SCRIPTURE. “Ask now and see whether a man can give birth to a child? Why then do I see every man with his hands on his loins like a woman in labor? Why are all faces turned pale? Alas! for that day will be great, so that none will be like it; it will be ‘the time of Jacob’s [unequaled] trouble, but he will be saved out of it.’ For it will come to pass in that day, says the Lord of hosts, that I will break [the oppressor’s] yoke from your neck, and I will burst your bonds; and strangers will no more make slaves of [the people of Israel].” – JEREMIAH 30:6-8, AMPC


At such times, the heart of man turns instinctively towards his Maker. In prosperity, and whenever there is nothing to injure or make him afraid, he remembers Him not, and is ready to defy Him; but place him in the midst of dangers, cut him off from human aid, let the grave open before him, then it is, ‘in the time of his Tribulation,’ that the scoffer and unbelieving man turns to God for help, feeling there is no other hope, or refuge, or safety, save in His protecting arm.” ― SOLOMON NORTHUP, ‘Twelve Years a Slave,’ 1997; edited

Jesus is no genie in a lamp. All the happy thoughts and positive thinking in the world will not keep life from being life. I’ve come to believe that, as big risks offer the potential for great reward or great failure, the biggest waves bring the swiftest undertow. As I learned to accept this Principle rather than fight it, a deeper understanding of ‘the call to perseverance, which appears so frequently in the Bible, emerged.” ― JOAN BALL, Flirting with Faith: My Spiritual Journey from Atheism to a Faith-Filled Life,’ 2010; edited

Trials there must be upon this earth. We are made of a stuff that easily corrupts when nothing calls to order, when a sign from the Lord does not reach us soon enough. Do not complain that Destiny has rent your soul; ‘For God knows best what will help us.’” ― FRITHJOF SCHUON, Autumn Leaves & The Ring: Poems by Frithjof Schuon,’ 2010; edited


Clearly one of the most significant and troubling developments in the United States and its entire history is that ‘Secular culture seems to understand the Times’ far more accurately then does the Church. Just one example: CNN versus Fox News.

Highly regarded Scottish American Historian and unapologetic atheist (but who occasionally attends church and instructs his children to learn about God), NIALL FERGUSON, gives us chilling evidence for such a premise. Speaking to CNBC at the Ambrosetti Forum in Chernobbio, Italy on September 4, he said this.

“The ingredients of the 1970s are already in place. The monetary and fiscal policy mistakes of last year, which set this inflation off, are very alike to the 60s. And, as in 1973, you get a war. This [Russian] war is lasting much longer than the 1973 war … Why shouldn’t it be as bad as the 1970s? I’m going to go out on a limb: Let’s consider the possibility that the 2020s could actually be worse than the 1970s. At least in the 1970s you had ‘Détente’ [easing of hostility] between Superpowers. I don’t see much Détente between Washington and Beijing [or Russia] right now. In fact, I see the opposite.

‘You start with a Plague’ — or something we don’t see very often, a really large global pandemic — which kills millions of people and disrupts the economy in all kinds of ways. Then you hit it with a big monetary and fiscal policy shock. And then you add the geopolitical shock. That miscalculation leads humans to be overly optimistic and, ultimately, ‘unprepared to handle major crises.’”

UNPREPAREDNESS. As I argued strenuously in Part I of the series, the American Church in embracing the entire MAGA policy narrative, is completely ignoring all of these signs. Christians and especially their pastors actually think DONALD TRUMP is going to fix it all and ‘Make America Great Again.’

All the while the darkest Storm Clouds in our history are just off the horizon, yet the Church ignores them. We have effectively taken down the Parapets upon which the Watchmen stand, choosing instead to believe what the Trump Nationalists tell us about the soon return, not of Christ, but of American Supremacy, with its restored global hegemony.

AMERICAN NARCISSISM. And there you have it beloved: We come full circle back to Americas Golden Calf – It is US! We ourselves have become our own Idol for Destruction. Which reminds quickly and devastatingly of the ancient Greek Myth of Narcissus, summarized by ‘Wikipedia’ in this way (Aug. 10, 2022; edited).

“In Greek mythology,‘Narcissus’ (Νάρκισσος Nárkissos) was a hunter from Thespiae in Boeotia (alternatively Mimas or modern day Karaburun, Izmir) who was ‘known for his beauty.’ According to Tzetzes, he rejected all romantic advances, eventually falling in love with his own reflection in a pool of water, staring at it for the remainder of his life. After he [there ‘wasted away’ and] died, in his place sprouted a Flower bearing his name.”

