SCRIPTURE. The FIRST [ANGEL] sounded [his trumpet], and there was [a storm of] hail and fire, mixed with blood, and it was hurled to the earth; and a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up. The SECOND ANGEL sounded [his trumpet], and something like a great mountain blazing with fire was hurled into the sea; and a third of the sea was turned to blood; and a third of the living creatures that were in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.

The THIRD ANGEL sounded [his trumpet], and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch [flashing across the sky], and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of [fresh] waters. The name of the star is Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the waters, because they had become bitter (toxic). Then the FOURTH ANGEL sounded [his trumpet], and a third of the sun and a third of the moon and a third of the stars were struck, so that a third of them would be darkened and a third of the daylight would not shine, and the night in the same way [would not shine].

Then I looked, and I heard a solitary eagle flying in midheaven [for all to see], saying with a loud voice, WOE, WOE, WOE [GREAT WRATH IS COMING] to those who dwell on the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpets which the three angels are about to sound [announcing ever greater judgments]!’” – REVELATION 8:7-13, AMP

KEY TERM: “WOE, WOE, WOE!” Ouai!’ [οα]: “An exclamation of intense grief or severe denunciation; Alas! expressive of sorrow, grief, pity, concern, or apprehension of great evil [or calamity].” SPECIAL NOTE.  “A ‘Woe,’ when used by Christ in His remonstrance against the Religious Hypocrites of His day (Matthew 23:1-36), represents ‘His Righteous Anger.’ The termcomes from His word used by Christ to show His heart of love that is broken by the stubborn blindness of God’s people. ‘Today the Lord is still angry and heartbroken over this issue [Selah].’” – From GILBERT OWENS, The Sampson Independent, Apr. 17, 2017

QUOTATION. “[To the Church]: Does that mean you’re prepared to deal with whatever turns up? People aren’t sometimes. When they learn the Real Truth, they’re all of a sudden content to live with a Lie.”  SUSAN WITTIG ALBERT, Wormwood, 2010; edited

COMMENTARY. “This passage describes one of the Trumpet Judgments, in this case ‘a burning star that falls from heaven’ onto a third of the rivers and springs of water. Here, John names this ‘star, which is called Wormwood.’ Wormwood is a bitter desert plant found in the regions surrounding the Middle East, in Syria, and in Palestine. It is related to the plant from which the alcoholic drink absinthe is made. Added to alcohol, absinthe can cause complete deterioration of the brain. As seen by John in this Revelation, when the star Wormwood fell into the waters, it poisoned those who drank the water, killing many. ‘While the judgment described here is literal, Wormwood also symbolizes the bitterness of the consequences of sin.” – EDITORS,, ret. July 5, 2024; edited


“‘The answer to Russia’s problems lies here, in Russia … The Church is the key.’ If Russia’s guiding force is not Religion, then her people will be listless. We can have Western laws, independent judges, perhaps even parliaments — but only if they grow gradually out of a Spiritual Renewal. That has to come first.”  EDWARD RUTHERFURD, Russka, 1991; edited

MOSCOW, SPRING 1993.  So, there I sat with my close friend, international businessman and then personal spiritual mentor, the late JAMES SANTO, in this gargantuan Russian building (everything in Russia is big!), housing the Mayor’s Office with an official from the cabinet of MAYOR YURY LUZHKOV.

We were pioneering an effort to bring aid to the Children of Chernobyl suffering from many grave illnesses resulting from the catastrophic meltdown of the Nuclear Reactor No. 4 in the city of Pripyat, in the north part of the then-Ukraine of the old SSR (Soviet Socialist Republic), close to the border with Byelorussia. We were meeting with several government officials to see what the private sector of the US might do in outreach to these children.

THE QUESTION. As we sat there with our interpreter named Ludmilla (“Ludy”) exchanging greetings and discussing policy matters as Russia was in the upheavals of Perestroika and Glasnost forged by the former President of the Soviet Union, MIKHAIL GORBACHEV, the Mayoral Official asked, seeming out of nowhere (save for Providence I think now):

“Cliff, do you read Bible?” I said yes, and he continued: “Do you know Russian word for ‘Wormwood’ in Book of Revelation?” “No sir, what is it? I replied.

