SCRIPTURE. “The oracle (burdensome message) of the word of the Lord to Israel through [My messenger] Malachi. ‘I have loved you,’ says the Lord. But you say, ‘How and in what way have You loved us?’ ‘Was not Esau Jacob’s brother?’ declares the Lord. ‘Yet I loved Jacob (Israel); but [in comparison with My love for Jacob] I have hated Esau (Edom), and I have made his mountains a wasteland, and have given his inheritance to the jackals of the wilderness.’” – MALACHI 1:1-3, AMP

KEY TERMS. Loved; Hated; Wasteland; Inheritance; Wilderness

WIESEL. “‘The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference.’ The opposite of art is not ugliness, it’s indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference.” – Elie Wiesel, Night, 2006

ALIWAT. “‘There is no good without bad. No love without hate.’ If God wanted us to be perfect, incapable of sin, He would have made Adam perfect, incapable of sin, not with a rib that would eventually turn into a helpmeet capable of sin.” ― A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo, 2021

SOLOMON. “‘The reverent fear and worshipful awe of the Lord [includes] the hatred of evil;’ pride, arrogance, the evil way, and perverted and twisted speech I hate.” – King Solomon, Proverbs 8:13 (AMPC), c. 1,000 BC



Very possibly one of the most egregious doctrinal errors that has infiltrated the American Church over the last half century or so is the pernicious lie that God only loves. That is, the God of the Bible could never hate, and if he hated anything He could never hate an individual.

It wouldn’t be, well, Christian.

THESIS. The purpose of this essay is to demolish that lie and leave nothing to doubt after we are done here. The reason I am so vehement about this, is that so long as that falsehood continues, people will die in this life, and very likely perish eternally. The reason being: They have been taught to believe in ‘Another Jesus, and in Another Gospel.’

The Apostle Paul did not mince words about his own vehemence concerning this grotesque sin against the Truth.

“For [you seem willing to allow it] if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you accepted. You tolerate all this beautifully [welcoming the deception] … But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we [originally] preached to you, let him be condemned to destruction!” – 2 CORINTHIANS 11:4; GALATIANS 1:8, AMP

CONDEMNED. Note the severity of the Greek term here, ‘Anathema’ [ἀνάθεμα]: “Accursed, estranged from Christ and His salvation.” Not merely a punishment, but rather what one scholar describes as “an indissoluble vow” that cannot be reversed.

This compels me to ask: Is anyone reading the Full Biblical Account in America anymore, beloved?

Which takes us back to our study of the OSAS CONTROVERSY. Neither do I take us there just to stir up trouble, unless it’s what the late Congressman John Lewis called, “good trouble.” No, my point is: I don’t want anybody to die! I don’t want anybody go to hell!

Now that’s a sort of a different definition of ‘Love,’ isn’t it? So, here’s more fuel to the Fire that God built, not one I would dare fashion as we move a bit deeper into these nearly forgotten theological waters.

“For [it is impossible to restore to repentance] those who have once been enlightened [spiritually] and who have tasted and consciously experienced the heavenly gift and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted and consciously experienced the good word of God and the powers of the age (world) to come, and then have fallen away—it is impossible to bring them back again to repentance, since they again nail the Son of God on the cross [for as far as they are concerned, they are treating the death of Christ as if they were not saved by it], and are holding Him up again to public disgrace.” – HEBREWS 6:4-6, AMP

ALBERT BARNES COMMENTS. One of my favorite classical theologians is this courageous Christian scholar. American theologian, clergyman, fearless abolitionist, temperance advocate, author, and Princeton graduate, his Commentary is titled, ‘Notes on the Old and New Testament,’ 1884; edited.

Listen carefully to his lucid interpretation of this controversial passage – with which I fully concur and teach.

“‘For it is impossible’ – It is needless to say that the passage here in Hebrews 6:4-6, has given occasion to much controversy, and that the opinions of commentators and of the Christian world are yet greatly divided in regard to its meaning. On the one hand, it is held that the passage is not intended to describe those who are true Christians, but only those who have been awakened and enlightened, and who then ‘fall back;’ and on the other it is maintained that it refers to those who are true Christians, and who then ‘apostatize.’ The contending parties have been Calvinists and Arminians; each party, in general, interpreting it according to the views which are held on the question about falling from grace.