That is right my friends, I believe America has become ‘so taken by herself,’ so immensely impressed by our greatness and our prodigious and unmatched presence in the entire history of the world, that we have become our worst enemy. And what better circumstance in which to elect for ourselves a ‘King Narcissus’ who perfectly epitomizes our present Self-Adulation:

Donald John Trump, American Pathological Narcissist-in-Chief.


ISRAEL! To state it as clearly and unequivocally as possible, the entire seven-year Great Tribulation is all about Israel. Indeed, the entire History of Mankind has everything to do with God choosing Israel through whom to execute His Ultimate Plans. Of course, Gentiles shall also be impacted greatly, but God’s overwhelming focus and attention will be upon those who He still considers ‘His chosen people,’the Jews.

Get that fixed in your mind for the most accurate understanding of everything that follows, beloved.

This somewhat detailed review of GOD’S PURPOSE FOR ISRAEL is adapted from the EDITORS of an online journal named, ‘Facts About Israel- UK,’ retrieved on September 5, 2022; edited. It’s a lot, but we’re talking about nothing less than the Foundation of the Redemption of the entire World here.


Some 3,500 years ago God made an unconditional Covenant with His chosen servant ABRAM (later called Abraham). The primary part of this Covenant was that through Abram’s descendants all the nations for all time would be blessed. God said to Abram: “In you all the families of the earth will be blessed” (Gen. 12.3).

So how are the nations blessed? Tracing through the descendants of Abraham we find that the Tribe of Judah is given ‘Royal Lineage’ in terms of a Scepter (Gen. 49.10). This symbolized Kingship and led to the Royal House of David. Following the genealogies from David in the book of Matthew we come to Joseph the husband of Mary who bore Jesus. God gave Jesus the throne of David (Lk. 1.32), but Jesus’ mission at that time was the reconciliation of sinful mankind to God. Through Christ’s death on the Cross, everyone who believes in Him – the Resurrected Christ – and follows Him is reconciled to God. Jesus said: Salvation is of the Jews(Jn. 4.22).

  • FIRST. Therefore, God’s greatest blessing of the nations is found in Israel’s primary purpose, her primary reason for her existence: To bring salvation to the entire world through Christ.’
  • SECOND. God chose the Tribes of Israel (commonly referred to as ‘The Jews’) to be ‘the original recipients of His Word. It started with God’s Law, as in the Ten Commandments, and was fulfilled when Christ Came (Matt. 5.17).
  • THIRD. Today the entire world is witnessing rapidly accelerating ‘Unrest’ amongst the nations and at home, as humanity wrestles with increasing exploding debt ratios and hyper-inflation, unprecedented climatological events, lawlessness, economic uncertainty, international and domestic division and violent conflict. Yet in the midst of all the Chaos and Terror, God promised that He would use Israel to become: “A light for the nations” as “Deep Darkness” descended everywhere (cf. Isa. 49.6; 60.2-3).
  • FOURTH. The Bible says that at the End of this Age Israel will become ‘The Vortex’ of the world in the sense that major world events will be centered around Israel. Nations will be caught in a political vortex in the sense that they will be forced to look towards Israel. They can choose to ignore Israel and her God, but sooner or later Israel will command their attention. Why? Because God is using Israel as a Sign to the nations:He will set up an ensign for the nations and will assemble the outcasts of Israel” (Isa. 11.12).
  • FIFTH. Bible Prophecy reveals that, at the End of this Age world events will be ‘centered around Israel.’ Unseen spiritual principalities and powers raged against Christ at His birth (Rev. 12.4), and today they are raging against Israel by aligning nations against her [Rev. 12.9, 20.8]. This Spiritual Warfare culminates in the Final War of this Age (Armageddon), as all Gentile nations are gathered against Israel (Zech. 14.1-3).

The Good News is that these events herald ‘The Return of Christ to the earth and the ushering in of the Age of Peace – the so-called Millennial Age, when Christ reigns as King from Jerusalem: “And the LORD will be King over all the earth” (Zech 14.9). These are the days when nations beat their swords into plow shares, the wolf lies down with the lamb, and the earth is full of the knowledge of the LORD (Isa. 11:6-9; Rev. 21:1-4).

