SCRIPTURE. “My whole being follows hard after You and clings closely to You; Your right hand upholds me.” – PSALM 63:8, AMPC
KEY TERM: “FOLLOWS HARD.” ‘A primitive root word meaning, at its base: ‘To cling, cleave, adhere, stick, join;’ also, to impinge, adhere, to catch by pursuit; to abide fast [as in quick obedience]; to overtake.” NOTE: “The Hebrew verb ‘dabaq’ primarily means to cling or adhere closely to something or someone. It conveys a sense of loyalty, attachment, or steadfastness. In the context of relationships, it often implies a deep, committed bond, such as that between husband and wife or between individuals and God. The term can also refer to physical attachment or pursuit.”
QUOTATION. “I used to pursue preaching good sermons and great crowds, and attempt great accomplishments for Him. ‘But I’ve been ruined! Now I’m a God Chaser.’ Nothing else matters anymore. I tell you that as your brother in Christ, I love you. But I love Him more. I couldn’t care less about what other people or ministers think about me. I’m going after God. ‘That’s not a Pride thing; it’s a Hunger thing.’ When you pursue God with all your heart, soul, and body, He will turn to meet you and you will come out of it Ruined for the World.” ― TOMMY TENNEY, The God Chasers: Pursuing the Lover of Your Soul, 2013; edited
COMMENTARY. “‘My soul followeth hard after Thee’ — Pursues communion with Thee, and a conformity to Thee, with earnest, increasing, and restless desire, lively expectation, and unwearied diligence: follows Thee resolvedly, and, as it were, step by step, when Thou seemest to depart, and withdraw Thyself from me, as the Hebrew phrase here used implies. ‘My soul and spirit cleave, or adhere to Thee’ (as the word דבקה, ‘dabekah,’ is rendered, Genesis 2:24; Jeremiah 13:11, and elsewhere,) even when my body is absent from Thy sanctuary.
‘Thy right hand upholdeth me’ — Supports and preserves me from sinking under the many trials and troubles which have lain, and still lie, heavy upon me; and upholds me in my devotions, maintaining holy desires in my heart, and preventing my being weary in Thy service: ‘So that I do not lose my labour in following hard after Thee.’ Let us always remember we should fail and be weary of following the Lord, and certainly should not follow Him fully, if His right hand did not uphold us. It is He that strengthens us in the pursuit of Himself, that raises and supports good affections in us, and encourages and comforts us, while we are labouring after what we have not yet attained. It is by His power that we are kept from falling, and enabled to persevere in His ways. ‘Let him therefore have the praise and glory!’” – JOSEPH BENSON, Notes on the Holy Bible, 5 vols., 1811-1818; edited
DK’S TAKE. It was not until March 2016 that I began to follow hard after Jesus Christ, but not before. That is precisely when MY AWAKENING commenced on the heels of being fired by JERRY FALWELL JR. for not following his then-new Bromance with DONALD TRUMP that had officially launched in the previous January as Falwell described the President-Elect as:
“(Trump) is a successful executive and entrepreneur, a wonderful father and a man who I believe can lead our country to greatness again.”
And the rest, as they say, is history. History gone Darker than Midnight we would soon discover, as Falwell Jr. “followed hard after” his daddy, JERRY FALLWELL SR., who started this Sick Departure from Christ with the launch of The Moral Majority in 1979. By the time that FRANKLIN GRAHAM hooked his daddy’s banner to Trump’s later that year, the American Church was effectively Destroyed at its Roots as she, in turn, “followed hard after” these THREE REPROBATES [“An unprincipled person who, without repentance, is predestined to Damnation”].
CODA. Beloved, as we enter now the Dark Transom from December 31, 2024 to January 20, 2025, when Trump will seize total power to rule with an iron, bloody fist for the next Seven Years, do not lose sight of the terrible importance of Today’s Lesson:
Only by following so close after the King, as DR. RAY VANDER LAAN would say it: “That the dust from His Sandals would fall upon your tunic,” shall you preserve both your Witness and your Eternal Life. To do any less shall, by devastating contrast, place you in the Great Spiritual Peril imaginable.