SCRIPTURE: “For when the world with all its earthly wisdom failed to perceive and recognize and know God by means of its own philosophy, God in His wisdom was pleased through the foolishness of preaching [salvation, procured by Christ and to be had through Him], to save those who believed (who clung to and trusted in and relied on Him).” – 1 CORINTHIANS 1:21, AMPC


“THESE are the Times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this Crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like Hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the Conflict, the more glorious the Triumph.” – THOMAS PAINE, ‘The American Crisis,’ 16 Pamphlets, 1776-1783; edited

The gospel preached during every television show is ‘You only go around once in life, so get all the gusto you can.’ It is a statement about theology; it is a statement about beer. It’s lousy beer and even worse theology.” – JOHN SILBER, Author of ‘Straight Shooting: What’s Wrong With America and How to Fix It,’ 1989’ edited

“Knowing what we do about the Fascist Cycle, we can find more ominous warning signals in situations of Political Deadlock in the face of Crisis, threatened conservatives looking for tougher allies, ready to give up Due Process and the Rule of Law, seeking mass support by Nationalist and Racialist demagoguery. Fascists are close to power when Conservatives begin to borrow their techniques, appeal to their ‘Mobilizing Passions,’ and try to co-opt the Fascist following.” – ROBERT O. PAXTON, ‘The Anatomy of Fascism,’ 2004; edited



‘America at The Brink,’ is one of the most common headlines we read of today, as a vast majority of political pundits and just plain folks will tell you. The sense that ‘Something’s very wrong’ these days, and that we are as a Nation of people headed Somewhere ominous, or worse.

As a result, many if not most people are in varying degrees Afraid and increasingly Angry, with some have become emotionally Paralyzed. More ominously still, there is a Second Group of ‘Deniers,’ acting as if everything is just fine, thank you very much.

But at ‘The Brink’ of What, exactly? That is what this third and final Essay addresses, since there is not much agreement on that part of this Historic Moment. That is, the Definition of what all this Confusion is all about.

HEISENBERG’S UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE. Though meant for much greater mathematical minds than most of us possess, this Idea came quickly to mind as I penned those opening lines as something terribly pertinent to Our Times.

Here is how Griffith University’s Professor in Physics, HOWARD WISEMAN, applies it to our Tumultuous Times, though written over eight years ago.

“The term ‘Uncertainty Principle’ suggests some grand philosophical idea, like ‘You can never be sure of anything’, or ‘There are some things you can never be sure of,’ and sometimes people use it as if this is what is meant.

In fact, this Principle discovered by German theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg in 1927, has a precise technical meaning that’s typically relevant only to microscopic particles. But it does have Implications for how we understand the Universe and our relation to it, and also to new technologies of the 21st century.

While the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP) does not mean ‘There are some things you can never be sure of’, it does imply ‘You can never be sure of everything.’ How can this be? If you can never be sure of everything, doesn’t that mean there are some things you can never be sure of? Surprisingly, no.” – ‘The Conversation,’ June 13, 2012; edited

Admittedly, I have shamefully highjacked a narrowly and precisely defined scientific idea to apply it, to of all things, Theology. Ahem: Which, I remind, remains ‘The Queen of the Sciences.’ 

So, let’s to it then, to find a useful and legitimate Bridge from Science to Theology regarding appreciating and understanding The Times.

THE GOD GENE. I continue to happily argue that Science and Theology are friends rather than enemies – so long as we understand that the Latter governs and superintends the Former. My Proposal here is stated quite simply, in honor of another Science Maxim, ‘The Law of Occam’s Razor,’ also known as The Principle of Parsimony:

MAXIM. God is the only Absolute Certainty in the Cosmos. Human beings attached closely to Him are thereby able to Reduce Uncertainty maximally by their Proximity to Him.

In support of this is the relatively New Idea that I found fascinating, if not compelling, just a few short years ago when I read of it. Seems that geneticist GENE HAMER, in 2005, discovered a unique human component he calls, appropriately enough, ‘The God Gene.’ It more than suggests that human beings are literally, “hardwired” to believe in God.  

Here is a brief summary of his Thesis.

