SCRIPTURE. “For you shall eat [the fruit] of the labor of your hands; happy (blessed, fortunate, enviable) shall you be, and it shall be well with you.” – PSALM 128:2, AMPC

KEY TERM: “WELL WITH YOU.” ‘Towb’ [טוֹב]: “‘Good things (shall come to you);’ beautiful, best, better; to be bountiful, cheerful; find or be in [Divine] favour; kindness, merriment, or prosperity (fruitfulness); agreeable [in the sight of God]; pleasant to the  higher nature (as opposed to baser instincts); to have the advantage; implies a good report; good, excellent, appropriate (or right).”

QUOTATION. “‘Courage is reckoned the greatest of all virtues.’ Because, unless a man has that Virtue, he has no security for preserving any other.” ― SAMUEL JOHNSON, Author, On the Bravery of the English Common Soldiers, 1760; edited 

COMMENTARY. “‘The blessings of those who fear God.’ – Only those who are truly holy, are truly happy. In vain do we pretend to be of those that fear God, if we do not make conscience of keeping stedfastly to His Ways. Blessed is everyone that fears the Lord; whether he be high or low, rich or poor in the world. If thou fear Him and walk in His Ways, all shall be well with thee while thou livest, better when thou diest, best of all in Eternity.

‘By the blessing of God, the godly shall get an honest livelihood.’ Here is a Double Promise; they shall have something to do, for an idle life is a miserable, uncomfortable life, and shall have health and strength, and power of mind to do it. They shall not be forced to live upon the labours of other people. It is as much a mercy as a duty, with quietness to work and eat our own bread. They and theirs shall enjoy what they get. Such as fear the Lord and walk in His Ways, are the only happy persons, whatever their station in life may be. They shall have abundant comfort in their family relations. And they shall have all the good things God has promised, and which they pray for.”  – MATTHEW HENRY, Exposition of the Old and New Testaments, 6 vols., 1708-1710; edited

DK. I strongly agree with Mr. Johnson: The American Church today is led overwhelmingly by a PANTHEON OF POLTROONS: “A person who wants of courage to meet danger; a timid or pusillanimous man; destitute of bravery or character, base; proceeding from a spirit of fear.” – Adapted from NOAH WEBSTER, American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828; edited

Beloved, I have learned by painful experience and many failures that a man of God cannot live the Life of Christ devoid of Divine Intrepidity. And beloved, I tell you that to find such a man in the American Pulpit is more daunting than passing a camel through the eye of that Biblical needle! (Matthew 19:24).

But God’s Command is plain enough:

He [that is, Paul] proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!” – ACTS 28:31, NIV

BOLDNESS. ‘Parrésia’ [παρρησία]: “Outspokenness, frankness, bluntness; to speak openly, confidently, freely; fearless; having the Divine right or authority to speak with assurance; ‘unreservedness and cheerful courage in one’s presentation of the truth.’”

Now then, beloved: ‘Where are such men today in the Era of Trump?’ Where shall we find them? Not in the Mega-Church complexes, nor on the televised versions of the american gospel. No! They shall rather be found among The Unknowns’ – those who seek not the lights and flashes and adulations of men, but instead, the Incandescent Blaze of Christ.

Look for them there, standing on smaller hills but with a Torch that shall not, that cannot be quenched!

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