SCRIPTURE. “When Enoch was sixty-five years old, he became the father of Methuselah. Enoch walked [in habitual fellowship] with God three hundred years after the birth of Methuselah and had other sons and daughters. So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And [in reverent fear and obedience] Enoch walked with God; and he was not [found among men], because God took him [away to be home with Him] …
By faith [that pleased God] Enoch was caught up and taken to heaven so that he would not have a glimpse of death; and he was not found because God had taken him; for even before he was taken [to heaven], he received the testimony [still on record] that he had walked with God and pleased Him. But without faith it is impossible to [walk with God and] please Him, for whoever comes [near] to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He rewards those who [earnestly and diligently] seek Him.” – GENESIS 5:21-24; HEBREWS 11:5-6, AMP
KEY TERM: “GOD TOOK HIM.” ‘Laqach’ [לָקַ֥ח]: “A primitive root meaning, ‘To accept; to bring, purchase, marry, or carry away;’ i.e., ‘to fetch!’ to reserve, send for; ‘to seize’ [implying with Divine force].” NOTE: “The Hebrew verb ‘laqach’ primarily means ‘to take’ or ‘to receive.’ It is a versatile word used in various contexts, including acquiring possessions, receiving gifts, taking a wife in marriage, or seizing something by force. ‘The word can also imply acceptance or adoption of ideas or practices [or persons].’”
QUOTATION. “It was about these people that Enoch, in the seventh generation from Adam, prophesied, when he said, ‘Look, the Lord came with myriads of His holy ones to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly deeds they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh and cruel things ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.’” – JUDE 1:14-15, c. 50-100 AD, AMP
COMMENTARY. “‘Enoch was the seventh from Adam. Godliness is walking with God: Which shows reconciliation to God, for two cannot walk together except they be agreed,’ Amos 3:3. It includes all the parts of a godly, righteous, and sober life. To walk with God, is to set God always before us, to act as always under His eye. It is constantly to care, in all things to please God, and in nothing to offend Him. It is to be followers of Him as dear children.
‘The Holy Spirit, instead of saying, Enoch lived, says, Enoch walked with God.’ This was his constant care and work; while others lived to themselves and the world, he lived to God. It was the Joy of his life. Enoch was removed to a better world. ‘As he did not live like the rest of Mankind, so he did not leave the world by death as they did. He was not found, because God had Translated him,’ Hebrews 11:5. He had lived but 365 years, which, as men’s ages were then, was but the midst of a man’s days. God often takes those soonest whom he loves best; the time they lose on earth, is gained in Heaven, to their unspeakable advantage.
See how Enoch’s Removal is expressed: ‘He was not, for God took him.’ He was not any longer in this world: ‘He was Changed, as the saints shall be, who are alive at Christ’s Second Coming.’ Those who begin to walk with God when young, may expect to walk with Him long, comfortably, and usefully. The True Christian’s steady walk in ‘Holiness,’ through many a year, ‘till God Takes him,’ will best recommend that Religion which many oppose and many abuse. And walking with God well agrees with the cares, comforts, and duties of life.” – MATTHEW HENRY, Exposition of the Old and New Testaments, 6 vols., 1708-1710; edited
ENOCH. He is considered the Author of theBook of Enoch and also called the ‘Scribe of Judgment.’ In the New Testament, Enoch is referenced in the Canonical Gospel of Luke, the Epistle to the Hebrews, and in the Epistle of Jude, the last of which also quotes from it. The name of “Enoch” (Hebrew: חֲנוֹךְ Ḥănōḵ) derives from the Hebrew root חךנ meaning, “To train, initiate, dedicate, inaugurate” (חֲנוֹךְ/חֲנֹךְ Ḥănōḵ). – Adapted from the EDITORS, Wikipedia, Dec. 20, 2024; edited
FORERUNNER. “A messenger sent before to give notice of the approach of others; a harbinger. A prognostic; a sign foreshowing something to follow.” – NOAH WEBSTER, American Dictionary of the English Language, 1828; edited
Though I will not go into the details, I was clearly led for the very first time in my life to “Study Enoch!” For reasons that shall become even more apparent to us as we deep-dive, by Introduction at least, into this Epochal Example to us all who are living in the very Last of the Last Times.
There is so much we can learn from this Godliest of the Godly Men that lived in Antiquity as demonstration of the magnificence of this Great Truth: ‘The Enduring Principles of the Kingdom of God don’t ever change. Because the God of the Scriptures never changes!’ – MALACHI 3:6-7
So now we begin to see why the Lord would have us Study Down on Enoch, if you will. He is a Prophetic Voice to this Last Generation believers. To do so, we shall borrow from the insightful analysis of pastor, author and freelance writer LANCELOT TUCKER, writing for Bible Tools in a piece titled: “Embrace the Faith of Enoch, a Man Who Never Died” (Mar. 16, 2023; edited).