“According to the God Gene Hypothesis, spirituality has a genetic component, of which (VMAT2) comprises one component by contributing to sensations associated with Mystic Experiences, including the presence of God and feelings of connection to a larger Universe.” – ‘Wikipedia,’ September 30, 2020; edited

THE POINT. Whether or not this is a valid finding, my argument from both Science and Theology is that ONLY GOD can provide the Wisdom and Spiritual Reassurance vital to Surviving, Succeeding and ultimately Mastering the Times in which we now live.

“I, even I, am the Lord, and besides Me there is no Savior. I have declared [the future] and have saved [the nation in times of danger], and I have shown [that I am God]—when there was no strange and alien god among you; therefore you are My witnesses, says the Lord, that I am God.” – ISAIAH 43:11-12; AMPC

So now let’s take a look at Three Possible Futures that a Pestilential and Political Crisis-driven America might anticipate, depending on whether or not we Include God at the forefront of our efforts.


Prolific Christian author JOSEPH BLAIKIE posited a fascinating Scenario of Three Paths America could follow in the years just ahead, when he wrote for ‘Red State’ before it became, well, fully ‘Red’ in 2019. Published, significantly, on December 11, 2015, just as America began Crossing several Historic Lines of Departure from her mostly Noble Heritage. 

Here they are in verbatim form, Provocative of our topic today in very useful – and necessarily Alarming – ways. 

  1. CATASTROPHE, COLLAPSE AND BALKANIZATION. “The First Future is Catastrophe followed by Collapse and Balkanization. Sadly, in many ways this seems to be the most likely scenario.  America is Divided in ways far deeper than at any point in our history, including the Civil War period. There is little, if anything its Disparate Groups can agree on. We Differ on economic philosophy, cultural values, and views on the role of government. We can’t even agree on such fundamental things as the definition of marriage, when life begins or whether a man is really a man and a woman is really a woman. Too many in places of Leadership are actively working to widen these divides. We are constantly pitted Against each other in terms of race, gender, religion, and income level. The United States of America are no longer united. We are not divided as the Blue and the Gray of old but rather the Red and the Blue – Progressive and Conservative, Democrat and Republican.”
  1. PROGRESSIVE POLICE STATE. “Progressives like to portray themselves as open-minded and tolerant, but in the end they are the most Intolerant people of all.  They aspire to Absolute Power because they believe that only they know how to manage the affairs of everyone else.  They cannot and will not suffer any opposition that stands in the way of their Grand Plan for society. They’ve created numerous government agencies to Control the behavior of citizens and now they are in the process of Arming these agencies to the hilt. They are Federalizing and Militarizing local police forces and stoking an Adversarial relationship between the citizens and law enforcement officials. All that is needed is a Major Crisis to use as the pretext for Marital Law. Once in place, the Progressive Police State will not relinquish power unless forced to through Revolution.  As I mentioned earlier, a Crisis is coming and one can’t help but wonder if many of the conditions that are creating it have been intentionally put in place to one-day justify an unprecedented Power-grab.”
  1. RETURN TO GOD. “The Third possible Future is the most Optimistic one. It requires Americans to Renounce the suicidal policies that have brought us to the Brink of Disaster.  In this Future Americans elect true conservatives to office. They rise up and Fight to win the Culture War. They embrace the Convention of the States movement to put in place permanent safeguards for Liberty.  Most importantly, they Turn Back to God. Even now it might be too late to avert Catastrophe even under this optimistic scenario. It could be we’ve fallen too far.  But should Disaster come, our only hope of Weathering the storm and emerging on the other side as a free and unified Nation is if we take the necessary steps now to Reclaim our country.”

CONCLUSION. “There are Decisions on the immediate horizon that will determine which Future we will have. If we fail to nominate and elect a true conservative. we will face a future of either Anarchy or Martial Law.  It may sound like hyperbole, but that is how dire our situation is.  We’ve run out of runway.  At the end is the brick wall of Economic Collapse.  On either side are Pits filled with terrorism, civil unrest, and War.  Only if we pull ourselves up immediately can we avert disaster.  The time is now.  If we fail to act we will have only ourselves to blame for the Dark Future that awaits us.”

Selah. Selah.


