SCRIPTURE. “Who among you is wise and intelligent? Let him by his good conduct show his [good] deeds with the gentleness and humility of true wisdom.” – JAMES 3:13, AMP

KEY TERM. “THE WISE MAN.” ‘Sophos’ [σοφός]: “From a base word meaning ‘clear;’ wise, not necessarily implying brilliance or scholastic training, but rather the ability to apply with skill what one knows; particularly used of applying spiritual truth in one’s life; hence, skillful, expert; discreet, judicious, [practically] intelligent; enlightened as to things both human and Divine; knowledgeable about the philosophies of men; also implies purity [uncluttered, ordered]; one who in action is governed by piety and integrity.”

QUOTATION. All that glisters is not gold; Often have you heard that told: Many a man his life hath sold but my outside to behold: Gilded tombs do worms enfold.” – WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, The Merchant of Venice, 1598; edited

COMMENTARY. “‘Who is a wise man,’ &c. — People are naturally desirous of the reputation of possessing an understanding superior to that of others. Now, let us consider in what way the sense we have may be best manifested; let him who would be thought wise show his wisdom, as well as his faith, by his works; let him show out of a good’ That is, ‘a holy and useful conversation,’ his commendable and beneficent works, with meekness of wisdom’ ‘This beautiful expression,’ says Macknight, ‘intimates, that true wisdom is always accompanied with meekness, or the government of the passions.’

But if ye have bitter envying’  Ζηλον, zeal, as the word properly signifies, or zeal accompanied with a bitter spirit, or an unkind disposition toward others. True Christian Zeal is only the flame of love; but bitter, unhallowed zeal is evil, even if it be only found in the heart, and go no further. If that kind of zeal be in you, glory not’  Or boast not of your improvement in Christianity; and lie not against the truth’ By pretending that such zeal may consist with heavenly wisdom. This wisdom — That which is attended with such zeal; descendeth not from above’ Does not come from God; but is earthly’  Not heavenly in its origin, or end; sensual’ — Ψυχικηanimal;’not spiritual, not from the Spirit of God; devilish’  Not the gift of Christ, but such as Satan breathes into the souls of men. For where this bitter zeal and strife’  Or contention; is, there is confusion’  Ακαταστασιαtumult,’ or unquietness; and every evil work.’ – JOSEPH BENSON, Notes on the Holy Bible, 5 vols., 1808-1811; edited

DK. So here’s the thing, beloved. The Wisdom of God is the very opposite of the wisdom of the world. To cut to the barebones distinction: ‘The Former brings Life, the Latter, Death.’ That is why Shakespeare’s statement is so very pertinent to the American Church these days. My recent Commentary on “Amusing Ourselves to Death” makes the point almost brutally evident to all who and see:

Americans have grown to love the glitter and the fool’s gold, the pageantry and the pride of power, the gimmicks and the frills, the high places as the Old Testament called them.

None of that is of God. His is the True World of truth and honor and integrity first, borne of the spirit of compassion for the downtrodden, aligned with the humble and the contrite and the courageous. Neither shall it form any covenant with liars nor hypocrites nor brutes. It is loyal to only One King, and shall remain so toward Him unto life, or unto death.

Choose well, beloved, in the challenging days ahead which shall surely test our Wisdom of either kind as never before. Selah.

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