Yet so much more for this old soldier at least, when people from all the nations then Jerusalem shall be called, The City of Truth” (Zech. 8.3).  Selah.


I believe that it is safe to say that there are no people on the face of the earth for the entire history of Mankind that has seen a single people group both so blessed and so maligned as the Jews. If that is a fair assumption, then the question must be asked as we move into this particular section:

WHY DOES THE WORLD HATE THE JEW? A personal anecdote might help us get underway to address this question. While preparing what was supposed to be an online course on quote “The History of the Jews” for the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews in 2019, I discovered something in the months of groundwork research on the project that I had not seen before.

Wherever the Jewish people migrated to, they tended to ultimately ‘rise to the top’ of their professions. Whether it was blacksmithing or banking, whether the arts or literature, whether science or mathematics or even politics, the Jew tended to excel at virtually everything he or she attempted. The downside to this of course was that the indigenous ethnic groups in these various nations developed certain levels of ‘jealousy and envy’ I believe that would explain some but certainly not all of the historic discrimination against them.

A second more identifiable reason that my own research discovered was pointed out by religious studies scholar PETER SCHÄFER, who proposed the following argument.

“Some scholars would look to the pre-Christian world and see in the attitudes of ancient Greeks and Romans the origins of an enduring hostility … Schäfer believes the exclusive nature of the monotheistic Jewish faith, the apparent haughty sense of being a chosen people, a refusal to intermarry, a Sabbath observance and the practise of circumcision were all things that marked Jews out in antiquity for a particular odium.

Finding examples of hostility towards Jews in Classical sources is not difficult. The politician and lawyer CICERO, 106-43 BC, once reminded a jury of ‘the odium of Jewish gold’ and how they ‘[stick together]’ and are ‘influential in informal assemblies’. The Roman historian TACITUS, c. 56-120 AD, was contemptuous of ‘base and abominable’ Jewish customs and was deeply disturbed by those of his compatriots who had renounced their ancestral gods and converted to Judaism. The Roman poet and satirist JUVENAL, c.55-130 AD, shared his disgust at the behaviour of converts to Judaism besides denouncing Jews generally as ‘drunken and rowdy.’” – EDITORS, “Antisemitism: How the Origins of History’s Oldest Hatred Still Hold Sway Today,”The Conversation,’ Feb. 27, 2018; edited

Schäfer then completes his frankly brilliant review of Jewish history, from the early Christian presumption of Jews as “Christ killers” found in the writings of a number of our most venerated Church Fathers, to the Medieval Era’s Lutheran Reformation Movement. To be driven deeper into world consciousness by the vicious and patently false publication of ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ in Moscow, Russia around 1905.

My own family legends tell of our Sephardim (Rodriguez) ancestors residing in Catalonia, Spain, who fled to the island of Ibiza to escape the Spanish Inquisition in the 16th century, before migrating to Mexico and then to America in later generations. I’m in the process of running my DNA tests to verify this Jewish component of my heritage.

JACOB’S TROUBLES. One of the best summaries I have read about this tumultuous seven-year period toward The End of human history is from the EDITORS of the respected online biblical journal, ‘Compelling Truth’ in their piece entitled, “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble – What is it?” (ret. Sep. 6, 2022; edited).

The ‘Time of Jacob’s Trouble’ comes from Jeremiah 30:7 that says, Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble, but he shall be saved out of it’ (KJV).

What is this ‘Time of Distress for Jacob’ (ESV)? …

Jacob’s Trouble or Jacob’s Distress refers to the difficulties the Jewish people will face during the seven-year Tribulation Period. During this time, the Jewish Temple will be rebuilt, yet desecrated. The Antichrist will break a Covenant and set himself up as ruler and expect to be worshiped. He will force all people to receive a mark to buy or sell goods. In addition, much war and famine will occur, with Jews fleeing Jerusalem to the mountains.”

DIVINE PURPOSE. I realize that to listen to some of my presentations, one might conclude that God was all about nothing but punishment in the Last Days. Yet nothing could be further from the Truth of it. Remember how often I refer to our God as, ‘Lord of the Rescue’ before drawing that early conclusion.

Consider, as illustration, another excellent review of this crucial period of Jewish history. From the EDITORS of an article in ‘Got Questions’ titled, “What is the Time of Jacob’s Trouble,” (ret. Sep. 7, 2022; edited).