In perhaps the most powerful Historical Irony in memory, the Second Option – “Progressive Police State” – sounds much more like the Trump Republicans than the Pelosi-Democrats, if we are brutally honest. While I would dare not vouchsafe Party Ideology, I am convicted to my bones that the Alt Right Nationalists are the greater and more immediate Threat, since they currently hold Power.

That Power remains intact due to the Historic Failure of elected officials to hold the President to account viz. the Constitutional Doctrine of Separation of Powers. Thus America is today governed, animated and driven, to be appropriately brutal and blunt, by who I have carefully begun to define as:

‘The Madman’ in the White House.

DEFINITION OF A MADMAN. “A man raving or furious with disordered intellect; a distracted man. A man without understanding. One inflamed with extravagant passion, and acting contrary to reason. Also: Lunacy, extreme anger, excitement, foolishness. Medically: Severe mental illness. An antiquated, non-specific term for any mental illness, including psychoses or neuroses, of any degreeand state of decompensation.”

If this were only partially true, it constitutes the most ominous Political Crisis in the entire history of The Republic – and I haven’t even mentioned the Coronavirus Pandemic yet. Nor the inarguable Moral Collapse of the American Church. 

Think about it, beloved: Politics, Plague and Perfidy, clearly a Recipe for American Disaster.

THE PROTOTYPE. I have also argued long and hard about what I see as a Parallel between Nazi Germany and what can accurately be described as an Emerging American Reich under President Trump, the Template for which was another Madman of German heritage.

Consider this chilling Diagnosis by the brilliant Swiss psychologist, CARL JUNG, of Germany’s massively conflicted Führer [leader, guide], Adolf Hitler. The following Summary quoted at length for its rich and terrible insight.

“The psychologist Carl Jung was a Swiss National, served in World War I, and kept a close eye on Germany when Hitler and the Third Reich were spawned. In 1936 Jung acknowledges in an article the growing German Menace, comparing Hitler to the Norse God Wotan who represented irrationality and apocalyptic events. Wotan was the Nordic God of War and had long been a cult figure among Germanic people. Wotan was known as a great magician and could intervene magically in battle with his paralyzing power. This God was also a shapeshifter, taking on guises and other personas as he saw fit. Wotan was an actor in dark and dangerous theater…

All these Pathological Features — complete lack of insight into one’s own character, auto-erotic self-admiration, denigration and terrorization of one’s fellow man (how contemptuously Hitler spoke of his own people!), projection of the shadow, lying, falsification of reality, determination to impress by fair means or foul, bluffing and double-crossing — all these were united in the man who was diagnosed clinically as an hysteric, and whom a strange fate chose to be the political, moral, and religious Spokesman of Germany for twelve years. Is this pure chance?’

Jung suggests a more accurate diagnosis of Hitler’s condition ‘would be ‘Pseudologia Phantastica,’ which is characterized by a peculiar talent for believing one’s own lies.’ For a short time, such people can meet with remarkable success, and are therefore dangerous. Jung writes that Hitler’s theatrical, hysterical gestures struck most foreigners as ridiculous…

Jung considered the Hitler Era a period of epidemic insanity, an eruption of the unconscious into a well-ordered world. For him, the way to avoid such an outcome is self-knowledge, psychological awareness, public clamor, intervention from others in power, and the capacity to call out the false gods and religions.

For Jung, Hitler was a charlatan who lead his country into a Disastrous War. His prototypes, in various forms, still strut on the world stage. Jung’s warnings still stand, prescient as ever.” – CHARLES MCCULLAGH, “Jung on Hitler and the Archtype of the Madman,’ ‘Different Perspective,’ July 1, 2020; edited

And now, to what I considered in the Opening Installment of this series – that Great Tower at Babylon, as we begin to close the circle on my thinking.


I have never been more profoundly moved toward an understanding of this President as I have in researching this Commentary. In all of it, I see a Clear Line of Dark Inheritance, leading to our Present Crisis.