I shall endeavor, as well as I may be able, to state the true meaning of the passage by an examination of the words and phrases in detail, observing here, in general, that it seems to me that it refers to true Christians; that the object is to keep them from Apostasy,’ and that it teaches that if they should apostatize, it would be impossible to renew them again or to save them. That it refers to true Christians will be apparent from these considerations.

Such is the sense which would strike the great mass of readers. Unless there were some theory to defend, the great body of readers of the New Testament would consider the expression used here as describing true Christians.”

Mr. Barnes’ doctrinal logic is unassailable in my view, but hundreds if not thousands have tried for generations to redefine the Truth of this teaching. If nothing else, I am in hot pursuit of restoring lost doctrines,’ and this one in particular for its life or death implications.


You know me well enough by now to understand that I am always looking for root systems, for foundational original formulations of a particular idea or movement. This is no exception. Thus, my second dive into where all this “God is only good and only loves” heresy.

STARTING POINTS. Ironically, the only brief History of Origins of the use of ‘Hypergrace’ I could find was penned by a defender of the doctrine, PAUL ELLIS (“Who Invented the Word Hypergrace?” Escape to Reality, Feb. 27, 2020; edited). But it is nonetheless worth our consideration as context.                 

The word seems to have first appeared in 2009, but the Hypergrace wagon did not really get rolling until 2013. That was the year Charisma News decided to publish a series of articles attacking Hypergrace. That was also the year I wrote my first article defending Hypergrace.

The following year no less than five Hypergrace books were published. The first was Michael Brown’s book Hypergrace: Exposing the Dangers of the Modern Grace Message; the second was D.R. Silva’s book Hypergrace: The Dangerous Doctrine of a Happy God, and the third was my book The Hyper-Grace Gospel.”

In even more troubling irony, Dr. Brown and almost all others by the year 2023 had succumbed to the Cheap Grace American Gospel whenever challenged to counter the seismic MAGA Christian Right who collectively have no problem at all overlooking the heinous, unrepented of sins of Donald Trump. The underlying assumption in the Movement:

Christians don’t have to confess their sins; ‘it’s all covered by the Blood of Christ!’

ENDING POINTS. Running roughshod over these ideas is a superb Counter offered by the EDITORS of Compelling Truth, a subsidiary of the Got Questions online journal that I frequently consult (“What is Hyper-grace,” ret. Mar. 19, 2023; edited).

“Hyper-grace teaches an outsized theology of God’s grace that overshadows our need for confession of sin and repentance. Teachers of Hyper-grace fail to note God’s other attributes of holiness and His call for followers to be righteous. They teach that there is no need to deal with our sin since God has forgiven all our past, present, and future sin …

When Jesus spoke with John about the Seven Churches in the Book of Revelation, He called five of the seven churches to repentance (Revelation 2:514–16203:315–16). He said to the Church in Ephesus, ‘Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent’ (Revelation 2:5). Second Corinthians 5:10 says, ‘For we must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.’ The way we live our lives matters to God …

Hyper-grace rubs up against the teaching that there is no need for a Moral Law due to Jesus’ sacrificial death and fulfillment of the Old Testament Law. This is called Antinomianism and is directly refuted by Paul in Romans 6:1–2: ‘What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?’

This is a delicate and somewhat mysterious Balance:’ God’s provision for us to be saved completely by grace alone, apart from works of any kind (Ephesians 2:8–91 Timothy 1:14), and His expectation for our continued refinement and growth in righteousness (Ephesians 2:10Romans 14:172 Corinthians 9:10).”

IN SUM. Nearly the entire American Church, a few of the Reform denominations notwithstanding, have chosen to follow this FALSE DOCTRINE: ‘God does not hate, ever!’ Therefore followers of Christ are to always love, always turn the other cheek, and never assert oneself for any reason. Up to and including an assault on your person, your family, or friends.