WHO WAS ENOCH? “‘Enoch was a man of God whose life was one of great commitment and servitude to the Lord.’ While on earth and living in his earthly body, his relationship with Jehovah was so close that he gained a rare privilege, which only one other person mentioned in the Bible received … ‘[Consequently], the Bible clarified that God translated him to Heaven—in his live state.’
The word in Genesis 5:21-24 about Enoch being ‘taken’ means that he was moved from one place (Earth) to another (Heaven). Only one other person in the Bible is mentioned as having this honor: The Prophet Elijah. As detailed in 2 Kings 2:1-14, Elijah was ‘taken up to Heaven’ in a fiery chariot, with his student Elishah watching. The fact that Elijah is such a central figure in the Bible (John the Baptist is compared to Elijah in the Old Testament) and Elijah appears alongside Jesus at The Transfiguration gives further evidence of what an ‘honor’this is. Enoch may not be as well-remembered as Elijah, but the fact he is the only other figure mentioned in the Bible gaining this honor says something about how closely he followed God.”
With this important background and context in mind then, Mr. Lancelot distills this man’s exemplary life into FIVE PRINCIPLES by which Christians must order their own live around. I adapt my own take from his superb insights toward the Twin Objectives of: (1) Honoring God, and subsequently; (2) Being likewise ‘Taken’ to Heaven, Mankind’s Highest Honor for the worthy.
- INTIMACY WITH GOD. While many people around him pursued various evils and sensual pleasures, ‘Enoch focused on God.’ He never lost the close-knitted relationship he had with the Lord. Likewise, we must not let our fleshly desires guide our lives. We must remain close to the Lord and His Truth as we traverse this increasingly wicked and tempestuous Era of Antichrist. Only that will keep us free from Antichrist.
- ONE LIFE GOAL. Enoch knew that he only had one life to live in this world, so he wisely and completely dedicated it to God. Like Enoch, we only have one life to live in this world and should not waste it, most especially in this Last Hour of human history. We truly must zealously labor to “Redeem the time, because the days are evil!” (Ephesians 5:16). We must, by strong commitment, avoid giving ourselves to unprofitable things that do not add value. If we seek to please the Lord with our words and actions, God will take note of our good deeds and reward us in His own time.
- OUR CONSTANT COMPANION. Whether we realize it or not, if we are truly Born Again, Christ is with us everywhere we go – unto Honor or unto Shame. The Bible says, “Enoch walked with God” (Genesis 5:24). The word ‘walked,’ as used in this context, refers to Enoch’s entire, everyday Life Journey. As we continue our daily lives, we must be careful to be constantly aware of His Presence with us. We should thereby consider Him everywhere we go, in everything we do and say (Ouch!). We must never be ashamed of having God in our lives, but we should always seek to honor Him at all times. As we honor God in our lives, the world will look on and know we are called by His Name.”
- NO OTHER GODS! During the time of Enoch, people were serving other gods, just like what we see many people doing, especially today in the Era of Trump Christian Nationalism. We must not serve any other god! Giving our hearts, alliances and allegiances to another god ultimately means turning our lives to Satan. The Devil did not create us; God created us in His image and likeness. Therefore, there is no other God but Jehovah God, and He is the one who deserves our First Priority in all we think, say and do. Every day and every moment.
- THEREBY HEAVEN BOUND. The Bible affirms that there is a Heaven and a Hell. When we die, we can only go to one of the two places: ‘There are no in-betweens!’ By keeping a close relationship with the Lord, we are setting ourselves apart from the goats and the foolish virgins who got rejected from entering Heaven. And from the Temptations of Power worldly power associated with Trump’s Nationalism betrayal of Christ and Canon. A close relationship with our Creator will ensure that the Almighty does not turn us away when we leave this world. On the other hand, if we are foolish enough not to foster this singular Loyalty to Jehovah, if we keep harboring sinful deeds in our lives, we will end up in Hell where there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 13:42). No matter how we label ourselves!
With all these wise counsels in mind, we turn finally to the stunning Reality that if we are honest with ourselves, each other and God: We are honor-bound to a ‘Radical Reconstruction of our Life Path Priorities, beloved.
RADICAL. “‘Pertaining to the root or origin; original; fundamental.’ As a radical truth or error; a radical evil; a radical difference of opinions or systems. Primitive; Original; Underived; Uncompounded [‘as with pure and undefiled’].”