  • SATAN’S REBELLION in the Timeless Epochs. – cf. Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:12-18; Revelation 12:7-10
  • THE FALL OF ADAM in The Garden of Eden. – cf. Genesis 2:16-17; 3:1-7; Romans 5:18-21
  • THE RISE OF BABYLON under Nimrod, the First Tyrant. – Genesis 10:8-12; 11:1-9:4-8
  • AMERICA REDEFINING HERSELF. From that “Shining City on a Hill,” to an Apostate Nation, now nearly recognizable; more like Babylon than Jerusalem. – Deuteronomy 13:6-11; 2 Peter 2:20-22; 1 Timothy 4;1; Hebrews 6 

THE SAGA OF NIMROD. I now wish to move toward some Conclusions via this Reset to Babylon, to consider its Leader, Nimrod, to advance my Argument that of the Three Futures America faces, it appears at this point in our History that FUTURE II seems the more likely.

Here is a superb Summary of this enigmatic, mysterious figure in Biblical and human History, pertinent to the Question: “Where Are We Headed?” – from MARGARET HUNTER, ‘Amazing Bible Timeline,’ October 26, 2012; edited

“Babylon was established by Nimrod, who was a mighty hunter and ruler on the Earth. He was the son of Cush, and his grandfather was Noah’s son Ham. Noah was Nimrod’s great grandfather. Hebrew sources claim that Nimrod was a hunter of souls where he gathered men onto the plains of Shinar. Ancient scribes have also endorsed the idea that Nimrod was the world’s First Conqueror. He supposedly had vast armies at his disposal, and when he began to enslave men for his kingdom, he decided to have them build a Tower to the Heavens…

Nimrod’s name means ‘Rebel’ or ‘To rebel,’ and Hebrew scholars state that he lived his life in Total Defiance to the Lord. This ancient Ruler hated God, and he wanted a Man to be greater than the true Lord of Heaven. He preached Rebellion and Unbelief toward God and he taught (or forced) the people to follow his example. Many of the false religious belief systems that dominated the spiritual lives of ancient men were started by Nimrod. His Wife was supposed to have introduced these new gods to the evil ruler, and many of these gods continued to be followed by the ancients as they spread out from the Land of Shinar.

Before the people left the Land of Shinar, they began to build a Tower that would reach into the heavens. This Tower was going to be used to ‘Make Men Great’ on the Earth. The Bible says that the Tower was a literal building because they used materials such as brick and tar (bitumen). As they began to build this Tower, God stopped their Defiance by causing all of the people that were gathered in Shinar to speak a different language. Since people could no longer communicate with each other, they had no choice but to stop the project. They then gathered themselves to other people that spoke in their language and started to migrate to other parts of the Earth. They left Shinar and took the Worship of false gods with them as they spread out…

After Nimrod had established these two cities [Babylon and Nineveh], they were the first places of organized False Worship. Pagan Deities were honored by the people who lived in around these areas. Babylon and Asshur (Assyria) would become places that God would call the Symbols for Evil. False Religion, evil, sinful practices and the Love of Money would rise from these Two Cities. God constantly Judges Babylon all throughout Scripture, and He does the same thing to Assyria primarily through the City of Nineveh. God used the Babylonians and the Assyrians to Judge His people when they didn’t obey Him. The Assyrians were destroyed thousands of years ago, but the ‘Spirit of Babylon’ still lives on. And according to the Book of Revelation, God is going to finally do away with it once and for all when the End of the World finally takes place. These events took place about 4000 years ago in the Middle East.”

This now nicely Sets the Stage for our final observations about “Amateur Hour in America,” and Where we are likely Heading at alarming speed.


It was none other than DAVID WILKERSON who in 1973, first introduced the idea that America, New York in particular, was the lead candidate to become Babylon, the Great Whore described in stunning and biblically subversive terms in Revelation 17-18.

I remember when I first read his words in the 1980s, I thought him a lunatic. That was, of course, when I was of a very different View of the American Church, laden as it was even back then with the gathering Accoutrement of financial, material and political gain as the measure of Christian success.

He hinted early at it in this now classic, yet Undated Sermon.

