SCRIPTURE. “And if the [war] bugle produces an indistinct sound, who will prepare himself for battle? So it is with you, if you speak words [in an unknown tongue] that are not intelligible and clear, how will anyone understand what you are saying? You will be talking into the air [wasting your breath]!” – 1 CORINTHIANS 14:8, AMP

KEY TERM: “INDISTINCT SOUND.” Adélos’ [δηλον]: “Hidden, uncertain; something that appears not; not manifest; unseen, not obvious, inconspicuous; not distinguishable; not separate in such a manner as to be perceptible by itself; ‘obscure, not clear, confused; imperfect, faint, undiscerning [of the truth].’

ASTROLABE. An instrument formerly used to make astronomical measurements, typically of the altitudes of celestial bodies, and in navigation for calculating latitude, before the development of the sextant. In its basic form (known from classical times), it consists of a disk with the edge marked in degrees and a pivoted pointer. DK.In the present context: An instrument of navigation by the stars of heaven in order to reach one’s proper destination, without which the ship is lost.’

QUOTATION. “Living a self-indulgent lifestyle of a Hedonist without a grounding Central Purpose leads a person adrift in the slipstream of life. A person is bound to suffer unless they discern a meaning to existence and then strive in a passionate manner to fulfill their essential purpose.”  KILROY J. OLDSTER, Dead Toad Scrolls, 2015; edited

COMMENTARY. “‘For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound’ – The Trumpet was used commonly in war. It is a well-known wind instrument, and was made of brass, silver, etc. It was ‘used for various purposes in war’ – to summon the soldiers; to animate them in their march; to call them forth to battle; to sound a retreat; and to signify to them what they were to do in battle, whether to charge, advance, or retreat, etc. It therefore employed a ‘language’ which was intelligible to an army. An uncertain sound was one in which none of these things were indicated, or in which it could not be determined what was required.

‘Who shall prepare himself [for battle]?’ – The Apostle selects a single instance of what was indicated by the trumpet, as an illustration of what he meant. The idea is, that foreign tongues [or ‘any indistinguishable message’] spoken in their assembly would be just as useless in regard to their duty, their comfort, and edification, as would be the sound of a trumpet when it gave one of the usual and intelligible sounds by which it was known what the soldiers were required to do. Just as we would say that the mere beating on a drum would be useless, unless some tune was played by which it was known that the soldiers were summoned to the parade, to advance, or to retreat.” – ALBERT BARNES, Notes on the Old and New Testament, 1834; edited

DK. Although this passage is in first reference to the Gifts of the Spirit and speaking in tongues, its secondary application is a sterling illustration of the current Crisis of the American Church. It has cast off many of its doctrinal moorings in favor of ‘A friendlier gospel,’and in so doing no longer blows a Certain Note of Truth to itself or to the Nation.

‘Thus have we lost our bearings, our message, and our reputation!’

Indeed, beloved, we are as a rudderless, compass-less Ship running hard after an Ill Wind that is driving us further and further off course, straight into the rocky shoals of Final Shipwreck! Neither have any of the God’s Shofar blasts been heard by our Church leaders, who have chosen the Deafness of Delusion for selfish, reckless gain.

We who remain True to Christ and Canon in this Age of Darkness are therefore left to save whom we can from the Coming Firestorm. Selah.

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