Truth be told, I have not always been zealous for the Lord. I mean, I was genuinely born again and filled with His Spirit between 1979 and 1981 (in stages of commitment as it turned out). And yes, I began teaching from the Scriptures almost immediately in my little home church in Stockton, California starting in 1981 (after being baptized in the Holy Spirit).
‘But I was nowhere near, “On fire.” Whatever that might mean. So, let’s turn to a brief consideration of what that means, especially in light of what is ahead of us.
FIVE DISCIPLINES FOR STAYING “ON FIRE.” I hesitate on the one hand from laying out a pedantic “Five Easy Ways to Being on Fire for Christ.” But on the other, after a review of several articles I came across one that just seemed a root-deep yet CRUCIAL REMINDER of what we must all be in the Days Ahead.
I borrow here from a pastor, author of several books, teacher and evangelist specializing in deliverance ministry named JAKE KAIL. To be frank, I cannot always vet these Christian leaders since the Advent of Trump, but I assess his theology here at least as solid. From his Blog, “How to Stay on Fire for God” (May 19, 2022; paraphrased, edited).
- PERSONAL DEVOTION. “‘Spending regular and extended time with the Lord’ is not, I repeat, not an option if we wish to remain strong in the Lord and in the life and mission ahead! (Matthew 6:33). That not only includes, in my view, starting the day with some rich time with Him (Mark 1:35-38), and remaining in His presence all day, not being averse to whispering to Him throughout the day.
- KEEP SHORT ACCOUNTS. ‘Cultivate a Habit of Repentance throughout the day when you stumble significantly.’ This allows the Holy Spirit to cleanse an offense almost immediately, leaving you with ‘a clear conscience and the full capacity to be at the ready to minister’ – When the occasion calls for it. Indeed, run to Him for any failure and find release! (Psalm 119:28; Acts 3:19).
- REMAINING PURE. No, this is not a call to perfection at all, but rather refers primarily to: ‘The diligent effort to avoid serious compromise at nearly all costs.’ Your witness and God’s reputation are always on the line, beloved, so stay away from obvious Darkness – especially when it is being carried about on the shoulders of and teachings from “Christian” leaders and their fouled followers. “Be holy, for your God is holy!” (cf. Leviticus 19:2; 1 Thessalonians 4:7).
- KEEP GOOD COMPANY. Closely related to No. 3 above is this: ‘Keep close to you other believers who are “on fire” and avoid “lukewarm” followers of the Lord.’ This does not mean that we do not associate with those who are lost and corrupted in the world, but rather to only allow men and women of spiritual character to become your close friends. And all the more so for one’s Spouse! (cf. Matthew 6:24; 1 Corinthians 1:21; 2 Corinthians 6:14). Simply put: ‘Do not form unholy alliances with the world!’
- BE CONTINUALLY FILLED! In some ways I could easily have placed this as Number One, by the Scriptures, and here’s why. You will recall that the Church literally began this way, as JESUS PROPHESIED: “But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth” (Acts 1:8, AMPC). Likewise, PAUL INSTRUCTED: “And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery; but ever be filled and stimulated with the [Holy] Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18, AMPC).
IN SUM. Now rather than get caught in the mire of the unending debates about what constitutes “Being filled,” or “Being on fire,” let an old warhorse assure of one thing to just keep it simple. We shall call this: KELLY’S MAXIM.
‘Every man, woman or child of the age of accountability who asks with a sincere heart to be filled with God’s Spirit and infused with God’s Fire shall receive just that, and nothing else.’
In the very Words of the Messiah again: “Or what man is there of you, if his son asks him for a loaf of bread, will hand him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will hand him a serpent? If you then, evil as you are, know how to give good and advantageous gifts to your children, how much more will your Father Who is in heaven [perfect as He is] give good and advantageous things to those who keep on asking Him!” – MATTHEW 7:9-11, AMPC
CODA. Beloved, we are about to enter into that HISTORIC PORTAL known as “The Time of Jacob’s Troubles,” referred to theologically as “Daniel’s 70th Week” (9:27).Or what most Protestants call, “The Great Tribulation” (cf. Mark 13:19; Revelation 6:12-17).
Going into this Era without the Fullness of God’s Word and Spirit would be like going to war against 50 mm cannons with a cap pistol! Therefore: Armor up, Word up, and Fill up with God’s Fire in preparation for:
‘Our Finest Hour.’
He has Ordained us for his Moment. As my son once prayed while living in a bug infested hovel in East Los Angeles some years ago in a desperate condition: “Please God, don’t let me down.” Later to pray as a fully armed Ph.D.:
“Here am I Lord, send me!”
YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/_iw0xu_7hNI
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