This is called RADICAL PACIFICISM: The unconditional, absolute refusal to forcefully resist evil for any reason, ever.’ Elements of this philosophy are found in the teachings of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, and in the example of Mahatma Ghandi. – cf. MIKE DESOUSA, “Defining Pacifism,” cf. “Defining Pacifism,” Active Pacifism, 2023; edited

By the Canon, by the Early Church fathers, and by the overwhelming Falling Away of the American Church in this hour, I cannot possibly draw any other conclusion but that we must, especially in this hour: “Repair to original doctrines, and labor to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12, New King James Version).


SCRIPTURE. “The oracle (burdensome message) of the word of the Lord to Israel through [My messenger] Malachi. ‘I have loved you,’ says the Lord. But you say, ‘How and in what way have You loved us?’ ‘Was not Esau Jacob’s brother?’ declares the Lord. ‘Yet I loved Jacob (Israel); but [in comparison with My love for Jacob] I have hated Esau (Edom), and I have made his mountains a wasteland, and have given his inheritance to the jackals of the wilderness.’” – MALACHI 1:1-3, AMP

Beloved, what we are discussing today ought not even need discussion! ROMANS 12:9 says it so plainly that The Canon is what the lawyers call, ‘Settled Law:’ Love is to be sincere and active [the real thing—without guile and hypocrisy]. Hate what is evil [detest all ungodliness, do not tolerate wickedness]; hold on tightly to what is good.’”

And yet, here we are, working to untangle a web of contemporary Doctrinal Compromise that has aided and abetted the American Church collapse into the lap of a vicious ‘Christian’ Nationalism that promises to take us to our destruction.

So here we go.

KEY TERMS. As always, we dive not into the Central Concepts that define this crucial teaching.

  • LOVED. ‘Aheb’ [אָהַב]: “To have intense or intimate affection for; to dearly love, as with the absolute oppositive of hate; related to having a strong appetite for; ‘Divine Favor;’ as with the closest of friends; in a general sense to be pleased with; to regard with deep affection; an affection of the mind excited by beauty and worth of any kind, or by the qualities of an object which communicate pleasure, sensual or intellectual.”
  • HATED. ‘Sane’ [שָׂנֵא]: “To utterly detest and turn fully against, as with a foe or an enemy; to be considered absolutely odious; to loathe or be hostile toward.” Greek Biblical linguist SPIROS ZODHIATES (2008) writes: “God hates as His enemies those who love cruelty and wickedness (Ps. 11: 5); they do not keep His Covenant and are not loyal to Him (Ex.20:5). In fact, God hates all who do evil (Ps. 5:5-6); and wickedness (Ps. 45:7-8); Thus, to fear [love] God means to hate evil (Pr. 8:13).”
  • WASTELAND. ‘Shemamah’ [שְׁמָמָה]: “Devastation, astonishment; a desolate waste; totality of destruction (as punishment esp. for the sins of God’s people, but also people of other nations).” NOAH WEBSTER (1828) adds: “Ravage; desolation; destruction of works of art and natural productions which are necessary or useful to man; havoc; as by armies, fire, flood, etc.” DK: This is a clear indication that when the Almighty releases His full outrage against an enemy, it is Eternal annihilation of that enemy. Selah.
  • INHERITANCE. ‘Nachalah’ [נַחֲלָה]: “Refers almost always to one’s heritage defined largely by possession, material inheritance, money, holdings etc.; property distribution as designated in a will.” Webster (1828): “The reception of an estate by hereditary right, or the descent by which an estate or title is cast on the heir; as, the heir received the estate by inheritance.” DK: Given the extent to which Americans have placed overwhelming importance upon material and monetary advancement, this becomes a staggering loss when God removes it.
  • WILDERNESS. ‘Midbar’ [מִדְבָּר]: “An open field, as with a [barren] desert; a dry, uninhabited land (though sometimes used as pasture for animals); ‘a wilderness in which is no man’ [able to exist].” Webster (1828): “A tract of land or region uncultivated and uninhabited by human beings, whether a forest or a wide barren plain.” DK: Do not miss the apparent pattern here; when God judges an individual or a people for their treachery against Him and His Law, all of their life, top to bottom, side to side, is utterly devastated. This is the forgotten part of the Gospel that we never hear in America. ‘Thus the grotesque absence of Fear of God in America.’

