah with hope in a political savior, they have gone over to Idolatry (cf. Ps. 16:4; 1 Cor. 10:14; 1 Jn. 5:21). Beloved, run from such things! (Zech. 2:7-10; our next teaching).
- REMNANTS. Those of you already fully in the Faith understand that this group will suffer utter Defeat, politically speaking, with much persecution in the days ahead. But spiritually speaking, they shall Triumph to a degree that becomes virtually impossible to express in human terms. Here is what God tells us will happen to these individuals in the Last Hours of the Church Age: “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all … Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you falsely on My account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Ps. 34:19; Matt. 5:11-12). In fact, during the very Last Times God warns that members of the Remnant who labor hard to remain true to God and refuse to participate and the oceans of evil all around us, “make themselves a prey” (ISAIAH 59:15). The Hebrew term for “prey” is ‘Shalal’ [שָׁלַל], meaning: “One who becomes plunder or spoil; treated as an outlaw or renegade [leper or pariah]; [considered an enemy of God and truth].” These are the mighty men and women of God; indeed, there is none like them in all the earth!
CODA. So it is that TWO of these three groups are in various stages of ‘Going Rogue’ against God and all that is good in the world. Tragically, great numbers of these individuals are ‘Self-Proclaimed Christians,’ many of them leaders and pastors and teachers and priests in the Church who have convinced themselves that they are doing righteousness.
But instead, beloved, they are potentially sending multitudes to Hell.
Thus these are those who the Scriptures call, ‘lawless, reprobate and apostate.’ What the PROPHET HAGGAI declared as the least desirable of all human beings in the eyes of God: ‘Unclean.’ Taken from the Hebrew word, ‘Tame’ [טָמֵא], meaning: “Foul, defiled; polluted; ethnically and religiously infamous; contaminated; desecrated, morally impure; lit., ‘as with one who has committed adultery.’”
CODICIL. Beloved, as I came to the end of this study, I was strongly impressed with this phrase: “Harbinger of the Abomination of Desolation.” That is to say, this collective Betrayal and Rejection of the Christ and His Canon by the Christian Apostates will become fulfilled later in The Great Tribulation, when Antichrist himself commits it in the Third Temple in Jerusalem midway through that dark and fiery Era (cf. Dan. 9:27; Mt. 24:15).
This in turn triggers both the full rage of Antichrist’s demonic forces, and the full, Divine Outrage of Almighty God.
With some fear and trembling dear friends, this is how close I believe that we are to that Divine Trigger about to be pulled by the Lion of the Tribe of Judah in the days just ahead. If I am right, once again I say for God’s sake, for your neighbor’s sake, indeed, for your own sake: Make ready!
Ever your servant, DK