“CHERNOBYL!” ‘Apsinthos’ [ψινθον]: “Refers to a type of bitterness and is figurative of a great calamity.’ Significantly, the same Russian term identifies the location of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster of 1986 as definitive proof that the Prophecy in the Book of Revelation is correct. The verses referring to a Star falling down and turning the waters bitter’ are interpreted as the radioactive fallout from the disaster poisoning the environment around Chernobyl, leaving it barren.” – J. Strong, 1890; S. Zodhiates, 1995; Wikipedia, May 1, 2024; edited

On Background. “It was the worst nuclear disaster in history, and the costliest disaster in human history, costing an estimated US $700 billion … Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment is a 2007 Russian publication that concludes that there were 985,000 premature deaths as a consequence of the radioactivity released” (Updated July 3, 2024; edited).

‘THE COMETS OF GOD.’ Years later as I was drafting the first edition of my Book, The Sixth Seal (2017), I came across the work of DR. JEFFREY GOODMAN, with degrees in geological engineering and anthropology, specializing in ancient languages. His book of that title was published in 2010 to rave reviews by both the scientific community and several religious scholars.

His Thesis: “We find that the catastrophic events recounted in the Bible that God works through the Laws of Nature (which He says He established) by using comets as His instruments to implement some of His Plans. Readers will be surprised to learn that the Bible refers to comets as ‘mighty ones,’ ‘weapons of wrath,’ and ‘ministers of flaming fire.’ Some of God’s Plans include God revealing Himself to Mankind via comets, and God bringing correction and judgment via comets” (Cited in DR. CLIFF KELLY, The Sixth Seal II, 2024, p. 107; edited).

All sounded plausible to me back then, but I have come to learn that he has subsequently been severely criticized by many fellow archologists of practicing pseudoscience under the guise of what they call, “Psychic Archeology.” Defined as “a loose collection of practices involving the application of paranormal phenomena to problems in archeology,” he subscribes to such things as extraterrestrial influences of human technology, and Native America as the beginning of Man some 500,000 years ago’ (Editors, Wikipedia, Nov. 28, 2023; edited).

I did not know any of these several years ago but include this update here to contextualize his otherwise cogent ideas about comets that do in several instances comport well with the Biblical Text. Not my proudest moment, but I believe it should be disclosed before I move on to the meat of this Commentary.


NEWS BULLETIN. “On Friday, April 13, 2029 – a relatively large and extremely infamous Asteroid 99942 Apophis will zoom past Earth. It’ll be easily visible to the eye. Many astronomers will study it. But Apophis will not strike us in 2029. For a time, initial observations suggested that if Apophis passed through a region of space only half a mile wide (about 800 meters) – dubbed a ‘keyhole’ by astronomers – at the 2029 pass, then it might strike us exactly seven years later, on April 13, 2036. But, by 2006, that idea was disproven.” – EDITORS, EarthSky, Apr. 12, 2024; edited

British science journalist ROBERT LEA reports: “Scientists have unveiled three concepts for tiny spacecraft that could voyage from Earth to meet Apophis in April 2029. In just under half a decade, a 1,000-foot-wide (305-meter-wide) asteroid ‘named after the Egyptian god of Chaos and Destruction, Apophis,’ will pass within 30,000 miles (48,300 kilometers) of Earth. Scientists don’t intend to allow the rare close passage of a space rock of this size to go to waste.” –, May 10, 2024; edited 

Clearly the scientific consensus is that Apophis will pass close to the earth in two separate close encounters, but not strike our planet. However: Because the year of the Comet’s Visitation in 2029, and my increasing conviction that Trump’s Presidency will remarkably coincide with the Start of the first 3.5 years of the Great Tribulation, I am duty-bound to take a much closer look at the Apophis Event.

So here we go.

THE WORMWOOD-APOPHIS CONNECTION. In my review of the literature for this important piece, I was delighted to come across a compelling essay by Christian astronomer DR. DANNY R. FAULKNER. The title of his work is, “Apophis, Bible Prophecy and the Year 2029,” published in Answers in Genesis on January 17, 2020 (edited).

Faulkner is a fascinating study in responsible Biblical scholarship, having earned an MS in physics from Clemson University, an MA and a Ph.D. in astronomy from Indiana University, and he taught at the University of South Carolina—Lancaster for over 26 years. He has published over 100 papers in various journals.

I will quote his intriguing ideas at some length as they reflect much (but not all) of my own thinking about these matters.

“There has been some recent interest in the Asteroid 99942 Apophis and its close encounter with earth expected in 2029. When discovered in 2004, the preliminary orbit for Apophis indicated that it might crash onto earth on April 13, 2029 (yes, that is a Friday). However, as is always the case, follow-up observations improved our knowledge of the orbit. We now know that Apophis will pass close very close to the earth that day, ‘but it will miss’ …’

If an object this size were to strike the earth, the impact would have huge effects. The energy released would at least 1,000 megatons of TNT (this is nearly 100,000 times more energy than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima). If over land, the devastation likely would overwhelm the government of the country or countries where the impact was. If the impact occurred over water, the Tsunami raised would wipe out large areas on all sides of whatever ocean it struck. Again, this is an issue only if Apophis were to strike the earth. However, all evidence indicates that Apophis will miss the earth entirely. So, why are some people concerned that there will be an impact in 2029?