“The Time of Jacob’s Trouble demonstrates that ‘God keeps His Promises,’ judges sin, and ‘saves’ [all] those who trust in Christ.’ In the End Times, God will pour His Judgment on a wicked world, and this seven-year Tribulation, from Israel’s point of view, is the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. In this time, ‘God purges His chosen people’ of the wicked and unbelieving, but ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as the Lord has said, even among the survivors whom the Lord calls’ (Joel 2:32; cf. Romans 10:13). After that Time of Jacob’s Trouble is a time of Peace, as the Lord Himself sets up His Kingdom on earth for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:1–6; cf. Isaiah 11).

CHOSEN. I wanted to close this section with a reflection that has taken root in me especially during the past three years. And that is this: ‘Being chosen’ has at least two sides to it. ONE – Filled with the benefits and the bounty and the wonder of God’s favor. TWO – Terrifyingly difficult and impossible trials requiring God’s presence, power and wisdom.

Here is a Definition of that important term from MATTHEW EASTON’S ‘Bible Dictionary’ (1893) that I rather love: “Spoken of warriors (Exod. 15:4Judg. 20:16), of the Hebrew nation (Ps. 105:43Deuteronomy 7:7), of Jerusalem as the seat of the temple (1 Ki. 11:13). ‘Christ is the ‘Chosen’ of God’ (Isa. 42:1); and the Apostles are ‘chosen’ for their work (Acts 10:41). It is said with regard to those who do not profit by their opportunities that ‘Many are called, but few are chosen’ (Matt. 20:16).”

Selah. Selah.


SCRIPTURE. “Ask now and see whether a man can give birth to a child? Why then do I see every man with his hands on his loins like a woman in labor? Why are all faces turned pale? Alas! for that day will be great, so that none will be like it; it will be ‘the time of Jacob’s [unequaled] trouble, but he will be saved out of it.’ For it will come to pass in that day, says the Lord of hosts, that I will break [the oppressor’s] yoke from your neck, and I will burst your bonds; and strangers will no more make slaves of [the people of Israel].” – JEREMIAH 30:6-8, AMPC

So right about here, take a deep breath and prepare to ingest a very great deal in a very short space. For we have come upon the details of what the Law and the Prophets and the Apostles and the Messiah and even the angels of heaven have spoken about for more than even centuries:


And as always, we shall begin our quest for wisdom by examining THREE KEY TERMS from this powerful passage that largely defined. The entire Era.

  • TRAVAIL. With Christ’s rich analogy of these times being likened unto a ‘woman in childbirth,’ the Hebrew word here is virtually synonymous. ‘Yalad’ [יָלַד] is translated as: “To bear, bring forth, beget [as in the agonizing process of enduring labor pains in which human power is nearly overwhelmed]; to suffer the pangs of childbirth.” DK. With the unspeakable horrors of Shoah never far from their memory, the Jews are likely crying out from their soul’s very marrow: “Not again Lord, not again!”
  • TROUBLE. This central Hebrew term is, ‘Tsarah’ [צָרָה], or: “Anguish, narrow straits, great distress; tribulation, toil, affliction; to contend with a powerful adversary; also, from the Latin ‘tribulo,’ to thrash, to beat; it often denotes the troubles and distresses which proceed from intense persecution or deadly oppression.” DK. Jesus warned that the unprecedented terror of this Great Tribulation “has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be again” (Matt. 24:21). We must pay our most sober attention to the severity of His Words, since two thirds of Israel shall be “cut off” by the forces of Antichrist in this horrific Era (Zech. 13:8).
  • TYRANNY SHATTERED FOREVER! And now for the most magnificent Divine Promise a Jew shall ever hear: “I will burst your bonds; and strangers will no more make slaves of [the people of Israel].” From the Hebrew term, ‘Shabar’ [שָׁבַר]: “To burst, to break into pieces; to rend or tear apart like a wild beast; to destroy or maim; to crush or smash; to bring violence against; to completely shatter; to bring fully to birth [a New Order].” DK. Both Yahweh and the Jews have waited over 3,000 years for this Moment of Redemption and Recompense to all enemies of God’s chosen people. This is no small matter in the history of Mankind, for it yields a complete shattering of the Old Way forever, giving full birth to God’s New Order of a perfect Universe that is well underway at this point. Selah. Selah.

