SCRIPTURE. “But my enemies are vigorous and strong, and those who hate me wrongfully are multiplied. They also that render evil for good are adversaries to me, because I follow the thing that is good. Forsake me not, O Lord; O my God, be not far from me.” – PSALM 38:19-21, AMPC

KEY TERM: “FORSAKE ME NOT!” ‘Azab’ [עָזַב]: “From a primitive root, ‘To loosen, relinquish, leave or to leave, forsake, loose, desert; fail to fortify; to abandon; to be remote or completely absent; to depart from or leave behind; in the affirmative –He hath not left His kindness and his faithfulness from (being) with you.’” DK. For all who remain faithful or repentant at one’s sin, this Ancient Promise: And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed” (Deuteronomy 31:8, New King James).

QUOTATION. “‘I will never leave thee’ (Hebrews 13:5). No promise is of private interpretation. Whatever God has said to any one saint, He has said to all. When He opens a well for one, it is that all may drink … ‘He will show himself strong on the behalf of them that trust [and obey] Him.’ Is He love? Then with lovingkindness will He have mercy upon us. Whatever attributes may compose the Character of Deity, every one of them to its fullest extent shall be engaged on our side.” – CHARLES HADDON SPURGEON, Morning and Evening, 1865; edited

COMMENTARY. “‘Wicked men hate goodness, even when they benefit by it.’ DAVID, in the complaints he makes of his enemies, seems to refer to Christ. But our enemies do us real mischief only when they drive us from God and our duty. The true believer’s trouble will be made useful; he will learn to wait for his God and will not seek relief from the world or himself. The less we notice the unkindness and injuries that are done us, the more we consult the quiet of our own minds …

‘If we are truly penitent for sin, that will make us patient under affliction.’ Nothing goes nearer to the heart of a believer when in affliction, than to be under the apprehension of God’s deserting him; nor does anything come more feelingly from his heart than this prayer, ‘Be not far from me. The Lord will hasten to help those who trust in him as their salvation.’”– MATTHEW HENRY, Exposition of the Old and New Testaments, 6 vols., 1708-1710; edited

THE CONDITION. Perhaps the most disastrous exclusion from the Theology of the American Church is that of ‘Contrition.’ From the beginning with Adam and Eve in that prehistoric Garden, God has always made His Covenant with Mankind ‘Conditional:’ If we will walk before God in humility and obedience, He shall remain ever faithful to us. If not, then He cannot, beloved. This is why by His own Law and Righteouness, He is honor bound to consign such individuals to Perdition.


So no, we cannot sit at the Table of Demons and Christ (1 Corinthians 10:21). And no, we cannot be intimately, unequally yoked to an infidel (2 Corinthians 6:14). Nor can we serve both God and Mammon (Matthew 6:24). Finally, we shall never be permitted to replace the True God with a False one, as is being done today throughout the Nation and her Church (Exodus 23:3).

‘No, beloved, not ever!’

THE APPLICATION: CHRISTIANS! You must depart and completely separate from your Dark Fellowship with Donald Trump’s Maga Christian Nationalism Heresy and its Satanic counterpart, the QAnon Conspiracy Cult, or forfeit all!’ For God in His Turn must by His Definition of Truth and Holiness be forced to abandon you, leaving you alone to fend for your life now, and Life Eternal. 

 I believe this to be the Word of the Lord to us all. Thanks be to God. Selah.

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