SCRIPTURE. “But He gives us more and more grace (power of the Holy Spirit, to meet this evil tendency and all others fully). That is why He says, God sets Himself against the proud and haughty, but gives grace [continually] to the lowly (those who are humble enough to receive it).” – JAMES 4:6, AMPC

KEY TERM: “THE PROUD.” ‘HUPEREPHANOS’ [περηφάνοις]: “From two root words meaning, ‘To (conspicuously) appear above others.” Also: “Haughty, arrogant; preeminent, proud, trying to be more than what God directs or permits.” NOTE: “The Greek word ‘huperephanos’ is used in the New Testament to describe a person who is proud, arrogant, or haughty. It conveys a sense of self-exaltation and an attitude of superiority over others. This term is often used in a negative context, highlighting a character trait that is contrary to the humility and servitude encouraged in Christian teachings.”

QUOTATION. “Sociologically speaking, American Democracy is the perfect specimen of a ‘Dysfunctional Democracy.’ When a Supremacist President incites racist hate and terrorist violence, out of bigotry and boneheadedness, his stoneage supporters consider it a matter of Pride, but when an Egalitarian President so much as mispronounces a few words due to his medical stammer, he is deemed incompetent by those people. Which only goes to show, no matter how much a nation tries to right the wrongs of its ‘Inhuman Origin,’ there will always be some people who’d consider those Inhumanities as their Proud Heritage, and would go to any length to maintain those customs and beliefs as such. And this is not an American Phenomenon, it’s a Worldwide Phenomenon – and everywhere it manifests under the same banner of ‘Tradition, Heritage and Nationalism.’” ― ABHIJIT NASKAR, Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat, 2023; edited

COMMENTARY. “‘But He’ – Either the Spirit of God, if ‘spirit’ in the former verse be understood of the Spirit of God; or God, if ‘spirit’ be there taken for the spirit of man. ‘Giveth more grace’ – Either, though we, according to our natural inclination, be envious, yet God (or His Spirit) is bountiful and liberal; or God gives to those that are renewed, more grace than to be hurried on by their own old spirit, to envy, strife, and suchlike lusts.

‘Wherefore He saith’ – God saith, viz. in the Scripture: or it may be taken indefinitely, and impersonally, for, it is said. The particular place he refers to, is Proverbs 3:34, according to the translation of the LXX., which not only James, but other New Testament writers, frequently follow.

‘God resisteth!’ It is a military term: God sets himself, as in battle, against the proud, defying, beating down, exposing to contempt, and destroying them. He is so far from giving them more gifts, that He rather spoils them, as sworn enemies, of what they have.

‘The proud’ –  Those that by reason of the gifts God hath given them, lift themselves above others: Solomon, in the parallel place, calls them scorners;’it being the usual guise of those that think over-well of themselves, to despise others, and even contemn the warnings and judgments of God himself, which may well draw him out to fight against them.

‘But giveth grace unto the humble’ –
Not only gives favour and honour in the sight of men to those that are lowly in their own eyes, but especially furnisheth them with grace for the overcoming and mortifying their carnal desires and remaining corruptions.” – MATTHEW POOLE, English Annotations on the Holy Bible, 1685 (posthumously); edited

LORETTA SESSIONS’ STORY. “This morning I was loading some very heavy items into my SUV at Lowe’s.  Man after man walked by, all white men, a couple getting out of their pickups with their djt bumper stickers and/or Christian symbols parked right next to me. Walking right by me as if they pretended not to see.  It was obvious I was struggling to load these items. Not one of these men offered to help.  Which, I would never ask and I am one who will strive to lift anything imaginable, no matter how heavy.  

As I was trying to figure out how to lift these things and fit them into my car, I could see a little  Hispanic man walking from across the entire parking lot.  I thought he was just walking to the doors but he came up and said “I saw you need help” and helped me load the last things into my car.  He said “I am sorry some men are not gentlemen”.  I guess he saw the same thing I did   Then, he went on his way.   I offered to pay him and he said “no ma’am, I help because GOD tells me to”.   

This is not a dig on men or white men at all, as I never asked for help and I definitely do not expect it.  But this just goes to show those of you who constantly bash those of a different race, you would be surprised to find that other races are often more kind than those of your own race.   You never know who GOD sends onto your path to be a blessing to you or who you can be a blessing to.  

There are good and bad people in every race, in every religion, in every profession.  You might just encounter an angel and some of you would treat him/her like dirt before you ever gave them a chance. 

Note: yes, I could have gone in and asked for help from an employee but my car was wide open with a portion of my items hanging out of my car.  I would’ve had to unload them and start all over to go in and ask for help.” LS

DK’S STORY. A couple of years ago my wife and I were on our way to Panera Break Company for dinner, when I pulled into a parking lot with three-way entries. As I slowly inched my car into the busy intersect, a White “Cowboy,” mid-30’s I’d guess driving a Porsche Cayenne, blew past me through his stop sign and nearly collided with us. In response, I merely threw my hands up in the air and said, “Dude, what was that?”

As Suzette and I drove to our parking spot in front of the restaurant, I noticed he had wheeled his Porsche aggressively around to race after us, then to park a few feet away. He jumped out of his car, huge smile across his face, to very obviously teach me a lesson. Suzie and I looked at each other as if to say, “What’s this?”

As I turned to fetch my coat from the back seat, I inadvertently revealed my 9mm sidearm as he got very close to me. He stopped suddenly, looked at my weapon, then looked at me with a startled look on his face and asked, rather sheepishly:

“You’re carrying a gun?”

Ahem, I shall clean up my response a tad as I looked at him squarely and said, almost understating it: “Yeah, but only for [plural expletive] like you.” At which point he silently spun his way back to his Porsche, semi-trot, and drove off into the sunset.

MORAL OF THE STORIES. I derive the following Three Lessons from these two, clearly unscientific yet significant events of many White Folks’ attitude under the Donald Trump Regime.

  1. PRIVILEGE. America’s White Trump supporters are nearly inarguably filled with the Spirit of Supremacy fueled by both the President’s inchoate Nativism coupled with the White Church’s submission to various iterations of Dominion Theology.
  • CAUTION. While I would never advise all purchase, become trained on, and carry a weapon for self-defense (though a case can be made viz. Luke 22:36), at the very least become much more Vigilant about where you travel and the environments you visit. We must become like cops, in a sense, who remain observant of their surroundings at all times.
  • HARBINGER. Beloved, so long as President Trump-Musk continues to furiously gaslight these matters, this Pattern of White Supremacy will only increase and proliferate. To deny such a New American Reality (though it’s been here since our Inception), is to run a dangerous Fool’s Errand.

JESUS SPEAKS. Behold, I am sending you out like sheep in the midst of wolves; be wary and wise as serpents, and be innocent (harmless, guileless, and without falsity) as doves.” – MATTHEW 10:16, AMPC

From all of this, beloved, remember one stirring ember midst the Holy Fire of God’s Word: ‘He is opposed to, enraged at and makes an Enemy of the Proud among us. But He is Friend and Cover and Provider to the Humble, both now and forever.’

Therefore, Order well your attitude in these Perilous Times, to be simultaneously wise, courageous, and pleasing to our King at every turn. Selah.

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