“Martin Luther and other Reformation preachers taught that Babylon was the Catholic Church, and the Pope, the Beast. Many believers at that time were martyred for leaving the Church – multitudes murdered by orders from the Pope. Anyone who knows church history can verify that the Catholic Church in the past has been stained with the blood of many godly souls. But Protestants have also killed Catholics – as in Ireland today. They are killing each other like madmen

But the Babylon John is talking about is something beyond the Catholic Church. The Beast is something more powerful than the Pope. Babylon is still a great world power visible before our eyes today. Its power and influence have grown incredibly in the past decade – until today it boasts tremendous might. Babylon is not a physical city; it is a Spiritual Condition – even as Zion is not just a city in Israel, but also a representation of the True Church of Jesus Christ. Babylon is the Harlot Church! It is a ‘Church within the Church’ – a visible body existing with the invisible body of Christ!

A professor Milligon, in 1885, wrote:

‘Babylon is not the Church of Rome, in particular. No doubt that Church has deeply sinned… but it is not the Spiritual Harlot. Babylon is all ‘Professed’ Christians who love the Worlds Favor, rather than its reproach. It is those who esteem the Honor of the World, rather than its shame. It is those who love Ease rather than sacrifice; Grasping, Covetous – but having no compassion on the poor.’

Babylon is all who anywhere ‘Profess’ to be Christ’s Little Flock, but who are not, because they Deny Him by their actions.

Babylon, as far as I am concerned, is any Church – any ministry – any minister – any Christian, in League with the World! It is made up of certain pastors, evangelists, and multitudes of Christians – all who have been Seduced by Covetousness and Worldly mindedness. It is Religion that has been Polluted in its ungodly methods – and a Sanctuary corrupted by UNGODLY ALLIANCES.

John’s prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes – even now. God is soon going to bring down every Unspiritual Church, every unspiritual ministry, every backslidden minister, every lukewarm, worldly Christian!”- edited; emphasis my own

‘MYSTERY BABYLON.’ First a little Scriptural Background on this important matter of End Times Babylon. I have selected a somewhat obscure pastor named Jim Haeffele, Church of God, who has written a carefully documented and exquisite Series on “Mystery Babylon.” As a footnote, I found most of the ‘famous’ contemporary theologians and pastors all in bed with the Trump Administration. Here is his Introduction to our subject. – cf. EDITORS,  ‘Life, Hope & Truth,’ ret. October 23, 2020; edited

“Who or what is this Mystery that is written in all capital letters in many English Bibles? Does God’s Word reveal the answer? The Greek word ‘Mysterion’ denotes ‘a divine mystery or allegory that is now revealed’ (The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, 2012, Vol. 12, p. 556). The passage in Revelation 17 is thus a revealing of the Mystery about an End-time entity that is also referred to elsewhere in the book of Revelation as ‘Great Babylon’ (16:19) and ‘Babylon the Great’ (18:2).”

From this we Distinguish between ‘Two Babylons,’ though of the same issue of Mystery Babylon, each committing their own special ‘Fornications’ with the World – one ‘Spiritual’ and the other largely ‘Economic and Political.’

  • RELIGIOUS BABYLON. “Spiritual” Babylon is found in Chapter 17, variously described as “The Great Mother of Harlots,” and of “The Abominations of the Earth” (v. 5). She spawns other False Churches, and one can safely presume that God – wait for it – Hates this abominable Woman, “drunk with the blood of the saints” as her violent ensign (v. 6).
  • COMMERCIAL BABYLON. Second is what most expositors consider “Commercial” or Political Babylon described in Chapter 18. “For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury” (v. 3)

AN AMERICAN BABYLON? All that said, now let’s consider the Comparative Viability of what I believe to be a deeply troubling American Trajectory toward this End-of-Days Abomination. And the reason for my Subtitle: 

“From a Shining City on a Hill to a Ship of Fools in 1,335 Days” – a direct reference to the roughly Three years and six months, from Trump’s Inauguration through Midyear Year 2020. I am convinced that this historic time period has largely Redefined American Destiny.

Unless we Withdraw to Repentance, this Path is both terrifying and fixed, in my estimation – an Historic ‘Fait Accompli.’


So what’s the Verdict: Is America the seditious, End Time spiritual and political monstrosity spoken of by John the Apostle from the wind swept rocks and caves of Patmos some 2,000 years ago? I will tell you this, straight up: 

For 3.5 Years now, we have been laboring recklessly and furiously to earn that Dark Distinction. 