MARK’S RECORD (13:14-23, NKJV). Here we now turn to Mark the Apostle’s report of some of what takes place in this remarkably terrifying period of history. As with Part I of this series, we turn again to WILLIAM MACDONALD for interpretation (‘Believers Bible Commentary,’ 1995, pp. 1355-1356; edited).

  • VV14-18. “So when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not” (let the reader understand), ‘then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.Let him who is on the housetop not go down into the house, nor enter to take anything out of his house. And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes. But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! And pray that your flight may not be in winter.” WM. “Verse 14 marks the middle of the Tribulation Period, the beginning of the ‘Great’ Tribulation. We know this by comparing the passage with Daniel 9:27. At that time, a great abominableIdol’ will be set up in the temple in Jerusalem. Men will be compelled to worship it or be slain. True believers will, of course, refuse. The setting up of this idolatrous image ‘will signal the beginning of great persecution.’ Those who read and believe the Bible will know that the time has come to flee from Judea. There will not be time to gather up personal belongings. Pregnant women and nursing mothers will be at a distinct disadvantage. If it happens in winter, that will add further hazards.”
  • V19. “For in those days there will be ‘tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the creation’ which God created until this time, nor ever shall be.” WM. “It will be a time of tribulation greater than anything in the past or future. It is the ‘Great Tribulation.’ The Lord Jesus is not speaking here about the general type of tribulation which believers in every age have encountered. This is a period of trouble unique in its intensity. Notice also that the Tribulation is primarily Jewish in nature … It is the ‘Time of Jacob’s Trouble.’ The Church is not in view here. It will have already been taken to Heaven before the Day of the Lord begins.” DK. That Day shall commence precisely at the Opening of the Sixth Seal of Revelation, Chapter 6. Second, although the Church (or Bride of Christ) shall not be present, there will be millions upon millions of “Tribulation saints” saved during that seven-year period, but almost all required to be martyred by beheading (cf. Re. 20:4).
  • V20. “And unless the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake, whom He chose, He shortened the days.” WM. “The [Trumpets and] Bowls of God’s Wrath will be poured out on the world in those days. It will be a time of calamity, chaos and bloodshed. In fact, the slaughter will be so great that God will supernaturally shorten the period of daylight; otherwise, no one would survive.” DK. Edited and modified to fit my PREWRATH TEMPLATE OF 14 JUDGMENTS – ‘Trumpets’ (Rev. 8-11): Vegetation Struck; The Seas Struck; The Waters Struck; The Heavens Struck; The Locusts from The Bottomless Pit; The Angels from the Euphrates; The Kingdom Proclaimed. ‘Bowls’ (Rev. 16): Loathsome Sores; The Sea Turns to Blood; The Waters turn to Blood; Men are Scorched; Darkness and Pain; Euphrates Dried Up; The Earth Utterly Shaken.
  • VV. 21-22. “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘Look, He is there!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” WM. “The Great Tribulation will again witness the rise of false messiahs. People will be so desperate they will turn to anyone who promises them safety. But believers will know that Christ will not appear quietly or unheralded. Even if these false christ’s perform supernatural wonders (as they will), the elect will not be deceived. They will realize that these miracles are satanically inspired. miracles are not necessarily divine. They represent superhuman departures from the known Laws of Nature that may represent the work of Satan, angels, or demons. The Man of Sin will be given Satanic power to perform miracles.”
  • V23. “But take heed; see, I have told you all things beforehand.” WM. “So believers take heed and be forewarned.” DK. The implication of McDonald’s the proposition for me at least, is that the Church Age saints are NOT to be unaware of the rise of Antichrist, though the world and the apostates shall be. PAUL WRITES: “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God” (2 Thess. 2:3-4). THE POINT. The True Church understands the time of the Great Falling Away is ‘simultaneous with’ the Unveiling of who the Antichrist is – to those who are truly and fully in Christ! “But ‘you, brethren,’ are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief” (1 Thess. 5:4).

TRUMP AND ISRAEL. Here I dare to add a brief Addendum to all of this by proposing Donald Trump has engineered what no other American or politician for that matter has ever achieved: A Peace Agreement as Roadmap between the Arabs and Israel. Largely drafted and shepherded by Trump’s son-in-law, JARED KUSHNER, a Jew, the Agreement is named: ‘THE ABRAHAM ACCORDS,’ officially signed on September 15, 2020.