COMMENTARY. “‘And I hated Esau’ – Or, ‘rejected’ him, as the Targum; did not love him as Jacob: this was a negative, not positive hatred; it is true of him, personally considered; not only ‘by taking away the birthright and blessing from him, which he despised; but by denying him His special grace,’ leaving him in his sins, and to his lusts, so that he became a profane person; shared not in the grace of God here, and had no part in the eternal inheritance with the saints in light; and likewise it is true of his posterity, as the following instances show.

‘And laid his mountains and his heritage waste’… [With] vipers, especially in the wilderness of Sin, which might be very properly called ‘the inheritance of dragons,’ were very dangerous and troublesome; not only our camels, but the Arabs who attended them, running every moment the risk of being bitten; so that, according to the Prediction, it is now a place for such creatures … So the Targum renders it, ‘into the wasteness of the desert,’ or into a waste desert, where none but such sort of animals inhabit.” – JOHN GILL, An Exposition of the Old and New Testament, 1746-1763; edited

IS AMERICA WELL? As we venture to address this in the next section, do not miss the staggering ‘Consequences of God’s Hatred:’ Esau lost everything, beloved, because he “despised his birthright,” and thereby the God who bestows it. More: Esau hated what was Good, and God hated him for it in return. Selah.

This constitutes a massive WAKEUP CALL to America and her Church. Because if we do not awaken soon, like Esau, we too shall lose everything. And, we are very nearly there.


So do I argue here from the Canon that a vital standard of measure of our Love of Christ derives directly from our Command to “Love what is good, Hate what is evil” (cf. Romans 12:9). It truly is that simple, beloved, to show firm allegiance to our King.

So how we doin,’ America? Take a deep breath, then take a seat.

ROOTS OF AMERICAN ORDER. One of the most influential books ever written about the America of the 19th century was Democracy in America (1835, 1840) by ALEXIS DE TOQUEVILLE. French aristocrat, diplomat, political scientist, political philosopher and historian, he was a study in strange contradictions.

One journal article described him, for example, as an aristocrat steeped in a profoundly religious (Catholic) education yet suffered a dramatic loss of faith after reading 18th century French philosophers, but still attributed American success to her ‘Religious (Christian) Mores.’ – LUK SANDERS, “The Strange Belief of Alexis de Toqueville: Christianity as Philosophy,” International Journal of Philosophy and Theology, vol. 74, 2013, Issue 1; edited

From this we derive the Folk Saying to summarize his position that actually originated in the work of two British ministers who visited churches in America in 1834, ANDREW REED AND JAMES MATHESON:

“Not until I went into the Churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. ‘America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.’”

The absence of clear attribution notwithstanding, this reasonably sums up Toqueville’s strong regard for the crucial role that Christianity played in the American Foundation. I state this before looking more closely at America in 2023, to see how we are faring as a Nation and as a Church.

IS AMERICA GOOD, OR EVIL? What I am doing in this section is offering you a kind of American Report Card on how we are currently doing both Politically and Spiritually. You can probably already guess where I’m going with this by nothing more than common sense and simple observation on a day-to-day basis. But I’ll try to document responsibly, so it’s not just my personal surmise.

I borrow what follows from an excellent report by MARK SILK, Professor of Religion in Public Life at Trinity College and Director of the college’s Leonard E. Greenberg Center for the Study of Religion in Public Life. His Title: “Christian Nationalism Needs to Be Distinguished from Civil Religion,” published in Religion News (Feb. 13, 2023; edited).

Please listen carefully to some strongly compelling evidence that the Republic is arguably in the most desperate condition since the Civil War. It is long, but so worth the space.

