SCRIPTURE. “Precious [and of great consequence] in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones [so He watches over them].”PSALM 116:15, AMP

KEY TERM: “PRECIOUS.” ‘Yaqar’ [יָקָר]: “From a primitive root meaning, ‘To be heavy, rare, or greatly prized;’ [enormously] valuable; costly, excellent, and honorable [impacting one’s reputation]; splendid, weighty; highly valued as with precious stones (gold, silver or rubies); indices of choice character.”

QUOTATION. “Those things which are precious are saved only by ‘Sacrifice.’” ― DAVID KENYON WEBSTER, Parachute Infantry: An American Paratrooper’s Memoir of D-Day and the Fall of the Third Reich, 2008; edited

COMMENTARY. “‘Precious, &c., is the death of his saints’ He sets a high price upon it: He will not easily grant it to the will of their enemies. If any son of violence procure it, He will make him pay very dearly for it. And when the saints suffer it for God’s sake, as they frequently do, it is a most acceptable sacrifice to Him, and highly esteemed by Him. Thus ‘The blood of God’s people is said to be precious in His sight’ Psalm 72:14. ‘And in the same sense the life of a man is said to be precious in the eyes of Him who spares and preserves it,’ 1 Samuel 26:212 Kings 1:13. ‘God’s people are precious in His eyes both living and dying, for, whether they live, they live unto the Lord, or whether they die, they die unto the Lord,’ Romans 14:8.” – JOSEPH BENSON, Notes on the Holy Bible, 5 vols., 1811-1818; edited

DK. This time I will cut to the acutely painful chase. I just got wind that presumptive Republican presidential nominee DONALD TRUMP is now selling Bibles to raise funds for his mounting legal bills. Calls it “The God Bless the USA Bible,” and it is replete with America’s Founding Documents (The Declaration, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, The Pledge of Allegiance). Sells for $59.95 and is pitched as the thing every “Christian Patriot” needs to do.

“So what’s wrong with that, Dr. Kelly?”

My friends, if you have to even ask that question, you are quite likely irretrievably lost. Lost. From its towering, blasphemous hubris to dare to join the Sacred (the Word of God) with the Profane (the world of Politics), to its shameless motive to profit from the sacrilege of using God for that purpose, to its abominable presumption of twisting the principles of Romans 13 so far out of shape that its subverts the entire Biblical Canon, this sin is the height of ‘Mockery of the Godhead!’

THE GREATER SIN. But the far graver, spiritually violent offense here is the unmitigated ‘Silence of the American Church!’ This entire lesson is all about the Honor of Dying to Self, including the experiences of suffering persecution for obeying Jesus Christ and even the possibility of being martyred for one’s commitment to Him. Yet this is the total ‘Opposite’ of the entirety of the Biblical Canon!

‘America and her Church are in nearly Catastrophic Freefall,’ by her own horrendous, idolatrous choices. She shall begin to reap the full, brutal harvest of those decisions should we compound the sin by reelecting Mr. Trump to what shall surely become the Last Presidential Election in all our history.

The malevolent Heritage Foundation’s ‘Project 2025’ is being prepped to set fire to all those documents in Trump’s hideous Bible starting on Day One, January 20, 2025, when the former president confessed boldly to Sean Hannity last month that he will be “Dictator … but only for the first day.”

PASTORS. If ever there was a time to man up and lay your very life down for the Cause of Christ and Canon, it is right now, today, March 27, 2024. This is spiritually and literally a Life or Death Choice for you and for your congregations.

My Final Counsel: On pain of God’s fiery Wrath: ‘Don’t blow it!’


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