Investigative reporter and Middle East specialist KEN KLIPPENSTEIN offer some sobering commentary a piece from ‘The Intercept’ titled, “Intel Report Warned Abraham Would Fuel Violence” (June 22, 2022; edited). Here’s why.

“The Abraham Accords, which were spearheaded by Trump adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner, are commonly described as normalizing relations and establishing formal diplomatic ties between the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Israel. ‘At its heart a business deal,’ the Abraham Accords facilitated financial investment between the countries, as well as military and surveillance cooperation. But in order to accomplish what had previously been considered nearly impossible, Kushner’s deal carved out the Major Question at issue: Israel’s ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories. Striking a peace agreement that didn’t resolve that question would only inflame tensions, Homeland Security warned.”

AN HYPOTHESIS. To drive straight to my point: If Donald Trump is the Antichrist, as I believe that he is, he will return to power in January 2025, cement that Accord in a way that will pacify Israel and keep him in maximum control of “The Deal of the Century.” Then at the Midpoint of his reign, he will violate the Accord and declare himself to be worshipped as God inside the new Temple that still remains to be built in Jerusalem.

Nothing less than The Abomination of Desolation prophesied by Daniel over 3,000 years ago (Daniel 12:11). Which triggers the most violent “Great” Tribulation Judgments discussed earlier.


So, Dr. Kelly, why must we bother with this Seven-Year Horror Show if the body of Christ will not be on the earth to experience it? Good question, and one that leads straight to the heart of The Father who planned and executes and supervises all of it. I turn to an old friend and noted eschatology scholar I used to work with at Liberty University, DR. THOMAS “TOMMY” ICE (who happens to love watermelon as much as I do).

PURGING OF THE REBELS. In response to a fierce debate with preterist GARY DEMAR some years ago, here is Professor Ice’s superb interpretation of God’s severe dealing with Israel during the Time of Jacob’s Trouble.

“One of the major Divine Purposes for the Tribulation in relation to Israel is the conversion of the Jewish Remnant to faith in Jesus as their Messiah. This will take place throughout the Tribulation, but by the end of the seven-year period the entire number of the Elect Remnant will become converted to Jesus. That number is likely a third of the Jewish people as noted in ZECHARIAH 13:9. ‘And I will bring the third part through the fire, refine them as silver is refined, and test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, and I will answer them; I will say, “They are My people,” and they will say, “The LORD is my God.”’ [NOTE: Of the 15,000,000 Jews worldwide, only 5,000,000 would survive].

As part of the process of bringing the Jewish Remnant to faith ZECHARIAH 13:8 speaks ofa purging’ out of the non-elect Jewish element from the nation. ‘And it will come about in all the land,’ declares the LORD, ‘that two parts in it will be cut off and perish; but the third will be left in it.’ The Old Testament prophets speak frequently of the purging out of the Jewish non-elect during the tribulation. Ezekiel 20:33–38 is a major passage that speaks of a ‘Jewish Regathering’ to their ancient land, which must take place before the Tribulation, in preparation for the purging of the non-elect Israelites called in this passage ‘the rebels’” (Ezek. 20:38).” – “God’s Purpose for Israel During the Tribulation,” Liberty University, May 2009; edited

CODA. There is a poignant exchange between Jesus Christ and Peter, the nascent Apostle, in which the Lord simultaneously lays the groundwork for Peter’s Divine appointment to highest station possible, while at the same time mysteriously promising severe preparation for it.

“And the Lord said, ‘Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.’” – LUKE 22:30-31, NKJV

God likewise sifted the armies of Gideon. He also threshed his servant Job, the most righteous among men in his time. And, of course, Jesus Christ took His mighty Winnowing Fork to separate His wheat from the chaff during the period just before His Return for the True Church.

THE LAST SIFTING. Anyone here feeling His Holy Sickle these days? If so, you are blessed. If not, you are very possibly lost.

So shall He complete His Great Sifting among His chosen people, the Jews, at the very End of this Grand Story. He shall have no Rebels in His house, beloved! Then, or now, or especially in the future. The Story has never changed: Unspeakable Reward for the Righteous, Indescribable Punishment for the Rebellious.

It is The Way of the Lord that has always been and ever shall be. Oh, that we would preach this in our churches today beloved, that many would be rescued from The Flame! Even at the very Last Moments of human history as we have known it. May it ever be so – ‘While it is still Day, for Night is surely coming when no man can work.’

Ever your servant, DK


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