SCRIPTURE. “For you shall eat [the fruit] of the labor of your hands; happy (blessed, fortunate, enviable) shall you be, and it shall be well with you.” – PSALM 128:2, AMPC

KEY PHRASE: “SHALL BE WELL.” ‘Towb’ [טֽוֹב׃]: “From a root word meaning, ‘To be beneficial, well pleasing [to God], lovely, cheerful, lovely, right; ‘to cheer up;’ refers to that which is morally good; joyful, fruitful, precious; virtue or virtuous; as with the ‘Summum Bonum.’”

QUOTATION. Even in a bad situation, there’s always a positive side. Even if you can’t see it yet.”  SUSANE COLASANTI, Take Me There, 2009; edited

COMMENTARY. “‘Thou shalt eat the labour,’ &c. — Thy labour shall not be vain and fruitless, and the fruit of thy labour shall not be taken from thee and possessed by others as was threatened to the disobedient in Deuteronomy 28 but enjoyed by thyself with comfort and satisfaction. Happy shalt thou be’ —Whether thou be high or low, rich or poor, in the world, if thou fear God, and walk in his ways, thou mayest take the comfort of the Promise to thyself, and expect the benefit of it, as if it were directed to thee by name. And it shall be well with thee’ — Both in this world and (as even the Chaldee paraphrast interprets the words) in the world to come. ‘Whatever befalls thee, good shall be brought out of it;’ and ‘it shall be well with thee while thou livest, better when thou diest, and best of all in Eternity.’” — Matthew Henry.” – JOSEPH BENSON, Notes on the Holy Bible, 9 vols., 1811-1818; edited

DK’S TAKE. So here I am in my motel room in Glen Elder, Kansas, having driven several hundred miles to meet with some of our Fellowship team to offer a special series of commentaries for what is coming to America after the November 5, 2024, Presidential Election.

  • DR. KELLY.  A thorough overview of the new book, The Sixth Seal II (2024), an important field manual for understanding the times and how to prepare for them.
  • ROZLYN DOWNER. A valuable Psychological Profile of Donald Trump from a richly Biblical and professional perspective.

We had plans for a good number of folks to show up, but most could not make it. I was stopped three times by a highway patrol car, a sheriff, and two local police officers and at one point could have been hauled off to jail due to a run-in with a classic “Karen” who called the authorities after she successfully, ‘brake checked’ me at a stop sign.

And then to top it all off, after all of that, Rozlyn and I discovered our Facebook Posts were taken down by Facebook for ostensibly posting “Spam,” or possibly gunning for “Likes,” which is apparently a nearly capital digital offense (which we were of course not attempting to do).

  • THE PRAYER. So, I prayed a rather dissolute, exhausted prayer that went something like this: “Lord, what do I have to do to make things work effectively? Why was I so roundly defeated today?” Or something genuinely disappointed and confused – and a tad whiney.
  • THE ANSWER. This passage of Scripture is what I ‘heard’ in reply, with its attendant Commentary and Application to our situation. TO WIT: ‘Son, your efforts were well pleasing to God, and despite the appearance of failure, you shall yet see the good fruit to come of your labors.’
  • THE WAR. Fair Warning to us all: Opposing Mr. Trump is going to provoke responses that will grow much more severe in the days ahead. Should he be reelected (almost a certainty), The Rules of The Game will become very like the German Reich a century ago.

LESSON. There’s a War on, friends. So be sure to ‘Count the Cost,’ if you wish to remain faithful to our King. THE GOOD NEWS is that God is Sovereign over all of this, so do I appropriately close with that old ‘Chestnut’ of a Scripture we all know so well, a perfect Codicil to this brief essay:

And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.” – ROMANS 8:28

Dear fellow travelers on this so often rough road to the End of the Age, I can only say to us all: Take heart, ‘The King is Coming soon!’ When we shall lay all our merits and victories (and defeats) at His royal feet. And then, and then, beloved:

The Perfect. Selah.

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