“10% of Americans are adherents of Christian Nationalism [34M], with another 19% [64M] in sympathy with its ideals, according to a new PRRI survey. These two groups are far more likely to hold racist, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim views than the rest of the U.S. population. Among White Evangelicals, 29% [45M] rate as adherents, with an additional 35% [54M] as sympathizers [197 Million Nationalists]. None of this is particularly surprising. Donald Trump cranked up God-and-country fervor, and no religious segment of the population has been more fervent than White Evangelicals …

In the 1930s, ‘Christian,’ long employed as an umbrella characterization of American society, was appropriated by Americas First Nationalists to signal that no Jews need apply. Antisemitic radio preacher the REV. CHARLES COUGHLIN, a Catholic priest, prompted the creation of an organization called The Christian Front; other such organizations included the Christian American Crusade, the Christian Mobilizers and the Christian Party.

In response, Liberals began using ‘Christian’ to rename the religious tradition that all Americans were presumed to share and that was supposed to undergird the struggle against Fascism and, later, Communism. But then, in the 1980s, ‘Judeo-Christian’was seized upon by the Religious Right as a rhetorical cudgel in its political war against Secularism and the values of ‘The ’60s.’

In its inclusivist heyday, Judeo-Christian language served what Italian scholar of totalitarianism EMILIO GENTILE defines as ‘Civil Religion: The Sacralization of a political system’ that guarantees ‘a plurality of ideas, free competition in the exercise of power, and the ability of the governed to dismiss their governments through peaceful and constitutional methods.’

In the hands of the Religious Right, ‘Judeo-Christian’ has served what Gentile calls ‘Political Religion’: An intolerant, invasive, and fundamentalist” faith employed as a weapon in partisan combat.’

Civil Religion still lives on, however. It’s represented in a resolution condemning White Nationalism that the Democratic National Committee passed earlier this month, harking back to the ‘Judeo-Christian’ version that took shape during World War II … The ‘Christian’ Political Religion’ of the 1930s lives on as well, in the form of today’s ‘White Christian Nationalism.’”

Historically, this same segment of the German Church constituted ‘The Base’ for ADOLF HITLER’S Nazi Party of World War II.

DK. In Summary then, do not miss the point that I raise so many times, that Root Systems are largely determinative of the rest of ‘The Tree.’ Precisely why Jesus Himself said, “You shall know [False Prophets] by their fruit” (Matthew 7:20). IF, and only if, you are embedded deep into the Word of God and filled with His Spirit.

How else, beloved, would we be able to explain oh oh it’s a little bit of A It’s a little bit of A It’s a little bit of A It’s a little bit of A It’s a little bit of a taste of it’ That is why. So do I sadly but of necessity conclude, as Toqueville may have worded it:

‘America is no longer great, because America is no longer good.’ Selah.


So do I conclude with a PRAXIS of sorts, to address the General Question that seems so difficult to answer in 2023: ‘How do I tell the difference between Good and Evil.’

For the Answer, I turn to a wonderful little essay by STUART KABATEBATE, founder of Inspired Walk ministry, in a piece entitled, “How Can I Distinguish Between Good and Evil?” (ret. Mar. 21, 2023; edited).

We begin with his Introduction, then move to his FOUR DOCTRINAL RULES for being able to tell the difference between these two choices.

INTRODUCTION. “There are many bad and ungodly lifestyles which were once universally condemned in the past, but today, many non-biblical lifestyles are now considered to be ‘good’ and culturally acceptable in society … Therefore, there are [likewise] various ideologies, doctrines and teachings which were considered to be unthinkable and ‘detestable’ in the past that are now encouraged and promoted within culture and also within religion. So, we now live in a world where morality is declining at a very fast rate. ‘What used to be good is now considered to be evil – and what was considered to be bad in society is now promoted as being good.’”– cf. Isa. 5:20-21