Credit (or blame) goes to THOMAS HORN, who recently published a book, The Wormwood Prophecy [2019], about the 2029 collision of Apophis with earth … Horn spends much of the book discussing possible meanings of Wormwood, different views on portions of the Book of Revelation, and many real catastrophes from around the world to assess the possible impact of the events of Revelation 8 …

A key part of Horn’s conjecture is the work of physicist DR. NATHAN MYHRVOLD. Horn referenced Myhrvold’s paper “An Empirical Examination of WISE/NEOWISE Asteroid Analysis and Results” … Fortunately, Horn has misunderstood what Myhrvold wrote. Myhrvold did not argue that the orbits of the NEOs [Near Earth Objects] measured are wrong. Rather, ‘he maintains that the sizes of the NEOs are improperly computed.’ If the sizes of NEOs are greater than computed, then we are seriously underestimating the potential effects of a collision.”

THE GRAVITY ISSUE. Just about the time the science was certain that Apophis is no threat to us, this brief report from the European Space Agency appeared running the title, “Earth’s Gravity Will Alter Apophis’ Orbit During 2029 Flyby” (Mar. 26, 2021).

“Asteroid Apophis will make an extremely close approach of Earth on Friday, 13 April 2029. At ten times closer than the Moon, Apophis will be closer than satellites orbiting in the Geostationary ring. ‘At this distance, Earth’s gravity will have a notable impact on the passing space rock, altering its path and amplifying the uncertainty in its orbit and in possible future impacts.’

What was not known previously is whether the 2029 flyby would alter Apophis’ orbit in just the ‘right’ way that it would collide with Earth in a future orbit around the Sun. To do this, Apophis would pass through what’s called a ‘gravitational keyhole’ [mentioned earlier] leading to a potential (but still very unlikely) impact [in either 2019 or 2068].”

In Sum. From the view of astronomical science and mathematics, no, it is not likely that Apophis will strike the earth anytime soon. With that in mind, permit me to carefully speculate a bit further on this intriguing ‘Connection between Wormwood and Apophis.’


I will get straight to the point that some of you already anticipate. I cannot ignore the rather astounding CORRELATION OF FORCES which include the following End Time Events.

  • The Rise of Antichrist in the person of Donald Trump’s imminent reelection.
  • The unquestionable Great Falling Away of the Church in the last eight years.
  • The End of a 120 Year Period of Warnings to the United States to Repent, from 1900-2020.
  •  My studied conviction that America and the world have been experiencing The Birth Pangs Warnings constituted by the First Five Seals of Revelation 6.
  • The Impending Wrath of God via the Opening of the Sixth Seal, led me to propose the following.

THESIS. With some trepidation, I submit at least for the sake of argument that ‘Wormwood and Apophis are very possibly the same star as described by the Scriptures and sound Science.’ And even if they are not, Apothis is, at the very least, a Sobering Harbinger of what is likely coming to us in the years just ahead.

Beloved, we are very, very near to all that the Law and the Prophets and the Apostles and the Messiah Himself warned us about for thousands of years. So clearly we must PREPARE FOR TWO POSSIBLITIES.

  • PRE-WRATH ESCHATOLOGY. If you agree with my assessment that true Christians are not required to endure the Wrath of God viz. the Opening of the Sixth and Seventh Seals, then prepare for 30 Days Off the Grid (Kelly, The Sixth Seal II, “Epilogue,” 2024, pp. 125-136).
  • POST-WRATH ESCHATOLOGY. If on the other hand you believe that Christians must endure the entire 7 Years of the Great Tribulation, then your preparations will have to be much more severe, obviously. As a professor of Biblical truth who takes this calling more seriously than you might understand, I cannot by conscience tell you to get ready for such an Ordeal. If you are right, you will likely be killed anyway (cf. Rev. 7:9-17; 20:4).

Therefore, stand steady in the Faith, stay watchful of things on the earth and things in the heavens. JESUS COMMANDS: ‘Behold, I am coming like a thief.’ Blessed is he who stays awake and who keeps his clothes [that is, stays spiritually ready for the Lord’s return], so that he will not be naked—spiritually unprepared—and men will not see his shame.” – REVELATION 16:15, AMP

The unassailable Truth of our King, thanks be to God. Selah.


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