THE CASE FOR AN AMERICAN BABYLON. I take most of this information from one primary source, supplemented by several others making the same case. I do not present this to you as God’s Word, as much as a Reasonable Argument for your careful consideration.

  • GOD IS ANGRY. Unlike the drastically uninformed, nationally acclaimed guest pastor I heard recently who recklessly observed that “God is in a very good mood,” the opposite is the case. Of that I am certain. Absolutely certain. Christian content editor of ‘Life, Hope & Truth,’ MIKE BENNETT, makes an excellent case for this when he observes that America knows better, and is thus penalized more severely: “Those He has blessed receive a stricter Judgment. What has America done to deserve God’s Anger?” – Led the world in Sustained Transgression of all Ten Commandments for a very long time, and served as Role Model for the entire World – As with my proposed 120 Years. – cf. Luke 12:48; James 3:1
  • AMERICA IN FOCUSED JUDGMENT. Except for the woefully blind Establishment Church, the reality of God’s expressed Angers toward this Nation is unmistakable. Notably, I turned to a group of non-religious observers to drive home this point, since so many Christian Leaders remain in despicable denial. “If you believe Donald Trump has been appointed by God, you must also believe that God is very angry with America. In fact, I sort of believe it myself. Let me be more specific: I do believe there are Good and Dark—call them evil—Forces that lurk in all of us and in every society. They lurk just beneath the surface of every culture. When these Forces are unleashed by the confluence of circumstance—an out-of-control Pandemic and Economic Collapse will do—and by a Demagogue who is in touch with those Dark Forces in himself and in others, we are headed for Ruin.” – EDITORS, “If You Believe Trump Was Appointed by God, Ask Yourself: Why is God so Angry with America?” ‘Fed Up New Yorkers,’ ret. October 23, 2020; edited

THE WILKERSON VIEW. To sum up these admittedly speculative, though informed, Arguments, are David Wilkerson’s original thoughts, from his first book, ‘THE VISION,’ published in 1973. With New York City as the Epicenter of Mystery Babylon, here is what he ‘saw’ coming to America and the World.

  1. THE ECONOMY. Worldwide economic recession that will affect the lifestyle of every wage earner in the world. He said, “It’s going to start in Germany, spread to Japan, and finally to the United States. Large and trusted corporations are going to bankrupt. Many churches are going to go into bankruptcy.”
  1. NATURAL ABNORMALITIES. Nature having labor pains, supernatural signs that cannot be explained by men, worldwide natural disasters, including major earthquakes in the United States. He saw worldwide famine, especially in China, India and Russia. He saw the world’s food supplies completely dwindled and millions starving.
  1. SEXUAL SIN. Flood of pornographic filth in America’s media broadcasts and print that will be like it was in the days of Lot, vexing the souls of God’s most devout saints.
  1. FAMILY DISRUPTION. Rebellion in the homes with children hating their parents. A man’s worst enemies will be those in his own household.
  1. PERSECUTION OF THE REMNANT. Persecution madness against truly Spirit-filled Christians who love Jesus Christ, who will under no circumstances forsake Him.

IN SUM. I propose all these things, again, not as Biblical facts nor prophecies fixed in God’s time and space, but rather as Distinct Possibilities, if not Probabilities – should America continue down her undeniably Treacherous Path against the Christian Faith, and, vastly more importantly, toward its Head, even Jesus the Christ.


As I have argued here, the United States of America has become Radically Redefined in the past nearly Four Years. Others would argue, she has simply become Exposed for what she has been for a very long time. Perhaps, as I continue to posit, increasingly over the past 120 Years.

So, to the very Point of this Series.