  1. THE BIBLE. “Our Standard for what is good and what is evil must come from God’s Word – the Bible. The Bible is God’s Infallible Word to mankind. The Scriptures reveal the nature of God, the plan of God and His values and principles for life. Therefore, our source which helps us distinguish between right and wrong is the Bible. It is NOT our political leaders; it is not a famous celebrity nor is it even a religious leader who can be our source of what is right or wrong. Instead, the ultimate source and final authority in everyone’s life is the Infallible Word of God.” – cf. 2 Tim. 3:16-17; Ps. 119:11
  • THE RELATIONSHIP. “We cannot know the difference between right and wrong without knowing and relating with the ultimate Lawgiver. Therefore, it is not only important to know the Bible – but it is also imperative to know the Author of the Bible. When we have a personal relationship with God, combined with knowledge of His Word, we will intimately know the nature of God. As we relate with God personally and intimately, we will have a desire to please God and to obey His Word. One of the main reasons why morality is on the decline is because many people do not live to please God. Instead, many people ultimately live to please themselves and to fulfill their own [carnal] desires.” – cf. 2 Tim. 2:3-4
  • THE FEAR. “The fear of the Lord refers to having reverence or deep respect for God and His position and authority in our life. Proverbs 8:13 says: ‘The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil’ … Therefore, if we are to hate what is evil and love what is good, then we need to have the fear of the Lord. We need to respect God’s authority in our life. We cannot discern between good and evil if we do not respect or fear God. Proverbs 9:10 says: ‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.’
    Therefore … if we are to have wisdom to discern between right and wrong, then we must begin by fearing God.”
  • THE LOVE. “Jesus said in John 14:15: ‘If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.’ Loving God is therefore essential to keeping God’s Commandments and to discerning between right and wrong. The more we love God, the more we will hate what is evil. The more we love God, the more God will put His desires in our heart. When we love God, we do not create our ‘own truth.’ When we love God, we do not create our own ideas of what should be right and what should be wrong. Instead, our love for God will compel us to obey God’s Commandments because we understand that God alone is the Source and Standard through how we discern the difference between good and evil.”

FOOTNOTE ON THE HOLY SPIRIT. The entire matter of “Being filled with the Holy Spirit” has been debated at least since the Outpouring at Azusa Street, California in 1906, so I do not wish to stir that debate again here. Except to say this, unequivocally, to our friends in this community:

Do not get drunk with wine, for that is wickedness (corruption, stupidity), but be filled with the [Holy] Spirit and constantly guided by Him.” – EPHESIANS 5:18, AMP

I trust that shall meet with no opposition whatsoever in this Fellowship of Friends of God. Selah.

CODICIL. Not much more to say here beloved; our humble Pastor Kebatebate summarized everything I’ve been trying to hammer home for months and months now in the simplest of terms. Scripturally sound. Courageously clear. Or as German-American Pentecostal REINHARD BONNKE would shout it from the fire in his bones at his many African crusades that began in Lesotho in 1967:

“It is the Simple Gospel, my friends!”

OCKHAM’S RAZOR. While completing my doctorate at Bowling Green University in Ohio in the early 1970s, I learned of this important idea. It is essentially a Problem-Solving Principle that recommends searching for explanations constructed with the ‘smallest possible set of elements.’ It is also known as the Principle of Parsimony or the Law of Parsimony attributed to William of Ockham that states:

All things considered, it is usually The Simplest Explanation’ that is to be preferred to the complicated one.

The reason I bring this up in conclusion is that as I have already shared, men like Origen and Augustine and Calvin and so many others have taken Doctrine that is simple and straightforward and added to it, precept upon precept and condition upon condition, so that one can hardly find the Truth of it anymore.

JESUS THE CHRIST. “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless you repent [that is, change your inner self—your old way of thinking, live changed lives] and ‘become like children’ [trusting, humble, and forgiving], you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” – MATTHEW 18:3, AMP

Or as early Methodist theologian JOSEPH BENSON so beautifully said it: “Free from pride, covetousness, and ambition, and resemble them in humility, sincerity,

docility, and disengagement of affection from the things of the present life, which excite the ambition of grown men” (Notes on the Holy Bible, 5 vols., 1811-1818; edited).

Be like children, bow to the obvious meaning of the Word, and share it with all who are likewise humble enough to hear it – as it was written! Selah.

Ever your servant, DK


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