THE TEACHING. “For when the world with all its earthly wisdom failed to perceive and recognize and know God by means of its own philosophy, God in His wisdom was pleased through the foolishness of preaching [salvation, procured by Christ and to be had through Him], to save those who believed (who clung to and trusted in and relied on Him).” – 1 CORINTHIANS 1:21, AMPC

  • WISDOM OF THE WORLD. “Man cannot by his own wisdom come to the knowledge of God. For centuries God gave the Human Race this opportunity, and the result was Failure. Then it pleased God by the Preaching of the Cross, a Message that seems foolish to men, to save those who believe. The foolishness of the things preached refers to the Cross. Of course, we know that it is not foolishness, but it seems foolish to the unenlightened mind of Man. Godet says that verse 21 contains a whole Philosophy of History, the substance of entire volumes. We should not [therefore] hurry over it quickly, but ponder deeply its tremendous Truths.” – WILLIAM MACDONALD, ‘Believer’s Bible Commentary,’ 1995, p. 1750; edited
  • THE FUTILITY OF MAN. “Since, or seeing that it is true that the World by wisdom knew not God. After all the experience of the World it was ascertained that human beings would never by their own wisdom come to the true knowledge of God, and it pleased Him to devise another Plan for Salvation…It was desirable that the powers of man should be fully tried before the new plan was introduced, in order to show that it was not dependent on human wisdom, that it was not originated by man, and that there was really need of such an interposition.” – ALBERT BARNES, ‘Notes on the Old and New Testaments,’ 1880-1889; edited

APPLICATION TO AMERICA. For a Nation bathed in the richness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for over 200 years, from which place was launched the most aggressive evangelization the World has ever known, to have come to this Present Place of Wretchedness, is beyond Tragic. It is, without exaggeration, Historic, even Epochal.

Thus it was that I was led to a mysterious passage from the Days of Shinar and Sodom, some few days ago, about which some of you commented.

“In the days of the [Eastern] kings Amraphel of Shinar, Arioch of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer of Elam, and Tidal of Goiim,  they [invaded the Jordan Valley near the Dead Sea, and] made war with Bera king of Sodom, Birsha king of Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admah, Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (that is, Zoar) All of these [kings] joined together [as allies] in the Valley of Siddim (that is, the Sea of Salt).  Twelve years they had served Chedorlaomer [the most powerful king in the invading confederacy], but in the thirteenth year they rebelled.” – GENESIS 14:1-4, AMP

MATTHEW HENRY COMMENTS. “The Wars of Nations make great figure in History, but we should not have had the Record of this War if Abram and Lot had not been concerned. Out of Covetousness, Lot had settled in fruitful, but wicked Sodom. Its inhabitants were the most ripe for vengeance of all the descendants of Canaan. The Invaders were from Chaldea and Persia, then only small kingdoms. They took Lot among the rest, and his goods. Though he was righteous, and Abram’s brother’s son, yet he was with the rest in this trouble. Neither our own piety, nor our relation to the favourites of Heaven, will be our security when God’s Judgments are abroad. Many an honest man fares the worse for his WICKED NEIGHBORS: It is our Wisdom to Separate, or at least to Distinguish ourselves from them, 2 Corinthians 6:17.” – ‘Exposition of the Old and New Testaments,’ 6 vols., 1708-1710; edited, emphasis my own

GOD’S COMMAND. Whether or not we are ‘Become Babylon,’ beloved, this is what I hear Hashem, who is no longer ‘Whispering,’ as JUSTIN PETERS just warned in a recent teaching, but now fairly ‘Shouting’ to His people:

“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, ‘COME OUT OF HER, MY POEPLE, so that you will not be a partner in her sins and receive her plagues;  for her sins (crimes, transgressions) have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her wickedness and crimes [for judgment].  Repay to her even as she has repaid others, and pay back [to her] double [her torment] in accordance with what she has done; in the cup [of sin and suffering] which she mixed, mix a double portion [of perfect justice] for her.” – REVELATION 18:4-6, AMP; emphasis my own

CODA. As I have written before, I believe that The Seals of the Book of Revelation, Chapter 6, are being opened, even as I pen these words here. I note that The Second Seal of War has not yet been released, but I sense it is Coming, as the Middle East Peace Agreement’s ink is drying on the page.

So to the Close, in the incandescent Words of our Messiah.

“All of you must keep awake (give strict attention, be cautious and active) and watch and pray, that you may not come into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” – MATTHEW 26:41, AMPC

Ever your servant, DK




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Dr. Cliff “DK” Kelly

Digital Circuit Rider



Dr. Cliff Kelly
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